Add One, I Don’t Know How To Fight

Chapter 312 311: Dream linkage, high five of the century (please vote for me!)

Los Angeles All-Stars, this is definitely a carnival for fans all over the world.

If nothing else, in Los Angeles, what kind of event can you hold that won’t be popular?

As a reverse socialite in the league, Li Ang naturally has many friends in Los Angeles.

No, as soon as he got off the plane, Li Ang received invitations from several people.

Yao Ming asked Li Ang to watch Lord of the Rings 3, but Li Ang politely declined.

First of all, Li Ang has watched the movie countless times. Secondly, Li Ang thought this movie was too much of a test on his bladder.

Kobe's invitation was interesting. He invited Li Ang to visit his home. He also emphasized one sentence in the text message: "Vanessa is not at home today, and there are only young girls at home~"

Good guy, that has to take off!

Los Angeles, mansion, two men, young girl Li Ang is already imagining the scene of this party.

There must be many young girls who are working hard to pursue their dreams.

Although Li Ang has a supermodel girlfriend, he went to such a party this time with a critical attitude!

Li Ang wants to go deep into it and expose the true face of this decadent capitalist society!

He is not afraid of this little sacrifice!

When Leon arrived at Kobe's house, he found that Vanessa was indeed not at home, and neither was the young girl.

It's just that this girl is too young.

This is not a matter of not being over 18, this is just one year old.

"My daughter's first birthday is in a few days, and you didn't bring any gifts? If you don't have time or people, it's okay to have gifts. After all, we have been friends for so many years, and I won't be angry. .”

Li Ang looked at Kobe holding his daughter and didn't know what to say.

From now on, there will be no need for everyone to come all the way here for this kind of thing.

"Do you think you are funny?"

"Haha, I only have a little sense of humor, but I'm still very romantic. I won't bullshit you, I have a serious business today when I asked you to come. Li Ang, you won't forget, right? There are still unresolved matters between the two of us. !”

"What's the matter? I'm afraid there are a lot of things that we haven't solved yet. Please tell me one by one."

"Table tennis! Let me tell you, since I lost to you last time, I have devoted myself to practice and trained hard. Now, my table tennis level is completely different from before. Li Thief, do you dare to compete with me? I'll try it again!"

Kobe is full of confidence. After all, he has hired a coach to teach him how to play table tennis in the past six months.

Li Ang sighed, why do people want to humiliate themselves?

In order to make Kobe give up as soon as possible, Li Ang decided to play another game with him.

Don't tell me, Kobe has really improved a lot this time. At this level, he can at least play on the table in elementary school.

But in the end, they were still beaten 9-0.

If Li Ang becomes one again, Kobe Bryant will have to shave his head.

Originally, Li Ang was very willing to do such an inappropriate thing, but then I thought, if Kobe Bryant's head is shaved, given his character, wouldn't he still have to pester me in the future?

Kobe: I’m so panicked. Why can’t I catch the ball?

Li Ang: I'm so panicked. Why can't he catch the ball?

In order to completely get rid of Kobe, Li Ang decided to deliberately give this ball to him.

So, Li Ang threw the ping pong ball up. Kobe was prepared, not knowing what ball Li Ang was going to serve.

As a result, Li Ang didn't serve any ball. He just watched the table tennis ball fall to the ground.

"Oops, I accidentally made a mistake. You scored, Kobe. It's really amazing. You've made great progress!"

Kobe Bryant:.

You might as well not let it go!

You should act more carefully if you want to!

I won’t fight anymore!

If I play table tennis again, I will no longer be human!

Li Ang doesn't even know how to coax Kobe. I've already given you a goal. Please stop crying, okay?

"Hey, table tennis is table tennis. You can't go back on your word just because I tortured you by playing table tennis. Does the All-Star Game matter still count?"

"Forget it, how could it not be counted? Don't worry, it's not just me, I've also taken care of Ah Jian for you. On the day of the All-Star Game, Ah Jian won't deliberately compete with you."

Kobe said, patting his chest.

How did he convince Garnett yesterday?

