Add One, I Don’t Know How To Fight

Chapter 405 404: The Ultimate Battle (please vote for me!)

At the end of the game, the Suns team tried their best and almost used up all their bullets, finally winning the battle at Tianwang Mountain.

Although the Suns won the game, no Suns players were celebrating on the court.

All the Suns players were putting their hands on their knees and gasping for air.

The series has been played for five games so far.

There was no game in which both sides scored in triple digits. There was no game where the two teams could end the game early.

Every time, fight to the last moment.

The intensity of the competition is obvious.

Originally, before entering the finals, the two teams had already experienced a long regular season and three rounds of series.

Now is the time when players on both sides are most tired.

But precisely when they are most tired, they have to experience the most difficult games.

This is probably the grinding part of the finals.

Yao Ming even sat down on the ground in front of so many fans, grinning and gasping for air.

Although Yao Ming has not completely gained weight in this history, it does not mean that Yao Ming's physical fitness is impeccable.

Except for the first game, Yao Ming has been double-teamed in four consecutive games.

This is an intensity of competition that Yao Ming has never experienced.

Although the competition in the international arena is fierce, the competition schedule is more intensive.

However, international competition schedules are generally dense and short, that is, short and concise.

For example, in the Olympic Games, from the beginning to the championship, no more than ten games were played.

The NBA is different. Not to mention the regular season, you have to play at least four games in a playoff series. And if you want to win the championship, you have to win all four rounds.

What's more, Yao Ming has never been double-teamed like this, whether in international competition or regular season.

In the international arena, who does Yao Ming have with him?

It's Li Ang!

With Li Ang here, which team dares to double-team Yao Ming all the time?

In the previous regular season and playoffs, because of Milicic's presence, Yao Ming's double-teaming was not particularly tight.

Who knew that the Suns were resolutely double-teaming Yao Ming in this series, which undoubtedly greatly accelerated his consumption.

Milicic looked up at the score and cursed secretly.

He clearly made the shot in the last 40 seconds.

He has obviously helped the team overtake the score.

But that drooling monster with long flowing hair.

"Fuck!" Milicic punched the soft cushion of the basketball stand unwillingly.

He was very unwilling to lose the battle of Tianwangshan by just one point, and no one would be willing to do it in his place.

Carter also put his hands on his knees, sweat dripping heavily on the floor.

If the game time had been ten seconds longer, the result might have been different.

Losing by only 1 point is actually more hurtful than losing by 10 points.

Losing 10 points means you can't even enter the goddess's house, so naturally you won't have any unnecessary fantasies about other things.

But losing 1 point is equivalent to both you and the goddess lying down, but because you forgot to bring sports protective equipment, the goddess will not give you anything.

Although the results were all unsuccessful, the degree of unwillingness was completely different.

"Don't worry, there are still games six and seven!"

At this time, Yao Ming, who was sitting on the ground, hammered the floor and shouted.

Everyone looked at the Chinese giant who was lying on the ground tiredly. There was still a band-aid on the corners of his eyebrows.

Yao Ming can now be said to be the spiritual pillar of the Bulls. Although every game is difficult, Yao Ming always inspires everyone on the court.

Seeing this, Artest walked to Yao Ming and stretched out his hand: "That's right, it's just a 1 point loss. The Suns are just lucky! In the next game, we have to torture them? Besides, I haven't yet Let Li Ang get 50 points!"

Yao Ming raised his head and glanced at Artest, who was smiling playfully. This guy still looked careless and stupid.

But is he really stupid? Maybe he was also very unwilling and disappointed.

But he won't show this.

Before losing completely, Artest will always face the game with optimism.

Even if it was to comfort himself, Artest still didn't want to admit defeat so quickly.

Yao Ming grabbed Artest's hands. For a moment, Yao Ming suddenly felt that Artest was actually quite reliable.

"Hold on, Brother Yao, one, two, oh my!"

Instead of pulling Yao Ming up, Artest slipped and fell into Yao Ming's arms.

The corner of Yao Ming's mouth twitched. He couldn't believe that he actually felt that Artest was reliable for a moment just now!

On the other side, Li Ang, who had regained his breath, walked to Nash and rubbed Nash's sweaty long hair.

Nowadays, I really can’t care about anything clean and hygienic. As the saying goes, if you don’t eat it cleanly, you won’t get sick.

It may be easy to get caught if you go out for a high-end meal occasionally.

Nash's last three-pointer was really a life-saving three-pointer.

When Li Ang was double-teamed, he was actually very confused. He didn't know whether he should stand up to two people or give the ball to his teammates.

In the end, he chose the latter and trusted his teammates.

