The Lightless Sea 05

Kai Xin got a leave note from the team leader, but another very serious problem arose.

She didn’t know where her family lived.

Kai Xin stood blankly in the corridor for a few seconds. When she looked around, she found a toilet sign in front of her. She had an idea in her mind and walked quickly into the toilet.

As soon as she entered the toilet cubicle, Kai Xin took out the silver bracelet that Dr. Huang gave her from her pocket and put it on her wrist.

A string of characters flashed on the bracelet: “It’s turned on.”

Then the characters automatically changed to time, 19:38. It seems that this is an ordinary electronic wristband that displays the time.

Kai Xin is like an old man who has just got a smartphone and is out of track with the times. He sat on the toilet seat and fiddled with it for a long time without understanding how it works.

“Help…the buttons on this bracelet don’t protrude at all.” Kai Xin was sweating profusely, and he could be regarded as experiencing the feeling that it is difficult for the elderly to move an inch in a high-tech society. She could only fumble back and forth on the bracelet, trying to discover its function.

She clicked on the side.

“The biological information has been confirmed.” The wristband flashed out on the projection screen, which displayed various functions of the bracelet.

“Signal shielding, instant messaging, encrypted networking, location tracking, automatic destruction…” Kui Xin checked one by one, and couldn’t help being afraid for a while, “Press and hold the power button for three seconds and throw it out. Is it as powerful as a miniature bomb?”

It turned out that it was a small weapon, but luckily she didn’t press the side for too long, otherwise she would be dead by now.

Kai Xin took out a black chip the size of a fingernail. According to Dr. Huang, the chip recorded various information about “Security Officer Kui Xin”, and it should show where her home is.

Kai Xin put the chip on the bracelet, and the projection screen of the bracelet displayed: “Reading data…reading…reading completed.”

The first page of the screen displays Kai Xin’s own information.

Kai Xin, whose parents died in a terrorist attack while riding a suspended tram a few years ago, the insurance company paid her a large sum of money. With the money, Kai Xin was admitted to the Black Sea College to study criminal investigation technology with excellent grades , After graduation, he passed the internal recruitment of the Ministry of Investigation and became a trainee security officer.

Her current address is No. 233 Anning Street, Gangwan District, Heihai City.

The information on this document is so detailed that it couldn’t be more detailed, including her life trajectory from childhood to adulthood, her unobtrusive living habits, and her deposit password and bank statement.

etc! The information showed that she had borrowed money from the bank, and the amount was not small… What’s going on? Didn’t she have compensation for the accidental death of her parents? Why take a loan?

Seeing the end, Kai Xin’s eyes straightened.

It turns out that the tuition fees of Black Sea College are too expensive! The tuition fee for each academic year is more than 200,000 yuan, and she has spent all the compensation money, and she is still in debt of 300,000 yuan.

Three hundred thousand in debt!

Kai Xin’s pupils trembled.

Since he has to play the role of “Security Officer Kui Xin” for a long time, inheriting the debt left by the original body is almost an inevitable development.

Absolutely! Is this the legendary time travel? Not only to become a 25-year-old boy, but also to bear a loan of 300,000 yuan!

KuiXin had a sad expression, and it took him a while to recover.

She then proceeded to conduct an encrypted network, and searched on the Internet: “How do I get from the Investigation Building to Anning Street in the Harbor District?”

The search results came out.

“Take the No. 13 suspended tram from Jicha Building Station to Anning Street Station.” Kai Xin heaved a sigh of relief and thanked the well-developed network from the bottom of his heart. Sure enough, in case of indecision, Baidu is the correct strategy.

The information shows that “Security Officer Kui Xin” has the habit of taking trams to travel, so she also takes trams when she goes home.

Dr. Huang handed over more than 200 pages of materials, not only from Kai Xin, but also from other people, such as Captain Shu Xuyaoshu whom Kai Xin had met just now, and other members of the seventh team she belonged to. Kai Xin read his own information carefully, and briefly browsed others’ information, then put away the bracelet to project.

