Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1214: .Old Sunshine (26) 3 in 1

old sun shade (26)

When the meeting was over, the fourth master went to repair tables and chairs for the trade union with the guy. It's called vandalism!

Of course, there are benefits to this.

At least on the way, there were not many people who called Xiaolin to her. They all slowly started calling her 'Senior Lin' or 'Director Lin'. ’

This name is actually somewhat embarrassing.

Because the 'section chief' is a 'deputy', where does this 'director' come from? The factory leaders only asked themselves to temporarily manage the situation of the women's federation in the factory, and did not appoint themselves as 'directors'.

However, everyone is now starting to recognize this 'director'.

So, it was as if Lin Yutong threatened the factory leaders and officials.

When Zhao Ping jokingly said, "Oh! Our Director Lin is here." This is even more embarrassing.

Of course, the current leadership is still very democratic. Everyone agrees with the 'director', even if they have opinions, they have to hold back. The minority obeys the majority. So I said, if everyone says yes, it's all right, the director is her!

In this way, relying on deterrence, he grabbed an official to do it.

There is a rumor in the market that the director of the department, Director Lin, is not only scratching, biting, punishing and kneeling when dealing with other people's metalworking. People can't use the tricks of these little girls. He also said that the carpentry work of metalworking is good, it is all practiced, there is no way, there is a wife at home who breaks the table at every turn, he can't do it.

Some people said in a sour tone that this teacher's uncle is not easy to do.

Whether the teacher's uncle is good or not, and what the fourth master's experience is, no one else knows. But Su Jin felt that he knew. And I deeply realized that the son-in-law of the Lin family is not easy to do.

The couple here were just chatting a few words. As soon as Lin Yutong passed the door, Su Jin immediately said, "Eldest sister, we're just kidding." I didn't dare to bully your sister.

"Let's play!" Lin Yutong said casually. The couple quarreled a little, what should I say as my aunt!

But the more casual Lin Yutong's attitude is, the more scared Su Jin is. Is this something to keep in mind or to keep in mind? Shouldn't the little book in my heart keep the accounts, and the accumulation will make me beat up. He apologized to Hyosung in seconds: "...I'm wrong! Really I'm wrong! Go back and tell eldest sister!"

Xiaoxing was even more angry: "You're provoking me, what kind of courtesy and politeness are you giving to eldest sister!"

But no matter what, Hyosung belongs to a group of people who have benefited from this.

Of course, it wasn't just Hyosung who benefited, even Danyang also benefited.

When the weather cools down, the child comes back to live. It is impossible for a two-year-old child to be confined in the house. Time to take it outside to play with the kids. The old lady just slipped a little horse and sat there to accompany her, and the children didn't care about the adults. It's okay to make a fuss and cry twice, child!

Then the old lady heard that the older child said to the younger child, "Let her go... Her mother is a master... She can smash a table with one hand..."

Older children think that this is a master of masters, while younger children don't even know what masters are, let alone what it means to smash a table. They are simply intimidated by older children. I feel that such a big person is afraid, so they probably have to be afraid too.

So Danyang wanted to use someone's small shovel to dig soil, so he went to wait in line obediently and waited for her turn to use it, but they handed her the shovel directly: "It's okay, you use it first! It's okay, just use it, use it. We don't have to!" Danyang dug a little soil under the onlookers of many children, and turned the small garden over to others.

The next day she wanted the sandbag that the older child lost, and they handed it to her to play with: "You can throw it, it's fun..." Then she threw it for a day, and many children gathered around her to help her pick it up for a day.

On the third day, I wanted to follow others to dance circles, but they gave her all the circles they had drawn.

Danyang: "..." How are they so good!

But I didn't expect them to be so good. After realizing it, the child finally realized that she had been playing games all by herself.

The old lady thought this was a problem: "How can anyone let her do it? Otherwise, I'll take the child back to the compound, right?"

Just go back to the courtyard?

The precious granddaughter of the teacher's family, you still have to let it go!

Lin Yutong said, "Tell her to play first. Children are very forgetful, and it's good to forget about it after a while..."

But she ignored the children's imagination, and the longer it took, the more wonderfully this event played out in their minds. Some also said that Danyang's mother was like the black whirlwind Li Kui in the villain's book.