And Nash lived up to his trust.

The moment he saw Nash shoot, Li Ang was really nervous, even more nervous than when he shot the buzzer-beater.

Because he made the decisive kill, his fate was in his own hands, and he knew it more or less.

But when you watch others make the final kill, your fate is not in your own hands. The feeling of powerlessness of having your fate at the mercy of others will breed fear.

This is the same as driving. The co-pilot may be more nervous than the main driver. To put it bluntly, the steering wheel is not in his hands and he has no idea.

So everyone should drive more often by themselves, don’t wait for others to post dirty pictures, and don’t wait for others to control your destiny!

Nash himself was in shock. That shot was really stressful.

If that kind of ball was thrown by someone with poor mental quality like Xiao Ou, he would probably be able to throw it to the third row of the auditorium.

Fortunately, everyone persisted until the end.

3 to 2, the next game will be at home.

The Suns' two consecutive championships and Li Ang's personal three consecutive championships may become a reality in the next game.

Li Ang glanced at the Bulls players opposite. Although they were also very tired, their eyes were still bright.

The Bulls' desire to win the next game is actually higher than that of the Suns.

To be precise, the bull is not called the desire to win, but the desire to survive.

Because if they lose the next game, they will pack up and get out.

Li Ang doesn't want to think about what the next game will be like. The Bulls may not be more terrifying than the 40-year-old baby.

Early the next morning, the entire Suns team boarded the plane home to prepare for the sixth game at home.

The Bulls will stay in Chicago, wait until training is over before setting off, and rest directly when they arrive in Phoenix.

Yao Ming dragged his tired body and arrived at the training hall ten minutes early as usual.

But as soon as he arrived, he found Milicic's locker open.

After changing clothes, Yao Ming walked to the training ground and found that basketballs were scattered all over the floor, and Milicic was practicing shooting in the other half.

"Darko, when did you come?" Yao Ming saw that Milisi's training vest was soaked, and he estimated that he had arrived a long time ago.

"Two hours ago!" Milicic replied breathlessly.

"Take a rest and save your energy for the game the day after tomorrow."

"I have a lot of energy, don't worry!"

After that, Milicic picked up the basketball and continued shooting.

Milicic knew very well why the Suns dared to double-team Yao Ming so unscrupulously. It was because his shooting was not stable enough, and it was because his shooting could not kill the game.

Although in G3 of the series, Milicic just scored a career playoff high of 24 points.

But he felt it wasn't enough.

If he could be more accurate and stable, it might be the Bulls who get the match point now.

Yao Ming looked at Milicic shooting wildly and smiled happily.

This guy often makes Yao Ming forget that he is only a 19-year-old kid.

Milicic won't turn 20 for another week.

Playing in the playoffs at the age of 19 and scoring 24 points in a single game is already an amazing achievement.

At the same age, the only one who performs better than Milicic in the playoffs is Anthony.

Anthony was also 19 years old when he played in the playoffs last year. He scored 54 points.

Yao Ming couldn't help feeling that although some people are 19 years old, they look very mature.

And some Tai, even though they are in their twenties, look like they are eight years old.

Comparing people to each other is so irritating.

G6, which will determine the championship, is approaching, and the public opinion outside is also very lively.

Some people are complaining that this year's finals are too boring, but some people think that this kind of game full of fierce confrontation is the most exciting.

Although the ratings of the previous games have been declining, Stern still feels that the ratings of G6 of the series are expected to rebound.

Because everyone is very likely to see the birth of the first person to win the championship for three consecutive years after Jordan.

As G6 is approaching, a topic that has been discussed by fans for a long time has become hot again - does an individual's three consecutive championships count as a dynasty?

Does winning three consecutive championships without the same team count as a dynasty?

Most Ugly fans definitely say it doesn’t count. The reason is very simple. It actually has nothing to do with whether the same team wins three consecutive championships. Simply because Li Ang is Chinese.

They don't want to admit that a Chinese can build a dynasty in the NBA.

If you want to change an ugly player to win three consecutive championships as the core of different teams, then there is absolutely no objection to the dynasty.

Not only is there no controversy in the dynasty, it can even sit back and watch.

But Li Ang is used to it, Mi Li's family is an internationally renowned brand with double standards.

He almost exterminated the Indians, and he went around accusing others of not respecting human rights.


In order to discuss whether Li Ang is considered a dynasty, reporters also interviewed Popovich and asked his opinion.

"Of course it doesn't count, because basketball is a sport for five people, and only three consecutive championships can be counted if you are on one team!

If an individual's three consecutive championships is considered a dynasty, then why don't the stars only sign one-year contracts every year?

