Add One, I Don’t Know How To Fight

Chapter 337 336: Only MVP is irreplaceable (1.2W monthly votes requested!)

Li Ang faced the triple blockade of Prince, Ben and Rasheed and dunked the ball in, making the Pistons fans gasp.

After all, Pistons fans know Li Ang. They all knew how terrifying Li Ang's attacks were.

Let's put it this way, when Li Ang gets angry, no one on the court, from players to referees to coaches and even teammates, is safe.

Of course, the score was also unsafe.

All Pistons fans still remember the King of Kings battle in last season's finals, when Leon dunked on Shaq at a critical moment to complete the game-winner.

Li Ang who goes to Tianwang Mountain usually becomes quite dangerous and bloodthirsty.

No, Li Ang's performance of breaking through the three layers of defense just now was equivalent to a warm-up.

Breaking through the three-layer defense of Prince, Big Ben and Rashid is no less difficult than facing the siege of Big Bear, Long Legs and Moon Buttocks alone.

Most men really can't stand this.

But Li Ang not only broke through the encirclement and suppression, but also made a special charge.

This is very arrogant.

Li Ang's breakthrough speed was surprising. People felt that Li Ang's change of direction just now had a bit of Grant Hill's shadow.

It's been a long time since fans have seen such a sharp forward who changes direction and breaks through.

Although James and Li Ang are both masters of breakthroughs, their breakthroughs are typical of "step on the accelerator to the end and do it, whoever takes the direction is the dog".

But today, Li Ang's breakthrough had more changes in direction.

Prince was also a little surprised. Last season, Prince would either challenge Li Ang to the limit or challenge Serena Williams to the limit at night.

He and Li Ang have played against each other countless times on the basketball court.

But Prince can guarantee that Li Ang was not so fast last season.

Li Ang had great breakthroughs in the past, mainly because he was strong enough that he could carry you away even if you blocked him.

But just now, Prince didn't even have a chance to confront Li Ang.

As for Damn, it was already over before I even felt the impact.

Fast, really fast!

Rashid smashed the ball to the ground angrily, and dunked the ball as soon as he came up. Li Ang, you are shameless!

What are you so anxious about?

Ben was also a little surprised. Although his center of gravity was shaken just now, he did not jump up directly to interfere with Li Ang.

Under normal circumstances, he should be able to catch up with Li Ang.

But just now, Daben didn't have any chance at all.

I almost cried, Li Ang, you secretly became stronger behind my back!

Forget about secretly practicing three-pointers, now he's even faster.

What the hell, how can a man get faster and faster?

You are putting the cart before the horse!

Li Ang's first attack, in the eyes of the fans, is just one word - Liu Bip. Just like when you watch a video of a female Bodhisattva, limited by your level of education, you can only express one word - wife.

But in the eyes of the players on the scene, this goal was not just something that Liu Biao could summarize.

Although Li Ang had made similar breakthroughs in the previous games. But today, the Suns came directly to Li Ang.

What does this mean? It shows that the sun is going to hit Li Ang today!

The Suns rely on Li Ang's breakthrough to deal with the Pistons' iron barrel formation.

Princeton feels great pressure. Brother Li, we are all acquaintances. I will make a small request.


It was the Pistons' attack, and today, Hamilton was as active as ever.

His mid-range running affects the Suns' nerves all the time, and Johnson's stomach all the time.

Johnson has never seen such a perverted opponent. To defend Hamilton, if the shooting guard is not good enough, he must send a scorer.

Billups and Rasheed played a pick-and-roll, and Nash was passed easily as always.

After watching Suns games for a long time, you will find that four-on-five basketball games seem to be normal.

Pistons fans: What a coincidence, we feel this way too, especially when attacking!

Well, one is four on five when attacking, and one is four on five when defending.

This wave is very fair.

Billups really couldn't figure out why someone would be guarded by Nash.

Logically speaking, at this time, Li Ang should be the one to wipe Nash's butt.

But Li Ang really didn't dare to let go of the little prince.

The reason Prince scored 20+ was because Liang kept wiping Nash's butt, but he missed a move and lost sight of the other.

Prince is not like the almost invisible third position of the Lakers. He can shoot and cut, so he really doesn't dare to play around.

Wait, who is the Lakers' third position? Why do you always feel like the Lakers only had four people playing in the last series?

Oh, this is not important. In short, Leon did not dare to let Prince go easily, so after Nash was blocked, Stoudemire was the only one to help defend Billups.

Seeing this, Flounder gave the ball back to Rasheed in the mid-range.

Nash looked at Rasheed who caught the basketball and swallowed.

You think, should I raise my hand to show off?

Rasheed simply ignored Nash, who raised his arms in front of him. Rasheed's straight-arm shot was not easy for even a serious power forward to defend.

Not to mention the burly Nash.

