"Well done! Worthy of being my intimate little maid, I will give you a promotion and a raise!"

Litia said cheerfully.

"Thank you for your support."

The maid bowed deeply, and deep and plump ravines and tall peaks were revealed in the black and white maid costume.

Lytia read the book eagerly and eagerly, without noticing the arc of the corner of the maid's mouth when she bent over.

Your Royal Highness Lytia, these are all books I specially selected for you, please read them carefully.

The maid's gaze stayed below the title of each book, where the author's name was.

[Author's name: Love Master, Friends of Women, Morning Stars]

Relying on the use of the Moon Witch and the Female Sovereign Witch, I was finally able to lurk here, and I was getting closer and closer to the success of my plan, the star of dawn!


"Haha, Wu Chen, you still have a broken pattern in Tucson."

"In front of my swordsman, you hunter's happy stick can't do it."

In the bedroom, facing the settlement screen on the display, Xia Yueyun showed the winner's smile.

After some hesitation, Xia Yueyun finally chose "Monster Hunter" as one of the decisive games.

According to the rules of the game, each player will play three hunts with the same weapons, choose any weapon and clothing, and whoever spends the least time wins the game.

"If you choose an action game, it turns out that the witch's reflex nerves are much stronger than that of humans."

"But don't worry, I haven't tried my best yet."

Wu Chen yawned, looking very leisurely.

I chose to **** the insect stick, just because I have been playing the game "Different Love Songs" for a long time, and I want to recall the happiness of the year.

With the development of virtual reality game technology, he hasn't touched the game on the console for a long time, let alone PS4, PS5 has been in ash for a long time.

Relive the memories of that year now, it is really full of emotion.

"Hmph, you can still pretend to be calm now, human beings have their limits, Wu Wu!"

Xia Yueyun danced happily in place.

"It seems I have to use this weapon full of evil."

"Come on, light up and down!"

"Heavy crossbows spread, rushing!!!"

"What!? It's only more than two minutes, unscientific!"

Xia Yueyun was dumbfounded.

"Cut, I'm not blaming the hunter, the real bosses in my world can even kill monsters in tens of seconds."

"You, you must be lying to me, how can human beings achieve this kind of technology."

"Don't underestimate the limits of mankind, wife."

As long as we don’t stop, the road will continue to extend!

"I won this round, and there will be two games, "Black Soul" and "Sekiro". As long as I win another round, your bet will be lost."

Wu Chen played with the gamepad in his hand and said relaxedly.

"Huh! Don't be too proud, I have trained on "Sekiro" for hundreds of years, and every boss can pass the level with one life. You are definitely not my opponent!"

After more than an hour, Xia Yueyun stared at the final scene on the game console, completely dumbfounded.

"You, you are cheating! So many bosses don't fight, why are you skipping class by double-jumping!?"

"Playing skipping classes is part of the speed pass. Don't play if you are upset."

Wu Chen said with a smile.

Originally I wanted to play "Black Soul" and pinched the appearance of the ancient gods, but now it seems that I don't need to start the third round, which is a pity.

"The world record on the earth can be cleared in more than 20 minutes. I am nothing more than an hour."

Wu Chen waved his hand modestly.

Are you people on earth all monsters! ?

"My wife, you lost the two-day gambling. According to the rules, you should fulfill your promise, right?"


[There are only tickets in the world~ The eight sins with votes are like treasures~? (^?^*)]

Chapter 60 I want you to help me in my practice!

"I, I lost..."

Realizing that she had lost the game, Xia Yueyun lay on the ground weakly like a salted fish.

At the same time, a faint purple flame ignited from the void, suddenly appearing on Xia Yueyun's neck.

She didn't struggle, and Xia Yueyun knew that this was a sign that the contract began to be fulfilled.

[You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time...]

[Come to me, my...]

Through the purple flames, Wu Chen vaguely saw a huge coffin in the dark, with countless hideous bloodshot eyes and tentacles squirming around it.

The ethereal and indifferent strange voice seemed to pierce Wu Chen's eardrums.

What is this scene?

When Wu Chen wanted to continue to stare at the flame detection situation, the purple fire was completely extinguished.

Everything was like a fantasy dream, and Wu Chen's memory just now became ambiguous and fuzzy.

At the same time as the flames ended, she was alluringly white, after all, she had put on a purple collar.

A sturdy chain stretched out of thin air on the collar, extending into Wu Chen's hand and entangled it.

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