Accumulate Wealth in Life

Chapter 1366: .The Road to Return (44) 10,000 Words

Returning Road (44)

Wang Xifeng said, Lin Yutong naturally went. When I arrived at the door of Jia's house, I happened to see people from the Lin family.

You don't need to ask to know that it was Daiyu who sent someone to deliver things to Mother Jia. Because of what happened to Xiangyun, Lin Ruhai was reluctant to ask Daiyu to come to Jia's house. During New Years and festivals, they come and walk with everyone, and they beat people to pick them up when they don't need to eat. Mother Jia still stayed in the early stage, but Baoyu got married later, and in such a situation, Mother Jia herself no longer asked Daiyu to come over. Every time Daiyu beat someone to watch, she always said don't call it a grievance, she's pretty good.

What the Lin family gave was naturally good. Just to see this time, you have to have a car. The food and clothes are naturally the best things, and they are all prepared according to Jia Mu’s preferences.

But this time, when Yuanyang let himself in to see Jia's mother, he saw an empty hall and no blossoming decorations. There is also the incense in the house, the incense smell that has never changed is gone now. The apples on the table were not very big, and they should have been placed for a long time, and the skins were wrinkled. Although these things are not edible, they are only used to smoke the house. But how could the fruit of Jia Mu's smoked house be so shabby?

Yuanyang's dress is much more plain than usual, she didn't say a single extra word about the situation in front of her, she still smiled and said, "The old lady is really short of spirit, she can't sleep much at night, but during the day, she can't always sleep. The way she wakes up. I always say that the yin and yang can’t be reversed. The yin and qi are heavy at night, and it’s always not good to stay awake. But for such a long time, the old lady is so old, and she can’t adjust it.”

It's not that he can't make it, but the family business has failed, and the old lady has been suffering all night and can't sleep. I was afraid of seeing people during the day, so the excuse to take a rest became a real rest, and it was just like that.

When I went in today, the old lady was still asleep. I didn't know whether it was a real or a fake sleep. Maybe she was half asleep and half awake, and she didn't dare to face reality.

Lin Yutong took a closer look. It was dark in the room and the curtain was down, so he couldn't really see it.

Yuanyang took the initiative to lift the curtain, and Lin Yutong only felt startled. The old lady who used to be rich is now skinny. The wrinkles on his face, the face is not normal white, it is the kind of paleness that has not been out for a long time. With a forehead on his head, looking at the stitches, it looks like a craftsmanship for welcoming spring. The old lady with such craftsmanship in the past was disliked. Now Yuanyang is busy, inside and out, the old lady has to worry about everything, so she doesn't necessarily have time to make needles and thread for the old lady. There is also the white on the other end, which used to be gray-white, but now it is completely white as snow. Such a person was lying under the quilt, and if you didn't look closely, you couldn't see the ups and downs, and he was as thin as a child's body.

Seeing that Lin Yutong was looking carefully, the mandarin ducks tried to call the old lady, but Lin Yutong stopped him and pointed to the outside.

The two went out lightly, and Lin Yutong said: "Ordinarily, the manor is not able to do this. If anyone is deducted, the old lady should not be deducted. If nothing else, the eldest master and the master are definitely not such people. You girl is too sincere, if you can't tell the eldest master, why don't you ask someone to give me a message, I'm better than you. "