The basketball went hollow into the net, and the Pistons' offense was vigorous and the score was quickly tied.

The game had barely begun and the tone had already been set.

Next, the two sides fought back and forth.

The Pistons' offense was in very good shape today, and everyone was able to hit shots when they had a chance.

Even my brother’s performance is as stable as ever.

In the seventh minute of the first quarter, I got up under the basket and was blocked by O'Neal.

The "cutting one's head and covering one's face" here is really "cutting one's head and covering one's face", that is the literal meaning.

O'Neal Jr.'s hand didn't even touch the edge of the ball, and went straight to Ben's face.

Big Ben was convinced at the time, why is it that Li Ang's team is always so weird!

Why were you all so good before you came to the Sun, but after you came to the Sun, you all turned into Li Ang?

I was slapped badly. Of course, the referee also sentenced O'Neal for a foul, and I went to the free throw line.

At this time, the Suns only led the Pistons by 3 points. If Ben can make both free throws, the point difference will be only 1 point.

Therefore, Ben attaches great importance to this free throw.

He took a deep breath, stared at the basket, and kept encouraging himself in his heart: "Aben, you can do it, Aben, you can do it!"

Then, Ben pushed the ball gently.

All Pistons fans were cheering. They felt that this Detroit hero would definitely be able to complete his mission.

The way Ben looked serious just now definitely didn’t sound like he was joking!

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the basketball. It was indeed a hollow ball.

It's just that it's hollow outside the basket!

"Huh? I missed the free throw!? Wait, this is still a no-nonsense thing!"

At that moment, the live camera also gave Daben a close-up.

The corner of Ben's mouth twitched. Damn it, why does this basketball game have free throws?

At this time, the live camera accidentally photographed Li Ang standing next to Da Ben.

Li Ang was seen shaking his head, as if to say: "It's over, it's useless."

Li Ang's expressions and movements that were accidentally photographed became a perfect mockery of Da Ben.

So, this brother’s performance is still stable.

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to invest.

Although Ben made the second free throw afterwards, it could no longer erase the humiliation of missing three free throws in the first.

Although I am the leading shooter, the other four players are in really good shape, so the two sides still cannot open up the score today.

Larry Brown is almost bored to death. The Pistons performed so well today. Logically speaking, it should be an easy victory.

But Li Ang managed to defeat one against five on the offensive end today.

Master Tang was right about Li Ang. After everyone opened his eyes to Li Ang today, Li Ang gave a series of impressive performances.

Prince was really unable to guard against him today. Once he got close to guarding, Li Ang would suddenly start.

As soon as Prince missed someone, one of Ben and Rashid would have to attack from a flank.

Faced with a flanking attack, Li Ang can always find Xiao Ao and Stoudemire who were left empty immediately.

After drinking Master Tang's chicken soup before the game, the mid-range shooting of these two guys was also very reliable today.

In the 2005 Finals, Duncan faced the unlimited attack of double Wallace and was very embarrassed.

Although Deng Shu was the final FMVP, his shooting percentage in that series was only 41.9%, barely above 40%.

For an insider, this kind of efficiency is already a turning point.

The reason is that Duncan does not have a reliable inside partner.

At that time, the Spurs' centers did not have strong shooting and scoring abilities.

Because of this, Double Wallace was able to double-team Duncan unscrupulously.

Later, the old thief Vic asked Horry and Duncan to partner more inside, which opened up space, and the Spurs finally killed the Pistons.

But Li Ang is different. His two inside partners, Xiao Ao and Stoudemire, can both score, and they both have mid-range shooting range.

So once double-teamed, O'Neill and Stoudemire can get easy scoring opportunities.

So, after half the game, the two sides were tied at 52-52.

Today's game was very exciting. The situation of not being able to score a goal for half a day changed from the previous situation where no one could guard anyone.

Ratings also continued to rise, leaving Stern grinning from ear to ear.

Sure enough, Li Ang has to be the one to make money!

Larry Brown is obviously not satisfied with this kind of defense. Although the Pistons' offense in the first half was very good, this old pervert is not satisfied yet.

For him, defense is far more important than offense.

No matter how many points he scores, he won't be satisfied if he can't guard others. Even if he wins the ball on offense, he will scold the players.

He can only feel comfortable if he can win by keeping his score extremely low.

So this guy is sick. You don’t care whether he wins by offense or defense.

As long as you can win, that's all you need.

It's like, you don't care whether some authors rely on words or sexy pictures, as long as they can make readers happy, is there any difference?

Larry Brown greeted Prince's family again in the locker room. He is really a considerate and good coach who always greets the players' families.

At the same time, Old Brown also changed his strategy. He told Prince not to press the defense. After pressing for a long time, you still don’t understand.

Billups also helped Larry Brown and scolded Prince: "That's right, look at how you were beaten in the first half. You were beaten worse than our coach's buttocks." Transparent!”

