In June, Chu State, the border.

Gongsun Yao inspected the farmland and said, "I think the Yu people still need to use chemical fertilizers to fertilize them. Can we grow up without using chemical fertilizers?"

The old farmer who was asked by him said sadly: "General, Caomin and others don't know. This is the first time to plant this year, and I have no experience at all. This sweet potato is buried in the soil again, so I can't see it or touch it."

Gongsun Yao nodded understandingly, "I know, then I won't be able to see it until it is received in October."

He straightened up and said, "Since that's the case, I'll have someone go to Xizhou to buy some fertilizer. This sweet potato is a good thing. Let's plant it every year in the future."

He just hated that he hadn't paid attention to the news in the past two years, so this year was difficult, and he didn't even know how to grow sweet potatoes. Fortunately, before he became a general, he was in business, and he also had a business. When he got home, he followed the uncle of Yu who attended the General Assembly of the People and said, "This kind of sweet potato, did the court of Yu really not issue that kind of planting pamphlet?"

His uncle shook his head, "It's just word of mouth, every place has sent out students from agricultural colleges, according to what they say, the sweet potato planting time in each place is from April to May, and the harvest time is in September or October. moon."

"But each place needs different fertilizers because the soil quality is different. There is more or less fertilizer, and each is different. If the soil quality is less, the soil will not be fertile, and if there is too much soil, the seedlings will be burned, so you must have professional guidance."

His little uncle felt that these things should be handled by the local county government, and his nephew, a general who was marching and fighting, just took care of marching and fighting, and he also managed what to do with grain.

But I also know that he has been a kind child since childhood.

So he said: "But I think that the soil quality of ours and Xizhou is similar, and the fertilization should be similar. We can also use their fertilizers. Hey, it's a pity that this year is also the first time for Xizhou to plant. They themselves We are still planting in temptation, and even if we follow their lead, we are afraid of making a mistake.”

If Xizhou made a mistake, the court of Yu Kingdom could still distribute food to them. But Chu State made a mistake here, and there was no food to send.

Gongsun Yao nodded and said, "I also know the truth, but we still have to follow Yu's way, there is no other way - our spy came back and said that the Yu people are already fertilizing, I'm afraid that this time period will pass. , even buying their fertilizer back won't help, it's not a question of how much money it costs."

Without food, guarding silver is also blind.

Having said that, Gongsun Yao's little uncle said, "Ayao, do you know what happened between Luzhou and Xizhou in Yu Kingdom these days?"

Gongsun Yao nodded and said in disgust, "I know, what Shen Liu did was right. If I were to do it, I would have wiped out their nine clans, and why would I leave the young ones in exile."

His little uncle didn't want to discuss this matter, but said: "I heard something this morning. I don't know if I should tell you."

Gongsun Yao: "Little uncle, just say it."

Uncle: "This morning, a friend of mine from the state of Yu suddenly sent me a letter, saying that it was the miners who worked in the silver mine of the state of Yu, not only from Xizhou and Luzhou. Among those corpses, Chu was found. human corpse."

"You know, the people of Chu sometimes engrave on their backs, and among the new corpses, there are several engravings.

Gongsun Yao thought for a while, and said, "Since it has spread to the ears of the little uncle, they should want me to know."

Gongsun Yao frowned, "You said...Did that General Shen Liu from the Yu Kingdom specifically told me?"

After thinking about it, he still said, "Call someone to check first."

Gongsun Yao didn't hate Shen Liu because each of them was the master, and he led troops to attack each other at any time in this situation. On the contrary, he admired Shen Liu very much.

To be honest, as a general, a young general with a conscience, it is difficult to have prejudice against the generals of Yu. Their behavior is a trait that Gongsun Yao felt must be possessed by soldiers.

Love the people, respect the people.

Everywhere they go, they leave a reputation for praise. They never take a needle and a thread from the people, they give money when they ask for food, they never retreat when they charge into battle, and they live the way they want to live.