This way they can join a team that can win the championship at any time every summer if they need to. In this way, wouldn't it be possible to continue to win consecutive championships?

But do you think this can be considered a dynasty?

Li Ang just happened to transfer from the Pistons to the Suns, and the Suns happened to be a championship contending team, so he could just catch up with the possibility of three consecutive championships.

Just luck.

Besides, isn’t it a little too early to discuss this matter now?

There’s no telling who will lose and who will win in this year’s finals. "

James: I only sign a one-year contract and can change teams as needed. If that’s what you said, it seems that it’s not impossible!

Popovich didn’t know yet that his words gave young Ajan the gift of “decision”.

Public opinion in the country naturally recognizes Li Ang as a dynasty from top to bottom.

Moreover, a dynasty of three consecutive championships is even more difficult than Jordan's dynasty.

Because he could still win the championship in a different environment, which just illustrates Li Ang's strength.

No matter how turbulent the Bulls were in those years, Jordan's helpers were at least stable.

But Li Ang has gone through a transfer and can still win the championship after changing a group of teammates. This is not even more valuable.

Li Ang looked at these reports denying his achievements and looking forward to the Bulls winning the championship. He couldn't help but sigh at the sharpness of Mr. Zhou Shuren's writing.

What did he say? This room is too dark. We must open a window here. We will definitely not allow it. But if you advocate removing the roof, they will mediate and be willing to open the windows.

At first, MiLijia fans did not want to see Chinese players win the championship again. But now that Li Ang is going to win three consecutive championships, they feel that it is not so bad for Yao Ming to win.

But Li Ang’s character is that the less you want me to win, the more I will win for you to see!

Does it matter whether three consecutive championships are considered a dynasty?

Not important at all.

The important thing is to really win the three consecutive championships.

The important thing is that the system only needs to recognize this champion.

Li Ang is only one championship away from unlocking a copy of Jordan.

No matter what situation he encounters in G6 of the series, Li Ang must seize this opportunity to end the series!

Ever since, although the finals this year were a bit dull.

But in G6 of the series, Stern still saw an increase in game ratings.

Everyone said no, but their bodies were still very honest. No one wants to miss this night that could lead to the miracle of three consecutive championships.

Even Popovich stayed in front of the TV, preparing to watch the live broadcast of this game.

He wanted to see Li Ang lose so much. If he lost at the juncture of three consecutive championships, Li Ang would definitely be angry to death.

However, Popovich still did not forget to bring a few of his game-watching companions-antihypertensive pills.

After all, after this game is over, there's no telling who will be pissed to death.

Before today's game started, Li Ang specifically told Colangino not to send champagne into the locker room in advance.

He was afraid that his teammates would be distracted.

In fact, Li Ang was simply overly worried.

In the locker room before today's game, everyone was extremely focused.

Everyone is indeed exhausted, but the championship is right in front of them, and no one wants to lose the chain at this time.

On the Bulls side, before the game started, everyone got together and encouraged each other.

Artest moved a large speaker from his home and played the Bulls' classic appearance music for himself.

Then, announce the curtain yourself.

When he was on the court, he kept telling himself: "I can't let Li Ang score 50 points, I can't let Li Ang score 50 points!"

Yao Ming was embarrassed when he heard this. Isn't it something to be proud of if he was not allowed to score 50 points? Damn it!

When reporters interviewed Artest yesterday afternoon, Artest also looked arrogant: "I believe I can still limit Li Ang because he has never scored 50 points on me."

Yao Ming doesn't even know where he gets his sense of superiority.

But forget it, Yao Ming just thinks this is Artest's way of motivating himself.

Both teams have adjusted their condition and are about to enter the battlefield to play this game of glory or death!

Both sides stepped onto the court almost at the same time, and at that moment, the shouts were deafening.

"Chicago Bulls and Phoenix Suns, whether Leon ascends to the altar or the Bulls rise again, we are all watching this game!"

Mike Breen's voice immediately appeared on the TV sets of thousands of households, and in the commentary area of ​​the middle stand, the two coaches Wei Ping and Zheng Ping were also there, preparing to start a cross talk performance for the Chinese fans.

The players from both teams took their positions, and both sides looked as if they were ready to die.

This small atmosphere made the referee a little nervous.

He blew the whistle hard and threw the ball into the air.

A war begins!

Yao Ming won the ball for the Bulls. Stoudemire and O'Brien looked at each other and prepared to continue the attack.

But today, Yao Ming did not drop directly to the low position in the position battle, but stopped at the high position.

Stoudemire and Xiao Ao are in trouble, should they fight each other?

Just as they were hesitating, Milicic had already cut into the penalty area from the right with the ball.