Yuanyang shook his head: "Even though the eldest master is filial, but in the end... I have some misunderstandings about the old lady. After so many years, the eldest master feels resentment because the master and his wife have not moved out... Now I just kowtow outside the door and say goodbye. I've never come in. What about the lord? Occasionally come and sit, the wife brings a lot of things over when the lord comes, and the lord can't say anything. It's just that the lord only needs to go, and the eldest wife will come. I just say that the old lady is now I was not in good spirits, I couldn't use so many things, and I kept a lot of people who were eating meat and drinking blood. They said that they would keep it for the old lady, and I would take it away regardless of what it was. If the master came in again, it was inevitable that he would give a censure or two. When I turned around, I said Mrs., the wife only pushed the eldest wife in one direction. She only said that I would take it from this side to the other side. If it didn't fall on the old lady, I would not give it to the old lady, and the master didn't speak anymore. I want to go... But it's been a long time, and it's not enough to run ten times a day, now I need frosting sugar, then I need sugar, and later I need rock candy to enhance the flavor." There was a bit of loneliness in her tone, " In the past, this kind of thing, not to mention reclaiming mountains and seas, was also a waste of trucks and trucks, and no one would care. Now I want to have two or two and a half kilograms, so I have to go and mess with others for a long time. Two That's fine with my grandmother, as long as I go there, I always have it. But after asking for it a few times, I made the eldest wife unhappy, and I went to the second grandmother several times, so I couldn't go. The old lady had said that when she was dating, her food and clothing were only the same as that of the grandfather and the grandmother, and the second grandmother subsidized the side. There are some subsidies here. Baoyu and Baoer’s grandma are good. They often ask for dishes that the old lady likes from the kitchen, and then call Qingwen to deliver them secretly. Because the wife doesn’t like Baoer’s grandma, Baoyu usually doesn’t dare to be in the kitchen. Talk more in front of you." After speaking, she sighed again and took out a purse: "This is what Baoyu brought in this morning..." She poured out the contents of the purse, which were a few pieces of silver coins of poor condition. "There is a lot of money in the house. The wife is watching Bao Er's grandmother so hard that the money can't be moved. Baoyu said that he earned the money himself, and gave it to me, asking me to buy something for the old lady outside. "The old lady was awake at the time, and she didn't say anything when she heard it. When Baoyu left, she cried a bit, and felt a little more uncomfortable."

Lin Yutong's brows wrinkled to kill mosquitoes, what kind of thing is this? So he said: "The things sent by the Lin family are also received by the wife."

Yuanyang nodded: "I didn't see you at all in the old lady's house."

"If that's the case, you should beat someone up and tell Miss Lin." Lin Yutong said, "She would never have imagined that the family is now on this level. Then I won't hand it to the mansion in the future. I only bring Liuli, and it will only be handed to you. You always serve the old lady carefully."

Yuanyang knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Yutong: "I can't imagine that, in the end, the old lady will have to rely on you, grandma."

"Get up!" Lin Yutong helped Yuanyang get up: "You are a good girl and serve the old lady well, but you have to take advantage of the old lady to stay awake and think about yourself more."

"The old lady is here for one day, and I have a long day. The old lady is gone, I'm still dead." Yuanyang said, wiping away tears, "Look at me, what are you talking about, it's getting late , I won't keep grandma. Another day, the old lady will be better, I'll go and ask grandma to kowtow. "

After seeing Lin Yutong away, Yuanyang turned back and saw the old lady with her eyes open. She hurried over: "Old lady, you're awake. Today I have simmered old duck soup, steamed soft and rotten rice, soaked in soup, do you want to use it?"

Mother Jia looked at Yuanyang sideways, then stretched out her hand and asked Yuanyang to help her up.

"Old lady..." Yuanyang hurried over, but was grabbed by Mother Jia. She pointed to the dark grid beside the bed, "Bring it!"

Yuanyang glanced at the dark grid, told the old lady to rely on it, and then went, took the small box from the dark grid, and handed it over.

Mother Jia took off the key from her neck and opened the box with trembling hands, only to see round rubies inside.

Rao is a mandarin duck who has seen the world, and he has never seen such a fine gem.

Mother Jia said with a bit of disappointment on her face: "This was given to me by my grandmother when I was married. She told me that she hoped that I would never open this thing for the rest of my life, and then become a funeral and follow me to that end... I only now know what this means. If husbands and wives are filial to their children, they will not use this thing in this life. Now... Although it is not desperate, but the family business is at this point, what can I do!" She took out a gem and handed it to Yuanyang: " Good girl, you have served me for a while, you can't be left untouched. Your body deed is in the silver bracelet given to you, and you can get rid of your slave status. This red treasure is your dowry. You Keep it, just like me, don't touch it until it's in a desperate situation." She shoved it into the mandarin duck and closed the whole box, "Go and give this to Tong girl, tell her, take out half of it and give it to Dai. Yu sent it as a dowry given to her by my grandmother, and asked her to keep it as a memory. I asked her to keep the remaining half for me. In the future, if Baoyu and Yun girl are nowhere to be found, they will give this to her. Baoyu…”

It was like an account of the aftermath.