Well, Billups is just criticizing others this time. He felt that Prince performed well in the first half. After all, who could easily restrain Li Ang?

He is the regular season MVP!

Larry Brown's mouth twitched. He knew that he was not very popular in the team.

After all, the Pistons were originally a happy family, but then he suddenly stepped in and ruined everyone's family. It's no wonder he was so popular.

Therefore, after coaching the Pistons for this season, it was too late. Larry Brown did not dare to walk in the tunnel alone, for fear that someone would suddenly come out and put a sackcloth bag over his head and get beaten.

If it weren't for everyone's desire to win the championship, the Pistons locker room would have exploded.

Brown didn't want to ignite the locker room at this critical moment. He could only pretend not to understand what Billups said next to him, and continued to say to Prince: "Remember, in the second half, I don't want to miss sudden shots. I don't want to see the Suns do it again." Easy goal!"

Prince nodded. He also wanted to guard against Li Ang, but that man Gil was really too fast. No, he was really too fast.

If you let Li Ang go, the problem should be solved, right?

Then, as soon as the second half started, Prince's defense was broken again.

In the Suns' first offense in the second half, Li Ang used a three-threat pace to deal with Prince in the mid-range.

Prince followed Brown's request and let Leon go without clamping.

Seeing this situation, Li Ang made a pull-up jumper after completing the triple threat action and scored the ball steadily.

Although Prince relied on his advantage of arm length, he still interfered with Li Ang.

But now, this level of interference can no longer have any impact on Li Ang.

Prince was frustrated, but what he received was not encouragement from Larry Brown, but the old man's third family greeting.

"I'm sorry for you, you're on defense, you're on defense, why are you giving him so much space? That space is so big that he can even practice lateral parking!"

Prince:? ? ?


You old man must have schizophrenia!

Billups on the side couldn't stand listening anymore. He really wanted to go to the visiting team's locker room to ask Li Ang to borrow a wrench.

Really, if the Pistons fail to win the championship this season, Billups will call on his brothers to give Brown a beating.

He had the linen sack ready.

Li Ang: One more, I’m not very good at playing.

Fortunately, after the Pistons passed, Rasheed hit Stoudemire in the face with a straight-arm shot, and the Pistons did not continue to fall behind.

Now the two teams basically decide whoever misses first will be at a disadvantage.

The Suns attacked again, and Li Ang continued to catch the ball in the mid-range and hit Prince with a triple threat.

Prince listened to the coach and pressed forward again.

Li Ang looked at Prince, held the ball in both hands and took a step to the left, as if he was going to break through to the left.

Prince reacted immediately and moved his center of gravity with Li Ang.

But the next second, Li Ang broke through from the right holding the ball.

Li Ang's current triple threat is really threatening.

All this happened in the blink of an eye. Because of the speed, this simple triple threat was enough for Li Ang to break through Prince's entanglement.

Li Ang's startup speed gives people the feeling that the video is suddenly accelerating.

Only after his speed increased to 91 did Li Ang know what speed is justice.

In many things, what matters is speed.

In order to let readers see the pictures immediately, some people have developed the hand speed of posting pictures quickly.

This also changed the direction of motivating the reviewers and improved their speed in posting pictures and deleting them in seconds.

Here, it's all a showdown between speed and speed.

The same goes for basketball. The same movements, facing the same defender, whether fast or slow, will give completely different results.

Li Ang got past Prince in one go. Faced with Big Ben's defense, Li Ang chose to directly strengthen.

Because the speed is faster, this change also increases Li Ang's impact.

So in the air, Ben was knocked away by Li Ang, allowing Li Ang to complete a one-handed dunk!

After Li Ang landed, he looked up to the sky and screamed. I finally did a big job!

Ben looked at Li Ang celebrating crazily and felt very sad.

I consider you my brother, and you actually want to ride me!

Both Wallaces were dunked brutally, and Li Ang was completely crazy today.

The Pistons' defense is afraid of perverted breakthrough players like Li Ang.

Of course, it is definitely impossible for Li Ang to dunk every time.

But in such an anxious game, even just once, it is very deadly.

After Li Ang hit the dunk, Prince's mother was hung up again.

"I fucked you Male Gobi, didn't I tell you to let him go? You can't understand human language, so be careful!"

Larry Brown is like many women.

Many women have done nothing wrong except admitting that they married the wrong person.

As for Larry Brown, apart from feeling that Prince was at fault, he himself had nothing wrong with him.

Prince is going to have a schizophrenia, so should I let him go or not?

You can’t have both land and water, and although you may want both, you have to choose one!

Shooting or sudden attack, you can only choose to defend one.

Larry Brown is actually not sure now whether he should let Li Ang shoot or let Li Ang break through.

Anyway, we have to act like "it's all the players' fault."