Stoudemire had to defend Milicic, and the basket couldn't be left alone.

Milicic saw Stoudemire coming to defend, but instead of showing off, he passed the ball back to Carter.

The moment Carter received the ball, he gave the ball to Yao Ming.

Yao Ming received the ball between the free throw line and three minutes, and no one double-teamed him!

Yao Ming received the ball and raised it directly over his head. Xiao Ou thought Yao Ming was going to shoot directly.

Yao Ming's mid-range shot is also very accurate, so Xiao Ou has to focus more on blocking.

But that's what Yao Ming was waiting for. He made a fake shot and burst in from Xiao Ao!

Stoudemire, who returned to the basket, saw this and wanted to defend to stop Yao Ming.

But as soon as he walked to the basket, Yao Ming had already jumped up.

This height is beyond the reach of even the Little Overlord.

With the pursuit of Xiao Ao and the help of Stoudemire, he completed the dunk through Stoudemire!

As soon as the game started, Yao Ming gave the Suns a showdown.

It seems that Yao Ming's strategy of attacking from a high position is very effective!

This is Skiles' strategy to break double teams, although Yao Ming is most destructive in the low post.

A normal coach would not let Yao Ming leave the three-second zone on purpose.

But no matter how perky the goddess's buttocks are, it's useless if you can only watch them from a distance but not play with them. It doesn't matter how perky or pale they are.

In the same way, if Yao Ming makes bugs in the penalty area, it will be useless if he is constantly double-teamed in the penalty area.

So Skiles simply asked Yao Ming to withdraw from the penalty area and launch an attack from the mid-range!

After getting rid of the double team, the Chicago Tyrant was immediately resurrected.

However, the Bulls players were not happy for long before the Suns' revenge came.

In this offense, Li Ang actually chose to play a pick-and-roll with Xiao Ao.

How abnormal is Li Ang's mid-range performance? Popovich has already tried it for the Bulls with a disastrous defeat.

Therefore, the Bulls did not dare to give Li Ang any space.

Artest failed to bypass the screen immediately this time. In order to block Li Ang's mid-range shot, Yao Ming had to temporarily defend.

I thought that Li Ang would take this opportunity to shoot directly, but unexpectedly, Li Ang suddenly retreated, and O'Neal took the opportunity to pull away to the other side!

Li Ang wants to mismatch Yao Ming in singles!

Skiles has his new strategy, and so does Master Tang!

After the last game, Yao Ming sat directly on the ground and gasped for air. This reminded Tomjanovich that physical fitness is a major weakness of Yao Ming.

So today, he decided not only to consume Yao Ming on the defensive end, but also on the offensive end.

Normally, Yao Ming only needs to be responsible for protecting the frame and does not need to worry about anything else.

So on the defensive end, he is still relatively energy-saving.

But now that Yao Ming has switched defense in front of Li Ang, his range of movement on the defensive end will have to increase. And similarly, consumption will also increase!

When Li Ang beats Yao Ming in singles on the outside, it is simply equivalent to Curry gliding close to the ground - it is too easy.

With just two changes of direction, Li Ang passed Yao Ming cleanly and then ended the offense with an easy drift shot.

Artest couldn't help but yell: "Li Ang, you are a despicable villain, you only dare to pick some rotten fish and shrimps to beat!"

As soon as Artest finished speaking, he smelled elbow.

"Who is the rotten fish?" Yao Ming touched his elbow. If Artest wasn't needed for this game, he could really let Artest sleep from now until the next morning.

"No, that's not what I meant. I meant, this, that."

"Oh, okay, okay, hurry up and continue the game!"

Yao Ming felt that as a teammate with Artest, sooner or later he would suffer from high blood pressure.

However, Yao Ming also felt that this move was indeed despicable.

He actually found the center in a misplaced position to play in singles, and he didn’t even want to lose face!

Li Ang doesn't think there's anything despicable in this. If you're not convinced, you can ask someone to call me and beat me.

I will never say no.

The game continues, Milicic and Yao Ming are still one inside and one outside.

After Yao Ming moved to the high post, Carter's breakthrough became easier.

In this round, Carter broke through Johnson and went straight to the basket, facing Stoudemire's defensive pull-up layup.

Stoudemire's ability to protect the frame is always not as good as that of O'Brien, so it's particularly easy for Carter to score in the penalty area.

In today's game, the offense of the two teams at the beginning was unexpectedly smooth.

It can only be said that the battle of wits and courage between the two coaches has achieved results and both improved the offense.

The game was once again a stalemate, but today the stalemate turned into a scoring stalemate.