Yuanyang's tears were dripping, but she didn't dare to let out a sound. The old lady here has already urged: "Go! Do it properly."

Lin Yutong felt ominous when he received the thing handed over by Yuanyang, and knew that it would be bad for Jia's mother.

Didn't expect it to be so fast.

A few days later, Yingchun first told Lin Yutong's mother that she was going to deliver the baby, and that Xiangyun was about to give birth. Before this person was beaten away, news came from over there, saying that the child was born, but Xiangyun did not keep it, and the person was gone.

This is unexpected, but it cannot be said that it is unreasonable.

Xiangyun has not yet reached the age of 笄, and he himself has not grown up yet. She is even younger than Daiyu, and Madam Wang has a heart of neglect, and she has not yet grown up and gave birth to a child. Nowadays, with this medical condition, a strong woman has entered the gate of **** with one foot, let alone her. From pregnancy to delivery, how many things have gone through. The fetus itself was not well raised, but it turned out that it was at night when the baby moved again, just as Baoyu was beaten by Madam Wang to the Taoist temple to be used as a dojo. Xiangyun should have moved before the day, but Qingwen was in a hurry and reported to his wife. The wife said that the first baby was slow, so she was not in a hurry. Seeing that the pain was not a solution, she went to the eldest grandmother again, thinking that the eldest grandmother had given birth, so it would be good if she could go there to see it. But the eldest grandmother only said that she was a widow and would not go into the delivery room for fear of collision.

The second grandmother over there went to set up the new house again, and she didn't come back today. For a while, I didn't know who to look for.

In the end, there was really no other way, so I went to the old lady, but was stopped by Yuanyang, not to disturb the old lady, but in the end she helped deliver the message. But no one replied yet, Xiangyun over there gave birth to a child by himself, it was a boy, about four pounds, the old mammy helped to take out the things in his mouth, and cried too. But Xiangyun was bleeding profusely, and before the invited doctor arrived, the person was gone.

At this time, the wife also came and said that Xiangyun was unlucky, and then asked people to clean up and prepare for the funeral. He didn't even look at the newly born child. Qingwen didn't dare to let go of the child. If she didn't care anymore, the child's life would have to go in. No matter how Yuanyang stopped her, she went to see the old lady with her child in her arms. Grandma Bao Er couldn't hide this from the old lady.

It was under such circumstances that Lin Yutong and Fourth Master were invited in by Mother Jia.

The child was placed next to Jia's mother, and the old lady called the two-bedroom Jia family. Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng were also there.

Mother Jia said to Madam Wang: "I know you are thinking of marrying Baoyu to another high-ranking family. But if you are thinking of that, this child will become a thorn in the eye. He is young and will not be short of it in the future. For the sake of the child’s well-being, I will be the master today, and I have also called Brother Heng and Girl Tong as witnesses, and will adopt the child to Lian’er and Girl Feng…”

Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng suddenly changed their faces, but they followed closely and looked at each other, neither of them said anything against it.

No son, now I have a son. The blood is not far, even such a child who is related to both of them.

Jia She originally disagreed: "My big room does not need to adopt the second room's son."

"What is the big room and the second room, the big room doesn't need Lian'er to inherit the title, and the two are separated, so what is the big room and the second room." Jia Mu gasped, "This is my wife's last request in this life, you only Should it or not?"

Jia She's mouth moved, and he nodded.

So the child was written under the names of Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng, and Jia Lian named Jia Gui.

The names are all written down on the family tree, and these people seem to have forgotten one thing. Lin Yutong reminded: "How can Brother Bao not be here for such an important matter."