He told Hard: "Brother, just give the ball to Li Ang. I'm doing this for your own good. You don't want to dance in the All-Star Game, right?"

With just one sentence, Garnett said you love him however you want. As a noble Husky, I don't even bother playing All-Star.

Li Ang's power to convince people with virtue is indeed great.

"But I'm surprised. You haven't won the All-Star MVP before. Would it be interesting to win it again?" Kobe was very puzzled. He didn't know why Li Ang was so obsessed with this year's All-Star Game.

"It's interesting, very interesting. Because the head coach of the Eastern Stars is Larry Brown, I can't lose. Even if it's the All-Star Game, I can't let him win." Li Ang made up a random reason.

Kobe nodded, my opponent really has some backbone.

It's a pity that you still have to take food from that shark's mouth.

As a person who likes to be in the limelight, Shaq will never let others become the protagonist easily at home.

Two days later, the All-Star Weekend activities officially started.

On the first day of the Rookie Challenge, Li Ang's younger brother, second-year Stoudemire, successfully won the Rookie Game MVP.

If Li Ang really succeeds in winning the AMVP, it will be the first time in NBA history that the Rookie Game MVP and the All-Star MVP are on the same team in the same season.

This is enough to show how healthy the Suns' current lineup structure is. There are stars in their prime and potential new stars.

Raptors: I wonder if my lineup structure is also like this? Why can't I win?

In the slam dunk contest on the second day, although James did not participate, Katsumura Xiaoyunlong played the most.

Because this year's slam dunk contest, the players made too many mistakes.

Therefore, the live camera will give a close-up of James on the sidelines from time to time.

This makes people imagine how great it would be if James could participate in the dunk contest.

And James also looked and shook his head.

As if to say: "Hey, this slam dunk contest is uncompetitive. If I participate, wouldn't I be the champion?"

James' disdainful expression from time to time has become the highlight of this slam dunk contest.

Li Ang also admired Azhan, who was clearly panicking inside but could still put on a dismissive expression.

What a powerful psychological quality this is.

Let’s talk about it, Li Ang admires Kobe even more about this.

Although he is a dishonor, although he is a dunk king with no sense of existence, he still feels very good about himself.

But he dared to participate.

You can say that he has no beep number, or you can say that he has great courage.

To be honest, the games in the first two days of the All-Star Weekend were a bit unworthy of the hype.

Therefore, the final All-Star game has naturally become the last expectation of fans.

Stern also hopes that the All-Star Game can be more exciting, but he can't control this kind of thing.

What's more, the Eastern team doesn't seem particularly motivated.

Tracy McGrady of the Magic has been in the first round every year, and this season he doesn't even bother to play in the playoffs.

He doesn't look like a guy who's going to fight to win in the All-Star Game.

Carter is also a Buddhist boy. Although he is very good at dunking, he generally has no interest in this kind of competition.

Artest Artest


Although Yao Ming is very strong, he probably won't play too hard in the All-Stars in order to preserve his energy.

After looking around, only the AI ​​on the Eastern team has a little bit of fighting spirit.

I'm afraid this game will be difficult to play excitingly.

Stern was a little panicked. After promoting it for so long, if this game is not exciting, what is the difference between it and a scam?

How can I continue to make money in the future?

The next morning, during training before the All-Star Game, many reporters were asking everyone on the Eastern Team if they were confident of winning on the road.

McGrady smiled slightly, the All-Stars won? I can’t even make it to the playoffs, why do I still care about the All-Stars?

It's like, I can only watch Female Bodhisattva on my mobile phone, and I still care about whether my girlfriend is a rich woman?

Carter spread his hands. Wouldn't the All-Star just dunk a few baskets?

Iverson said he was very willing to compete with the Western Conference team.

But relying on AI alone, I'm afraid it will be difficult to compete with the powerful Western Conference.

On the other side, O'Neal was very happy.

"Shaq will definitely bring a good show to the fans in Los Angeles. Shaq will definitely win. Watch carefully and see whose territory this is!"

As Kobe said, O'Neal will not give up this opportunity to shine at home.

