Add One, I Don’t Know How To Fight

Chapter 339 338: The wonderful use of drift shooting (please vote for me!)

40-point triple-double in the Finals, second in history and first since 1969.

Some unscrupulous fans saw it as "Leon is the number one player in NBA 69", so this news is even more exciting!

Facts have proved that Stern did not suspend Li Ang and let him play the finals happily, which was worthwhile.

Without Li Ang, where would this heat come from?

Without popularity, how could Stern take advantage of the public?

Apart from anything else, Li Ang's jerseys are sold out.

The video of Leon helping Larry Brown straighten his bow tie also has a frighteningly high number of views.

If you just insert some ads on the website of this video, the money will come in huge amounts.

I should say it or not, but this decadent capitalism is bad. If you look at the NBA, you can make money so much that you lose face.

Or is it our big CBA conscience to make money? Laughing to death, it doesn’t exist.

You can't make any money at all.

Not only do they not make any money, but they also pay extremely high wages to the players, so they are all worshiped as bodhisattvas.

In this way, our players can sit back and make money in the CBA without having to work hard at all.

European League? Laughing to death, the European league can indeed improve the level, but can CBA make money?

If you don't make money, who will work outside?

Isn't it good to just lie around and make money? As for losing in international competitions, the ones who take the blame will always be the ones who work the hardest, and everyone else will do whatever they should do.

With a 40-point triple-double in the finals, Li Ang put himself on the altar.

In this year's playoffs, Li Ang demonstrated the entire process of becoming a superstar for players across the league. At the end of this season, Li Ang will be able to publish a book called "How to Become a Super Giant".

The point is that typing.

In the first round, Li Ang scored 54 points against Angua.

In the second round, he scored 7 three-pointers in a single game, breaking career records and season records.

In the third round of the game, he scored 52 points in a single game + a drifting three-pointer to win.

Then comes the fourth round, the second 40-point triple-double in history in the finals, so brave and invincible.

In this year's playoffs, Li Ang is really taking one step at a time to become bigger and stronger and create greater glory.

From being questioned in the MVP rankings at the beginning, he has now become the most valuable player convinced by everyone.

Li Ang really improved his position round by round.

Now who wants to say that Li Ang is not a super giant but just a system player will probably be treated as a pair of silver bracelets.

Because he made others laugh to death, it was also intentional homicide.

Now Li Ang is definitely worthy of the title of superstar!

Stern looked at Li Ang's results and was very happy, but also a little worried.

Li Ang's strength saved the sluggish ratings at the beginning of this year's playoffs. This wonderful finals made the league a lot of money.

However, Li Ang is too powerful, which is also an obstacle to the future development of the alliance.

Stern is known to be very particular about balance. In his ideal league, all teams should be of similar strength.

This makes the game exciting.

Otherwise, he would clock out after three quarters, and who would watch the game?

But Li Ang has obviously evolved in the playoffs. Looking at it now, when the Lakers' OK combination falls apart next season, there will be too few teams in the league that can compete with the Suns and Li Ang.

The Li Ang family is the only one, which is not what Stern wants to see.

On the one hand, Stern benefited from Leon's strength. On the other hand, Stern is worried about Leon's strength.

This kind of ambivalence is actually normal, and every man has a little bit of it.

For example, many people hope that their wife will be charming and give you a sense of freshness every day, but you are afraid that she will be too charming and flirt with others.

So, I think about it but don’t want it at the same time.

The same goes for Stern, who wants Li Ang to be strong but doesn't want Li Ang to be too strong.

So, he made up his mind.

Next season, he will make a big update to the current version!

Modify the rules to encourage outside players to dominate the game with gorgeous offense.

In this way, there will no longer be things like Li Ang's zero shutout against Ray Allen at critical moments, or even guarding Kobe Bryant at critical moments.

In this way, it will not affect Li Ang's own offense and allow Li Ang to continue to be strong.

But it can also limit Li Ang's defensive power and make Li Ang less powerful.

After this wave is completed, a balanced effect will definitely be achieved!

Stern felt that he was simply a genius!

Li Ang doesn't know Stern's thoughts yet, otherwise he would probably sigh: "Is there such a good thing?"

No one really thinks this is punishment, right?

When Stern was thinking about how to cut Lyon, the series between the Pistons and the Suns had already returned to Arizona.

Before the game started, Larry Brown screamed hysterically in the locker room, telling the players that they must not lose.

On the other side, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Master Tang decided to let O'Neal Jr. defend Rasheed today and use Stoudemire to defend Big Ben.

Although Rashid played in five games, his performance can only be said to be average. But his big outburst in the last game still made Master Tang a little wary.

What if? What if he can really break out two games in a row?