The family treats a man who has become a parent with a child as a child. This man's wife died, and he decided to adopt his son, but there were so many people present, but no one wanted to come and tell him and ask his opinion.

Mother Jia pointed at Madam Wang and scolded, "It's not called Baoyu yet."

She really didn't know that Baoyu didn't know about Xiangyun's death, she just thought that the child would be sad at this moment, not sure what to do, and the child couldn't be taken care of.

Mrs. Wang looked at Lin Yutong with some resentment, but she still beat people.

When Baoyu came back, he went to see Xiangyun first. Here he kept urging, and the **** the other side said, "Second Master Bao is going to groom and dress for Second Grandma Bao..." It was disrespectful to clean up.

This sentence made Lin Yutong feel so sad, and many girls couldn't help but turn their backs and cry.

Mother Jia was in tears, but she waved her hand, no longer being urged.

Baoyu came to see the child, and solemnly handed it over to Wang Xifeng, then turned around and left.

Madam Wang shouted: "The child was adopted by your second brother and your sister Feng, they didn't..."

"Since it's already decided, why tell me?" Baoyu didn't look back, but stood there and said, "It wasn't a big deal to give up a son, but now that I give up my son, my wife should just give it up. I'm just going out." After speaking, he didn't stop, and went out directly.

Jia Zheng scolded him for being a nuisance, and he was about to call someone to stop him. Madam Wang was also afraid that Baoyu would be beaten, but instead stopped Jia Zheng, hoping that Baoyu would go far away, so don't be caught. Therefore, none of the servants in the family stopped him, so they just watched Baoyu go out.

The old lady seemed to have thought of something and shouted, "Baoyu—"

It's a pity that Baoyu had already gone far and couldn't hear it.

When the old lady saw the ending of her children and grandchildren, her eyes seemed to ooze blood. Her thin fingers pointed in the direction Baoyu left, and then her eyes widened. Before everyone could react, she fell straight back. go and never get up again.

Mrs. Jia's funeral was well-organized. Mrs. Wang insisted that she had no cash in hand, and that the eldest son had a family business, and that the eldest son should bury the old man, but she would not take out the money.

Jia She, according to his ability, came to hold the funeral, and naturally it was not too lively. Among them, Jia Lian took out another 2,000 taels of silver to buy longevity materials for Nanmu for the old lady.

Baoyu was retrieved from the Qingxu Temple when the old lady was about to die. He kowtowed to the old lady and personally helped the old lady and Xiangyun's coffin back to Jinling. No one has news of him anymore. It was as if he had disappeared from the world. Of course, that's another story.

The current Mrs. Wang doesn't know, she just wants to wait for Baoyu to come back. After the old lady's period of filial piety, Baoyu will also give up his wife's filial piety. He also specifically went to Lin Yutong's door, and entrusted Lin Yutong to help him find out. Even if he was a concubine, his family was willing to hire him. Lin Yutong said in her heart that the old lady could see that Baoyu was going, but she didn't. She couldn't go up and refuse, she just agreed blindly, but she knew in her heart that no matter how she promised, it would be useless.

Besides, how could a concubine from a high gate marry into their house? When the old lady was buried, Jia She asked Jia Zheng to move out of this room. Now they live in Sanjin's house, only Jia She takes Madam Wang and Concubine Zhao and Concubine Zhou, Jia Huan follows Tanchun and then goes to the south of the Yangtze River. Tanchun often has correspondence with Xichun. Brother Ring is back. Tan Chun stared at Jia Huan over there. She was a girl from a merchant family. She was a bit more aggressive, but her family loved this girl very much. The dowry prepared includes hundreds of acres of paddy fields, three shops and two large houses. Moreover, the males in the clan are prosperous, and getting married with such a family is conducive to taking root in the south of the Yangtze River. She asked Wang Youdao to write a letter to Jia Zheng in person, explaining the many benefits of marriage, but Jia Zheng entrusted it to his uncle directly without Mrs. Wang.