Therefore, if Li Ang wants to complete the task, he must not only defeat the Eastern Team, but also perform better than Shaq.

That afternoon, before Li Ang went to the locker room, he stuck two large wrenches in his pants.

At the same time, he thoughtfully handed a handful to O'Neal.

Little O'Neal looked at the wrench, his mind a little confused.

No, Brother Li, we can be said to be the most serious players in the Western Conference. What do you mean by bringing this thing?

O'Neal Jr. is right, Li Ang and he are indeed the two most serious players in the Western Conference.

That's why you bring a wrench.

Because there are too many people on the Western Team who want to kill Li Ang.

I wouldn't even dare to step into the locker room without a wrench for self-defense.

Li Ang and O'Neal Jr. walked into the locker room fully armed. Sure enough, as soon as Li Ang entered, he encountered a bunch of unfriendly looks.

Garnett stared at Li Ang fiercely. As we all know, as long as you don't really fight, you can be as hard as you want, as scary as you want.

Deng Shu looked at Li Ang and smiled in the corner. He was the only person in the locker room who smiled at Li Ang. But to be honest, it would be better for Duncan to smile than not to smile. It would be even scarier when he smiles.

Kidd also stared at Li Ang. Ray Allen, who had just been abused by Li Ang, also clenched his fists.

Li Ang swallowed and pretended to be calm.

At this time, you must stay steady and not panic.

Li Ang and O'Neal Jr. walked into the locker room and were about to sit down when everyone heard a "clang".

Li Ang's wrench fell out along his trouser leg.

At that moment, the atmosphere in the locker room was quite subtle.

Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke.

"Leon, you. Why did you bring this thing into the locker room!? I tell you that this is a society ruled by law. Don't do what you do on the basketball court!" The tough guy who was the toughest just now was suddenly very nervous.

Seeing this situation, Little O'Neal hurriedly covered Li Ang: "Don't be nervous, everyone. Brother Li heard that the nozzle in the shower room seems to be leaking. If we are really planning something evil, then I will definitely be the same."


Before Little O'Neal could finish speaking, his wrench also fell to the ground.

This time, it was someone else's turn to swallow.

Now that the matter has come to this, Li Ang has nothing to hide.

He picked up the wrench and placed it next to the bench:

"Today, I hope everyone will work hard and win the game. It is fate that we can come together from different places to form a team!

We are so destined that we can win together. As for me, I really want to win, and I hope you can actively cooperate. "

Actively cooperate, which translates to, pass the ball to me later.

Everyone looked at the two wrenches on the ground. Although they didn't say anything, they didn't refuse either.

At this time, big star Shaq walked into the locker room.

He hadn't noticed the subtle atmosphere in the locker room yet, and opened his arms and shouted at everyone: "Hey guys, you must pass the ball to me more today. I must win the AMVP at home!"

After O'Neill finished speaking, he found that no one agreed with him.

Although Shaq's head was hit by Li Ang, he is still very easy to use.

As the number one smart guy in Los Angeles, O'Neal already knows why no one agrees with him.

It must be because.

Kobe also told everyone to pass the ball to him. He definitely wants to compete with me for AMVP!

Ouch, this person is so bad!

Kobe:? ? ?

In this wave, Kobe was really shot while lying down.

O'Neal didn't speak, but prepared for the game seriously.

The atmosphere in this locker room has become more subtle.

Li Ang wanted the MVP, O'Neal thought Kobe wanted the MVP, and Kobe wanted to help Li Ang win the MVP.

Office relationships are very complicated. If I were to use this to make a TV series, I would be able to film 70 or 80 episodes.

But if this kind of office drama was made by a Japanese director who had a good life, maybe two hours would be enough.

On the other hand, the atmosphere in the Eastern Team's locker room is exceptionally good.

Because the Eastern Team is the underdog, AI calls on everyone to have a good fight, win in Los Angeles, and make a name for themselves.

Carter and Tracy McGrady, the cousins, must be indifferent to this kind of rhetoric, but the Pistons and Yao Ming are also very competitive people.

As for Artest, he has always followed the footsteps of brother Yao.