On the Suns' side, relying on Li Ang's roll call tactics and the assistance of Nash, Johnson and others, the offense was much smoother than in the previous games.

As for the Bulls, Yao Ming's mention of the high position was very effective.

Carter's breakthrough has become extremely smooth, and if Ou chooses to help defend the basket, Carter can distribute the ball to Yao Ming for a mid-range shot.

In the second half, Tomjanovich also tried to use Stoudemire to guard Yao Ming in the high post and O'Brien to defend the basket.

The result was that Yao Ming's turnaround jump shot after receiving the ball with his back in the mid-range position made Stoudemire unable to take care of himself.

Xiao Ou can still interfere with Yao Ming, but Stoudemire, because of his shortcomings in judgment, really can't guard against Yao Ming's turnaround jump shot.

No one on either side could guard the other, and the game time was gradually reduced.

Four minutes before the end of the fourth quarter, the Bulls were still 2 points behind.

Carter repeated his old tricks. He used his personal ability to get past Richardson, who came on for Johnson, and went straight to the basket.

Although Stoudemire was humiliated by two scumbags, Yao Ming and Carter, today, he is still strong.

Come on, if you have the guts, don’t come one by one. If you have the guts, come two of you together!

Li Ang: I feel like you are begging them to do this? You are really sick!

After Carter broke into the penalty area, he leaned on Stoudemire for a layup. In the air, Carter overwhelmed Stoudemire and threw the ball toward the basket.

At this time, Carter heard Artest's voice: "I'm empty, I'm empty!"

Carter didn't care, because there are several things in this league that can be ignored - Ben's height, Li Ang's face and Artest's open space.

Although he claimed that he was free, he definitely wasn't.

But just as Carter took the ball, he found someone behind Stoudemire!

Li Ang didn't know when he had rushed back to the penalty area, and suddenly appeared from behind Xiao Si!

It turns out that Artest is really empty!

The moment Carter broke through, Li Ang ran towards the basket.

"Damn it, why don't you believe me when I'm so honest?" Artest stamped his feet anxiously.

Artest originally thought that he could lead the score with a handsome and invincible three-pointer.

In the end, he could only watch as Li Ang gave Carter a big blow through Stoudemire!

"Beautiful assisting defense, wonderful blocking, from the duel between two demigods! Leon, he successfully solved Carter's point.

The Suns counterattacked, and Nash was very fast. After he broke through, he passed the ball to Stoudemire who followed up. Stoudemire dunked with one hand!

The Suns are 4 points ahead. Can they win the O'Brien Cup today? "

Yao Ming was anxious. Seeing that the game time was running out, the balance on the court was suddenly broken.

In the next attack, Yao Ming finally couldn't sit still. He took the initiative to sink to the low post and prepared to hit the basket hard.

The double-teaming of Stoudemire and Xiao Ou came as expected, and Yao Ming once again passed the ball to Milicic outside the three-point line.

Milicic made a jump shot, and after tricking Stoudemire out, he softly changed the shot into a pass in the air, and accurately fed the ball to Yao Ming!

Milicic's passing ability is also one of his important weapons to assist Yao Ming.

"Fuck!" Stoudemire wanted to rush back, but it was too late. Yao Ming got a fleeting singles opportunity.

After receiving the ball, Yao Ming turned his hand, elbowed O'Neal away, squeezed to the basket, and then jumped on the spot to prepare for a two-handed dunk.

But just when Yao Ming was about to dunk the ball into the basket, a big hand appeared in time and blocked the ball and the basket.

Yao Ming swallowed and took a closer look.

It is indeed Li Ang!


With a crisp sound, Li Ang actually blocked Yao Ming's dunk head-on, and slapped the basketball directly out of bounds!

"With two key defenses in a row, Li is bound to win the championship today! This is called a superstar who combines offense and defense!"

After Li Ang blocked the shot, he looked up to the sky and roared loudly.

The entire Phoenix City was shaking with Li Ang's shouting.

Li Ang has been waiting for this moment.

Li Ang, who has fought hard for six games, knows that he cannot help defend like this for the whole game.

If he did that, he could tire himself to death without the bull moving.

But now, with only a few minutes left in the game, Li Ang felt that he could start to help defend.

Reasonable allocation of physical strength is also a science.

Skiles stopped the game. This timeout was mainly to calm the players' emotions.

The 4-point difference is not big, but if there is a sudden collapse, the 4-point difference will become 6, 8, or 10 points in an instant!

The atmosphere of the game was very tense, and many Bulls fans were afraid to watch it.

After returning from the timeout, Yao Ming took a step behind the high free throw line to cover his teammates who were running without the ball.

As a result, running without the ball is just a pretense, and the real point of catching the ball is Yao Ming!