In a few days, Concubine Zhao was going south again. It was said that the Wang family had sent a letter, and the letter said that there was joy in Tanchun, but the joy was so bad that the concubine of the ten million labor mansion went there and brought 10,000 taels of silver to Jia Zheng, and Mrs. Wang took it here. Silver, let go quickly, out of sight and out of mind.

Xichun also said to Lin Yutong, "I'm afraid that if you go, the third sister will try her best to drag it back and not call back."

This is also true, as long as he is sick and cannot get up, who can force him to come to Beijing.

Lin Yutong asked the fourth master: "The Wang family is like this, but things have changed?"

It is that things have changed.

"Wang Ziteng has been silent..." The fourth master shook his head: "He is too greedy, he just wants to push to the end, he wants to make a contribution to turning things around at this critical juncture, but he doesn't look at it, can the two parties give him a chance?" He whispered in Lin Yutong's ear: "The bandits in Taiping Prefecture were inexplicably wiped out... But not long after, Japanese pirates appeared on several islands near Yanzi in the West Sea... In the past two months, the imperial court has received three Japanese pirates. The memorial for disturbing the side is over, strange thing, I don’t know where the Japanese pirates came from, the more they are suppressed…”

This means that someone let the bandits in Ping An Prefecture go, and told them to go to the island in the south, disguised as Japanese pirates, to go ashore. Looking at it this way, the bandits in Ping An Prefecture are not just bandits. Bandits are not so disciplined, and they have completed such a big migration, but the state capitals along the route have not received any news. These people go to the island, and the plans must be not small. As for Xihai Yanzi, he was the governor of the Nan'an County King. Not only did he not report this point, but he also called this "Japanese pirate" bigger and bigger. Then, the answer was ready to come out. The master behind the 'Japanese pirates' is the one that these old ministers want to protect. Jia Jing didn't tell the secret until his death, I'm afraid it was him.

Prince Teng, who is patrolling the border, doesn't know about such a big thing?

Know why not say it?

Earlier, he was watching. Later, he wanted to get a big one.

As for Zhou Zhuiu, the veteran of the hidden residence, what happened over there, did he not notice such an important matter, or failed to report it, or, what happened?

The fourth master said: "The emperor sent Jinghaihou to go."

Today's Jinghaihou is still Wen Tianfang's father.

What followed immediately made Lin Yutong know more about Wang Ziteng's ruthlessness. On this day, Xue Pan came. It's for invitations. Two happy events, one is Baochai, Baochai is going to become the concubine of the King of Annan County, the date is set, and the eighth day of the next month is set. On the same day, Xue Pan married his flat wife. She is talking about Xia Jingui from the Osmanthus Xia family.

He smiled embarrassedly with the fourth master: "Plan for the heirs! Plan for the heirs!"

It means that Yu Liu has never given birth.

Fourth Master didn't care about this, and asked, "How did you get married to the Nan'an Prince's Mansion?"

"It was my aunt who mentioned it. I wrote to my uncle and asked, and my uncle said yes." Xue Pan was very excited and climbed up to the King of Nan'an, which was a big happy event in his opinion. The more turbulent Xihai Yanzi is, the more stable the Nan'an Palace will be.

Of course, he wasn't wrong to think so. And this marriage has also brought him benefits. For example, the Xia family, the Xia family and the Xue family are considered to be well-matched. The girl who came out of this family is only an orphan girl in the family, and she will definitely not be wronged to be a concubine. of. Said to be a flat wife, but in fact it is not a concubine? I'm afraid that the Xia family is also interested in the Xue family's high relatives, and this should be the marriage. There is no one in the Xue family in the palace, but the Xia family still has palace worship, this is a line. The Xue family is interested in the Xia family, not because of the girl from the Xia family, nor how much wealth this girl can bring, but to get connected with the palace through the Xia family. However, who would have thought that my uncle would cheat on a nephew like this. The truth of the matter is far from what it seems!

The fourth master sent the post to Lin Yutong before he said, "I received a secret report from Wang Ziteng today! He is going back to Beijing, it's a secret!"