If big brother does it, we will follow suit.

In addition, Larry Brown fanned the flames: "I know we are not favored, but I believe that we can use strong defense to make the stars of the Western Conference a hard fight! Let them see what is real. fighting!"

For a time, the Eastern team became very motivated.

Larry Brown looked at the yelling players and smiled.

Today, the All-Star vote king will be humiliated here!

In the evening, after a warm-up performance by a number of singers, the 2004 NBA All-Star Game officially began!

The Eastern team's starting five, except for the sleepy Tracy McGrady and the indifferent Carter, the other three all looked serious.

Li Ang is convinced, it's just an All-Star game, don't make it so bloody, okay?

I will be afraid!

O'Neal didn't do any tricks today. In the past, he would have found someone to dance to.

But today, O'Neal ignored Garnett, his historic dance partner, and walked up to Yao Ming with a serious look on his face.

As a living treasure, O'Neal has never been too concerned about All-Stars.


Anyone can steal the spotlight on me, except Kobe!

There can only be one MVP in Los Angeles, and that is me, Shark Smart!

When Yao Ming saw Shaq being so serious, his little universe exploded.

Don't forget, this can also be regarded as a Yao Shark showdown.

In this disturbing atmosphere, the referee threw the ball into the air.

O'Neal fought for the basketball and the ball fell into Kidd's hands.

Before Kidd started dribbling, O'Neal raised his hand to ask for the ball.

He wants to beat Yao Ming in isolation from beyond the three-point line!

Because this is the All-Star Game, no one will care about O'Neal playing however he wants.

Leon and Kobe had to watch Shaq perform, only to see O'Neal dribbling with his crotch outside the three-point line.

Don't tell me, it's really like that.

O'Neal walked up to Yao Ming, changed his hands and broke through to the left.

As soon as he took a step, another body changed direction and passed by Yao Ming.

Yao Ming couldn't lower his waist, so it was impossible to break the ball from O'Neal's hand.

O'Neal just used the guard method to get into the penalty area, but now this fat shark definitely cannot overtake and complete the dunk directly.

After breaking through to the edge of the penalty area, O'Neal suddenly turned around and seemed to be about to turn and hook.

So Yao Ming jumped up without warning.

As it turned out, Shaq was just a fake shoulder shake. After shaking Yao Ming, O'Neal turned in the opposite direction and easily picked up the basket.

At that moment, cheers erupted inside the Staples Center.

O'Neal actually succeeded in beating Yao Ming from beyond the three-point line!

Change of direction at the hip, footwork at the basket. Sure enough, in terms of basketball skills, except for free throws, O'Neal is proficient in everything.

The on-site commentators were all laughing. They thought O'Neal was deliberately trying to show off.

But in fact, Shaq just played very seriously.

He didn't allow his performance to be worse than Kobe's today, and he sent this message right from the start.

It was the Eastern team's attack. Although the Eastern team looked very fierce, Li Ang was still very confident in the Western team's defense.

Kobe, Kidd, Hardy and Li Ang himself are all good players on the defensive end.

And if O'Neal is serious, his defensive deterrent under the basket is also very strong.

This lineup basically has no defensive weaknesses.

Iverson dribbled the ball close to Kidd, used a trademark crossover to get past Kidd, and went straight into the penalty area!

Li Ang can't be punished. Iverson's dribbling ability is very strong, which is no problem, but what happens if Kidd is passed by in one step?

Can you be more serious?

Forget it, it's okay, we still have Garnett to help defend against the monster.

As a result, Li Ang turned his head and saw that Garnett didn't even move.

You weren’t so defensive when you were so defensive about me!

Iverson easily hit the shot from the mid-range position, and there was another burst of cheers from the scene.

The popularity of AI has always been very high in the league, even in Los Angeles.

And the most important point is that AI has never posed a real threat to the Lakers.

Otherwise, he would definitely become a Lakers star by now.

Li Ang found that today's game was really difficult to win.

Although everyone seems to have agreed to pass the ball to themselves, if they don't have a strong desire to win, they won't be able to perform well on the defensive end.

