"Jinhua, when you get home today, give the watermelon to your mother right away. Maybe you will be scolded less."

Qin Yao instructed as she covered most of the broken watermelon with gauze, put it in a bamboo basket, and helped carry it on the little girl's wrist.

Jinhua looked at her rounded belly, "uh" and burped full of watermelon flavor, and nodded gratefully to her third aunt.

"Then I'm going?" Jinhua looked serious as if she was about to die heroically.

Qin Yao nodded heavily, "Let's go, little girl!"

Jinhua walked away with a heavy bamboo basket, turning back three times. Awang, who was sitting on the doorstep eating melon, watched her smoothly enter the village and turn into the Liu family's old house. He turned to Qin Yao in the yard and said, "We're home safely. "

Qin Yao motioned to Awang to finish eating quickly, "We will go to town to pick up Dalang and the others later."

By the way, I went to the field to pick two more melons to see if they were good for sale.

The whole melon is too expensive, and most people would be reluctant to part with it, so Qin Yao plans to slice it into pieces and sell them by the slice, which makes the price sound more acceptable.

Awang finished the watermelon in his hand in a few mouthfuls, threw the rind into the wooden basin that Qin Yao took out, and took the basin to the livestock shed to give Lao Huang and Lao Qing extra meals.

Although there was only the rind of the melon, the horse and the cow were quite happy to eat it.

When Awang took Lao Huang out and put him in the carriage, Lao Huang was in a high mood and screamed loudly at the top of his lungs.

The carriage was hitched, and Qin Yao also prepared the high-leg table, gauze, chopping board, and kitchen knife needed to set up the stall.

Asking Awang to carry things into the car, Qin Yao went to the melon field and picked two melons that were a little crooked.

Keep the good-looking ones and sell them whole, and cut the unsightly ones!

A long section of the road out of the village has been built, the roadside has been widened, and the roadbed has been reinforced.

The outer roadbed is all built with stones, and the foundation is half a meter deep, so it won't collapse easily.

The paving materials on the road are also very particular. Several layers are required, and each layer is made of different materials.

The first layer is ordinary soil, and the second layer should be sprinkled with something that can inhibit the growth of weeds, usually lime powder mixed with some other things.

The third layer is made of gravel, which is first beaten flat, and then rolled over with heavy stones to make it very strong.

The gravel produced by stone grinding in Qinyao factory is now completely recycled and paved on the road.

On this layer of gravel, there is also a layer of fine sand sifted from the river to serve as a buffer and reduce the friction of the wheels when walking.

Only by doing these things well will a solid and easy-to-travel road be considered complete.

The road surface has also been widened. The trail that was originally less than 1.5 meters is now widened to 2.23 meters, and is also widened at the corners to make it easier for cars to pass.

After walking on a good road and then walking on the original bad road, even Lao Huang, the horse, became impatient, and his snorting snort made him a little irritable.

Two quarters of an hour before the Ding family started school, Qin Yao and his servant arrived at the school gate smoothly.

Qin Yao found a clean and cool place under the old elm tree by the roadside, set out the high-top table and put the chopping board and kitchen knife on it.

Awang tied up the carriage, came over with two heavy buckets, and placed the buckets under Qin Yao's table.

In the bucket, there was cold well water that Awang brought from the well of the nearby farmhouse. The watermelon that had been waiting on the carriage along the way was soaked in it for two quarters of an hour, and then taken out and cracked. The watermelon was just right cool.

The door of Ethnic Studies opened, and the students who had finished their studies ran out one after another. They smelled a special sweet smell wafting from the roadside, and their eyes uncontrollably searched for the place where the fragrance came from.

Pieces of watermelon cut into even sizes are spread out on white gauze, and the red flesh gives off an attractive watery glow under the setting sun.

"Gulu~" Some students couldn't control their dry throats and swallowed.