On the one hand, the married nephew stabilized the other side, but on the other hand, he secretly rushed to the capital to tell the secret over there.

And Xue Baochai was just a victim in this incident.

Not only Xue Baochai, but also Xia Jingui, why not.

In fact, Wang Ziteng's approach was effective. King Zhongshun carefully guarded Wang Ziteng all the way, fearing that Wang Ziteng would be assassinated. But the niece married directly, and now he is on the way to send him there. He quietly returned to Beijing, which was really not alarming.

All the way into the capital smoothly, into the palace.

Fourth Master and King Zhongshun were sitting on the side, and the two of them whispered to the map on the side of Xihai Yanzi. Emperor Zhenglong summoned Prince Teng on the other side of the screen.

From here, I can clearly hear Wang Ziteng's voice: "'s not that the minister keeps secrets and doesn't report it, but there are many hidden secrets in it." His voice sounded extremely tired, and his words were full of sincerity: "...the minister is here. Now I still want to say that Prince Zhongyi definitely didn’t mean to leave an orphan to make trouble... This orphan has a big problem with his identity. It involves the previous dynasty... Now that so many years have passed, there are still old people in the previous dynasty. ...they never wanted to return to the country one day...but who could have predicted this? It was all arranged by those with ulterior motives. The child was not handed over to the palace, and it was a **** idea. Of course, these things were not known to the ministers at the time. When Prince Zhongyi was still the crown prince, the ministers waited. I just thought that I was helping His Royal Highness to take care of the Younger Highness. Who would have thought that the situation of His Royal Highness would get worse after that. In that case, keeping the child would save His Highness's blood and blood. Just thinking of the kindness of His Royal Highness, and repaying it to His Highness."

All the events of that year are regarded as a good story about the love of the king and the righteousness of the minister. It is not a mistake to be loyal to the prince as a loyal minister. If Li Shimin killed Li Jiancheng's counselor Wei Zheng, there would be no more stories of monarchs and ministers later.

Therefore, when the label of 'loyalty' is attached, it cannot be said that others are wrong.

But this is also nonsense. If it's really just loyalty, including Jia Jing, why don't you explain things clearly?

Emperor Zhenglong didn't say anything else, he just asked Prince Teng, "Do you think I'm confused?"

Wang Ziteng knocked his head on the ground, banging loudly: "Your Highness, this minister... is wronged..."

Further down, I learned that Jia Shi, Wang Xue, and the three latter families were actually pitted by the Jia family.

What is the reason?

The reason is that the other three initially only followed Jia's family. And why did the Jia family get involved in matters related to the previous dynasty?

It was because the Jia family lost two important things: the iron coupons for the Danshu of the Ningrong and Rong residences were lost.

No one has known about this matter since the old prince left in the Rongguo Mansion. Jia's mother thought that the old prince gave it to Jia She, and Jia She thought that Jia's mother took it. But Ning Guofu knew it perfectly, that thing was gone, lost!

What's the charge for this?

At first, Jia Jing didn't think about putting things back first, because he didn't take the other party seriously at all. But the other party's Taoism is obviously not low. At first, he was vain and arrogant. After he was deeply involved in it, he decisively escaped and entered Taoist practice.

What made them feel terrible and dare not resist is that these people faintly have the meaning of taking refuge in the four kings.

The old prince of Beijing Wang is long gone, and the current Beijing Wang doesn't care, so there are only the other three kings left. However, these three kings were often taboo because they wanted too much, and they had already felt that the palace meant to cut their kings again. How can this be tolerated? From frugality to extravagance is easy, from extravagance to frugality is difficult. After having tasted the taste of power, how can you be willing?

Even if the rest of the matter is not elaborated, those who listen can understand the general idea.

On the one hand, the favor of each family is not as good as before, whether there are amazing people in the family to support the portal, the more afraid of being convicted, this matter has to be concealed and dare not mention it.

On the other hand, it was half forced and half lucky to interact with that side, but it was getting deeper and deeper. The more afraid to reveal things.