Therefore, Gongsun Yao used Shen Liu as a benchmark. What Yu Jun did is how he did it.

But he also knew very well that what could be done in the state of Yu was actually very difficult to do in the state of Chu. For example, he heard a few words from the soldiers under his command a while ago.

——The reason why the soldiers of the state of Yu did not rob was because the soldiers ate better than the common people and dressed better than the common people. They lacked everything, but we, we were still hungry, how could we not rob? After rushing to eat, you can go to the battlefield. Even if you die, you will be a ghost. In your next life, you can go to a good family. Otherwise, you will starve to death if you are reincarnated.

People have their own reasons.

Gongsun Yao thought of this, as if he was punched in his heart, walked out the door, got on his horse, and said, "I'm going to patrol."

His little uncle sighed and sighed with the servant beside him: "The most fearful thing is to live a life of mediocrity, and the most fearful thing is to see good things, but not get them. , miserable."


"Is there something wrong with this Emperor Chu?" Zhe Qing took a letter from Yan State and said, "He really thought that his mouth could hit the world, but now everyone is thinking about how to tide over the difficulties, he is better. It is said that after we defeated the State of Lu, the State of Chu was the next, and then the State of Qin and Yan. If things go on like this, one day we will be ambitious to annex the Seven Kingdoms, so we will gather our forces this year to attack the State of Yu. ?"

Emperor Yu was amused, "Ah Qing, what they said was right."

Zhe Qing was unhappy: "Then we can go to attack the state of Chu right away, isn't it because this year's calamity year, raising troops will be in danger of destroying the country, and slowing down the pace - Father Huang, you said, they are in the state of Chu. The throne is poisonous. As long as you sit on the throne, it seems to become abnormal. When Chu Tianqi came to Yu Kingdom, it was quite normal."

Emperor Yu said: "It's not that the throne of the Kingdom of Chu is poisonous, but you think, what is Chu Tianqi's biggest reliance in his life, his mouth. But his mouth has persuaded the Emperor of the Kingdom of Lu and the Kingdom of Yan. Emperor, have you ever persuaded you? No, you only met him when he was about to leave, so he knew that his own way would not work in front of you, so he never thought about going with him. You live in peace."

"Now the six countries, everyone has their own ambitions, we want to unify the six countries, the emperors of other countries naturally think, everyone's mind is the same. Therefore, he can't stop you from moving forward, so he has to join other people. Let's stop you together."

Zhe Qing laughed, "But Emperor Yan doesn't eat his way."

Emperor Yu stood up and frowned: "Emperor a good emperor. Ah Qing, if you fight with others in the future, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the country of Yan to eat."

Zhe Qing thought for a while and said, "Father, what do you mean by Emperor Yan?"

Emperor Yu then pondered: "I think, since he gave you the letter, he has no reason to fight us head-on for the time being, and I guess he wants to fight above, such as Qi and Jin, which are closer to him. "

Everyone has their own plans, but this year's drought has delayed everyone's footsteps. Emperor Yan was a good emperor, so he had to consider the people. People from the state of Yan are brave and good at fighting. They have been training troops all these years, but they have never fought.

"The only time when the army marched was when Chu State was attacked by Qin State. Chu Tianqi sent an envoy to Chu State and persuaded Emperor Chu to send troops to Qin territory. Qin State had no choice but to retreat. At that time, my daughter was thinking , This Emperor Yan is not simple."

Zhe Qing analyzed: "If it is as the father thinks, in his heart, it is to avoid the strong and eat the weak. This year's severe drought, the state of Yan is recuperating, and there is no war, but the state of Qi and Jin has always been a small war. Constantly, mountain bandits are rampant, Qi and Jin are fighting, and now there is another year of drought, and there will be disputes next year, when Qi and Jin are almost exhausted, he will take advantage of the situation?"

Emperor Yu looked at the picture of the city of the Six Kingdoms piled up in the sand on the table, and pondered, "This Emperor Yan is a very interesting person."