Prince was almost autistic after being beaten by Li Ang. Usually he used his long arms to prevent others from being autistic, but this was the first time that someone used an attack to hit him.

Master Tang also really admires Li Ang. No matter how big a burden you give him, he can bear it.

Today, Li Ang truly faced the difficulties and put out the fire.

In the rest of the third quarter, Li Ang's scoring pace could not be contained at all.

No one has ever made the Pistons' defense so embarrassing.

Kobe watched the live broadcast of the game, clenching his fists.

He still remembers how much he struggled against the Pistons' defense in last season's Finals.

Li Ang, however, played with this kind of defense at his fingertips.

He is unwilling to give in. Why can Li Ang keep making progress? Why can he become stronger! ?

The Pistons' iron defense was about to be penetrated by Li Ang. Li Ang's scoring data continued to rise, and the Suns finally gained some advantage.

Larry Brown couldn't take it anymore. After a few minutes, Brown called a timeout.

He rearranged his defensive strategy and asked everyone to continue to flank Li Ang after he broke through.

In the first half, because of Li Ang's assists, Stoudemire and Xiao Ao scored a lot of points. Therefore, Brown asked everyone to defend one against the other resolutely.

But now, it has become almost impossible to contain Li Ang.

In this case, Larry Brown would rather let others on the Pistons shoot than let Leon continue to score.

Let other people shoot and they won't necessarily kill the game.

But if Li Ang continues to fight like this, Tianwang Mountain will be gone!

Therefore, whenever Li Ang breaks through after this, he will be double-teamed by at least two people.

The Pistons really gave Li Ang strength.

At the beginning, Li Ang should still pass the ball and never be greedy for credit, and his teammates' shooting percentages were also very high.

But in the fourth quarter, things started to go wrong.

Because the Pistons' pressing defense made everyone very tired, in the fourth quarter, Li Ang found that his teammates' shooting percentages began to become unstable.

The shooting percentage is not very low, but in this game where no one can guard anyone, if you miss several shots in a row, the advantage will disappear.

In the fifth minute of the fourth quarter, with Johnson hitting an open shot from the three-point line, the Pistons got a chance to counterattack.

Johnson's shot was too short and just missed the basket, almost missing.

It can be seen that Johnson was forced to vomit blood today by Hamilton again. He ran so hard that he no longer even had the strength to shoot.

The scary thing about Hamilton is that he not only makes you uncomfortable on the defensive end, but can also subtly affect your offense.

After Big Ben grabbed the rebound, he gave the ball to Billups.

Billups did not pursue speed blindly, but changed the rhythm and waited for Rasheed to get into position.

After Rasheed Wallace cut in, Billups used a precise ground pass to feed Rasheed the ball.

Rasheed went down for a layup, and Stoudemire was ready to jump up and catch up.

However, the experienced Rasheed Wallace feinted a shot under the basket, and after passing Stoudemire, he turned around and easily made a layup, tying the score!

At this moment, the Palace of Auburn Hills Stadium was filled with cheers and cheers.

In the last four minutes of the game, the Pistons caught up with the Suns again!

All the fans were cheering for Lyon's replacement, Rasheed Wallace, who led the Pistons in scoring today. Counting the shot just now, he has scored 23 points.

Rasheed was in excellent condition today, and his straight-arm shot made Stoudemire lose his temper.

Larry Brown also cheered on the sidelines, and Rasheed Wallace was one of the few players on the team to support him.

Moreover, as Li Ang's replacement, the better Rashid plays, the more he will embarrass Li Ang.

Master Tang saw that the momentum was not right and called to stop the game.

They have obviously suppressed the whole game, but if they can't suppress them in the last four minutes, it will be a waste.

But Mr. Tang doesn't have much tactical options now. There is actually no problem with the Suns' tactics in the fourth quarter. Li Ang's breakthrough can still force the Pistons to change their defensive formation, and the Suns do have open opportunities.

But what can others do if they can't vote for Master Tang?

Chicken soup is not a panacea.

There was no other way. Tomjanovich could only tell Li Ang during this timeout: "If you are confident about facing a double-team after the breakthrough, you can do it yourself!"

Translation The translation is: Fuck rationality, I don’t want you to play reasonably. If you play reasonably, why do I need a star? I tell you Yunlong, you have to do it even if you can’t do it, you have to win even if you can’t win!

Li Ang nodded. He was actually not modest just now. The main thing is that even people like Deng Shu can only shoot 41.9% when double-teamed by the Pistons.

If Li Ang easily took action under the Pistons' double-team, it would probably be even worse.

Li Ang must find a way to break the double-team and try to reduce the interference of others on him.

The timeout ended quickly and play resumed.

In this attack, Li Ang made a drift shot against the defense of Prince, Rashid and Big Ben, but no matter how strong the badge was, it could not save Li Ang under this extreme defense, and the basketball bounced out of the frame!