Except for the Jia family, the other three families did not directly participate. It was also Wang Ziteng who thriving later, and they seized the opportunity to bring Wang Ziteng to join the team. Only then did he know that the money sent to the Jia family and many of the things they helped the Jia family actually had the shadow of these people. This is really indisputable.

The fourth master thinks that the Jia family is no longer a family member of the Guogongfu, but they still have the plaque of the Guogongfu. Feelings are not rude, but simply unable to take out the original Danshu iron coupon and return it and exchange it for a new one. There was an old lady in the Rongguo Mansion, and she was barely qualified. What about Kening National Government? Who are they?

With such a big guillotine on her head, Jia Zhen has found a reason not to care about her son, but just herself Gao Le. Unhappy day is counted day by day, what else? The fire couldn't be contained in the paper, and he struggled and struggled, just to live two more days.

The prince came back to inform, and explained the relationship between the Prince of Nan'an and the other side, and made this treason very clear. The palace has already sent Jing Haihou, and the artillery has already been transported there.

In Huangzhuang, everyone thinks that the crops that are constantly cultivated are the most important, followed by the farm tool workshop inside, and the farm tools are constantly improved. .

It is obviously impossible for Wang Ziteng to rely on this great credit for the opportunity to turn the merits away. He was ordered to go home for a while to think about it, but he did not expect that he would die violently in his own home that night.

On the same night, an assassin appeared in the palace.

This assassin was someone next to Concubine Zhou, who was originally just two servants sent by the Zhou family. The two girls knew some medical skills and helped Concubine Zhou to treat the problems left in her confinement. Concubine Zhou was afraid that there would be unclean things in the wine at the palace banquet, so she usually brought them with her when she came out. Who knew that these two people were suddenly in difficulty, so they pulled out the hairpin and stabbed the emperor.

Yuan Chun rushed over and blocked in front of the emperor. Two poisonous hairpins stabbed into her back.

Fourth Master got the letter in the middle of the night, "There is no danger..."

This is about the emperor and the queen, both of them are fine.

On Yuanchun's side, the poison cannot be removed cleanly, it's just a matter of surviving. And this matter can't be announced to the public. Madam Wang is busy with Wang Ziteng's funeral, and she doesn't know that Yuanchun in the palace is exhausted.

Originally, Lin Yutong should not have entered the palace because of this chaos. The queen felt that Lin Yutong and Jia Yuanchun were cousins ​​after all, so she called in and asked to meet: "The defense in the palace is actually quite tight, and nothing can happen at all."

That is to say, the emperor and the queen will be safe if Yuanchun blocks them.

Lin Yutong really believed this.

Now that he knew that the Zhou family had something to do with that, how could the palace be unguarded.

And Yuanchun probably didn't expect to die. She wanted this power of rescue, to save herself and her family.

Yuan Chun not only secretly took refuge with Concubine Zhou, but also... Lin Yutong knew from her face that she was pregnant.

Lin Yutong knew that she had always been given to avoid child soup. In other words, she carried the emperor and the queen on her back and was pregnant with a child. What she did was a gamble.

If the bet is won, the sky will be wide open. Children, status, and honor are all indispensable.

If you lose the bet, you just lose. Anyway, these things she did, if you really care about it, it may not be easier than death.

Yuanchun saw the understanding in Lin Yutong's eyes, and then smiled: "I lost, but I don't regret it. From entering the palace at the age of fourteen to today, it's not a step-by-step plan, I can't get to today. It's just that people can't count. God! The destiny is like this, so I won't force it. If it is convenient, tell your wife, she gave birth to me, and I did my best to give her what she wanted... But it's useless, I can't resist my life. Ask her to take care of me without authorization. , don't be too sad..."

"I'm going to ask the queen to send an imperial physician, and we'll also help find medicine outside, so it may not be..." Before Lin Yutong finished speaking, Yuan Chun shook his head: "I'm dead, the sage read my last fight, and got on with it. If I live, they will be dead... Now, all I ask for is one death!"

Sure enough, Yuan Chun was dead. The Jia family is alive!

