Chapter 270: Walk through the main door

The two of them rushed forward with their faces flushed and faced everyone's gaze.

“Little comrade, why did you come out alone? Why didn’t you call us over?”

 The main reason is that this kind of work should be done by the two of them. How can there be any workshop where lesbians are allowed to do this kind of work?

 But the team leader did not notify them to pick up materials this morning. They thought it would be a little later in today's work schedule.

At this moment, I saw a strange female worker pushing the cart and I didn’t understand. I saw that she was the team leader. She was putting on small shoes for others.

 They don’t object if the team leader wants to put others in the shoes, but it’s too embarrassing. I don’t know whether this little girl came in on purpose or by mistake. All the women in the workshop saw this.

 Where do they put their men’s faces?

 Two people came up to help take the cart, and Xia Zhi wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  said with a smile.

“Two comrades, are you also working together?

 That’s not right, Team Leader Li didn’t tell me that there was a **** man in the group.

 Team Leader Li said that this is the time to test me as a newcomer.

 Women hold up half the sky, and we women can do the same work that **** men can do. "

Xia Zhi not only spoke, but also spoke in a high voice.

Everyone couldn't understand when they heard this. It must be Team Leader Li who is looking for trouble for others.

The two **** men were so happy when they heard Xia Zhi's answer, which made them happy.

Whether this **** is smart and can talk, or this female colleague is stupid and accidentally gets into trouble, they have nothing to do with this matter anyway.

“Even if a woman can hold on for half a day, you can’t do it alone. If we both know that you have gone to get supplies, we will definitely not be idle.

This work should be done by us **** men, come on, come on, you stand aside.

By the way, little comrade, you are new here, what is your last name? "

The three people knew each other’s details in a short time.

Director Liu was arranging work for several group leaders when he saw this scene. Turning his head and glaring at Xiao Song, Xiao Song hurriedly explained.

“Director, you can’t blame me for this. Newcomers all start from the first step.

How did I know that Team Leader Li asked her to pick up the materials?

  If you criticize me for this matter, it would be an injustice. "

How could Director Liu not know Xiao Song’s little thoughts? Xiao Song had been pestering him for a long time, just wanting to develop a relationship with him as a boyfriend and girlfriend.

 But how could Director Liu fall in love with Xiao Song?

 Xiao Song's family is in the countryside. I heard that there are two brothers, three sisters and one brother in the family.

Let's not talk about whether Xiao Song is good-looking or not. Just from the conditions of his family, he knows that whenever he comes back with a son-in-law, he has found a big enemy.

I heard that Xiao Song was paid his salary every month, so everyone gathered back home early. He couldn't keep much money on hand, so he lived tightly in the factory.

Another point is that although Xiao Song is very young, Xiao Song's appearance is indeed average and can only be regarded as barely comely. Coupled with his dark skin, it immediately obscures several of his advantages.

 In short, Director Liu looks down on people like Xiao Song.

Director Liu snorted coldly and said,

“Xiao Song, arrange your work carefully. Mistakes like this will never happen again. Doesn’t this embarrass our Sixth Workshop?

The people who were sent to our factory by our brother factory to study are not employees of our factory.

 You do this.

 Outsiders who don’t know better think that our No. 1 Food Factory is bullying others. "

"Especially as the team leader, you should be more careful and conscientious about this kind of matter. Okay, let's deal with this matter immediately. I don't want to hear any rumors in the workshop for a while." Director Liu's words were both a slap in the face of Xiao Song , and beat Xiao Li again, Team Leader Li hurriedly ran out with a pale face.

She didn't expect that Xia Zhi would dare to do this.

The summer solstice not only pushed back the flour, but also entered the door in such a ostentatious way that everyone could see that he was wearing small shoes for others.

 Xia Zhi has always known that I will not offend anyone unless others offend me.

Although she is also willing to make peace with the situation and compromise.

 But she won’t stay in this factory for the rest of her life. If she compromises now, she doesn’t know how many grievances she will suffer in the future.

 During the two months of studying, as long as the other party kept causing trouble and stumbling upon her, she would not be able to study well.

 It is possible that because of trying to make things better, you may not be able to learn anything in the factory or pass the assessment.

You must know that although Xia Zhi has a job quota, whether he can stay in the factory depends on the final assessment results.

It is precisely because everyone knows this that everyone studies hard and strives hard, just to stay in the factory in the end.

 For example, today the other party deliberately took away the ingredient list, not just because they wanted to give themselves a blow.

And now forcing her to get so many materials alone means that she has no time to recite the ingredient list again.

 It's a pity that she met Xia Zhi, not an ordinary person.

 The cart was pushed back. The two comrades unloaded the dough bags quickly. When Xia Zhi saw that the cart was empty, he pushed the cart and walked out.

Team Leader Li hurriedly stopped her.

“Comrade Xiaoxia, what are you doing?”

“Team leader, I am bringing back the remaining 15 bags of noodles, and there is also a cart.”

“There’s no need for you to go, just memorize the ingredient list here.”

I just asked this girl to pick up the ingredients, but now there are rumors in the workshop, and she is completely embarrassed.

As a team leader, I don’t say I’m afraid of offending others publicly, but privately I’m sure I’m going to poke someone’s spine.

“Team leader, this matter was assigned to me from the beginning. If I don’t finish it, I’ll be sorry for the leadership’s trust in me and everyone’s trust in me. So I must finish this matter from beginning to end.”

Xia Zhi smiled and pushed the cart back. When the two **** men saw him, they hurriedly followed.

“Xiaoxia, okay, then we will go with you, and you can just help push the cart.”

They don’t care whether Team Leader Li is afraid of being poked in the spine, but they can’t be poked in the spine.

Team Leader Li was so angry that he jumped on the spot, but he had nothing to say.

 Every word Xia Zhi said was what he had just said.

How much blame was placed on others just now, how much blame I will bear now.

 Seeing the sarcastic and mocking smiles and whispers from everyone, Team Leader Li almost burst into rage.

 Okay, Xia Zhi, you have the guts, let’s see.

 After the two male comrades took home the remaining 1,500 kilograms of flour from their sixth workshop,

 Xia Zhi went back to thank the three comrades.

I even went to the canteen in the factory to buy three boxes of cigarettes, and gave each of them one box to thank them for their help.

Although the cigarettes only cost 20 cents a pack, they are still very thoughtful.

The three people refused for a long time and couldn't refuse, so they finally had to accept it.

But the name Xia Zhi became famous in the factory in one day, and everyone knew Xia Zhi, the new student.

 (End of this chapter)

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