Li Ang also drifted in the air, causing his center of gravity to become unstable and he fell to the ground, just near the Pistons bench.

Larry Brown looked at Leon sitting on the ground and said arrogantly: "I told you, the Pistons are invincible without you. Compared with me, you are nothing!"

Li Ang didn't have the mind to pay attention to Brown now. After getting up, he immediately ran back to defend.

This time the Pistons attacked, Hamilton's movement was still active.

By this time, everyone was very tired and out of breath.

Only Hamilton is like a perpetual motion machine and doesn't know what fatigue is.

The Lakers' Jeanie Buss should have known that Hamilton was so talented and would have done anything to get the Lakers to select Hamilton during the draft.

Aunt Jenny likes this kind of capable little player the most.

Finally, Hamilton got rid of Johnson through an off-ball screen. Seeing this, Li Ang immediately stepped up to defend.

Li Ang knows the Pistons players very well. After Hamilton gets rid of his opponent, Billups will definitely pass the ball immediately.

Allowing Hamilton to make a mid-range shot is no different from giving away points.

Billups originally wanted to pass the ball to Hamilton, but after seeing Lyon cover up, he temporarily changed his mind and sent the ball to Rasheed Wallace, who was leaning on Stoudemire to get the ball.

After receiving the ball, Wallace turned over and made a straight-arm jump shot. O'Neal didn't even have a chance to help defend.

The basketball bounced off the rim twice, but eventually crashed into the net.

Rasheed Wallace scored his 25th point in a single game, helping the Pistons complete their first lead of the game!

"Rashid! His performance today was very good! As the person to replace Li Ang's vacancy, his performance should make Li Ang feel very embarrassed."

The on-site commentators all shook their heads. If Li Ang really loses this time, his reputation as a "system player" will be deducted.

After scoring the goal, Rashid roared at Li Ang. He felt that his revenge plan with Larry Brown was about to be completed!

Tianwangshan pushed Li Ang down, and in the sixth game he tried to make up for it, and Li Ang fell off the altar!

Leading for a whole game, they were overtaken in the last few minutes.

This situation is really difficult.

This is as disappointing as a group of firefighters going to put out a fire and just about to complete their task, but the fire suddenly becomes bigger again.

Li Ang has played so far today and has scored a double-double with 34 points and 12 assists. The statistics are very gorgeous.

This was originally going to be his night, but unexpectedly the situation took a turn for the worse.

Don't underestimate these 2 points. Two points at a critical moment are often enough to change the outcome of the entire game.

Li Ang was a little frustrated. The Pistons were really too strong. He had tried his best, and he finally penetrated the Pistons' defense.

As a result, the Pistons' offense became extremely inconsistent again. And, the defense is starting to pick up steam again.

Seeing Li Ang lower his head slightly, Tomjanovich shouted from the sidelines:

"The fire has come, and it is getting hotter and hotter, but it does not affect us! We fight in this fire, and we train in this fire!

what should we do? We put out the fire, we put it out! It's about to go out, just a little bit close. This is just its last struggle. Hold on! "

Li Ang, who was sweating profusely, glanced at Tomjanovich, who was blushing in shock, gritted his teeth, bent down and slapped the floor hard.

Fuck Larry Brown. Fuck Roarer.

There can only be one MVP at the Palace of Auburn Hills, and that's me!

No one can replace me!

"Brothers, cheer up, we haven't climbed to the top of the mountain yet!" After Li Ang cheered up, he also shouted to the others.

Larry Brown smiled disdainfully. That bastard Tomjanovich didn't really think he could win the game with just some encouragement, right?

If motivating players can win games, then why do coaches need to do it?

Forced into a desperate situation, Li Ang looked at the Pistons' steel-like defense, but he didn't show any nervousness.

Even if he bites with his teeth today, Li Ang will bite through this steel plate!

This time, after Li Ang broke through to the penalty area, Double Wallace quickly formed a steel defense line in the penalty area.

But Li Ang didn't intend to pass the ball, he had a plan, a plan to break the game.

The key to the success of this plan is to score first.

Li Ang was trapped in a double-team, but he was not helpless. He turned around to get past Ben, but just halfway through, Li Ang turned back to the opposite direction, preparing for a jump shot.

Both Rashid and Daben raised their center of gravity. They both knew the power of Li Ang turning back. Even if they interfere, they may not be able to prevent it 100%.

But when they all raised their focus to block, Li Ang turned around for the third time in a row! This time, Li Ang bypassed Rashid and Ben, got under Ben's arm, and easily picked up the basket.

Li Ang used his gorgeous low-post moves to make Double Wallace spin around!

"The ball went in, and Li Ang equalized the score again, leaving him alone to defend double Wallace in the low post! Gorgeous footsteps, gorgeous offense! Half man and half god, he never disappoints!"

