Chapter 300 Assigning work

 The young female worker cast her fiery gaze on the new factory director.

 None of them expected that the newly transferred factory director would be so young.

 Young, tall, and outstanding in appearance.

 Amidst the crowd's attention, Zhou Zheng'an walked to the center of the venue without squinting.

“Hello everyone, hello comrades, I am the new factory director. My surname is Zhou and my name is Zhou Zhengan.

 From today on, I will work with you to do a good job in the food factory, and I hope that everyone can work together to do a good job in our factory.

I don’t have any special requirements for you. My only hope is that everyone will work hard to do their job well during working hours.

 You can enjoy your life to the fullest after get off work. "

 Immediately received warm applause.

Xia Zhi also applauded there, with shining eyes.

I have to admit that I feel extremely happy to see my old friend.

 But Zhou Zhengan’s work has nothing to do with the food factory.

And how did Zhou Zhengan become the director of their food factory even though they were thousands of miles away? Could it be that he was transferred here because he was in the food factory?

 But no matter what, I was still a little excited to see Zhou Zhengan on the summer solstice.

This was not a good time to get to know each other. After Zhou Zhengan gave an exciting speech, everyone dispersed and officially started working.

 The summer solstice is assigned to the second workshop.

 Their factory is considered the largest food factory around, with a total of ten workshops.

And I heard that ten workshops will be developed and constructed in the future, but that is a later story. I heard that a batch of equipment has been contacted.

 The workers assigned to the second workshop were anxiously waiting for their leaders to arrange their work.

 The workshop director is a middle-aged woman in her 30s.

When I arrived, I was accompanied by Wang Xiumei. Wang Xiumei saw the female workers below, especially when she saw the summer solstice.

There was a proud look on his face, and the corners of his mouth curved upward, and he couldn't hide it no matter how hard he tried.

“Hello everyone, I am our workshop director. My surname is Jiang and my name is Jiang Liping.

 You can all call me Director Jiang, or you can call me Lao Jiang. "

“You are all newbies, but our workshop generally works on a mentoring basis, and there will be a group of senior masters to guide you newbies.

 Everyone has been trained, so it will not be a problem to get started.

This group of old workers were transferred from other units. In the future, I hope that the new and old workers can be integrated and work closely together to do a good job.

Now let me announce that the female comrade standing next to me, Comrade Wang Xiumei, will be the squad leader of the first class of our second workshop from now on.

 Comrade He Wenying is the monitor of the second shift in our workshop. "

“The specific work is arranged by the first and second squad leaders themselves. Now the first and second squad leaders will lead their respective personnel to divide the work.”

Director Jiang turned around and left after assigning the work. At this time, Wang Xiumei and He Wenyingzhi held the worksheets in their hands with great satisfaction.

Started to gather their respective personnel together. When Xia Zhi heard Wang Xiumei read out her name, she knew that, as expected, Wang Xiumei would definitely put herself under her hand to make it easier to deal with herself.

Wang Xiumei is not big-minded, and practice makes perfect in this kind of thing, but it is obvious that Wang Xiumei must have received guidance from an expert after she came back, and she did not open fire as soon as she faced her.

Wang Xiumei called together the comrades whose names were called. There were a total of 80 people in their workshop, the second workshop, and 40 people in one class.

 The first shift and the second shift in the second workshop are basically two shifts.

 The food factory has just started working, so there is no need to work overtime at night.

 So according to the current time, the morning shift is set from 8 am to 2 pm, and the night shift is from 2 pm to 11 pm.    This time is quite free.

 On average, there will be one shift per week.

 The two classes will take turns.

Wang Xiumei assigned work to forty people. They were in an assembly line workshop. Of course, compared to the assembly line of the First Food Factory, the equipment here was slightly inferior. It was simply several grades lower.

 A lot of them require manual labor. In addition to the formal assembly line, other aspects require manual distribution, and the most tiring one is the packaging process.

 Everyone is willing to work in the assembly line or even in the early stages of the process, but when it comes to the final packaging process, they are required to be fast, accurate and ruthless.

 According to the normal post arrangement to the packaging process, there are only two positions left and only two staff members.

 Xia Zhi never heard his name, so he understood that this was waiting for him here.

As expected, Xia Zhi and another **** Li Xiu were directly assigned to the packaging position. Li Xiu seemed to be someone Wang Xiumei didn’t like very much.

 Otherwise, it cannot be arranged into the packaging process.

Wang Xiumei finished arranging the work, raised her eyebrows, and said proudly,

“From now on, everyone will enter their respective positions and we will start a new job. I hope everyone can handle it with ease.”

 Xia Zhi and Wang Xiu came to the packaging process. Their assembly line was indeed an assembly line.

But the packaging process has reached the last step of the assembly line, and this is a small room.

 The open cabin has two workstations on both sides of the assembly line and two large tables.

 Just place them directly on both sides of the assembly line.

 The table is very flat and smooth, suitable for packaging, and all the tools needed for packaging are placed here.

 They are food factories that supply major department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives and small shops.

 The food factories now are not like the food factories in the future. There are not so many plastic packaging or all kinds of exquisite packaging.

 Nowadays they are all sold in bulk as Lingmai, so the packaging is basically a large plastic box with paper lined inside.

 All food leaving the factory is neatly stacked.

 Then put it directly on the trolley next to it and wait. When these stacked boxes reach a certain height, they are pushed to the back warehouse for storage.

 It seems that the work is simple, but in fact the work is very intensive, because there are about 20 workers next to the assembly line who are responsible for piercing the biscuits.

 There are only two of them in the package.

 As you can imagine, they will face a dense array of products.

Li Xiu was laying out the paper in the box next to him, a little nervous.

  He raised his head and glanced at Xia Zhi.

 “Xiaoxia, are you scared? I’m a little nervous.”

"Why are you nervous? The soldiers will stop you, and the water will cover you. Don't worry, this job is still relatively simple."

Xia Zhi didn’t care. When they were in the food factory, they had done every process.

 They have also done the packaging process, and everyone has practiced it.

Although he can’t say how proficient he is, Xia Zhi understands that the main point of this kind of work is that practice makes perfect.

 No one is born fast, but this speed can also be improved.

The two of them slowly laid out the wrapping paper in each box, so as not to be too busy and not have time to lay it out.

 (End of this chapter)

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