If you just pass the ball to yourself without defending, it will be difficult to win this game.

Li Ang could only be thankful that fortunately there were two paddlers on the Eastern team.

The game continued, this time, Kidd passed the ball to Li Ang.

If it was McGrady or Carter who was defending Li Ang, this offense wouldn't be difficult.

But it was Artest who defended Li Ang!

This was only the first quarter of the game, and Artest directly defended Li Ang. It seems that this guy wants to be serious.

There is a reason why Artest works so hard. A player like him who is not very smart can enter the All-Star starting lineup. Without even thinking about it, he must have received huge criticism.

Many people feel that the Nets' Kenyon Martin, the aging Pippen and the young emperor in Cleveland are more qualified to be among the All-Star starters than Artest.

Artest is very dissatisfied with these voices. After all, I am also the first, second, third, and fourth leader of the Bulls!

How can you look down on me! ?

Well, in the Bulls, Yao Ming is first and Francis is second.

Artest could still be the third child, but after Milicic came, he also followed Li Ang's example and persuaded others, causing Taizi's status in the team to drop again and again.

As a result, Artest now calls himself the Fourth Master of Chicago.

What happened to the fourth child? The fourth child also has two second children!

In order to prove that he is a genuine All-Star starter, Artest has long decided to play well in this All-Star game.

Coupled with the fact that he had just received another injection of chicken blood, Artest was even more excited now.

Under Artest's entanglement, Li Ang was playing very uncomfortable, and had no choice but to pass the ball back to Kidd.

As soon as Kidd received the ball, O'Neal pointed at the basket and yelled: "Shoot, I have the rebound!"

Kidd didn't hesitate and actually shot from outside the three-point line.

O'Neal had Yao Ming stuck behind him, ready to grab the board and then attack directly again.

Kobe, you can’t even catch the ball hahahaha!

Just when O'Neal was predicting where the rebound would land, he heard a "swipe" sound.

Did Kidd enter?

No, the basketball rubbed the net from the outside and flew directly out of the baseline.

At that moment, the bustling Staples center suddenly fell silent.

O'Neal turned back to look at Kidd speechlessly. At this moment, he suddenly felt that Kobe was not so miserable.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

At this time, a burst of obscene laughter broke the silence on the field.

Because this burst of laughter was so obscene that the referee couldn't stand it.

The referee turned to look at the bench and found that Duncan almost fainted from laughing and died on the bench.

That smile coupled with that magical voice made the referee really want to give Duncan a technical foul.

He can't bear it!

No, if your own teammates don’t shoot the ball, you’re going to laugh out loud!

Moreover, he smiled so obscenely.

Duncan noticed that the referee was looking at him, so he covered his face with a towel and pretended not to laugh.

He almost became the first person to receive a technical foul in NBA All-Star history.

Of course Duncan knows that Kidd is his teammate, but Kidd's non-stick behavior is really funny.

The boss of the Spurs who sells tractors has a dark face at this time. You represent the Spurs, Spurs!

What on earth did I sign for with this maximum salary!

The live footage showed Kidd himself laughing.

Just pretend like, "The All-Star Game is entertainment, I'm just teasing you on purpose."

As the saying goes, as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

With this move, Kidd successfully resolved his embarrassment.

Li Ang looked at Kobe, didn't you agree that I would be the one to deal with it? Why do I think they all have their own ideas?

I can't carry him if the fight continues like this!

Kobe also shrugged helplessly, brother, don't look at me, I'm just like you, I'm also a reverse social butterfly.

Except for the tough guys, everyone in this locker room is totally offended by me.

I can't direct it.

Kidd's non-conformity has strangely increased the ratings of this All-Star Game.

This is the rhythm of entertainment to the end.

When Larry Brown saw the chaos the Western team was playing today, he knew that the Western team definitely didn't have any cohesion.

He will definitely win this game!

This time, Iverson broke through again, attracted the defense and passed the ball to Yao Ming who was standing outside the three-point line.

When O'Neal saw Yao Ming standing outside the three-point line, he did not help defend.

