Chapter 70: Flying in the Sky and Dropping Bombs.

Little by little over time.

The day of the deep-sea general attack is on these two days. All personnel in the four seas are ready for war.

But this year is not the same as in previous years.

This year, in addition to the deep sea, there is a special deep sea.

News of the special deep sea has spread to the four seas since the northern seas.

Considering the special situation this year, the Four Seas Headquarters requires at least three people if the prototype ship girl is dispatched. If you think about it, their prototype ship girl is fragrant food.

Their ship suits are useful for both deep and special deep seas, and they are also outrageous. However, fortunately, the special deep sea is not interested in mass-produced ships.

But these special deep-sea will also enter the battle on the front line with the deep-sea team. A slight headache is that the deep sea mixes into the front line with a special deep sea.

That prototype ship lady is a little troublesome to sneak up on the deep sea.

After all, there are unknown detection methods in the special deep sea, and if the prototype ship is close, it will be easy to be discovered.

“Xuefeng, when do you think the general attack of the deep sea begins?”

Luo Ying, who was sitting on the coast, asked towards the snow wind beside her. She was waiting here yesterday.

“It’s either today or tomorrow, it’s ready”

Yukikaze said.

And she can see that the deep sea wants to push the special deep sea matter to the ship lady to solve.

Those special deep seas are attracted to the front line by them, and then they will storm the defense line of the ship girl with the large army. The deep sea also wants to take advantage of this general attack to gather the power of the ship and the deep sea to solve these special deep seas. The shipwives also knew what the deep sea was thinking, but they didn’t stop it, because they thought the same way.

The threat of the special deep-sea extends far beyond the deep sea.

The governor’s palace even ordered that no matter what the situation, priority should be given to killing the striped deep sea of the ship.

“War, I don’t know how many people will die”

In her previous life, Luo Ying was born in a peaceful country, and war has always been far away from her.

“A lot, but it’s all necessary.”

The snow wind is used to it, and it has not been like this for so many years. When Luo Ying experiences more in the future, she will naturally not think so.

At this time, Yukikaze’s mobile phone rang, and she took it out to see that it was Nagato calling.

After Yukikaze connected, Nagato on the other end of the phone spoke: “Yukifeng, do you want someone over there, it’s best to be in groups of three now.”

“No need, just have me and Ying here”

Yukikaze refused Nagato, she and Yingjin stayed here, and did not need a third person to come.

“Okay, but pay attention to safety, by the way, about the special deep sea over there research institute gave part of the results”

“The rules of the special deep sea are indeed different from ours and the deep sea, and the special deep sea has a certain assimilation ability, which is why they can tear up the ship”

“Essentially the result of assimilation in the rules”

“There are also special deep seas that cannot be known by appearance or level, so you must pay attention to safety, know?”

Nagato shared information with Yukikaze.

“Don’t worry, Ying and I will pay attention”

They didn’t need Nagato to remind them of this.

After all, the special deep sea was the first to be discovered by them.

“Well, by the way, when this general attack is over, Xuefeng you and Ying will come to the headquarters, I will take you to complete the hull transformation, and the materials will be out of our Beihai headquarters”

Nagato said that she always remembered the transformation of the ship’s hull. Previously, he promised Xuefeng and Luo Ying to complete the transformation first.


Xuefeng agreed, and she also looked forward to the hull transformation for a long time.

“Then it’s okay, I’ll hang it first, the deep sea side may call at any time”

Nagato said and hung up.

As the commander-in-chief of Beihai, she still has a lot to do.

As soon as the phone was hung up, Luo Ying had already detected a large number of deep seas appearing on the surface. But not a mass-produced deep sea, but a special deep sea.

The mass-produced deep-sea will not come to Snowwind at all.

“That’s a lot”

Luo Ying looked at the picture transmitted back by the carrier-based reconnaissance plane, which was densely packed with at least tens of thousands. Behind there are scattered special deep seas converging towards this side.

There is no way, and the special deep sea nearby is estimated to all come here. I don’t know how they sensed the prototype ship girl.

“We have to fight,” Yukikaze said, standing up.

If you fight near the town guard mansion, you may damage the town guard mansion.

Subsequently, she and Luo Ying came to the sea together, and then rushed towards the special deep sea. The snowy torpedo floated from below the surface of the sea.

And Luo Ying also supported an energy position.


The violent explosion set off a tsunami, and even a fish was blown up and fell into Luo Ying’s hands.

“This fish looks delicious”

Luo Ying glanced at the space she threw into her ship, and baked it when she went back. After the explosion, half of the special deep sea was directly blown up.

Snow Wind took the lead and rushed ahead, Luo Ying followed, and they led the remaining special deep sea in other directions. So as not to cause damage to the town guard.

Luo Ying found that these special deep-sea seas seemed to be expelled light patrols, heavy patrols, battleships, aircraft carrier submarines and the like, she had never seen them. So Luo Ying suddenly had an idea.