Lin Yutong, who knew nothing about this, was still waiting, waiting for the children to change their attitudes. But this wait, wait until the children of Ohara and Hyosung are born.

Xin Tian successfully gave birth to the eldest grandson of the Lin family. This time, Lin Baichuan used the name he married, and it was called Yuan Dynasty.

No one has an opinion this time!

Since the birth of the Aid Korea, Chang Qiuyun has completely stopped working and has become a housewife. Just help with grandchildren.

Originally, it was fine for her to continue to work, and she could ask the old lady to take the aid to the DPRK, but obviously, this approach was inappropriate. The reason: First, Danyang is temporarily unable to hold hands, and second, Hyosung is about to give birth.

Hyosung was pregnant with this child, and the Lin family was not sloppy. When the old lady was free, she made small clothes and shoes. Lin Baichuan would still deliver goat milk in person, one for Xiaoxing and one for Danyang. Lin Yutong also took care of him a lot. Lin Yutong gave most of the welfare candy tickets that the fourth master secretly got back to Xiaoxing. Danyang has long teeth, so he doesn't dare to give him candy. So most of it was given to Hyosung, she couldn't drink milk without sugar. Therefore, this pregnancy period, she did not have a difficult time.

Chang Qiuyun thought more clearly on this matter. It cannot be said that the old lady showed the child to Niuniu's family, but not to Hyosung's family. The same granddaughter is treated differently, no matter if it's the old lady or Lin Baichuan, no matter what, she will feel guilty about Hyosung in her heart. So, she said generously, "The Su family is not easy to get along with. If Su Jin wants to, let my mother take care of the child for Xiaoxing. I'm not working, I will come back to take care of our grandson."

What else can Lin Baichuan say? There is no room for him to speak. At home, it was Chang Qiuyun who said what he said, without even stammering.

So, after Xiaoxing gave birth to her daughter Su Yuanhua, the old lady went over to look after another granddaughter.

As for Danyang, Xin Tian took over.

She is confinement, and her job has been transferred to a public nursery on the side of 115. In charge of the work of the health room.

Anyway, in the factory and in the compound, Danyang can't find a suitable playmate, so let's go to the nursery.

Xin Tian said, "Don't worry, I'm watching, I'm sure the child can't stand the grievance."

This is possible too!

Before going to work in the morning, whether it is Lin Yutong or Fourth Master, they have to send the child to the nursery first. Then don't worry about it for the day. The child will stay in the nursery all day, just pick it up after get off work.

Danyang is because her aunt picked her up directly at the nursery and always stayed where she could see. The child was quite happy to go to the nursery, and regarded it as the same as the old lady taking her out every day to find children to play with.

The only downside, though, is that it's a long way from the factory living area to the nursery.

Fourth Master said, buy a bicycle.

There are definitely very few people buying a bike these days. I want to buy a bicycle, but now I don't want a ticket, but I still can't do it without the proof materials from the unit.

Just buying this bike took me a week of tossing. It took Si Ye three months' salary to ride a brand new Feige bicycle.

The sensational effect is no less than the fact that someone in the ghetto suddenly bought a BMW.

Some children want to reach out and touch, but they have to be beaten by adults.

But when the car came back, it became a burden. Nowhere to put it. The two said it was just outside the building, but so far only their family has bicycles, not even a car shed. It is said that it is placed in the building, just after entering the building door, this place is quite spacious, even if it is placed in the innermost part of the water room against the wall, it does not take up space.

Then they said, "I'm not afraid that you will take up space. This thing is expensive. Which child is fond of playing, and it's not easy to pay for a fall."

It's useless if you lock it in time. Like an iron egg, go straight up and ride on the car, hooking the wheels with your feet!

Everyone's understanding is that the bicycle is not high, and the child must not be able to fall, but he is not afraid of breaking the child or breaking other people's cars.

No one thought that a bicycle would cause such a big psychological burden to everyone.

Then it can only be pushed home. Stuck on the balcony at night, anyway, how to see how to take up space.

If there is a leader, someone will learn.

A few days later, another one on the third floor bought a bicycle. Good guy, when you go upstairs, you carry your bike up, and when you go downstairs, you carry your bike down.