Yao Ming thought, Kidd already voted, how about I vote for one too?

How bad it would be to leave him alone and embarrassed.

So, Yao Ming shot a three-pointer from outside the three-point line.

The center shooting three-pointers is a routine operation in the small ball era. But in this era of physical defense, a center shooting a three-pointer is something that can only be seen in the All-Star Game.

Just when everyone was ready to laugh at Yao Ming's non-stick behavior, Yao Ming's basketball shot went directly into the net and hit a three-pointer!

Kidd:? ? ?

"The ball went in, and Yao made a three-pointer! With a soft touch, he is worthy of being a player who executes technical foul free throws for the Bulls!"

Everyone at the scene was cheering, and the commentators were also praising Yao Ming.

This time, no matter how hard Kidd pretended, he would inevitably fall into embarrassment.

Everyone on the Western Team's bench was stunned, feeling embarrassed for Kidd.

No, you are a guard, but no one is as accurate as a center in three-pointers. What the hell?

Just when everyone was speechless, another burst of laughter came from the bench that was incompatible with the atmosphere.

The speechless people turned around and found that only Duncan was smiling the most happily.

Duncan covered his face with a towel, laughing so hard that he couldn't hold it in.

No, Kidd is your teammate!

After this All-Star event, people finally discovered it.

This Duncan is not emotionless, nor is he facially paralyzed.

This guy is never on the same channel as others, you know!

Facts have proved that even luck is on the Eastern team's side today.

After that, the game completely entered the rhythm of the Eastern team.

Although there are two paddlers on the east side, at least they are only paddling their own boats and it does not affect the game.

But everyone on the Western Team just wants to paddle their own boats, and it affects the performance of others.

For example, in one round, Li Ang held the ball outside the three-point line and was about to pass the ball to Kobe in the right corner.

As a result, the moment Li Ang passed the ball, Garnett suddenly ran out and inexplicably set up a pick-and-roll for Li Ang.

Then, the basketball naturally hit the hard head directly.

James, who was at the scene, looked at Hardy, who was covering his head and struggling on the ground, and felt that he had realized something.

Got it, let’s call it Bullet Pass!

The corner of Li Ang's mouth twitched. Damn it, what are you doing here when you're so good?

Wouldn’t it be nice for you to continue paddling? Do you have to hit the bullet hole?

Garnett covered his head, furious.

It's so embarrassing to have such an accident on the All-Star stage!

I am a mighty wolf king, and now I live like a husky.

If Garnett hadn't wanted to dance on the All-Star stage, he would have gotten up and slapped Li Ang.

However, Li Ang hit the head with a bullet pass, and this was just the beginning.

Next, the Western team has many mind-blowing operations.

Members of the Western Team passed the ball to the fans on the bench more than once.

The tacit understanding between the generals of the Western Army is like that of some authors.

Not to say there is none at all, but it can also be said to be equal to zero.

Fortunately, relying on the personal offensive abilities of Shaq, Leon and Kobe, the Western team still stabilized the score.

After the first quarter, the Western team was only 6 points behind, which was not a huge amount.

After the first quarter of the game, the commentators were all praising the All-Stars for doing a good job.

Since the All-Stars in 2001, the next two All-Stars were actually not very good-looking.

After all, fans are tired of watching all kinds of flying dunks and fake performances in the All-Star Game.

Competitive sports is mainly reflected in the word competition.

No matter how wonderful your performance is, if you don't have a sense of competition, it just doesn't look good.

If just performing can make you look good, then Harlem basketball players should be paid more than NBA players.

But today, this All-Star Game takes a different approach.

Today, there are no uncontrolled flying dunks and no completely uncontested defense.

All the fans who watched the first quarter almost died laughing in their seats, holding their stomachs.

The Western Team has pioneered a new path in comedy basketball today!

Stern was embarrassed and delighted.

What's embarrassing is that the Western team's group is obviously openly acting awkwardly.

But to my delight, the ratings have become very high inexplicably!

Why do fans of this generation like to watch these things! ?

Although the fans were satisfied with the first quarter, it was obvious that everyone in the Western Conference was not satisfied.