Qin Yao patted Awang, and Awang shouted expressionlessly——

“Sweet and fragrant melon, no charge if it’s not delicious!”

Soon, a group of students gathered around and stood in front of the stall, asking Qin Yao if it was not delicious and it really didn’t cost money.

Qin Yao handed over a bowl of cut watermelon cubes, "Free trial, try it all. It's sweet and crispy watermelon, keep it if you want it again!"

They are all half-grown children, who can't stand the temptation. As soon as they heard it was free, they immediately reached for it.

Eating a piece of watermelon caused a "wow" sound.

The four Dalang brothers and sisters who came out late saw A Niang and A Wang surrounded by students from a distance. They quickly ran over to see what was going on. When they saw the bright red and attractive watermelon, the four brothers and sisters couldn't help but swallow it hard. Take a sip of saliva.

Someone wanted to buy it, so Qin Yao took out the price tag. It cost ten cents for a small meal. It didn't look expensive at first glance, but after careful calculation, it cost ten cents for a big mouth to eat in three or four bites.

But how can the students who have tried it still endure it?

A bookboy came to pick it up, and he immediately asked them to pay for it. They chose the one that looked the biggest and reddest, and the meal was so satisfying.

One piece is not enough, I need another piece.

Qin Yao only cut half of the watermelon, no more seconds.

I cut another half, but it was still sold out after cutting.

The remaining watermelon was cut into pieces. The Ding student who was hesitant just now ran home to get the money, and the full chopping board was empty in a short time.

Someone who had tasted one piece wanted to buy another. He reached out to take the last two pieces, but Qin Yao quickly stopped him with quick eyesight and said, "Sorry, these two pieces are not for sale."

He changed hands and handed it to the four Dalang brothers and sisters who came forward unconsciously at some point and were helping to sell and collect money.

"Half a piece per person, quench your thirst first, and we'll eat enough when we get home." Qin Yao smiled and winked at the four siblings.

The child is too sensible and looks a little sad.

He was obviously very greedy, but he didn't know how to hold it back. He helped sell the melons but didn't taste any of them.

Si Niang was so happy that she jumped up on the spot, "Mom, the watermelon is so delicious!"

"Isn't it a sweet potato?" Sanlang reluctantly gnawed on the remaining sweet potato skin and asked doubtfully.

He just heard Awang hawking and said it was Lianggua.

Qin Yao: "It's both a cold melon and a watermelon. You can call it whatever you want."

Saburo still didn't understand, "Then why don't we call it east melon, north melon and pumpkin, but watermelon?"

Qin Yao: "Shut up and eat your melon."

Saburo was confused, but obedient, "Oh."

After the stall was closed, the students dispersed reluctantly, hoping that Qin Yao would come again tomorrow, but fearing that she would actually come.

A piece of melon costs ten cents, which is not expensive, but it is really not cheap. I am afraid that if I want to eat it, the adults will not buy it, so I can only watch other students eat it.

Looking at the four Dalang brothers and sisters, the envy in the eyes of several classmates who have a good relationship with them is almost overflowing.

Madam Qin just said that she should go home and let them eat as much as they can!

"We are going home, you should go back quickly."

Dalang waved to his envious friends, licked the watermelon juice off his fingers, and helped his stepmother put away the stall. The four brothers and sisters took the car home with great anticipation.

As soon as he entered the yard, Erlang saw the bucket under the eaves of the kitchen. He rushed over to take a look and found that there was indeed a melon. He looked back at Qin Yao and received approval. He picked it up and rushed to the kitchen chopping board.

The remaining three threw the book box away and followed immediately.

Qin Yao smiled as she watched the children burst into screams of surprise, and asked Awang to prepare dinner while she calmly sat down in the main room and counted the money.

In the afternoon, I sold two watermelons and earned 390 cash.

By the way, there is also a buy-one-get-one-free offer from Liu Dafu’s family, which adds up to a total of 590 cash. (End of chapter)

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