"This water pump is very interesting." A Shanxi merchant said: "Look, what is the principle of the steam engine used, with a little improvement, just put it in the dam, and the water in the dam can start to flow to the fields. ."

In August, in the city of Yunzhou, a caravan stopped by the dam and praised the giant in front of him: "How the brains of the people of the Yu country are so long that they can come up with so many strange things."

"It's entirely up to that girl Xuesheng to make a steam engine first." A friend beside him said, "Hey, did you know? In this city of Yunzhou, I heard that there is going to be another reform."

The word reform is not uncommon in Yunzhou City. It seems that after it was given to Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess, it began to reform, reform and reform.

Therefore, Shanxi merchants just said casually: "What reform?"

Friend: "I heard that it is to reform the primary school."

Shanxi merchants: "The primary school is already perfect, what else needs to be reformed?"

Friend: "Isn't there a kindergarten for the Wanmin Conference in March this year? This kindergarten is optional, but there are three classes to attend, the small class, the middle class, and the big class. Here, you have already started to read. "

"This is divided into classes, and the primary school is also thinking about grading. A few days ago, Her Royal Highness issued an instruction, saying that primary school must be studied for four years, what is the first grade, the second grade, the third grade, and the fourth grade."

"After four years, you can start high school. This high school has three more years before you can take the technical college and other universities."

As soon as Shanxi merchants heard it, they felt that the decree was incredible, and said, "How many years did the technical college study?"

People used to study every year, two years and three years. Now, if elementary schools and high schools are mandatory, isn't it mandatory for technical colleges?

The friend nodded, "Yes, after three years of technical college, it will be called a university."

In fact, he also heard that if you can read well and continue to read, you are a graduate student.

However, this decree has not yet come out, so he did not say, only said: "So, four years and three years plus three years, it can be regarded as ten years of hard study."

Shanshang said: "Wait, let me think about it."

After thinking for a while, he showed a surprised look, and said: "Such a comprehensive study from elementary school, high school, and then to technical college, Abu, to university, all the way, and after a few years, there will be no illiterate people. generation."

Seriously terrified.

But can other countries replicate this model? Can't copy.

Shanshang was silent for a moment and said, "It would be great if our children could read all the way."

This news, not only them, but almost everyone received the news, because this decree was not only for Yunzhou, but also spread to the cities of various states at the same time. The buildings of the primary school have already been built, and the tables and benches have also been newly built.

"This year's drought, carpentry has never been able to work, so I have to do the work of the court. Fortunately, there is a lot of work in the court. We have been able to make these tables and chairs since June, and we have earned a lot of money."

A carpenter who brought a child to report the name of the first grade said: "You don't know, that table is beautiful, we have carefully polished it, the top is very flat, and there is a drawer below, which can be placed in it. Book."

Even the chairs are like those of wealthy people. The carpenter makes one and sits on it. I heard that the size of the back of the chair is based on ergonomics. Anyway, it will not be as uncomfortable as a normal chair.

It's reassuring to send the child in.

The people behind him listened to him and said, "Hey, I thought it would start to suffer this year, but who knew it was not bad. The child's schooling problem has finally been implemented, and my heart is relieved. breath."

The carpenter said, "Listen to your accent, aren't we from Yunzhou?"

The man said: "I'm not from Yunzhou, I'm from Qingzhou. The child was also studying in Qingzhou. No, we came to the Yunzhou Iron and Steel Plant, and the child followed. Originally, according to previous years, our child came. When I go to elementary school here, I have to go through some transfer procedures, hey, it takes time to come and go, how can people like us make this trip?"

Now it's good, reform again, don't have to go back and run. "Because our child is only four years old and can only read the first grade, even if we go back to go through the transfer procedures, we will not be able to enter the second grade. It is said that no matter how smart the child is, he should go to the first grade first, and then skip the grade depending on the situation. ."

The carpenter quickly asked, "Really? Are your children very smart?"

The man shook his head, "It's normal, except that his older brother is a primary school student. He taught him after school, and started reading when he was three years old."