The shouts of the on-site commentators completely enhanced the tense atmosphere of the game.

Under normal circumstances, once you are targeted by both Wallaces at the same time, it basically means that you only have one option: passing the ball. Their defense is invincible.

But Li Ang, under their joint defense, advanced in such a gorgeous way.

This is the meaning of MVP existence!

Mr. Tang had goosebumps all over his body. Liang's every move in the low post really looked like Olajuwon.

This guy can definitely do what Da Meng did ten years ago!

At 36 points, Li Ang's score is still rising.

This time, the Pistons attacked, and Rasheed, who was unconvinced, continued to lean on Stoudemire and raised his hand to ask for the ball.

Billups didn't hesitate and just lobbed the ball in.

However, Li Ang suddenly came out and destroyed Billups' ball in the air!

Billups was shocked. He passed the ball in a very high arc just because he was afraid that someone would intercept it midway.

As a result, Li Ang actually met him!

Of course, Li Ang is not Superman. Because the height of the ball was too high, Li Ang failed to grab the ball directly from the air. Instead, he slapped the basketball and knocked the ball off the track.

The basketball flew out of bounds. Li Ang was unable to save the ball because he was too far away. The Pistons players let out a big sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although the pass was broken, fortunately the ball was kept.

As a result, at this moment, Johnson, who was about to vomit from exhaustion, suddenly jumped out of bounds.

Don't you want to put out the fire? This move of mine is called flying a moth into the flame!

"Brother, catch it!"

In the air, Johnson yelled after getting the basketball.

Li Ang quickly opened his hands and prepared to catch the ball.

Thank you, brother!

In Li Ang's imagination, he would catch the basketball that Johnson sacrificed his life to save, then immediately counterattack, and then run back and drag Johnson up.

It highlights a Bibo burning.

Then, after Johnson shouted, Li Ang only heard a "bang".

The basketball was not passed over, but the mask flew off and fell into his hand.

Li Ang looked at the mask in his hand, and then at Johnson who fell into the crowd.

Aren't you playing basketball and bringing explosive equipment?

What’s up with this mask! ?

Only then did Li Ang realize that Hamilton was squatting on the ground, covering his face, and he was not wearing a mask.

Li Ang looked up at the big screen again. It turned out that Johnson had just shouted "Brother, catch it" and retrieved the ball. The ball hit Hamilton's face directly, and his mask flew off.

How much hatred is this? They just pissed you off, can you deserve it?

Johnson actually didn't want to. He originally wanted to save the ball directly back to Leon's hands. The atmosphere was already heated, but Nima Hamilton suddenly appeared.

Aren’t you ruining the atmosphere?

Hamilton covered his face, tears streaming down his face.

I didn’t expect that I would get hurt even though I was wearing a mask!

Li Ang also returned the exposed equipment to Hamilton. I, Li Ang, generally would not take advantage of my brothers. I am not that kind of person.

Then, Li Ang pulled Johnson up again.

Although I experienced some ups and downs,...

Because Hamilton hit the ball with his face, the ball still belongs to the Suns. Li Ang successfully defended the ball!

"Well done, Mori-chan."

"Come on, Li, let's put out the fire together!"

Li Ang nodded, then leaned into Johnson's ear and said something,

Next, it’s time to implement the second step of the plan to break the situation!

Because the score was re-tied, the Pistons' defense was tighter than before.

It will undoubtedly be very difficult for Li Ang to score like he just did.

After Li Ang walked outside the three-point line, he paused.

Prince immediately pressed forward, and Li Ang could feel the hot breath coming out of the kid's nose, and could clearly see drops of sweat dripping down his chin and onto the floor.

Everything is spent. Both sides have spent everything today.

The Battle of Tianwangshan is often the bloodiest.

But no matter how bloody it is, there must be a winner.

Li Ang glanced at Johnson, then broke through to Prince's right side.

Upon seeing this, Hamilton immediately attacked from a double flank, and Li Ang also jumped up, seemingly trying to make a drift shot without the interference of Prince and Hamilton.

Some Pistons fans closed their eyes. They are all too aware of how strong Li Ang's scoring ability is at critical moments.

Prince and Hamilton both tried their best to block the ball, but in the air, Li Ang did not shoot, but passed the ball to Johnson who was ambushing in the bottom corner!

The first step of the plan is for Li Ang to continue scoring and attract more double-teams.

In the second step of the plan, Li Ang wants his teammates to regain their scoring threat.

Johnson caught the basketball and shot it directly.

But the moment the shot was released, Johnson secretly cursed: "Fuck!"

His shot didn't feel right!

Even though he had just made a fierce dive to save the ball, he also blew up a piece of equipment.

But Johnson was actually exhausted, and his almost exhausted energy swallowed up his originally soft touch.