Some men can come twice in a row.

Therefore, the master decided to let Xiao Ao, who has stronger defensive ability, deal with Tianzun.

Other than that, there are no other adjustments. Today's strategy is still to give the damn ball to Li Ang.

Before today's game started, several workers moved several boxes into the Suns' locker room.

Everyone was surprised at first, but when they opened the box, they found that it was filled with champagne!

Everyone was excited by the atmosphere of winning the championship. Li Ang almost cried when he looked at the countless boxes of champagne.

Thinking about that year, well, it was actually last year.

The Pistons prepared three bottles of champagne!

Now, life is really getting better.

O'Neal Jr. was surprised and asked Li Ang: "When you won the championship last year, did you have so much champagne?"

Li Ang could only smile awkwardly: "Uh, almost!"

The new boss of Taiyang has one principle - dipping the steamed buns in sauce for dinner, and having a massage downstairs afterward, save money and spend money!

Although he doesn't like to spend too much money on role players, he is still willing to spend money on stars and champagne.

After all, this is the first time in the history of the Suns team that we have won the championship. It’s too shabby and shouldn’t it be a joke to others?

Moreover, these things are also a way to retain stars.

It can also be regarded as an investment in stars.

Li Ang looked at the hundreds of bottles of expensive champagne and clapped his hands vigorously: "Brothers, tonight it depends on whether we go to the shower room to take a bath alone or a bunch of people take a bath together! Be brave and win the championship. Stay in Phoenix!”

"Stay in Phoenix!"

The Suns' morale is high. It's match point and it's home court. No team will flinch when faced with this situation.

Well, except Rivers’ team.

After Tianwangshan Green Kai won the 2010 Finals, they actually lost to the Lakers by more than 20 points in G6 with match point in hand.

As expected of Rivers' team, you will never be able to guess the ending, and it will keep you awake all night as you go through reversals and reversals.

But in terms of reversal, Li Ang felt that Master Tang would definitely not be able to reach Lao Li's level.

No matter what happens today, we have to win the game!

The Pistons were not distraught because Tianwangshan lost.

This iron-blooded piston is quite tough. This group of people who have experienced setbacks are not afraid of this difficulty at all.

Therefore, the Pistons still played well today and were not as helpless as people thought.

But again, with Li Ang as the core and Li Ang's breakthrough-based tactics, the Pistons cannot restrict it.

No matter who they sent, Rashid or the little prince, there was nothing they could do.

As a team that relies on defense for a living, what a waste if the defense is gone.

At the end of the first quarter, the Suns, which had been completely suppressed on the field, led by 5 points.

Although the lead is not much, Master Tang is still very confident.

Because we didn't lead much in the first quarter, it was because Ben actually got into a fight at that point.

When O'Neal and Rasheed were flying around the perimeter, there were only Stoudemire and Ben in the penalty area.

This led to a problem, the offensive rebound was blown up by Ben.

Big Ben is a man who can average 4 offensive rebounds per game with historical insiders like O'Neal and Duncan.

As for Stoudemire, even at his peak, his rebounding can only be said to be average, far from being strong.

Stoudemire can indeed jump, but rebounding is not something that can only be done by jumping.

Fat hips and iron elbows, you must have at least the same thing, right?

If Li Ang hadn't had both a big butt and an iron elbow, he wouldn't have been able to lead two consecutive rebounds just by being able to jump.

What's more, Stoudemire's current body is not as strong as he was in his prime, and he is at a huge disadvantage when competing for position with Ben.

Big Ben can often get stuck in position and grab rebounds with just a flick of his elbow.

After grabbing the rebound, Stoudemire was completely unable to hold up my tall and mighty brother.

Then, I scored 6 points in a single quarter. All 6 points were scored by relying on the second attack.

One of them resulted in a foul, but everyone knows about my free throws, and it doesn't make much difference whether he takes a free throw or not.

After Li Ang looked at the data, he felt incredible.

Damn this. A guy who can score 1 point in two consecutive games, why the hell did you let him score 6 points in a single quarter?

It’s not easy for you to defend yourself!

So during the break, Master Tang waved his hand at Stoudemire: "Forget it, for a talent like you, you should just guard Rashid."

The moment when Ben used offense to change the opponent's tactics for the first time finally appeared!

After such an adjustment, sure enough, the Pistons were losing ground at the beginning of the second quarter.

Rashid originally thought that Stoudemire was easy to bully, but after losing his magical state, he could no longer defeat Stoudemire as easily as he did in the last game.

Let’s just say that in this basketball game, everyone has a good time.

Therefore, when we evaluate whether a player is strong or not, we usually look at the average data per game and actual performance.