The carpenter was a little envious. "Your family is really nice. There are two people who study. Brother, when all your children read, you will be better."

The man laughed and said, "According to your auspicious words, and honoring your auspicious words, it's just that we are a little late. Think about it, which of those children of nobles and gentlemen are not enlightened at the age of three or four, only ours Children, oh, a few years ago, if you can read and write in this life, it is a great gift, how can you dare to let them honor their ancestors?"

"But now the emperor and his highnesses take pity on us, so that our children can be like the children of the nobles. They have been enlightened since the age of three, and have been studying until they go to university. Oh, it's really wonderful."

"Who said it wasn't? There were only elementary schools before, and we didn't know what to do when we went to elementary school. My eldest son was worried a few days ago. He said that he was young and didn't know what to do when he went out, but the technical college, etc. College, he doesn't know if he can get in."

The carpenter said: "So, this reform is good, hey, everyone's hearts are put down."

The two were talking when they saw the person in front walking a few steps forward, and they hurried to the front to line up. The carpenter said: "I don't know if this year's topic is difficult or not."

The man said: "I'm afraid it's not difficult. Does your child know the calculation problem?"

The carpenter nodded, "I have taught, I have been teaching these days, and I also invited the third-grade child next door to help teach. Hey, I hope I can do better in the test."

Nowadays, every age has to take a pre-enrollment test. Picking out one or two classes with good grades will make it more difficult to teach. The students who have entered these classes have already shown initial results in the past three or four years, and almost all of them can They were admitted to technical colleges, and some of them went to Kyoto, where they studied under the masters of Quyingce.

It's like a straight ladder to the sky, so everyone wants their kids to be in that top class.

However, they were nervous, but the children were not so nervous. They only knew that there would be a book to read today, and they were very happy. They followed behind their father and mother and kept looking ahead.


"Ah Fu, you can go to study."

Yu Zhu'er put the schoolbag on Ah Fu's back and said, "See, this is your school badge, Xizhou Wanmin Primary School."

Ah Fu is very attached to Yu Zhu'er, but he is also very independent. He knows that he has to go out to study, and after studying to buy more meat, he said, "Then when I come back, will Sister wait for me at home?"

Yuzhu'er nodded, "Wait for you."

She felt so sorry for this child. After sending the child away, she has to go to the city tour. Shen Liu went to the border today, and the safety of the entire city is under her control. So he got on his horse and not only went around the city, but also went to the countryside.

Not long after Xizhou took over, it could not recover as quickly as other cities, and encountered a severe drought, so the countryside was still very desolate. When she saw a middle-aged man carrying well water for sale, she frowned and said, "Can you have enough water at home? Just pick it out and sell it?"

These water must be collected from the well, and there is a share every day. It is not anyone who wants to drink it. If there is no such water, what will the family do?

The middle-aged man was a little scared, but he still said it all, "Don't worry, General, we also kept water, each of our family kept a bowl, and we wanted to pick out this water and sell it to passers-by, okay? There is money to send the children to study."

Yu Zhu'er frowned, "Didn't the imperial court ask for your Xizhou and Luzhou children's bribes this year? It's been said that it can be paid in installments."

The middle-aged man blushed and said, "Yes, we know this, this is a good thing, we pay a little more every month, as long as we pay three cents more every month, we can take it slow for a year, we are willing to of."

Naturally they know this is a good thing. But there are so many children.

"The eldest is gone, and the second child is also clamoring to go at home. We thought about it and let the second go, but the third child also wants to go. Hey, how can there be so much money at home."

So we can only save together and save some water for the children to read.

Yuzhuer: "..."

She had forgotten that these people are four or five in their lifetime.

If you want everyone to read together, that's really a big problem. Not letting children read together is a big problem.

She was silent for a while, took out the money, bought the water, and said, "The sun is shining, go home early."