Seeing that Johnson's shooting movement was not as smooth as usual, Li Ang probably guessed the result, so he immediately rushed to the basket and prepared to take the rebound away from the head of Double Wallace.

Sure enough, Johnson's shot missed the frame. But because it was a three-pointer, it was a long rebound, and neither Wallace could control the rebound immediately.

Daben took a step back, then jumped up on the spot.

There is not much time left in the game. He knows that as long as he can firmly hold the rebound and help the team complete the counterattack, the balance of victory will completely tilt towards the Pistons.

I'm sorry, junior brother!

Big Ben was about to touch the backboard, but when his hand was only a few centimeters away from the basketball, a pair of big hands stretched out from behind Big Ben and took the backboard away in advance.

It's Li Ang!

Because Li Ang is punching the board and Ben is jumping from the same spot, Li Ang is a bit taller than Ben.

"Lee, he grabbed the offensive rebound from Double Wallace. This is his 10th rebound of the game. Can he still score under the double team of Double Wallace!?"

Mike Breen, who was commentating on the game at the scene, was so excited that he stood up. The battle between the two sides at the last moment was full of twists and turns.

After Li Ang grabbed the rebound and landed, he was immediately caught by the Pistons' iron barrel array.

In this situation where there are men on both sides, Li Ang has difficulty even trying to protect the basketball, let alone scoring.

In the gap between the people, Li Ang saw little O'Neal who had been let go.

O'Neal Jr. missed a shot at a critical moment in the last game, which indirectly caused the team to lose the game.

This season, O'Neal's performance at critical moments is hard to describe.


Li Ang resolutely passed the ball to Xiao Ao. He trusted his brother who was fighting alongside him!

When O'Neal Jr. caught the basketball, Big Ben pounced on O'Neal almost at the same time.

Ben Wallace, this defensive monster who is always staring at you, makes O'Neal miserable.

Seeing Big Ben running towards him, O'Neal was very nervous. But at this moment, for some reason, he remembered that sentence.

"What should we do? Run away. No, let's put out the fire!"

Ben Wallace was like an approaching fire, and this time, O'Neal didn't want to run away anymore.

He firmly raised the basketball and prepared to shoot, and the whole movement was smooth and smooth.

Big Ben jumped up when he saw this situation. He was sure that O'Neal would take action.

As long as this soft-footed shrimp strikes iron, everything will be fine

Before Da Ben finished speaking, his throat seemed to be stuck.

Because at this time, O'Neal Jr. took back the basketball and passed by Big Ben who jumped up.

O'Neal calmly made a fake shot and deceived Big Ben!

After swinging away, O'Neal took a big step to the basket and dunked with one hand.

The Suns regain the lead!

"Good shot, Jermaine O'Neal! He didn't make the same mistake again. He helped the team get a key lead! Great Phoenix Suns, great players! Once again, they broke the dream of defending the championship!"

After O'Neal scored, he smiled at Li Ang.

"I won't lose again today."

"Let's take the match point home together!" Li Ang responded.

The Suns took the lead and scared Larry Brown to stop the game.

Li Ang just passed the ball to his teammates twice in a row, which made Larry Brown a little concerned.

Of course, he won't let everyone withdraw from the double team just because of a dunk.

He just told everyone that as long as Li Ang made a pass, they would immediately go to cover up the defense.

After returning from the timeout, the Pistons' offense stalled.

The Pistons just lost the ball because of Li Ang's steal, so now Billups doesn't dare to pass the ball to Rasheed easily.

There is no other way, Billups can only call the screen to break through Nash.

Stoudemire immediately switched defenses in front of Nash, and Billups hit the ground and gave the ball to Rasheed, allowing him to misplace Nash in singles.

After receiving the basketball, Rashid was about to raise the ball to shoot, but Nash quickly stopped everything.

"It fell, it was a mistake! Rasheed Wallace failed to hold the ball at the critical moment. This is his second consecutive mistake!"

The moment Nash got the ball, he immediately passed the ball to Li Ang.

Li Ang rushed forward after receiving the ball, and the Suns' counterattack went very quickly.

Big Ben and Prince hurried back to defend, they must prevent this ball.

Li Ang quickly broke into the Pistons' half. Facing Ben and Prince who blocked him one after another, Li Ang glanced at O'Neal Jr. on the side.

Then, pass the ball.

Seeing this, Ben ran towards O'Neal like a reflex.

O'Neal Jr. just scored a goal, and Ben didn't dare to let him go anymore.

But it was only after Daben moved that he discovered that he had been fooled.

The ball didn't fly to O'Neal at all.

Li Ang just made a fake pass!

"Lee, he used a fake pass to get rid of Ben Wallace, and the basket was free. Li Ang dunked with one hand, Bang!"

