But even in such a short time, the witch can mow the grass without the defensive line of the two-person clan.

There were players who were god’s apostles at the beginning, and they could still rely on the infinite resurrection of piles of corpses to delay time to resist the witch’s advance.

Now that the god’s apostle has disappeared for so many years, how did humanity resist the invasion of witches and demons?

Such a perverted witch, is it possible that human beings have a high?


[Tickets of the right way are photographed on the ground~~?(^?^*)]

Chapter 63

"Xia Yueyun, what on earth are humans relying on to resist the witch?"

Wu Chen asked curiously.

"This, this is the witch's top secret, I can't tell you."

Xia Yueyun tilted her head.

"Can't you tell me?"

Wu Chen smiled, and his body was already attached to it naturally.

"No, don't... don't, don't do this..."

Xia Yueyun's face ruddy resisted Wu Chen's operation.

"If you don't say it now, I can't guarantee what will happen to you next?"

"I said! I said!"

Xia Yueyun stared at Wu Chen angrily.

hateful! When I can regain my freedom, I must imprison you all day and night!

"Wu Chen, have you ever thought about one thing?"

"The power source of our witch is the negative feelings of human beings. If most of the human beings perish, how can we draw strength?"


Watson, you have found a blind spot.

"In that case, are you still going to attack and invade humanity?"

"This is the order and rules of the mother god, we naturally have to be ordered to act! It's just that we are ordered to be ordered, we can fish."

"Especially after the mother **** fell into a deep sleep, more and more witches realized this problem, and everyone began to deliberately slow down their conquest."

Witch: You can touch fish. Feeling cool!

"Our original plan has also changed from destroying mankind to conquering and ruling mankind."

"But if the goddess obstructs our plan, it will not succeed."

"Goddess can rule humans, why can't we witches?"

Xia Yueyun said rather unconvinced.

Co-authored human beings are power banks in the eyes of your witches and goddesses?

"So the answer you want is very simple. Why haven't witches fallen into humans for so many years? Because most witches are fishing."

The destructive power of the witch is too strong, and she can destroy a small city with one blow without any protection.

As a result, a large number of power bank populations are lost.

Therefore, after the witches changed their policy, they seldom acted on their own. They were only responsible for containing the goddess, and then let the demon king lead the tide of warcraft to attack the human city.

After the successful invasion, this area of ​​human space will be divided and ruled within the territory of its own palace, which is more convenient for drawing power.

This is the origin of the occupied area.

"Hey, in the final analysis, are all human beings just prisoners ruled by others?"

Wu Chen sighed.

Whether it is the rule of the goddess or the rule of the witch, there is essentially no difference.

In the end, the human race has no right to decide their own destiny at all.

"You sigh a fart! Now I am a witch, but you are a human prisoner, how good is it!"

Xia Yueyun shook the chains connected to her neck collar and complained indignantly.

"And the situation on the human side is not as desperate as you think."

"In recent years, we have been getting slower and slower in gaining the enemy-occupied area. Even if our witch does not take action, there are signs of counterattack."

"Mankind's magical technology has been accumulated for so many years, and the development over the past century has reached an astonishing speed."

"Even the goddess ordered the prohibition of the most cutting-edge strategic magic technology research in various countries."

"The Huang Empire even broke with the goddess because of this."

"Although I don't know the details, but if you dare to break with the goddess, you must have the support to fight the goddess, right?"

"Human beings have become stronger, making it more and more difficult for us witches to catch fish. Really, obviously I want to stay at home and play games."

"Monster Hunter World can't be paused yet. I'm always halfway through the hunt. The demon kings tell me to go to the front and drag the goddess. It's very annoying, okay!"

Xia Yueyun nestled in Wu Chen's arms like a salted fish.

It would be nice if there were more house witches like you. It must be a lot easier for humans.

Wu Chen thought.

"What you said is right, human beings have grown in strength over time. And as long as I deal with the witches, the problem will naturally be solved!"

"You want to be beautiful! I will never let you succeed!"

Xia Yueyun clenched her silver teeth and stared at Wu Chen with piercing eyes.

If the eyes can kill, Wu Chen might have been killed hundreds of times.

"It's up to you. Don't forget that you have to help me fool other witches according to the contract. You are also my accomplice."

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