If we just look at it as a debate, wouldn't it be that Li Ang's 40-point triple-double in the last Finals was already overwhelming Jordan's.

And Rasheed's true strength is not enough for him to completely destroy the Suns' fourth position.

Today's wave, rounded down, Rashid's offense is not as good as his own!

What the Pistons really rely on offensively are the two guards Billups and Hamilton.

They worked hard and performed well today, but the Suns, with their high morale, were even better.

Everyone performed very well. Li Ang broke through, scored, and assisted, giving him the feeling of a triple-double.

Just like that, when the game reached the last three minutes of the fourth quarter, with Johnson hitting a long shot from beyond the three-point line, the Suns officially led the Pistons by 10 points!

At this time, Li Ang firmly believed that this game would definitely be won.

So, it’s time to move on to the next step!

This time on defense, Billups also wanted to draw a foul through breakthrough, but little did he know that O'Neal had already figured out his routine.

No matter how stupid a person is, he should be wise after being jumped by an immortal two or three times, right?

O'Neal saw the right moment, jumped up and waved, and then gave Billups a big risk.

It's okay to be a big risk, just not a cuckold.

Li Ang just caught the flying basketball, which was an opportunity to counterattack.

Li Ang quickly ran up with the ball. Although they were 10 points behind at the last moment, the Pistons' iron defense was still full of discipline and they still did not mess up.

Ben immediately returned to the basket, Rasheed waited for an opportunity to help defend, and Larry Brown was still crossing the sidelines with his arms crossed.

Li Ang glanced at Larry Brown's position, and then continued to attack.

Facing Prince's marking, Li Ang suddenly accelerated to the right, making Ben nervous.

You're also nervous when you have a brother who likes to ride you.

However, Li Ang did not choose to take one step to the stomach this time. Instead, he suddenly jumped up and made a drift shot!

Prince was shocked and immediately reached out to interfere.

But this hasty interference is not worth mentioning in front of the purple drift shooting badge.

The basketball went hollow into the net, and Li Ang also fell back to the ground.

Because it was a drift shot, Li Ang did not stand directly after landing, but staggered back a few steps.

Larry Brown thought it was nothing at first. It is normal for him to lose his balance after drifting the shot.

But as he looked at it, Larry Brown felt something was wrong.

Why do you feel that Li Ang is coming in my direction?

Li Ang: How is that possible? Don’t slander me. Please, please remove "like".

At first, Li Ang deliberately leaned towards Larry Brown, but his feet really slipped while walking.

Under conditioned reflex, Li Ang waved his arms to maintain balance, but in the end, he seemed to hit something hard.

"Boom!" Larry Brown was hit hard on the head before he could realize what was happening.

Leon and Larry Brown both fell to the ground.

Li Ang quickly got up and prepared to participate in the defense.

Larry Brown was lying on the ground, unresponsive for a long time.

The Pistons assistant coach swallowed and poked Brown with a mineral water bottle: "Hey, you're not dead, are you?"

Just now, when Li Ang stumbled back, he accidentally hit Larry Brown directly in the face with his elbow.

It was really accidental.

It's just that the results are almost the same.

Drift shots can not only be used to score points, but can also be used to handle other things.

Seeing that Larry Brown couldn't get up for a long time, the referee had to temporarily stop the game.

With the help of everyone, Larry Brown stood up crookedly, and the live camera immediately gave Brown a close-up.

At this time, a terrifying scene appeared.

People discovered that there was a pit on Larry Brown’s face!

His head was deformed after being beaten by Li Ang!

Li Ang was also stunned for a moment. It's not that I really didn't want to punch him in the face.

In all conscience, I originally just wanted him to try tofu pudding!

Alas, plans can never keep up with changes.

Larry Brown, who had a hole in his face, was helped off the court. The Pistons were already 12 points behind.

Li Ang's shot just now killed two birds with one stone.

Leon watched Larry Brown leave in pain and shrugged.

Winning the championship like this is called winning the championship~

However, I still hope you can persevere and don't die too early.

Because next, there are the Olympic Games!

In the Olympics, we have to fight Brown and other coughs.

After sending Brown away, Li Ang returned to focusing on the game.

Next, it's your turn, brothers.

I, Li Ang, have decided on the championship today.

Today, a bunch of people have to take a shower together, and Jesus can’t stop them!

Stern shook his head and picked up the championship trophy backstage.

Forget it, if the coach is injured, just be injured. Stern feels that he is tired.

Speaking of which, I have to give Li Ang another award.

In this year's playoffs, first the MVP, then the Western Conference champion, and then the championship.

Stern and Leon didn't know how many times they had met.

I wonder if we can have a new face next year.

Today’s 10,000-word update is here, and I’m asking for votes online~

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