The key is that the family can't ride, so everyone who goes in and out is pushed.

People say: "...haven't learned yet?"

It's not that I didn't learn it, it's that I didn't learn it at all. Afraid of falling off the bike.

When the fourth master sat Danyang on the beam of the car, and walked through the factory with his wife behind, there were even more people who envied him.

who cares! What about sending your daughter to school, just be swaggering.

Danyang's only bad impression of the nursery is: "...not delicious...the rice...not delicious..."

Emphasize that the rice is not good.

The food certainly cannot be compared with the family.

But it can't be bad. A small glass of milk in the morning, and then two of those little biscuits. Lin Yutong usually told her to eat an egg custard at home and drink half a bowl of milk before sending her there. Surely she won't be hungry in the morning.

At noon, it is said to be eating mushy noodles.

It is to boil the noodles to a rotten and rotten, and put the order in, so a child of such an age can digest it easily. Lin Yutong went to see the meals made by others, and felt that at least in terms of hygiene and nutrition, they had worked hard.

Xin Tian also said, "Don't worry. My mother brings me meals at noon every day..." Since there are children who need milk, the food should not be sloppy. "She has her share. This girl just saw the fragrance of the rice in the pot, and told her to have a meal or two with her, and she would definitely not go." After speaking, she asked Danyang again, "Is it better to eat with the children today? Eat with your aunt?"

"With my aunt!" She smiled very sweetly, and replied very refreshingly. After getting off the bike, she jumped in and took her aunt's hand in.

Sure enough, since eating with her aunt, Danyang has completely fallen in love with the nursery. It does not hinder eating delicious food, and children play games together. Very good!

Children spend a weekend, in fact, there is no place to play.

Especially in winter, if the snow falls, most of them are naughty in the building, and it is too cold outside. If you get the cotton shoes wet, watch it, it will be a fat beating to go back.

The fourth master took her daughter out to build a snowman. The father and daughter came back after playing for a long time, and Lin Yutong made the sneaky snacks. Danyang closed the door like a thief, and one ate with a bowl.

In fact, there are not many things that can be made for children, such as frying two dumplings for children before cooking, and making a small cake in a small bowl. It seems too complicated, there are too many people in the corridor, and it is not easy to do. Just doing this sneakily, many children stuck their heads out to see what this thing was so fragrant.

The children don't come out to ask for food, but they will ask for it from their parents in the future: Look at whoever's mother will cook it for everyone, and you won't cook it for me...

Then the adult took the child and beat him, saying: " have to eat this and can just eat your mother's meat...others eat, those are other people's children My father has the also ask your father to show you the ability...if your father has the ability, the mother can cook you meat every day..."

The man who scolded the man with a gun and a stick changed from beating children to fighting between husband and wife.

Then what the children remember is: Danyang's father is quite capable!

What the children think, the adults don't know. Lin Yutong was even more careful when she saw couples quarreling. For the sake of harmony, even if you eat your own food, you have to be sneaky, like a thief.

Originally thought, this year will end in such an atmosphere. It's New Year's Eve, and the two took time out to buy New Year's goods and discuss the New Year's affairs. Thinking that the Lin family has a new daughter-in-law this year, there is no need for the family to go to the Lin family for Chinese New Year. Starting from this year, let's live at home, and then go back to your parents' home to pay New Year's greetings when you are in the second year of junior high school.

When the New Year's goods are ready, one third will be sent to the hometown, one third will be brought to the Lin family, and one third will be kept at home. The two were about to go out with their belongings. Who knew, Ohara hurried over and told the couple to go back to Lin's house.

problem occurs?

"No!" Ohara looked at the fourth master: "Aunt Jin is here, and she is at home now."

Li Yuefen is here?

Why don't you come here and go directly to the Lin family?

Go quickly.

As a result, standing at the entrance, I could hear Li Yuefen's voice very clearly: "...Old in-laws, we didn't say before that we called the fourth child to recruit children... At that time, my family was based on the dowry gift for marrying a daughter-in-law... Lao Yin's Earrings and rings, this can't be fake. Now it's said to be recruiting, so it has to be the other way around? It's your family's dowry gift to my family, that's right!"

The Lin family gave the Jin family a betrothal gift?