Li Ang dunked and scored his 38th point of the game. Moreover, it also opened the point difference to 4 points!

The third step of the plan is to take advantage of the opponent's fear of his teammates, break in with a fake pass, and seal the throat with a sword!

"Damn!" Da Ben was very upset. How could he be deceived?

That guy Li Ang acted so realistically!

After Li Ang scored, Larry Brown, who was standing on the sidelines with his hands spread out, shook his head: "You can't do it without me. Don't you believe we can try?"

Brown was so angry that there was only one minute left in the game. The Pistons had to pull 4 points to ensure not to lose, and the situation became increasingly difficult.

After the Pistons attacked again, Billups was ready to turn on his big heart mode.

But this time, his emergency mid-range shot after breaking through Nash was knocked out by Li Ang's defensive interference!

Today, not even the Pistons' Mr. Big shot can save them!

O'Neal Jr. struggled to get the rebound and then gave the ball to Li Ang.

Li Ang looked at the time and was not in a hurry. Instead, he motioned for everyone to slow down.

There are more than 50 seconds left in the game. The Pistons will definitely not foul, but want to defend one as much as possible.

In other words, if this goal is scored, it will be Li Ang's last blow to the Pistons!

Li Ang stopped outside the three-point line and dribbled the ball on the spot.

The entire Palace of Auburn Hills Stadium was shrouded in fear, and the fans here knew Li Ang's style too well.

With 10 seconds left in the 24-second attack time, Li Ang called Stoudemire to cover.

Everyone was prepared, but Li Ang did not break through directly after hanging up the screen, but retreated to the three-point line.

But at this time, Rashid had been forced to switch defense in front of Li Ang.

Li Ang is picking on Rashid to fight!

In the final blow, he wants to prove to the world that no one can replace him.

"Bastard!" Rasheed cursed secretly in his heart and was ready to fight. He knew that Li Ang did it on purpose.

Larry Brown also clenched his fists. If Rasheed fell, he also fell!

Li Ang looked at Rasheed with a relaxed expression on his face.

To be honest, with Rashid’s mobility

Wouldn't it be easy to train him in the military?

Li Ang changed direction and penetrated inside, directly surpassing Rashid by half a body.

But as soon as Rashid turned around and prepared to pursue him, Li Ang pulled his crotch back and stepped back. Rashid braked quickly and was almost knocked down.

Li Ang pulled back and made a shot. Rashid jumped up to interfere, but Li Ang just made a prayer gesture.

After deceiving Rashid, Li Ang accelerated again and passed by Rashid in a flash.

After landing, Tianzun prepared to turn around and chase after him, but because he was teased continuously in a short period of time, his center of gravity was unstable, his feet were not firmly planted, and he fell directly to the ground.

At this time, Director Zhang was so excited that he slammed the table: "Hahahaha, Li Ang, play with him!"

After knocking Tianzun down, Li Ang stopped and hit a jump shot before Ben could come back. In the last 30 seconds, Li Ang opened the point difference to 6 points.

Almost drove the Pistons to hell!

The moment the ball went in, Li Ang turned around and looked at Rashid, deliberately imitating him and making a slip.

Rashid hammered the floor angrily. Who could stand this?

After being ridden on the crotch by Li Ang, Rashid was humiliated by Li Ang again.

At the same time, a rapid whistle sounded, and Larry Brown used up his last timeout.

Being 6 points behind almost made him collapse.

He once saw hope of winning, but Li Ang defeated his most trusted player and destroyed his last hope.

The little old man was very anxious at this time, jumping up and down and yelling, very rude.

Seeing this, Li Ang jogged all the way to the Pistons bench. Under Larry Brown's angry eyes, he stretched out his hand to straighten his tie:

"Don't be angry. After all, this is just my normal operation. And I have said before that you can't do it without me. Don't think that just finding someone who has been riding on my crotch can replace me. No matter he comes here, he still has to kneel down for me. Okay, promise me, we will lose decently."

After adjusting his tie, he patted Larry Brown on the shoulder. Then, in front of Brown, Li Ang raised his arms high and pointed to the pennant hanging on the top of the Palace of Auburn Hills Stadium.

What a bullshit Mi Li family coach, in this league, only the MVP is irreplaceable!

The live footage just captured the scene of Leon pretending to be in front of Larry Brown. This wave is undoubtedly a shrimp and a pig's heart to Brown.

Brown was so angry that his hands were shaking and his head was dizzy, and he fell directly to the bench.

Tomjanovich excitedly rushed forward, hugged Li Ang, and shouted loudly: "What did I say? We are in the middle of the fire!"

"And we, we put out the fire!"

Thanks to Fanta 330 and Hanhan who loves Hanhan for the tip, thank you all! Today, I will give you an update of 10,000 words in one step. I am a diligent and cooperative person. I am begging for my monthly ticket online~

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