Chapter 84: Repeated UR.

The next day, it was rare that Luo Ying called the snow wind.

It wasn’t a day or two that she was looking forward to the grade transformation.

After breakfast, Xuefeng went out with Luo Ying, and then went to the institute together.

Before leaving, Yukikaze called Nagato and informed Luo Ying that he was going to carry out two level transformations.

After receiving the news from Nagato, the research institute searched for a long time to find the transformation instrument that was put in the warehouse to eat ash. This thing has not been used for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is good to find out.

On the seventh day, Xuefeng and Luo Ying came to the institute. They were picked up by Prince Eugen.

“Snow wind, Ying, long time no see”

Prince Eugen saw the two go ashore and came over to say hello.

“Prince Eugen, long time no see”

Luo Ying also came up to say hello.

“Long time no see,” Yukikaze also nodded.

“In other words, Ying, your upgrade is too fast, and it has risen to more than eighty levels in half a year, how did you do it?”

Prince Eugen looked at Luo Ying very curiously.

They didn’t have that speed when they leveled up. Compared to them, Luo Ying is comparable to a rocket.


“Ying’s heavenly favor, you also know, this matter is complicated to say, in short, luck”

Before Luo Ying finished speaking, Xuefeng spoke first.

Regarding the chat group, Yukikaze didn’t want one more person to know.

Unconsciously, Luo Ying’s proportion in her heart seemed to have surpassed that of the ship girl.

“Well, envy.”

When Prince Eugen heard this, the word envy was written on his face. She also wants such luck, well, it’s really against the sky.

At the beginning, the snow wind relied on a hand of auspicious rui to run amok on the sea, and now the 620 Luoying is even better.

“Forget it, don’t talk about this, let’s transform it first”

Prince Eugen said and pulled Luo Ying, and Xuefeng followed behind. The three came to the ninth basement floor of the institute.

The graded modified instrument is here.

The transformation instrument was like a square cabin, and Prince Eugen pulled Luo Ying to the side.

“Ying, lie down.”

Prince Eugen said and opened the lid of the square cabin. When Luo Ying heard this, she lay down.

Then the lid fell, and Prince Eugen activated the transformation button.

The level modification is not as complicated as the hull modification, and it does not require her to do it herself. As the instrument started, Luo Ying felt that some changes gradually occurred in her body.

The renovation lasted almost half an hour, and after the renovation was over, Prince Eugen opened the lid of the square cabin. Luo Ying couldn’t wait to come out of it.

“Xuefeng, have I grown up a little?”

She didn’t even look at the attributes, and she was concerned about her appearance. This will not give Snow Wind and Prince Eugen a whole thing.

“Ying… You don’t seem to have changed much.”

Xuefeng looked at it carefully, and she was sure that from her appearance, Luo Ying had hardly changed.

“How come!”

Luo Ying remembered that the transformation would not change, how could there be no change at all.

Instead, Prince Eugen explained: “Don’t worry, isn’t there a second transformation, many ship ladies have obvious changes after the second transformation.”

Hearing Prince Eugen say this, Luo Ying was relieved.

“Then let’s move on to the second makeover”

Luo Ying can’t wait, since the first time has no effect, the second time must grow up a little.


Prince Eugen nodded, and then let Luo Ying enter the cabin.

An hour later, as the cabin opened, Luo Ying rushed out again for the first time.

“And this time?”

Luo Ying hurriedly asked.

But both Xuefeng and Prince Eugen were silent.

You don’t have to think about it, she should not have changed again. But how is this possible.

Or maybe it shouldn’t.

The transformation of the ship girl’s level will definitely change her appearance, why Luo Ying has not changed a little twice. It’s not scientific, and it’s not a shipwit.

Instead, Xuefeng suddenly had a guess.

She remembered that Lin Zhiyin had told her that Luo Ying was the darling of thousands of worlds and was protected by thousands of worlds. Maybe it has something to do with this.

Even the level transformation could not shake Luo Ying’s appearance.

But this is good, Xuefeng likes Luo Ying like this now. After watching for a long time, you will get used to it.

If Luo Ying suddenly grows up, she is still a little uncomfortable. Speaking of which, she was still a little worried before.

After all, Luo Ying is a battleship, and after the transformation, it may become the appearance of those battleship sisters. But this appearance is really a bit contrary to Luo Ying.

“Alas, it is also fate”

Luo Ying sighed, the two transformations were exhausted, what else could she do. But forget it, she’s not bad now.

In any case, it is expelled-class, so it will not fall to the side of the submarine. Otherwise, it would be a real punishment.

“Ying is cute now”

Prince Eugen comforted that although she didn’t understand why Luo Ying didn’t change, it didn’t matter.