Are you saying that you are going to be hired to marry the fourth master?

Lin Yutong almost didn't laugh.

It was Uncle Yin, who obediently sent his grandson to serve in the palace back then. He only gave his family business as a dowry, but he never dared to say that he would give the dowry by himself.

But now this mother-in-law finally woke up from the blow of recruiting children.

How can your Lin family receive a betrothal gift? You should give us the Jin family dowry!

Chang Qiuyun didn't know what to say anymore. His name was Danyang and his surname was Lin. That was just to see that Danyang was a girl. The uncle is regarded as a son in his mouth, but he knows in his heart that this uncle is not the one who has no opinion. Such a person is not willing to drink water while pressing his head. The son-in-law really doesn't sound good!

The Lin family didn't dare to take it seriously, it was a way of expressing intimacy.

But who knew that the Jin family took it seriously and took it as a major event.

When Chang Qiuyun saw his uncle came back, he said, "Yinzhen, you decide this matter. You can do whatever you want!"

Now they are not called the fourth and fourth.

When Li Yuefen saw her son coming, her eyes were a little dodgy, but she still said Chang Qiuyun: "It's just fine for us to discuss this matter with our relatives..." Why did you call the child here?

It probably feels like it can't be dealt with.

Lin Yutong thought about it, it is estimated that he was talking about marriage to the third child, and the bride price was high, so he thought of such a trick.

But if it is really recruited, it is not unreasonable for Li Yuefen to ask for this.

But let's turn it upside down and think, does this have to be done? If you say that the family is really in trouble, you open your mouth to your son and say that you will marry your brother, how much relief is there, can your son not give it?

Of course, Li Yuefen herself may feel that she also saved her son a fortune. When the Lin family went out, the fourth master did not go out. He came directly for this matter, or maybe he was afraid that it would be difficult for the fourth master to do it in the middle. To fight for the interests of the Jin family, this old woman can just come forward and break up with her in-laws.

Chang Qiuyun said listening to the fourth master, the fourth master sighed and said Li Yuefen: "Back then, our family gave Tongtong a pair of earrings and a ring..."

That thing is often kept by Qiuyun.

Chang Qiuyun immediately went back to the room, took out the thing, and took out the earrings, ring and a pair of slender silver bracelets that the old lady gave her in the early years, and handed them all to Li Yuefen: "Do you think these are enough? "

It is three times more valuable than what she gave Niuniu back then!

The things that Chang Qiuyun gave were especially generous: how can I go to pick up such a big and capable son.

She really felt that Li Yuefen should have some deviations in her understanding of her own son. Otherwise, I can't do this stupid thing.

Over there, Li Yuefen quickly rolled up the cloth bag: "Enough is enough! Enough is enough."

As he spoke, he tucked the cloth bag into the innermost layer of his clothes, as if afraid of Chang Qiuyun's repentance, and stood up: "Then in-laws...then what...I won't stay any longer...I'll go back...this is It's almost New Year's, and the family is very busy."

Chang Qiuyun said to Lin Yutong: "Hurry up, go with Yinzhen and send your mother off."

"It's enough for the fourth to send it." Li Yuefen took her son's arm, "It's very cold outside, don't ask Niuniu to send it."

This is a private room to talk about.

Lin Yutong simply stopped moving: "Okay, then be careful on the road."

Going out here, Xin Tian and Da Yuan bring Danyang in. Xin Tian didn't know Li Yuefen, so Da Yuan said hello and said, "...I'm leaving in a hurry? Let's have a meal anyway."

Only then did Xin Tian know who it was: "It turned out to be my aunt. I haven't seen it before. I'm rude just now, so don't take offense. Let's stay for dinner, Ohara caught two fish today, and I'll go stew..."

Li Yuefen waved her hand: "I have something... Next time..." Then she touched Danyang's head, "Daughter of Da Yuan..." She also murmured in her heart, when did you get married? Are the kids so old?

Xin Tian's smile froze for a moment. It was Danyang's grandmother, and the child didn't even know each other when she walked across.

She gave a fake smile: "Then don't stay. Auntie, go slowly!"

Danyang didn't even know it was her grandmother, she just looked at her father: "Dad...where are you going..."

"Dad will be back in a while." The fourth master held her daughter and weighed it, "Go find your mother." He didn't call the child grandma.