As soon as Yao Ming catches the ball, he raises it above his head and shoots directly.

The position he was standing at now was within his shooting range.

Xiao Ao was so frightened that he almost leaked a few drops of prostate fluid, and rushed towards Yao Ming like crazy.

The fans only saw Xiao Ou rush up and rub the bottom of the basketball. This seemed to be a block!

Just when all the Suns fans were about to cheer, a sharp whistle pierced the air: "Beep!"

"Defensive foul, the referee gave a defensive foul, Yao Ming has to go straight to the line and shoot two free throws!" Director Zhang stood up and shouted excitedly.

The last few minutes of the game were really exciting, with twists and turns!

"Oh no, I didn't commit a foul!" O'Neal became anxious and ran to the referee to yell.

Nash hurried up and pulled Oola away. If this guy gets another technical foul, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Yao Ming didn't celebrate, he just felt relieved.

Finally, we finally got the chance to reduce the score difference.

Li Ang's expression was calm, his hands on his hips and he was breathing heavily.

The Suns fans at the scene were very excited and cursed the referee for being blind and making a bad call.

Let's just say that when NBA referees are blind, they are indeed quite blind.

But looking at the replay of the ball just now, it turned out that O'Neill was indeed a hitter.

Yao Ming stood on the free throw line. This giant, whose free throw percentage this season is close to 90%, can narrow the point difference to only 2 points as long as he plays steadily.

Yao Ming held the ball and tried to take a deep breath amidst the boos from the fans.

But after taking deep breaths for a long time, I still couldn't calm down my breathing effectively.

There was no way, Yao Ming could only throw the first ball while breathing unevenly.

Just when the Bulls fans were about to cheer, Yao Ming's first free throw missed the frame!

"The first free throw actually missed. Yao Ming missed a crucial opportunity to chase points!"

"Tomatoes!" Yao Ming himself cursed secretly. He was too tired now and his stability on the court was not guaranteed at all.

Li Ang named Yao Ming so many times today, and now he finally sees some results.

But fortunately, there is still a chance for a second penalty.

The second free throw was made, turning the point difference into 3 points, and there was still hope.

As a result, on the second free throw, the basketball hit the neck of the basket and still missed!

Xiao Ou quickly grabbed the rebound, and Tomjanovich immediately paused to prepare for the final few minutes of the game.

Yao Ming covered his head with his hands. As a star player, he actually wasted the opportunity to narrow the score.

The camera at the scene was facing Yao Ming. The face of this resolute Great Wall of China had the word "panic" written all over it.

"Yao, he has just ushered in the darkest moment of his career! When the team was only 4 points away from tying the tie, he was first confronted by Li Ang, and then he made two free throws as he has always been very stable in free throws. Total loss!

It was a surprise, but that's what the playoffs are like. Remember the 1997 Finals? The Jazz and Bulls were tied in the last 7 seconds of the game, and Malone stood on the free throw line.

As a result, under the curse of "the postman does not work on Sunday", Malone missed both free throws, and then the game was defeated by Jordan.

Karl Malone once hoped to use all 36,928 points in his career in exchange for those two free throws, but this is the playoffs, there is no chance to do it again, and any accident may happen here! "

Mike Breen shook his head regretfully. This is probably the cruelty of the playoffs.

The smallest mistake can be fatal.

After Yao Ming came off the court, he threw down the towel in frustration.

Skiles walked up and patted Yao Ming on the shoulder:

"I don't blame you, the game is not over yet, we must not give up!

Why? Why can't we be the championship, we can't be the best player in the league! ? Cheer up, the game is not over yet, the game is not over yet! "

Skiles's roar aroused the blazing fire in the hearts of the Bulls players.

No one noticed that the Serbian boy who was about to turn 20 clenched his fists.

When the timeout ended, the players' tunnel was already filled with staff, ready to rush up and build the podium at the end of the game.

Yao Ming came out of his depression. He knew that it was not the time to be depressed yet.

The Bulls must defend well this time.

Li Ang, like the god of death carrying a scythe, pressed towards the Bulls step by step.

He continued to pick and roll with O'Neal, preparing to single out Yao Ming.

But this time, Artest tried hard to squeeze out of the pick-and-roll and continued to defend in front of Li Ang!

Upon seeing this, Li Ang decided to hit Artest with his back. When Li Ang reached the mid-range position and prepared to turn over for a jump shot, Artest did everything he could and cut the ball off the moment Li Ang raised the basketball!

A defense worth a thousand dollars!

Artest cut off the basketball and immediately passed the ball to Carter, who was running forward. Carter entered the penalty area, faced Stoudemire's defense in front of him, and passed the ball again to the right corner.