Fortunately, there are a pair of paddling cousins ​​in the East. Otherwise, the Western team might not have fallen behind by double digits in the first quarter!

O'Neal was complaining about not catching the ball, Garnett was complaining about catching the ball with his head, Kidd was complaining about no one moving, and Kobe was complaining about Shaq.

Li Ang's head is about to explode, I want to be quiet!

Through this game, Li Ang finally understood why the multi-giant teams in history may not succeed.

Really, it's a shame it's just the All-Star Game. If he plays with these people in the regular season, not to mention the championship, Li Ang feels that even the playoffs are not enough.

Everyone was quarreling, and no problem was solved yet. The second quarter of the game started again.

After the start of the second quarter, it was discovered that the Eastern team had changed its formation.

Larry Brown's starters in the second quarter were AI, Billups, Hamilton, Big Ben and Yao Ming.

Well, both the paddler and the one with abnormal IQ were replaced by Larry Brown.

Isn’t this bullying an honest person?

All three Pistons will play, and they may be the three people who want to win the most.

Although Li Ang is the All-Star vote leader, this does not affect the Pistons' desire to win.

Their wanting to win the game has nothing to do with Li Ang, it's just because they want to win.

As soon as this lineup came up, it immediately broke the defense of the Western team.

You have to know that the inside line composed of Ben, Li Ang, and Rasheed Wallace is already invincible.

Big Ben + Yao Ming, can you imagine what kind of magical lineup this is?

Yao Ming could have been able to sweep away with peace of mind, and Yao Ming didn't have to worry about being pulled out. Leave the rest to Ben, he just protects the frame.

As a result, O'Neal was struggling in the paint.

Today's Yao Ming doesn't necessarily suffer much even if he can carry O'Neal alone. At this time, coupled with Big Ben's double-teaming, O'Neal was at a loss as to what to do and was exposed in various ways under the basket.

The most he can do is draw fouls at the basket.

But everyone knows O'Neal's free throws. Even if he gets to the free throw line, he has no lethality.

On the offensive end, the combination of Billups + AI + Hamilton is also very sharp.

I guess AI has never experienced this kind of happiness. In the 76ers, he is usually one against nine on the offensive end. Today is good, he finally has teammates who can attack.

Larry Brown's change of formation caught the Western Conference off guard.

Soon, the point difference was stretched to double digits.

Li Ang also wanted to rely on his offensive ability to score, but even Li Ang could not easily break through the defensive combination of Ben and Yao Ming.

The inside line was blocked, and Li Ang could only bully Hamilton with a back hit from the mid-range.

But if one person works alone, his efficiency will definitely not be as efficient as that of the united East.

O'Neal and Li Ang, the two biggest threats, were ineffective, and the Western team's offense became stagnant.

Finally, after half the game, the most tragic thing happened.

The Eastern team led the Western team by 13 points 64 to 51!

Leading by 13 points at halftime is rare in NBA All-Star history.

In 2001, when Li Ang led the Eastern Conference to counterattack the Western Conference with 20 points, they did not fall behind by so many points at half the game.

Everyone here is the star of each team, the chosen one.

Being beaten like this made everyone lose face.

After returning to the locker room, the only sound in the locker room was the gasping sounds of the players.

After a few minutes, everyone started complaining again.

"Kidd, please pass the ball decisively. When I'm about to get to the position, just pass it!"

"Li Ang, can you please stop playing alone? I'll give you a pick-and-roll and you can just walk away."

"Shaq, are you talking about others? If you hadn't been playing blindly under the basket, this game would have been like this? You made 3 of 7 free throws in the first half, how did you do it?"

Everyone was arguing, and Master Tang, who was not tough enough, had no way to deal with this situation.

At this time, everyone heard a "dong" sound. Li Ang picked up a wrench and hammered the locker door, directly hammering out a hole.

"Complain, keep complaining! Now I know why I was able to lead the Eastern team to counterattack the Western team. It turns out that you are so vulnerable!