Li Yuefen was even more embarrassed when she went out, and explained to the fourth master: "...that's Danyang? I'll just say, Dayuan's children can't be that old. But this brat grew up with the Lin family... That girl with sharp teeth and sharp mouth from the Lin family looks quite similar, and doesn't look like someone from our Lao Jin family at all."

There is not a word that Fourth Master likes to hear.

When she was far away from the Lin family, she said again: "I told your brother a marriage, the girl from that family is a good one. She is only eighteen this year, and she is very capable. It's just that there are a few brothers below, four. The one you gave me is similar to Danyang. They don’t ask for anything, they just want real money and silver. The silver dollars you gave back then were hidden by my father and I. Now that these things are added, it must be… you The eldest nephew can also walk now... Not to mention the long head and the head, it is very rare, this time I came alone, it is inconvenient to bring him, next time, next time we come together, I will also ask you to take a look, call you Rare and rare, see if you are greedy..."

The fourth master directly interrupted: "what else are you here? Don't come. I didn't see you going to my eldest sister and second sister. I was married off by you, what are you doing here? My family Now my surname is Lin, and Lao Jin's family is here. It's not suitable. Of course, I was born and raised, and I can't watch my parents ignore it. It's the supply, and I still pay for it every month. Yuegi. As for the rest, don't come... What about me? I won't go back..."

Lin Yue was stunned for a while, and tears came down all of a sudden: "You child, why do you have to worry about it? What are the conditions of Lin's family, and what are the conditions of our family? They live in a small building now, and they eat big fish and big meat. What about our family? In order to marry your brother, I made a big deal with your father. I raised such a son and became a son-in-law for the family. What's wrong with me? I don't want anything Is it too much?" After speaking, he wiped his tears, "I didn't even think about asking for more. I was thinking about it, and I want to tell the Lin family. It's okay for your children to change their surnames. I can't change your name..."

Some people are like this, when a son-in-law is recruited, this is to be a son. So, give the other a name.

Li Yuefen's meaning is: I would rather order less things than ask the fourth master to change his name.

He added: "I have to ask them to promise that they will return to the ancestry after three generations..."

It's still a long way off. But a child as big as Danyang was stunned. To what sect? !

The fourth master made it very clear before sending her to the car: "Since you have a dowry gift, you should go according to the etiquette of recruiting children. If there is a big event at home, you can tell us and we will take the gift. At other times, you will pass your time. Days, we live our days, let's not disturb anyone."

To be able to say this, I was actually a little annoyed.

Li Yuefen wanted to say more, but the car moved. I cried a lot in the car, and felt that such a caring son couldn't understand her anymore. It was uncomfortable. When I got home, I muttered to Jin Dashan about this: "...It's not a disadvantage, why is he so angry..."

Jin Dashan was smoking a dry tobacco pouch and sighed: "It's not necessary to ask, he has separated from us and kissed the Lin family. He really regarded him as the Lin family. So, before thinking about things, you must first think about whether the Lin family suffers or not. That's it, I'm not at home anyway."

Li Yuefen hugged her grandson and coaxed: "...If our family can have his uncle to take care of it, it will be fine in the future, but I told the fourth child today that we have a problem, and he didn't answer a word. It's my fault for not treating his family. The girl's heart is on the film..."

Jin Dashan said Li Yuefen: "Why are you always confused. No matter how good the pimple in our family is, it is the golden pimple in our eyes. What do you say, the dung beetle thinks its baby is fragrant, and the hedgehog thinks its home The child is light. No matter how good the pimple is, in the fourth child, it can be compared to other people's own? Why are you so confused about this!? Seeing the child, you didn't give the child anything?"

for what? Didn't even recognize it!

Jin Dashan sighed and asked, "Is the child strong? Are the long ones strong?"

Nowadays, people are not concerned about the beauty or ugliness of children, but mainly to see if they can survive.

Li Yuefen remembered Danyang's dark eyes and blushing face, and said 'um': "Sturdy... It's good to be tall... If you look good, you won't have to worry about finding a good family in the future..."

Jin Dashan said: "You don't always make shoes and clothes for the lumps, it's also a meaning to make a stitch and half a stitch for your granddaughter..."