Then the water was distributed to the subordinates. The middle-aged man went home with great gratitude and gratitude, and when he returned, he showed the money to the old lady as if he was offering a treasure, "Niang, I met a good person today, I went out to sell water, and met a female general, a female general and a soldier. Well, give me so much money directly."

His mother said angrily: "You child, that must be a soldier of the court, tell me how good the court is to us, that water is a well dug by the court, and it is free for us to drink, but you take this water , but they want their money, do you have any sense of etiquette and integrity?"

The middle-aged man said: "Auntie, I know, but for that general, this money is just a little leak in the finger, but it is our life-saving money, Sanwazi is going to school now, and can still catch up with the first day. You can still get paid for reading.”

His aunt sighed, sighed and sighed and suddenly rejoiced, "Hey, now really good days are coming, if it's such a disaster year, you can still live safely, and when the disaster year is over, why can't you live a good life? ."

It is.

The middle-aged man stuffed the silver in his pocket and said, "Auntie, you knit a schoolbag out of straw for Sanwazi at home. I'll take him to sign up now."

The woman was very happy, "Go, go, when you get to the city, talk to Mr.

The middle-aged man sighed and left with the three children. When he arrived at the elementary school, it was almost time for school. A person whose badge was the dean heard his situation and nodded: "You can come to study, just We need to do an entrance exam first, and if we don’t know how to read, we will take some basic arithmetic problems.”

Sanwazi said nervously, "Sir, I can't read."

Mr. began to give him arithmetic problems. It's not too difficult, it's an addition and subtraction method within ten, but Sanwazi can't figure out the life and death, the middle-aged man is a little anxious, "Didn't your brother teach you this morning?"

Sanwazi: "Wow wow-"

The middle-aged man was very angry, "I want to come crying, but I don't understand when I come."

Mr. Or said something fair and said: "He is still a child, don't scold him, you have never been in contact with him before, how could you know?"

But after saying this, I suddenly remembered the child I met this afternoon.

At that time, he was studying the problem of chickens and rabbits in the same cage, and he was going to solve the problem with the newly learned X and Y, but he just learned X and Y, and he didn't understand at all. He sighed over there and read the problem over and over again.

Unexpectedly, a child sitting not far from him with a food box also sighed, "There are thirteen rabbits and twenty-seven chickens."

"Don't talk about it, I can't even eat well."

That child was born thin, but now the children are all thin, and almost none of them can eat enough, but he is very thin and conspicuous. Two sweet potatoes are stuffed in their mouths, and one is one. Obviously, they are eating sweet potatoes alone, but it seems like they are fighting for food with others.

However, before he had time to speak, he saw that the child had finished eating a big sweet potato, stood up and patted the ashes on his buttocks, ready to go back.

At this time, he found that when the child sat down, he took off his trousers, and then put his trousers back on after eating.

What kind of weird fetish is this?

He shook his head, sent the middle-aged man and Sanwazi out, then thought about it, and asked his colleagues who were good at math with the issue of chickens and rabbits in the same cage.

The colleague counted for a while with a pen and paper, and said, "Thirteen rabbits and twenty-seven chickens."

Then he raised his head, saw the dean's shocked expression, thought he was sad because he didn't figure it out, and comforted: "This topic has turned a corner, it's not like the simple chicken and rabbit cage problems before, so you don't know, It's normal too."

The dean said in surprise: "It's really right."

The colleague said angrily: "I originally taught this, and it is naturally right."

The dean shook his head and said, "It's not about you, but about a child."

Then he said things like this, like this, and said, "You say, isn't that child particularly talented? I saw the badge, and it seems to be wearing a first-year grade."

His colleague thought about it and said, "I see, we may have discovered a genius. If you are like this, we will look for them one by one, and we will always be able to find people."

School isn't over yet.

The dean said, "Why do you need to go class by class? He is so smart, and he is also very good if he wants to take the entrance exam. Just go to the top class."

So in the past, I really found someone inside, and after testing, I couldn't ask him any questions.

And this child, who asked what to answer, had only one request, to eat meat.