“Prince Eugen, I’m going to be shy when you say that.”

Luo Ying also joked after a little loss.

“Then I’d rather see how shy Ying looks.”

Prince Eugen also ridiculed when he heard this.

Then the three chatted for a while, and Xuefeng and Luo Ying left. Prince Eugen also had things to do.

After leaving the research institute, on the Xuefeng, Luo Ying took out a YX-3 missile to equip herself. After the first makeover, she already received an extra equipment compartment.

After putting the equipment on, Luo Ying clicked on her panel.

【Luo Ying【Second change】

Level: 83 class carrier-based aircraft: 40/40 Equipment: Pluto, Swarm carrier-based aircraft, high-energy defensive armor, near-position defensive armor, YX-2 armor-piercing missile, YX-3 missile x4

Skill: Heavenly Favor [Effect: Lucky x2]

Attributes: Firepower: 6500, Defense: 2940, Stamina: 3000, Speed: 126, Lucky: 400

“Lift so much!”

Luo Ying was also a little surprised, her firepower directly soared to 6500, and other attributes had also improved. In particular, speed and luck have been improved.

This 400 points of luck made Luo Ying want to draw a prize. Speaking of which, she hasn’t drawn a lottery for a long time. At this time, Xuefeng also saw Luo Ying’s panel.

“Your attributes have improved so much?”

Xuefeng was a little surprised to see this panel, the attributes of transformation and improvement are actually not too much, but it is different on Luo Ying’s side. Fire defense endurance These are good to say, mainly changes in speed and luck.

These two attribute improvements are generally very small.

Especially lucky, under normal circumstances, level transformation will not improve luck. It can only be said that Luo Ying is indeed too special.

“It’s okay.”

Luo Ying felt okay, after all, she hadn’t seen the improvement of her ship girl’s transformation. She thought it was normal, or just a little higher.

Xuefeng didn’t say anything about this, who let his own cubs also be the cubs of the heavens and realms. Loved by all worlds, it is not surprising that something outrageous happened.

What is the attribute of multiple promotion points.

“By the way, Xuefeng, I haven’t drawn a lottery for a long time, it’s good to draw today”

Luo Ying is also on a whim, and today she just smoked when she was happy with her level transformation. When Xuefeng heard this, she watched Luo Ying open the panel of the chat group.

Then clicked on the lottery, and she still chose the ordinary lottery.

[Congratulations on drawing UR level rewards: Endless Energy]

“Wouldn’t it, is it so clever?”

Luo Ying didn’t expect to draw the exact same reward.

As the card draw ended, a familiar blue ball of light appeared in Luo Ying’s hand.

“Snow Wind, this is for you, just fuse directly into the core, it will automatically fuse”

Luo Ying did not hesitate to give endless energy to Xuefeng.


Xuefeng subconsciously refused, which was too valuable.

But when she saw Luo Ying’s eyes, she knew that she couldn’t refuse.

Sure enough, seeing Xuefeng hesitate, Luo Ying forcibly stuffed the blue ball of light onto Xuefeng. The blue photosphere then fused.

Yukikaze immediately felt a change in itself.

“Ying, thank you”

A thousand words, turned into a word of thanks.

“Really, do we still need to say thank you between us?”

Luo Ying looked dissatisfied and put her arm around Xuefeng’s shoulders and said. It’s too much to say thank you to her.

“Hehe, today I finished the second change, and I also smoked the UR used by snow wind energy, double happiness!”

Luo Ying said and laughed.

She decided to share her joy with everyone in the chat group. Immediately, Luo Ying opened the chat group.

Luo Ying: “I’m super happy today, anyone who wants to rub their luck can come”

Group leader Lin Zhiyin: “Yingbao, are you getting along with Xuefeng?” ”

Luo Ying: “I think you may need to apply for medical insurance”

Penglai Mountain Kaguya: “What a happy event to say, let’s listen”

Luo Ying: “Hehe, I changed it today, and I also pumped UR endless energy, just for snow and wind energy”

Group leader Lin Zhiyin: “It seems that our family Yingbao really likes snow wind, I remember that Yingbao has never been so happy when she draws time”

Luo Ying: “This is different, today is a double happiness, what about other people?” ”

Originally, Luo Ying planned to share the joy with everyone in the group, but today only Lin Zhiyin and Kaguya were there. Other people’s avatars are gray and not yet online.

Group leader Lin Zhiyin: “Liuhua is in school, Meplu is playing games, Dream doesn’t know where to play, Qingyi is still busy with the things of the survivor base, and You Bean is also practicing breathing”

Group leader Lin Zhiyin: “There are three lonely old people in this group.” ”

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