There, Milicic, who has only scored 7 points in this game so far, can be said to have no sense of presence, catches and shoots.

Because Yao Ming is no longer double-teamed today, Milicic has fewer opportunities and naturally has no sense of presence.

But he doesn't want to be treated like a child, he also wants to be a hero.


"It's in, God, the ball is in! Darko Milicic hit a three-pointer, and the Bulls are now only 1 point behind!"

Mike Breen yelled and covered his heart, this is called the finals!

Milicic waved his arms excitedly, and now it was Li Ang's turn to show an annoyed expression on his face.

If the ball hadn't been cut off, the Bulls wouldn't have had this counterattack.

There was 1 point left and just over a minute left in the game.

Now, not only Bulls fans, but also some Suns fans are covering their eyes, afraid to continue watching.

In the stands, Stern was overjoyed.

At least today, the ratings must be very good!

The Suns continued to attack, and this time Li Ang was very careful and did not call another pick-and-roll.

The pick-and-roll move is no longer useful. Now Artest, who is already red-eyed, can tear a hole out of the middle even if O'Neal and Barkley run pick-and-rolls in front of him at the same time.

Li Ang dribbled the ball alternately with his left and right hands, confusing Artest's center of gravity. Artest did not dare to steal rashly, so he could only stand in front of Li Ang with open arms.

In the end, Li Ang chose to suddenly break through to the left!

Artest actually judged the direction of Li Ang's breakthrough correctly, but Li Ang's starting speed was too fast, and there was no time to stop it with his sliding steps. Artest could only barely keep up.

Under Artest's brutal collision, Li Ang stabilized his center of gravity and continued walking to the basket.

Yao Ming stood under the basket with his arms open, ready to meet Li Ang's impact.

If Li Ang had a direct confrontation with Yao Ming, with Yao Ming's current anger level, Li Ang would probably eat hot pot until he died.

Therefore, after Li Ang jumped up, he exerted a slight force on his waist in the air and turned himself 180° in the air.

It was originally a left-hand dunk, but after turning 180°, it became a right-side back dunk, successfully avoiding Yao Ming's block.

This dunk turned the point difference into 3 points again. Li Ang is still the man who can use fancy dunks in actual combat.

"Lee, 35 points of the game! 3 points difference, the pressure is on the Bulls again!"

The Bulls are really under a lot of pressure. Yao Ming and Carter, the Bulls' two top scorers, were passed by Li Ang in these rounds.

In this attack, Yao Ming was still in a high position and did not rush into the penalty area.

Carter then took up the responsibility, carried the ball and walked to the penalty area.

Seeing this situation, Stoudemire could only defend the basket and try his best to stop Carter.

But Carter did not attack the frame this time, but passed the ball to Milicic, who had just hit a three-pointer from the bottom corner.

"I'm so happy." Seeing Milicic receiving the ball, Li Ang thought of Horry for some reason.

In the 2005 Finals, Duncan was also beaten badly under the defense of Double Wallace.

At the critical moment, it was not Manu, not Duncan or Parker, but Horry who stepped forward to save the Spurs and Duncan.

Today's bull


"For the second consecutive three-pointer, Milicic equalized the score. He saved Yao Ming's career and the Chicago Bulls!

He only scored 7 points in the whole game before, but he actually scored 6 points in a row at the critical moment! There are 48 seconds left in the game and the Bulls still have a chance! "

The moment Milicic scored, Yao Ming rushed over and hugged him tightly.

Mike Breen is right, Milicic's shooting saved Yao Ming's career and pulled him out of his darkest moment.

If this game is lost because of Yao Ming's two missed free throws, then Yao Ming will really have a huge shadow in his heart and a stain on his career.

Well now, Milicic equalized the score at the last minute and the Bulls now have a chance to win this game!

He is Robert Horry next to Yao Ming!

Li Ang was panting. He really didn't expect that Milicic would come out at the last moment.

The score was tied, and both sides had one more chance to attack.

Li Ang did not dare to miss this attack, so he played very patiently.

In order to avoid being intercepted again, Li Ang did not even hold the ball.

He handed the ball to Nash, and he believed that the guy with long flowing hair could accurately deliver the ball to his hands.

In the last 5 seconds of the 24-second attack time, Li Ang finally used the screen to get rid of Artest and gained half a body distance.

After catching the basketball from mid-range, Li Ang faced the frame and took a fake shot to the left, trying to make a breakthrough, but he took the basketball back and shot.

Li Ang made a triple threat jumper!