You can’t stay here for too long, and you can save the information to continue reading in the future.

Kai Xin walked out of the toilet cubicle and went to the sink to wash his face.

Through the mirror, Kai Xin saw her pale face, and the mirror reflected on the wall behind her, where a fire safety map was pasted, showing the floor plan of the Investigation Department building. Kai Xin turned around and walked to the map to look carefully, and after confirming the location of the building exit, he left the toilet.

“Intern security officer Kai Xin, may I ask if you have any discomfort due to your frail body during the operation?” The voice of the artificial intelligence Adam suddenly appeared, “I noticed that you take a long time to go to the toilet. Considering your physical condition, if a minute If you don’t come out after that, I will send a message for help to the staff closest to you, and let them confirm whether you passed out in the toilet.”

Kai Xin: “…?”

What about this artificial intelligence? Do you care about shit time? !

“I do have a slight discomfort.” Kai Xin remained calm.

“Do you need me to call the medical center?” Adam said.

Kai Xin choked speechlessly: “No need… I’ll just go home and rest.”

Adam: “So do you need someone to accompany you home?”

Kai Xin thought in confusion, this Adam is not so much an artificial intelligence as an artificial intelligence steward.

“Thank you for your proposal.” She refused, “I can do it by myself.”

“You don’t have to thank me. It is my duty to serve you.” Adam said.

Going home alone has the risk of getting lost, but going home with others will increase the risk of her identity being exposed, so she chooses to explore alone.

Kai Xin found the elevator according to the map he took down, and took it to the first floor.

The first floor is an empty lobby, and there is a receptionist at the front desk of the lobby. Kai Xin stepped into the hall and looked out the glass door.

It was raining outside, and the gray rain curtain made the scene outside not very clear.

When someone was detected, the glass door slid open silently to both sides, and the water vapor brought by the torrential rain rushed in.

“It’s raining, please remember to bring an umbrella, I wish you a smooth journey.” The artificial intelligence dutifully reminded.

It’s so thoughtful… Kai Xin silently took a black umbrella from the public umbrella stand next to the glass door, opened it and walked into the rain.

She raised her head and looked towards the sky. The swaying raindrops wet her trouser legs, and the gorgeous neon lights came into her eyes.

She was in a forest of steel and iron, tall buildings looked down on her like giants. Between the buildings, the suspended trams glide on the tracks above the city, like predatory snakes cruising in the forest.

Huge and colorful electronic screens are mounted on tall buildings, and one advertisement after another is constantly changing, making people dazzled. The gray-black sky flew over an airship, and a brightly colored fluorescent advertising banner was also pulled on the airship.

The tall and realistic avatar is projected in the air by the holographic projection equipment, and the advertising actor reads the lines in a seductive tone: “Rick Technology Company, masters the most cutting-edge bionic mechanical technology, to create your exclusive prosthetic limb for you.”

The rain splashed on Kai Xin’s umbrella, and she recovered from a brief absence.

Her eyes passed through the rain curtain, looking at the people hurrying in the rainstorm.

Their clothes are ordinary or bright, some are in suits and leather shoes, some are simple and simple, some are fashionable and beautiful, and some are in shabby clothes. But under the influence of the rain, they seemed to be no different. They were all soaked in clothes and hair, and they were all in a mess.

Kai Xin looked around and saw a sign for a suspended tram not far away, so she walked there.

There were still a few people waiting for the train at the waiting point, and Kai Xin hid himself into the crowd and waited for the tram with them.

She glanced around and noticed that many people were equipped with mechanical prostheses. The middle-aged man next to him has a mechanical arm. He didn’t wear a watch, but installed a micro-display on the back of the mechanical arm, and the time jumped on the display. The girl on the right blows bubble gum and has mechanical prosthetic legs.