This is simple, the dean promised to give meat after answering the math question, so when Yu Zhuer came to pick up the person, he found that Ah Fu happily told her how much meat he earned for her.

Yuzhuer: "..."

This kid can't live without meat.

Fortunately, the dean recognized her, and seeing that she was coming to pick him up, he said directly: "We suspect that he can be sent to the level of Kyoto. Miss Yue, if you can, send him to Kyoto, the gentleman in Kyoto can teach him better. ."

These people all came from Kyoto and set up a grass-top team, but the best knowledge in the whole Yu Kingdom went to Kyoto.

Yu Zhu'er took Ah Fu's hand back and asked him on the way, "Are you willing to go to Kyoto?"

Ah Fu is very smart, "Sister, are you going back to Kyoto?"

Yu Zhu'er shook her head, "I won't go, my sister still has to fight, but you can go, you can go and follow the master of my sister, who is also known as Her Royal Highness, to learn mathematics. After you learn it, you can help in the future. My sister does a lot of work."

If this child is really as talented as the gentleman said, I guess if it is a big person, maybe it is a person with clear bones, and the recognition of Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess will be a turning point in this child's life.

After she finished speaking, she squatted down, "Go, Ah Fu, later, after the battle, Sister Ah will come to you."

Alfred bowed his head.

He was not happy. But he knew that Ajie was a general, and he knew that Ajie couldn't take him all the way, and she would leave sooner or later.

After a long time, he raised his head and asked her, "Will you really come back to pick me up?"

Yu Zhu'er nodded, "I'll go back to pick you up when the battle is over, and now I'm just taking you to the capital, and letting Her Royal Highness take care of you temporarily, just like putting you in a relative's place, you know?"

Ah Fu nodded sensible, "Sister, don't worry, I will study hard. When I grow up, I will become a rich man, earn a lot of money, and buy you a lot of meat to eat."

Yu Zhu'er softened her heart, "Hey, elder sister is waiting."


"Duoduo! You wait, you wait for me!" a strong man in silk clothes shouted, "You are a woman, you still want to be king, what are you!"

The Wumang Kingdom in the Western Regions, inside the imperial tent.

In the face of his elder brother's angry rebuke, Duoduo smiled and said, "My royal seal was given to me by my father, and it was given to me because of my great merit, so what is your credit, elder brother? During the drought, did you lead someone to sneak attack on the Mullet Country but was defeated with a single blow, or was it the woman who stole the eldest brother and almost got his leg broken by the eldest brother?"

The strong man, the third prince, said: "What kind of great merit is that of you, but you are just taking the things of our Wumang kingdom to please the emperor of the Yu kingdom. You can get this credit by sending anyone casually."

Duoduo sneered: "Then go get it, I can get it, it's my ability, it's your ability to get this price from the people in Yu Kingdom, this Wang Yin, I'll give it to you."

The crown prince, who had been listening to the side, came out and persuaded: "Seventh sister sold the spices of our Wumang country to Yu country this time, and got the support of His Royal Highness the princess of Yu country, and sold some good things of Yu country at low prices. Here, Brother Three Emperors, look at the silk you are wearing now, it is in the list you exchanged this time."

As soon as the third prince heard this, he looked at the emperor sitting at the top and said, "Father, you must not be deceived by them, the seventh sister may have made a deal with the princess of the Yu Kingdom to get such a big deal. convenience.”

The emperor smiled and said: "I know this, Aguyan is smart, she went to Yu country, said she was very talented, and was left by Her Royal Highness the princess of Yu country, in order to keep Aguyan, she told us Mang Kingdom signed a trade treaty. Third, when you see your seventh sister in the future, be more polite, lest you bully her like this, and when Aguyan returns from her studies, she will not recognize you as an uncle."

The crown prince also said, "Yes, Seventh Sister has left her children in Yu Kingdom for the good of Wumang Kingdom."

It is better for a woman to be king than a third child to be king.