Artest was deceived by Li Ang's sudden move, so he failed to react immediately when Li Ang shot.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the basketball, and the basketball jumped into the net accurately! Li Ang didn't miss, he hit the Bulls hard again!

The basketball hit and the Suns led by 2 points in the last 24 seconds. Li Ang scored 37 points in a single game!

Li Ang's continuous defense and scoring goals at critical moments fully demonstrated his killer qualities!

Once again, Li Ang almost dominated the key stage of the game.

Popovich was dizzy after watching it. After working for a long time, Li Ang still wanted to win!

This time, the Bulls are really fighting against the odds.

This attack, this round, if they succeed, they will continue, if they lose, they will go home.

Skiles used up the last timeout, and Master Tang also told the players to guard against the Bulls' three-pointers.

Especially Milicic, we can't let him take another shot!

Never be killed by a 19 year old!

Sure enough, the Suns' defense was particularly tight next.

Skiles originally hoped that Milicic, who was feeling hot, would kill the game with a shot from beyond the three-point line, but Stoudemire never left Milicic.

Although Milicic's morale is high now, it doesn't mean that he can score goals casually against others as if he is cheating.

The Bulls passed the ball for a long time without a chance. With only 6 seconds left in the attack time, Carter could only hang the ball into the penalty area to Yao Ming, allowing him to equalize the score in a single under the basket.

As a result, under O'Neal's half-circle defense, Yao Ming failed to catch the ball. He only touched the basketball with his hand!

Seeing the basketball going out of bounds, O'Neal was ready to jump up to celebrate his victory.

As a result, it was Milicic again. He jumped up, rushed out of bounds, hugged the basketball, and then hit Xiao O's feet!

The basketball hit O'Brien's leg and bounced out of bounds. The Bulls had the ball!

"Milicic made a beautiful save. There are still 1.3 seconds left on the clock. The Bulls still have a chance of 1.3 seconds. But they have no timeout. I don't know what will happen!"

Everyone's hearts were in their throats. Yao Ming hurriedly tried to pull Milicic, but Milicic fell too hard.

His hands were shaking uncontrollably from the pain. After sitting up with difficulty, Milicic spit out his braces, which were covered in blood.

This is called running out of ammunition and food, this is called trying our best!

When Li Ang saw that the ball actually belonged to the Bulls, he also had a painful expression.

Li Ang is actually not good anymore. With such an outbreak at the last moment, Li Ang is really about to be overdrawn.

As a result, the game is not over yet.

1.3 seconds, the Bulls have the ball, no timeout.

Everyone was nervous, and Scales was so nervous that his palms were sweating.

He had previously deployed a backup tactic, allowing Yao Ming to catch the ball and shoot from a foul ball.

But I don’t know if it can be implemented.

Milicic limped to serve the sideline ball, and everyone continued to run around Yao Ming without the ball.

The Suns are seriously defending three-pointers, and no one wants to lose a three-pointer in the last 1.3 seconds.

Just when everyone's attention was on Yao Ming and the three-point line, Carter, who was outside the three-point line, suddenly ran back and rushed to the basket, throwing away Johnson who was responsible for marking!

O'Neal immediately raised his arms to interfere. He was on the passing route. It was impossible for Milicic to pass the ball to Carter who cut through him.

Indeed, in ordinary passing, it is indeed impossible for Milicic to pass the ball to Carter through Ou.

But Milicic passed a high ball and threw the ball directly into the air!

"Ah this!"

Xiao Ou turned around and saw that Carter jumped up, turned 180° in the air, caught the basketball with his back to the basket, and then


"Dakone directly threw an alley-oop, and Carter used an alley-oop back dunk to tie the score in the last 1.3 seconds! It was a tie, and the Bulls didn't even use up 1.3 seconds. They only left the Suns with 0.5 seconds. time!

The tenacious Chicago Bulls, they have persisted until now despite the extremely unfavorable situation! "

Everyone on the Bulls team hugged each other instantly. Li Ang cursed loudly, then picked up his jersey and wiped the sweat from his face.

Carter's alley-oop back dunk was absolutely flat. Li Ang really didn't expect this to happen to him.

There was no timeout in the last 0.5 seconds. It seemed that overtime was inevitable.

Li Ang swallowed frantically to moisten his throat, which was so dry that it was almost smoking.

Tired, Li Ang is really tired, he has rarely been as tired as he is today in his career.

But having said that, if Li Ang feels so tired, then others may not be able to withstand such a competition.


The Bulls' performance is over, and now it's time for me to perform, right?

Li Ang looked at the Bulls generals who had narrowly escaped death and silently picked up the basketball.

Three consecutive championships must be mine!

Today’s 10,000-word update is here, please beg for monthly votes!

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