Li Yuefen said angrily, "I'll do it when the Liu family's bell is married and it's free..."

Because of Li Yuefen's troubles, Lin Yutong said that he would not celebrate the New Year with the Lin family this year, and no one from the Lin family said much. I think the fourth child must be embarrassed.

That's right, this year's New Year's Eve.

Fewer and fewer people go back to their hometown for Chinese New Year. Almost never go back.

Sister-in-law Miao settled accounts with Lin Yutong: "...the round-trip ticket costs half a month's salary. Then you have to buy things when you go back. How hard it is for us to be outside! People in my hometown don't know. There are unfinished white-faced buns in it. Everyone will cry and be poor. Give it, you can’t afford it! If you don’t give it, you will offend people for nothing. Then forget it, don’t go back. The saved ticket money will be sent back together, I'm afraid I'm happier than seeing us..."

Gui Lan also said, "That's right!" She sent her mother-in-law away a few years ago, and also said that she would not have to come back after the New Year. Her mother-in-law did not leave alone, and her girl Xiaocao was brought back by her grandmother to raise her. Her dog is also big enough to go to the nursery. Therefore, there is no burden of looking after children. Guilan doesn't want to be born again in recent years, and she thinks it's fine.

After the Chinese New Year, we still have to eat miscellaneous grains. But on the evening of New Year's Eve, you can eat dumplings with white noodles.

The old lady returned to Lin's house for Chinese New Year, and her children, Xiaoxing and Su Jin, took them with her. Hyosung takes the children and Su Jin cooks. Where is the guy good at making dumplings? Make the noodles hard, can this make dumplings?

Lin Yutong reached out, helped wrap the dumplings, and told him how to cook them. The couple also lived together for a year.

Lin Yutong was busy cooking here, and when a few hot and cold dishes came out, he asked the fourth master to take Danyang to wash his hands and eat.

It's okay to be idle, the fourth master taught Danyang to draw red, and the child grabbed the ink in his hand.

As a result, before the hands were washed, there was a knock on the door. Qian Siyuan, Miao Jiafu, Zhang Baozhu, and several others came in in a hurry. Miao Jiafu was holding a wine bottle in his hand: "Xiao Lin's cooking has fragrant people in a building. I can't be greedy anymore, I've come to eat..."

Qian Siyuan said, "We've all eaten dumplings at home. Don't make our Director Lin busy, we're just here to drink..."

If you can come to rub, it is a good friendship. Ken put on such a face, that's the face of others.

Lin Yutong quickly let the person in, and then went out to cut a half-pulled pork head and put it in a half-pot and brought it over.

Speaking on such occasions, it is not the nature of making friends three to five times, and it is impossible to say anything private. This is purely social in nature, and it's all bullshit.

Lin Yutong pulled out the vegetable steak, put it on the small bench, and told Danyang to sit and eat by himself.

Just after the placement was completed, Sister Miao and Guilan came over, and the one serving one dish and the other serving one brought over to add more dishes. While the men were drinking, a few women were standing in the corridor talking without saying a word.

The men were muttering inside, and their voices were very low. Lin Yutong had good ears and could hear a few words. They were talking about women.

Which woman?

It was Li Cuicui, who had been treated miserably by men before.

This Li Cuicui had an accident before, but Lin Yutong could not decide the punishment. How to punish them is the matter of their propaganda department. If you want to perform on stage, there is no way. They directly send people to clean the toilet in the factory.

The toilets in the factory are dry toilets. Listen to the work of pickling.

Lin Yutong didn't pay much attention to the follow-up of this matter. As for what happened later, I really don't know.

Gui Lan first looked at Lin Xiaoxing and Su Jin's room vigilantly, and then whispered: " don't know yet...someone saw Li Cuicui and Deputy Director Hong pulling and a place to avoid people. …”

Ah? !

Lin Yutong was taken aback: "Is it a rumor?"

Gui Lan shook her head: "Then I don't know. Anyway, others have said that they have noses and eyes."

Lin Yutong felt unbelievable. People like Hong Gang have good taste. Li Cuicui was no match for Fan Yunqing in any way.

Sister-in-law Miao said, "That woman is a scumbag now... When she sees a man, she pulls it... There are also some who take the initiative to pester others..."