I know that we are enemies and rivals. But today, we are teammates in the same locker room who know each other’s strengths and weaknesses! "

When Li Ang brought up the issue of length, O'Neal covered his crotch with guilt for some reason.

"I don't care about you, I don't want to embarrass you here anyway! If you want to embarrass yourself, feel free to do it, but I want to win! In the second half, if you don't want to win, don't cause trouble. If you want to win, just follow me and work hard!"

After that, Li Ang stood up and walked out of the locker room, and O'Neal hurried to follow.

Kobe also stood up and said: "You choose for yourself, win or be embarrassed."

Then he followed Li Ang out.

Everyone stopped arguing and fell into deep thought.

After Kobe chased him out, he walked up to Li Ang and said, "Lee, that locker you just broke."

"I will pay for it!"

"No, I want to tell you that the locker you just broke belongs to Malone."

Li Ang looked back at Kobe, feeling very regretful.

You said it so early!

You told me to dismantle all the lockers!

The second half started quickly, and the fans at Staples Center were embarrassed.

Most of them are Lakers fans, so they basically support the Western Conference team.

But the Western Conference, which had a stronger lineup on paper, was beaten to the ground by the Eastern Conference. O'Neal was tortured by Dayao and Big Ben until he couldn't take care of himself, which made them feel very embarrassed.

Why, why is it that every time the Western team has an extremely luxurious lineup, they are defeated?

After the start of the second half, the starting five in the Western Conference were still the first to take the lead.

Li Ang looked at Shaq, Kidd and Garnett, but they still didn't speak.

Li Ang sighed and looked at Kobe again: "You should always want to win, right? Or are you going to continue to quarrel with Shaq?"

"I don't want to lose at home!"


"Huh what?"

"I never thought that one day I would be so embarrassed that I have to join forces with a guy like you."

After Li Ang finished speaking, Kobe almost jumped up and slapped Li Ang on the head.

If you can't speak, you should be quite popular, right?

The Eastern team attacked, and Iverson's mid-range jumper missed the frame and failed to open up the score.

But the on-site commentators believed that this was just an accident. After all, Iverson couldn't score every ball.

If the Western Team doesn't adjust on its own, today may be a disaster.

In the next round, after Kidd controlled the ball for half the game, he did not continue to sleepwalk, but passed the ball to Kobe.

After Kobe caught the ball, he took a deep breath.

Then, he looked at Li Ang.

Li Ang stood in the middle distance, looked at Kobe, and slightly tilted his head to the left.

Kobe didn't hesitate and immediately moved in the direction of Li Ang's head.

Sure enough, Li Ang set up a cover for Kobe there.

Kobe used the screen to break through close to the penalty area, which forced Yao Ming to step forward to help defend.

But this time, facing two defenders, Kobe didn't push hard. Instead, he hit the ground and passed the ball to Li Ang who followed the pick-and-roll!

By the time Yao Ming reacted and turned around to defend Li Ang, Li Ang had already jumped up, relied on Yao Ming to score a layup, and even caused a foul!

After landing, Li Ang looked up to the sky and roared. The Western team finally made a decent attack!

Looking at this scene, everyone on the court was a little confused.

Kobe and Li Ang, two sworn enemies, actually

It actually became a cooperation?

This is a fantastic linkage!

After yelling, Li Ang found Kobe walking towards him with his hands raised.

Li Ang also stepped forward to greet him, and then the two high-fived vigorously!

With this simple action, I don’t know how many pieces of film were murdered, and all the reporters were taking photos frantically.

These two enemies are now in unison with the outside world!

"Well done Lee."

"You can pass it pretty well."

"Hmph, I don't need your praise. Hey, don't let your guard down. Next, kill them all in one go!"

"Well, just don't hold back."

After saying that, both Li Ang and Kobe frowned and faced the Eastern generals.

No one knows how powerful these two guys can be when combined.

13 points, it seems a little bit not enough to fill the gap between teeth.

Thanks to the silly guy who loves Hanhan for the reward, thank you! Today, I will go directly to my stomach in one step, and I will provide you with ten thousand words of updates. It’s another day of updating 10,000 words, please beg for monthly votes~

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