People are accustomed to wearing prosthetics, and they don’t look at the person who has them.

About three minutes later, the tram slid over and opened the door.

Passengers at the waiting point got on the bus one by one, and the recognition device continuously issued prompts: “Face recognition has passed, payment has been successful…Face recognition has passed, payment has been successful…”

It was Kai Xin’s turn, and she walked up, but the instrument showed no change: “Face recognition has passed, and the payment was successful.”

Kai Xin relaxed and found an empty seat in the train compartment to sit down.

The rain was pattering on the glass window. She looked out of the window, and the colorful neon lights flashed different halos, illuminating her pupils.

This kind of prosperity and high-tech projections that can be seen everywhere cannot be seen in the first world, Kai Xin was dazzled by the gorgeous colors, she was fascinated by it, but she hesitated.

This world is like a poisonous poppy. It looks beautiful, but it is actually dangerous.

Kai Xin lowered his head and glanced at the bracelet. The current time is 20:12.

Night fell, but Heihai City did not fall silent. There were more neon lights and advertising projections, and the rain could not extinguish this excitement.

Kai Xin is a misfit outsider, she is observing the new world. She carefully read the flickering fonts on every advertising board, and carefully studied every passing airship and drone swarm.

The speeding tram pierced through the rain curtain and penetrated the huge holographic projection in mid-air. The light reflected in Kai Xin’s pupils changed with the changes of the scene outside the window.

She murmured in her heart: “I’m here, New World.”

“Harbour District, Anning Street, we’re here. Passengers, please take your luggage and get ready to get off.”

Kai Xin opened his umbrella and stepped out of the tram. The car door closed behind her, and what she saw was completely different from before.

Anning Street in Gangwan District is pitch-black. There are no neon lights or billboards. There are only residential buildings of different heights and cheap convenience stores with lights on both sides of the street. There is water on the uneven road.

Compared to the bustling area where the investigation building is located, Anning Street in Gangwan District is quite dilapidated. But the dilapidation here gave Kai Xin a sense of familiarity.

The advanced technology and the flashy and noisy city always remind Kai Xin that she is an outsider. The backward and simple Anning Street gives Kai Xin the illusion of coming home, because the old community where she lived in the first world for several years also looks like this . Dilapidated, dark, the street lights are broken, and the lights of the commissary downstairs are on until late.

She recalled the navigation map she had checked before, and walked towards home.

Just after walking a few tens of meters, a wine bottle slammed into Kai Xin’s feet. She stopped, and saw a drunk old man lying in a corner, swearing indistinctly.

He fell asleep without cursing a few words.

Kai Xin stepped over the broken wine bottle and saw that the walls on both sides of the street were covered with colorful graffiti.

“Get out of our house!” There was a line of big red characters written on the wall, with a bloody skull drawn at the end of the words.

Tiaozi, this is a derogatory term for city law enforcement officers.

Kai Xin knew the meaning of this word from some old movies.

The people on Anning Street seem to be very unwelcome to outsiders, especially law enforcement officers. And the law and order on this street…looks pretty bad. The streets are dirty, graffiti is everywhere, and drunks are left alone on the streets.

The illusion of going home in Kai Xin’s heart dissipated in an instant. Although the old community she lived in was dilapidated, it was very clean, and garbage trucks came to collect garbage every morning.

Along the way, there were very few pedestrians on the street.

Kai Xin walked through the dirty alleys, trying to find the direction of his home. When she was about to leave the alley, Kai Xin saw a little brother in a sweater not far away. She was about to rush over to ask for directions, when two men suddenly appeared from the corner of the street, blocking her retreat.

They surrounded Kai Xin, each took out a small knife, pointed at her and said viciously, “rob!”

The little brother in the sweater in front heard the “robbery”, but he looked back and ran away, faster than a rabbit.

Kui Xin: …This Anning Street is not peaceful at all!

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