The voice of the man inside also came out intermittently, it was Zhang Baozhu's voice: "... bro, these pants haven't been lifted yet... she came in... scared me and shouted quickly... go out... and they said , isn't that the thing, it's not like I haven't seen it before! What? You can still have hooks on that thing? Those little expressions and those little eyes, buddy at that time..."

Gui Lan coughed heavily, and then came the muffled laughter. This topic is over.

Sister-in-law Miao smiled sullenly and asked Lin Yutong, "I didn't ask Jin Gong, did that woman block him?"

Certainly not blocked.

How regular is the life of the fourth master! As long as it is in the factory, it is impossible to go to the public toilet.

Zhuang Tingting came over again to deliver a plate of spiced peanuts, and then said, "...don't underestimate that woman, everyone must keep an eye on it. I can tell you that she really hooked up with another one." His voice was low, "Fang Qingtian..." Seeing that everyone didn't respond, he said, "It's the man Cheng Meini remarried..."


You want to say that, don't we know?

Zhuang Tingting pays more attention to Cheng Meini, and it is not surprising to know the news.

Gui Lan bumped Zhuang Tingting with her shoulder: "Tell me...Tell did you know?" Then, she took out the sunflower seeds from her pocket and gave it to Zhuang Tingting, motioning her to speak.

Zhuang Tingting took it and chuckled: "I'm not afraid that Cheng Meini will come back to haunt our family's old money? When I just got married... I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it now. When I first got married, Cheng Meini was blocking the old money on the road. My stomach hurts today, and I feel sick tomorrow, pretending to be pregnant. At that time, I was too embarrassed to say it, because I was afraid that the big guy would make a joke. I still dragged her to the hospital, and they said no, not pregnant. That's all. She didn't dare to entangle any more. But my heart is always unsteady. Let me tell you, one of my two eyes must be dedicated to her. In the middle of the night, I went to bed Night shift, when I came back, I wanted to feed our family a lot. As a result, I saw her walking around the door of the men's toilet...I thought she was blocking our old money. Sometimes the old money would get up to pick me up from the night shift. Jump along. Hide aside and wait with her, but after waiting for half an hour, I saw someone come out, but it was Fang Qingtian. They are a couple... I think it's boring, go back to feed the child, hello I had to go back to work after the child was born. When I got home, Lao Qian had already warmed up the rice and fed the child. I didn’t stop at home and went back to the workshop. On the way back, I saw a woman from the toilet in the distance. When I came out, I knew it was Li Cuicui by the way he was walking. A woman came out of the men's toilet in the middle of the night, and also came out with Fang Qingtian on the front and back feet. In the cold weather, in the middle of the night, a man and a woman stayed in the toilet for at least Half an hour... What are you doing? Don't forget, Cheng Meini and his wife live in the utility room next to the boiler room. There is a toilet diagonally opposite, and it's not a few steps away. To go to the toilet in the middle of the night, ask Is it this side of the sports field? The toilet over there, except for people passing by on the night shift, who goes there in the middle of the night?"

Makes sense!

Lace news, forget it if you've heard it.

New Year's Eve is spent in these gossip.

The first day of the new year is Valentine's Day. On this year's Valentine's Day, Fourth Master went out with his little lover. Danyang wanted to go out and set off firecrackers, but her dad took her out. Lin Yutong had to deal with those who came to pay New Year's greetings at home.

Everyone said a happy New Year to each other, which is considered to be a New Year's greeting. As for the New Year's money for children, this is not among colleagues. Relatives are another matter.

Su Jin gave 10,000 to Danyang, and Lin Yutong also gave 10,000 to other children. It belongs to the relationship of courtesy.

Of course, in the second year of junior high, the harvest is relatively large. The elders of the Lin family are more willing to give their children.

When there are too many children in the family, one crying, that one making a fuss, is too lively.

Chang Qiuyun said again: "There is no news of your second brother. If your second brother is here, it would be fine..."

Lin Baichuan heard it, and while taking the wine handed over by the eldest uncle, he said, "Come on! It won't take long..." It is said that he is already preparing to start the armistice negotiation.

Lin Yutong nodded: Yes! It's been five or three years, and that war is almost over!

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