The title was taken away, and the mansion was confiscated. Mrs. Jia Shexing took Jia Cong and defected to Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng. Jia Zheng was deprived of office, and he felt shameless to stay in the capital. He went to Jiangnan, and it is said that he went to Zhou Yiniang and Jia Huan.

Only Mrs. Wang and Aunt Zhou were left in the mansion, and Li Wan and Brother Lang were left.

Madam Wang clutched the money, and only called Baoyu from one trip to the next. Li Wan was in charge of the housework, but the house was empty. From time to time, she went to tell Mrs. Wang that Jia Zhu was dreaming, and Jia Zhu said where Baoyu was. Then Mrs. Wang made some money and asked Li Wan to send someone to look for it. Every time, there is always a reason why he can't find it or miss it. It seems that there is news of Baoyu everywhere, but no one has seen this person.

This kept giving hope and constant despairing news. In three years, Mrs. Wang's torment was exhausted. She lost her eldest son first, then her proud daughter, and even her most precious son disappeared. The pain of losing a child is heartbreaking. Until the moment she closed her eyes, Mrs. Wang didn't know what she had done wrong in her life and why she had to repay her like this.

Three years! A lot can happen in three years.

For example, the forbidden sea in the southwest was gradually lifted, and a steady stream of warships entered the sea, where a sea frontier of iron barrels could be created.

The Jinghaihou mansion was relocated again, and it was moved back, moved back to the seaside, and stationed in the sea frontier.

Lin Tongyu still gave birth to a pair of twin sons to Wen Tianfang. Lin Yutong and Kanchan were two very normal children. In order to give birth to these two children, Lin Tongyu almost sacrificed her life, which made Wen Tianfangyue love her like a treasure.

But there are also side effects. First, Xiangyun died of dystocia, followed by Lin Tongyu who almost died because of childbirth, which made Daiyu extremely afraid. Every time she mentioned a marriage, she was worried and even fell ill, and felt that life was impermanent. After three or five times, Lin Ruhai understood and decided not to mention Daiyu's marriage.

Lin Yutong never thought that the final outcome would be the same. Daiyu still made this choice, and because of Xiangyun's death and because Lin Tongyu almost didn't save her, she really started to study medicine at home, female doctor!

This time, the Jinghaihou family moved there, and Daiyu accompanied him. One is to see and see, and the other is to hear that there are missionaries coming from the south, and their medicine and medical skills are also amazing. She wants to go and see.

Lin Ruhai has already started his career. He has a son in the capital, and he followed his two daughters and grandson.

Lin Yutong and the fourth master went to practice, said a lot of words and put people on the boat.

Wen Tianfang stood on the pier and said goodbye to the fourth master, with a little more respect in his eyes. This is not for anything else, but for that sea area. He is incapable of half-achieving things, but this person in front of him who doesn't know where he came from has done it. Then, no matter who this person is or where he comes from, he is worthy of respect.

Just as she turned to go back to the cabin, she saw the girl beside her sister-in-law holding a plate of very delicate green plums. This was because Daiyu was afraid that her sister was seasick. He thought it was funny and took it over: "I'll just take it in."

He twisted one and put it in his mouth, followed closely, his expression froze immediately, and he asked the girl, "Where did this green plum come from..." The taste is so special, it is so special that it is so memorable that it is unforgettable to this day.

The girl glanced at the shore: "Mrs. Jia sent it, saying it's the best to eat for seasickness."

Mrs. Jia?

Wen Tianfang looked towards the shore, the boat had already moved, and the figure on the shore became more and more blurred, just like he had met her many times, but the impression left in his heart was still vague. He tried his best to look into the distance, but all he could see were two figures snuggling together, they were so close together that no one could squeeze in between them...

"What are you looking at?" Lin Tongyu came out and asked.

Wen Tianfang was stunned for a while, then pulled his wife's cold hand. This is because the production has hurt the body and has not yet been recuperated.

Immediately, he smiled in the direction of the shore: yes or no, does it matter?

Not important anymore! Whether it's that she or the one in front of her, she's doing well, that's it!

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