Admiral, Hello

Vol 2 Chapter 414: Speculation

"Ah...? This...? What...?" When faced with the deep-sea chaser, Li Goudan still didn't know what happened.

"Hahahaha~~~! Look at your silly look!" Looking at Li Godan who was stunned like a goose, the Deep Sea chaser couldn't help but chuckle.

"No, chasing...Miss chaser, I...I really..." Li Gudan also wanted to let the deep sea chaser understand that he had no covetous heart for her.

"It's okay, it's not that I don't know what you think. But I told you in advance that even if we are called a dual-use couple, you are not allowed to do anything else to me! If you really feel like it If you can do anything extraordinary to me in the name of a pretend to be a couple... Hehehe, understand?" The Deep Sea Chaser did not know when he took out the Smith and Wesson from his ship's space. The revolver kept spinning in front of Li Godan's eyes.


Li Goudan swallowed and looked at the Smith and Wesson revolver in the hands of the Deep Sea Chaser and quickly nodded and said: "No, no, I won't, I definitely won't."


Seeing his appearance, the Deep Sea Chaser couldn't help but let out a chuckle like a silver bell.

. . . . . .

In a messy office, there are a few haggard-faced people lying or sitting all around. One of the shaggy young people looked at the map in front of him, and he couldn't help murmuring: "Where will the target be...?"

"Will you have left Nanjg City? Since the last time the target was lost, no matter how we searched, we couldn't find it. Maybe... She has already run along the surrounding mountains?" A man who is as shabby as a young man , Asked him looking at the map on the table.

"You said that this is possible, but I think it is unlikely. With Nanjg City as the center, we have radiated a whole circle of cities. But the problem lies here, no matter which one in the radiating circle. The city did not find the entry record of this deep-sea ship's mother. This is abnormal, this is absolutely abnormal!"

"From the news from the'Admiral Butler' and our observation of the ship's mother next to the'Admiral', although the creature of the ship's mother has this powerful force, it is socially different from our normal human girls. What's the difference. Now it has been nearly a month since the target disappeared. If she leaves nanjg, the surrounding counties and cities will definitely have news." Another person put down the cigarette **** in his hand and said to the person who asked the question earlier.

"What if the goal is not entered from the checkpoint? It is not in ancient times. Except for the city gate, there is a circle of city walls. If you want to enter the city, you can only walk through the city gate." The person who raised this question before retorted.

"No, I don’t think it’s possible. I have already said that through observing the ship ladies next to the Admiral, the Academy of Sciences has concluded that the ship ladies, like us humans, are social creatures that live in groups. . And the information obtained from the ship’s mother from the'admiral' also confirmed that even if it is the deep-sea ship's mother, apart from the drastic change in her temperament, there is no difference between them. So this also shows that the goal is to return after all. In human society, it is impossible for a person to drift and live like Robinson in the novel in the wilderness." A middle-aged man with square glasses said to him.

"Perhaps the goal has gone farther? Don't forget, the Yangtze River is near nanjg. Last time, Veneto by the'admiral' went straight up the mountain city from the magic capital in five days. Isn't the goal necessarily different? Do you want to go by land instead of water?" The person who asked the question gave his reason.

"No, no, no, even the waterway, there should always be some clues, right? The problem is that now the target seems to have disappeared directly, we can't find any clues about the target at all. And I don’t think the target lives in the wilderness. The important evidence is that you think that a young girl who has experienced and enjoyed modern society may never brush her teeth, wash her face, take a bath, use all kinds of cosmetics, do not have haircuts, etc., and live in the wild like a wild man ?" The middle-aged man with square glasses said his reason.

"But even in the city, we have worked with our brothers to search the city back and forth at least five times. A lot of other cases have been solved. Even the most wanted criminals on the list also caught two, but we found the target. Is it?" The young man who raised the objection asked rhetorically to the middle-aged man with square glasses.

“It’s because I didn’t find the target, so I insisted that the target must still be in Nanjg city, not somewhere else. Now it’s not 10 years ago, when the city’s skynet system was not perfect. It takes a lot of effort, and it may be quite different from the target you are looking for. Now, "there is a god". If you want to find someone, you only need to send her image to the database and wait for the computer to compare it. But we I searched the camera data of all the entrances and exits around Nanjg City, but did not find the exit record of this deep-sea ship's mother." The middle-aged man with square glasses said.

Seeing what else the young man who asked the question had to say, he quickly said to him: "I know what you are going to say, but the local troops in the surrounding mountains and forests have also searched in the name of military exercises and field training. The problem is that under the dragnet search, no clues have been found. It is impossible to live alone in the wild, leaving no traces, right?"

The middle-aged man with square-frame glasses really made So the young man who suggested that the deep-sea chaser had left nanjg thought about it or closed his mouth.

"The question now is, where is our target? We can confirm that the target is hiding in the city, but where is she hiding in the city? Those warehouses in the urban and suburban areas, abandoned buildings and various We have searched all the places where there is no one for the time being, and we have not found any trace of the target. So where will she hide?" Another person with a small head raised his hand and asked a question.

"I said... Can we have an assumption?" The second speaker suddenly thought of something and said to his companion.

"What hypothesis?" asked the middle-aged man in square glasses.

"When I was changing my mind just now, I suddenly thought of something else, which happened to think of another aspect. You said, is it possible that the goal is to replace someone living in the urban area who has little contact with people? Pretending to be the identity of the masses has been living under our noses?" The man told everyone his guess. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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