She put the energy stand at her feet and then carried herself and flew. This one worked.

“Snow Wind”

Luo Ying shouted, and when Xuefeng heard this, he looked up and saw Luo Ying flying in midair. Then Luo Ying flew to Xuefeng and stretched out her hand.

Xuefeng naturally did not hesitate, she believed Luo Ying, so she also stretched out her hand.

Immediately after Luo Ying grabbed Xuefeng’s hand and pulled it hard, she was pulled to the energy position. Xuefeng was curious, sat on the stand, reached out and patted it. It feels soft, as if sitting on the couch.

It is indeed a little incredible that such a soft position can defend against the attacks of the top ship girl. Sitting on the energy standpoint, the attacks of the special deep sea below were all ignored by the two.

Luo Ying’s energy stance can defend against the output of champion-level Pokémon, and these special deep seas can be left alone.

“Snow wind, we can run with these special deep seas, and then throw a torpedo to solve the problem when we have saved a pile”

Luo Ying suggested that she was still learning the operation of Mei Pulu riding a flying turtle to poison the rain.


Xuefeng also felt that Luo Ying’s idea was good, anyway, it could destroy a special deep sea. They must not be allowed to spread over the sea.

In addition to Xuefeng and Luo Ying, the other prototype ships also began to act. They basically worked in groups of three or three, waiting for the dark to move.

Being able to fish a deep sea is a deep sea.

But those special deep seas are so annoying that no matter how they hide them, they will be discovered. It is also because of the special deep sea, so something is wrong on the deep sea side. How many prototype ship girls appeared on the front line this year?

What kind of conspiracy are the ship ladies going to do? But they couldn’t find anything when they went to find out.


Who would have thought that these prototype ships would bring home all those sunken deep seas. Luo Ying and Xuefeng actually made a lot of fish here.

Although Nagato said that you don’t need to bring your own materials, you can prepare a little.

Fortunately, the general mass-produced deep sea is different from the special deep sea, and the weight will not become particularly heavy after a complete death. If they were all like the special deep sea, they wouldn’t be able to bring back a few ships.

In addition to the actions of the prototype shipwive, the governors responsible for guarding the defense line are constantly in the middle of the battle. Wave after wave of deep sea impact on the town guard.

At this time, it depends on how the governor commands.

If you can bear the rise in the rank of the ship girl, you can’t bear the destruction of the town guard mansion, and wait for the new governor to take up the post and garrison. Of course, there are exceptions, such as Lilith’s side.

Snow Wind said hello to the deep sea a long time ago, and there is no deep sea over there. Then the special deep sea is slipping Luoying and Xuefeng are here.

As a result, although Lilith received a notice that the deep sea was coming soon, she waited left and right, and waited for two days without even seeing a shadow of the deep sea.

She also thought that the deep sea had not yet begun to attack, but still ordered the ship girls to strengthen their vigilance and be ready to face the attack of the deep sea at any time.

It’s just that Luo Ying is not here, otherwise she will definitely think of someone. The bone king who fights wits with the air.

At this time, a large number of special deep seas had gathered on the side of Luoying and Xuefeng. Visually speaking, there should be about 780,000.

The special deep sea in this vicinity was all attracted by them.

The attraction of prototype ships to these special deep-sea is much greater than that of the mass-produced deep-sea.

“Almost, Ying, you stop”

Xuefeng said and took out a dozen torpedoes and put them on the stand. Then Luo Ying also stopped her position in midair.

The special deep sea below shot into the sky one by one, trying to knock them down. But unfortunately, there was an energy stance, and they couldn’t touch the two of them, and Xuefeng picked up a torpedo and aimed it, and then threw it down.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining torpedoes were also scattered by the snow wind goddess.



A dozen mushroom clouds rose, and the explosion covered all the special deep seas.

The strong impact caused a huge tsunami, but the tsunami was calmed down before it was pushed out too far, and the rule of this sea was to wait for the explosion below to end, and Luo Ying looked down.

I saw that all the corpses floating on the surface of the sea were special deep-sea bodies, and it could only be said that the death was extremely tragic. At the same time, within the North Sea Research Institute.

The special deep sea ship before has been dismantled, anyway, now they are not short of experimental materials.

After the disassembly, the hull modification technical team in charge of Prince Eugen discovered something. That is, after the original deep-sea ship armor was fused, it was possible to continue to fuse the special deep-sea ship suit. They had already done experiments, and the candidate was Prince Eugen himself.

They found that after fusing the special deep sea, their level and attributes would gradually disappear. At present, Prince Eugen just can’t see his rank.

But there is a difference from special myths.

That is, the original rules still exist.

For example, the human form cannot be destroyed, and the ship’s armor will only break small and break the big one.

Durability can maintain full combat effectiveness until it is cleared, etc.

PS: Reading the bosses, I wish everyone a happy new year, success in their wishes, all the best, and a fortune this year!.

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