The third child is a poisonous snake, and he wants to bite him all the time, but his father, the emperor, is old now, and he is suspicious of him.

At this time, Qimei jumped out and competed with the third child for the best, so he naturally wanted to help Qimei.

So he said: "And the seventh sister has been filial to the father and the emperor for so many years, but it is you, the third brother... Hey, the last time you had an affair with my concubine, you were caught by the father and became angry with the father, and almost fell ill. ."

The old thing is ill, but it will be fine after a day, why not die?

The crown prince prays for the emperor to die almost every day, but he has been living well. He became the crown prince at the age of four, and now he is in his forties. He is still the crown prince and has grandsons. become.

Although he lowered his head, he was born by the emperor. The emperor saw the greed in his eyes at a glance, and he was bored in his heart. Then he looked at the third son, still chattering, and wanted to take the throne from him. There are only seven daughters, Yin Yin's eyes are as pure as the beginning.

It's a pity that it's a daughter, and he sighed, "I gave this Wang Yin to Duo Duo, don't make up your mind. Since you have Wang Yin, then you should make up for the treatment that Wang Yin deserves."

"Boss, you go and select a hundred soldiers and give them to your sister. In the future, they will be your sister's soldiers. You must not interfere."

The crown prince happily said: "Father, don't worry, they are all brothers and sisters, and the son will take good care of the seventh sister."

Duoduo looked at the emperor with admiration, "Father, thank you, my daughter will do a good job for you."

She lowered her head with a smile on her lips.

The first step, Wang Yin, got it.

Her Royal Highness is right, there are many things women can do.

She returned to the king's tent and saw that the maid brought her a cake, and then she had to break it with her hands, and quickly stopped, "Go and clean your hands... Forget it, there is no water now, you go out, I will break it myself. ."

The maid nodded and said, "Yes."

Dodo sighed.

If you stay in the Yu Kingdom for a long time, you will develop many habits. For example, you need to clean your hands often, otherwise there will be some germs. If you come across something called influenza, according to today's medicine, many people will die. .

It's just a pity, back to the Western Regions, there is no water to clean your hands.

Water is for drinking only.


"Because there was no rain, many people starved to death. Qi people didn't care, they piled up directly in the mass graves outside the city. There are still many dead animals there. Listening to Yu doctor's words, it is easy to cause a plague."

Liu Chengren said to his grandson, "But this time the plague in Xicheng was not caused by these two things. According to Doctor Yu, it should be a severe drought, so everyone went into the mountains to hunt and ate some mice."

Zheng Changlong was puzzled and said, "In the years of drought, there were people who ate mice, but they didn't get any disease, but now, they got the plague?"

Liu Chengren sighed, "Doctor Yu said, the mice are prairie mice from the grassland, and they have a kind of flea with plague bacteria on them, these fleas bite the mice, and the mice are infected with this mouse fungus, hey. , These mice have moved south to our Jin and Qi countries. In this severe drought, everyone has long since eaten. Now that the mice come, you say, people who are hungry and anxious, can they not eat mice?"

If you eat it, you will get sick. There were infected people all over Xicheng. They often had fever, cough, and died overnight. If there was no place to deal with these people, they could only burn them, so the Qi army set the whole city on fire.

The fire burned for several days and nights, but still not all the people were killed. There were always a few people who escaped and then infected more people. Now, Jinzhou, which was conquered by Qi State, is no longer possible.

Liu Chengren said: "Changlong, we are going to close the city. The people in this city will die if they mix in with a person who has the plague."

Zheng Changlong was frightened in his heart, and asked uncomfortably, "Even Doctor Yu can't do anything about it?"

Liu Chengren said: "I have already sent someone to Yu State to ask for a famous doctor, I hope someone will come, but the doctor Yu here said that the plague, I am afraid it is difficult to cure, can only... can only be isolated, healed by itself, and reduced with drugs. The possibility of infection is to prevent the plague, but it is difficult for people who have the plague to be cured."

Even gods can't save people from plague.

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