Admiral, Hello

Vol 2 Chapter 720: Milk Method Today

The differences between the East and the West are not only reflected in culture, but also in combat.

Neon’s original attitude towards surrender was deeply influenced by the traditional culture of the rabbit family. However, the little girl of Neon was held down by a strong man like Yingjiang for decades. Even if she retains part of her traditional culture, the rest A lot of changes have also been made under the guidance of Eagle Sauce.

Especially with regard to the spirits of Bushido, Kamikaze Special Attacks, Jade Broken, etc., Yingjiang directly used her strong body to make the neon girl abruptly change these bad habits. And let the little neon girl taste her essence and learn according to it.

So after receiving the Sasebo base's permission to surrender depending on the situation, everyone on board the King Kong was relieved.

When they want to come, being a prisoner is at least better than losing one's own life. Many officers and soldiers are even thinking about retiring and returning home immediately if they can return to Neon after the battle is over. The war is so cruel. We are just Linghe Mengmen, not for nuclear men. The war or something is too terrible, so it's better to talk at home.

So what should everyone do? Transmit the combat video to the transmission of the Sasebo base, supply the ammunition for the supply of ammunition, and use the communication to ask for help from the surrounding friendly forces until. . .

"Captain! It was penetrated below the waterline! My ship is flooding quickly!"

Komatsu Maruna of the bridge suddenly received a report from the damage management team, and he hurriedly ordered: "Block the water inlet immediately! Does the water intake affect the maneuverability of the battleship?"

"Captain, I was about to report to you that the engine room was pierced by a shell, and the crew was cut by half! The chief engineer was injured!" The damage control team who came to report to the captain reported nervously.

"Captain! Our speed is dropping rapidly! Expect to lose power in thirteen minutes!" At this time, the helmsman of the bridge looked at the display in front of him and reported bad news to his captain.

After listening to two bad news, Komatsu Maru was silent for a while and ordered: "Shoot all the weapons and ammunition on the ship at the target, and then abandon the ship!"


The bridge members were greatly relieved after hearing the words of their captain [country novel]. At this time, they were afraid that their captain would have to keep fighting. But obviously, the captain of his own is not that kind of dead brain. So after receiving the order, the voices of the bridge members agreed were a little bit of joy.

Although his own side lost the fight, and next seems to be a prisoner. But your own life is yours, as long as you keep your life.

Soon Komatsu Maruna's order was communicated to everyone on the entire battleship, and then it was immediately executed very thoroughly by all officers and soldiers of the ship.

After the bridge’s communications non-commissioned officer and intelligence officer sent all the information about the battle with the “alien unknown humanoids” back to Sasebo base, they sent a farewell call in accordance with the Navy’s practice, closed the contact information, and proceeded to destroy the ship. Confidential information.

"Captain, do you think this is an alien or a biological weapon that was tested secretly in another country?" After the intelligence officer finished his work, he stood next to Komatsu Maru and asked in a low voice.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask? I suspect it must be someone who stepped on **** today and brought us this unlucky luck." Komatsumaru rolled his eyes to the intelligence officer and said to him angrily .

The intelligence officer smiled, he knew why his captain said that. If nothing else, his career has been declared to have come to an end when his captain returned.

"Captain, all weapons and ammunition on the ship have been fired. Are you going to abandon the ship?" The gunner put down the intercom and turned his head to ask Komatsu Maru.

"Are you sure that all the weapons and ammunition have been fired?" Komatsumaru's pair of gunners confirmed.

"Yes, Captain. I have confirmed that all weapons and ammunition have been emptied." The gunner replied to Komatsumaru.

"Ask how long the fighter squad will be here? If it takes too long, let them follow in the air. Anyway, it's useless. Maybe it will lose like the Americans before. Then we will be decent. The surrender was just in time for the fighter team to monitor in the air." Komatsu Maru said to the communications sergeant.

"Okay, Captain."

The communications sergeant nodded and relayed his words to the Sasebo base.

"Is it really impossible to hold on any longer?" the person from the Sasebo base asked the King Kong communications officer.

"Sir, we also want to persist, but now the engine room is destroyed, all weapons and ammunition are exhausted except our own self-defense weapons. How do you let us persist? Are we going to bite with our teeth? We are not afraid of artillery shots and missile attacks. What can we do?" The communications officer said to the people at Sasebo base with a wry smile.


There was also silence on the communication end.

"...Okay, we understand. Good luck to you!" The communications staff of the Sasebo base also understood something, and he sent a blessing to the communications sergeant of the King Kong.

"Thank you. In addition, Captain Komatsu Maruna asked me to tell you about the fighter squad sent..." The communications sergeant relayed Komatsu Maruna's words to the communications staff at Sasebo base.

" We will notify the dispatched fighter team." The communication staff of Sasebo base responded to him.

When everything was settled, the Komatsu Maru everyone who looked at the bridge saluted and said, "I am very happy to fight side by side with your colleagues. It is my honor."

"This is also our honor! Captain."

Everyone also saluted.

"Well, everyone, let me take care of everything that is not honourable!" Komatsu Maru saluted everyone, and then took the phone and ordered: "Attention all personnel of this ship! Attention all personnel of this ship You have done your best and I am honored to fight alongside you! You have fought to the end as an outstanding Neon Maritime Self-Defense Force self-defense officer! No matter what is waiting for us next, no matter what is next What is our destiny, but today, in the present, we are worthy of our uniforms, we are worthy of our vows when we joined the Maritime Self-Defense Force! Now as the captain, I give you the last order, all members. deck!"

So the deep-sea ship’s mother who was still guarding the destroyer’s possible life-threatening blow, was surprised to find that all the officers and soldiers on the destroyer were lined up on both sides of the ship, and at the same time the head captain was waving a side white flag.

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