Jiang Kai delivered an official and sincere speech on the podium,  At the end, he looked at Jiang Xuenian and Shi Qingfan under the stage and smiled: "I think everyone has heard more or less about the romance scandal between my daughter Jiang Xuenian and Shi Qingfan.  About this scandal, I have a very inspirational feeling to share with you. That is during the summer vacation. ,  I came home from get off work,  Xue Nian suddenly told me that I wanted to get married…”

    The audience immediately roared, "Oh-"

    Jiang Kai smiled and waited for them to calm down,  then: "I said marriage should be okay,  But there is a rule in Beishan Military Academy that you can't get married while you are studying, and you can go after graduation. ."

    "I said before, this very inspirational love,  Where is the inspiration,  " Jiang Kai smiled mysteriously,  " After I said the regulations of Beishan Military Academy, Xue Nian immediately told me that I would complete the next three and a half years of professional courses within half a year, and I was not surprised at that time,   

    Jiang Kai spread his hands,  “Faced with such a firm and lovely couple,  Can I say I don’t believe it? So I expressed our thoughts Unwavering support."

    The audience laughed well,  Everyone looked at Jiang Xuenian and Shi Qingfan who were standing together.

    "Because of my trust in Xue Nian and Qing Fan, today, half a year later, the principal of your school personally called me to tell me the good news and invited me to the school to attend the graduation ceremony. As I stand here,   Now, I announce to all of you an even greater good news, three days later, the little girl Jiang Xuenian will hold a wedding ceremony with Shi Qingfan in Qingxuelou."

    The wedding will be held in three days? ? ?

    Jiang Kai walked off the stage after speaking and left the arena under the protection of the guards.

    Jiang Kai has said the key points, but many details are very vague, such as planning a wedding in three days, and it is still difficult to book the venue Qingxuelou.

    The sunspots noticed this information and immediately became excited. The leader of the sunspots edited a black post about Jiang Kai and sent it to the campus network. Union public opinion support.

    [Rational discussion on the possibility of Jiang Xuenian and Shi Qingfan holding a wedding in Qingxuelou three days later. 】

    —The landlord thinks that it is impossible for ordinary people to post this, why? Just looking up the three characters of Xuelou, I know that this extremely popular restaurant, President Ren has to make reservations half a month in advance to go to dinner, and the wedding takes up a whole floor of the hall. I think there will be more or less time to make reservations in advance. Why did Jiang Kai hold the wedding ceremony for his daughter in Qingxuelou three days later? I don't know if you are interested, but I am very interested.

    —Yoah, Jiang Kai never imagined that he would come to school to show off and finally be anti-corruption _(:3”∠)_

    —Being in a position, getting in and out of luxury cars, enjoying preferential treatment that ordinary people can't enjoy, and the result is not satisfied, so I use the power of my hand to do this.

    —This time, Jiang Kai said that he leaked his mouth, and we will guess the truth.


    The campus website stipulates that posts are prohibited from discussing political issues that are based on facts. Posts full of slanderous speculations by sunspots have not been deleted immediately, just like the previous posts to Jiang Xuenian and Shi Qingfan, Not only was it the first article on the homepage of the campus network, but there was also a "hot" sign behind it.


    After the post was transferred to Weibo, it quickly fermented, and there was no time for people to respond. In a blink of an eye, it became the number one hot search. After attracting enough attention, the number of people participating in the discussion increased exponentially.

    Everyone in Oita gave a statement in @official, and later, guided by Heizi, linked Jiang Kai to the next presidential election.

    @glass crystal: Qingxuelou may make an appointment for the wedding venue at least half a year in advance. Jiang Kai will do it in three days. If this kind of fake public and private person becomes the president of the alliance, what will the alliance become? , as can be imagined.

    @hk雪之梦: The alliance government will not pretend to be dead, hurry up to investigate and arrest the corrupt criminals!


    The alliance government quickly noticed that this evil wind was reported to the top. After reading it, Jiang Kai laughed instead of getting angry and put the report on the desk. Simple, let Weibo and Beishan Military Academy campus network administrators cooperate with the investigation to see who is leading behind the scenes."

    Jiang Kai has registered on Weibo himself, and has been certified. He has never posted anything, so he occasionally swipes Weibo to read news.


    Fortunately, in Jiang Kai's mobile phone, Qiu Fanrou sent him the wedding preparation progress in the past six months.

    Jiang Kai’s screenshots were posted on Weibo. Once refreshed, people on Weibo probably commented without even reading the screenshots.

    Jiang Kai waited for ten minutes, and felt that after reading the screenshot, he clicked on the comment, and picked up a few interesting replies.

    @bobo chicken thief is delicious: good guy, is this the best of Versailles? We know, your sss-level alpha daughter who can finish the three-and-a-half-year course in half a year, and your sss-level oga girlfriend who can finish the three-and-a-half-year course in half a year! !

& nbsp;

    @Secret Garden Road: My wife is a musician, my daughter is a good girl, and my daughter’s girlfriend is also good. Are you still a good person? ? ?

    —@江凯: Thank you for paying attention to my family, in fact, I have an alpha son, and he is also very good.

    —@Secret Garden Road: ah ah ah ah, you are here! ! (crying with envy)


    Jiang Kai's clarification Weibo was quickly topped on the hot search, which not only proved that the black entry was fake, but everyone also felt a sense of being caught.

    Heizi made this move to make Jiang Kai devastated before the election. Unexpectedly, people will see his excellent family, and the approval rate will not drop but rise.

    After half a day, the network security officer of the alliance found the specific information of the sunspots, and the police immediately came to the door to arrest them.

    For some reason, the sunspots entered the police station without any fear, and when they were afraid, Jiang Kai intuited that the people behind them were coming back to find people.

    Sure enough, the sunspots came in for half an hour, and the people above told them to let them go because of insufficient evidence.

    The person above is surnamed Huo, the Alliance sss-level alpha admiral Huo Feng.

    Jiang Kai is puzzled. No one in the Huo family will participate in the next presidential election. Why target him?


    Huo Yashan only transfers, and Huo Feng is not such a vengeful person.

    Jiang Kai felt that there was a problem of love, which made people withstand the pressure and pressed the sunspots.

    Two hours later, the sunspots panicked.

    At this time, Jiang Kaitu got the news, Huo Feng suddenly fell into a coma in the morning, and didn't wake up until he was, the Huo family couldn't hide the news.

    Four hours later, more than three hours had passed since the time when they were allowed to go out, the sunspots knew that they had no chance to go out, and the policeman who looked at the police with a righteous face turned pale, "Officer, take the initiative to explain. , can you take it easy?"


    Jiang Xuenian and Shi Qingfan returned home after trying on the wedding dress. It was past five in the afternoon. Qiu Fanrou asked with a smile, "How is it, are you satisfied with the wedding dress?"

    "We are very satisfied, thank you mom." Jiang Xuenian and Shi Qingfan personally participated in the design of the wedding dress, how could they be dissatisfied.

    Jiang Xuenian knew Qiu Fanrou and didn't know what to talk to, so he had nothing to say.

    The three of them sat together without words, a little embarrassing.

    Jiang Xuenian didn't look at his phone for a day, took it out and clicked on Weibo to see the hot search, and was shocked when he saw Jiang Kai's name on the hot search. Back from get off work.

    Call from the province so you can directly ask the person.

    "Dad, who is behind the online love?"

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