The Lightless Sea 18

Kui Xin took the elevator to Shu Xuyao’s office.

After entering the elevator, Adam sent her a new work schedule.

There is only one arrangement in the morning – induction training. There are two arrangements for the afternoon, training time from 2:30 to 5:30, and a meeting in the group conference room of the field team at 6:00, which is not written on the schedule.

It seems that there are very few things to do in a day, but in fact there is no free time at all. The training is boring and tiring, but you can’t do it without training. Kai Xin expectsThese skills save lives.

With a beep, the elevator stopped on the third floor.

The elevator door opened, and Shu Xuyao ​​happened to be waiting by the door.

“Captain!” Kui Xin put down the communicator and looked up.

“The time is just right.” Shu Xuyao ​​stepped into the elevator and pressed the door close button, then said, “Adam, the sixth floor.”

“Yes, the floor blockade has been unlocked.” Adam replied.

Shu Xuyao ​​noticed the surprise in Kai Xin’s eyes, so he patiently explained: “Our investigation department has many hidden floors. The buttons of these floors will not be marked in the elevator room. Only those with authority can order Adam to unlock the floor block and enter.”

“No wonder.” Kui Xin glanced at the elevator button. The highest floor displayed on the button was the sixty-sixth floor, and the lowest floor was the third floor, while the number of floors Shu Xuyao ​​just reported was the sixth floor.

Will there be more hidden floors between the third floor and the sixth floor, or even below the sixth floor? What are these hidden floors for?

Mechanical Dawn’s penetration into the Investigation Department was not deep. Some of the contents of the data chip that the organization asked Dr. Huang to hand over were vague guesses, while others were not mentioned at all. Kai Xin was the first undercover agent to successfully break into the interior. Like Dr. Huang in the medical center, although he is also an undercover agent, his scope of work is limited to treating patients and saving lives. He has no access to the work of security guards, and the information he can obtain is limited.

Kai Xin was different. On the first day she officially entered the job, the training she received was related to the core secrets of the Investigation Department.

The elevator went all the way down and stopped soon. The moment the elevator door opened, Kai Xin smelled the smell of cold and damp water, and the icy air poured into the small elevator room, and goosebumps appeared on her arms.

The lights were on in the elevator room, and the underground floor outside the elevator room was dark. The deep darkness and icy water vapor made people daunted.

Suddenly the lights turned on, illuminating the underground floor.

The first thing that catches the eye is the silver-white metal wall that fits perfectly. The wall has been treated with anti-reflection, so that the light reflection will not make people feel glaring.

Why is the humidity in this place so high?

“Come on, Kai Xin, let’s change into the protective clothing first.” Shu Xuyao ​​led the way.

“There is a sense of sight in a horror movie.” Kai Xin said, “Where is this place, captain?”

“The herbarium—one of them.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “This place stores some specimens of xenogeneic organisms. Once the xenogeneic organisms die, the corpses are difficult to preserve. We have to soak them in a special solution and control the humidity and temperature at all times. ”

They turned right, and there was a long passage in front of them. Shu Xuyao ​​entered first. Red lights lit up on both sides of the passage, and mist-like disinfectant sprayed out from the top of the passage. After the disinfection was completed, the red light in the passageway turned green, and Shu Xuyao ​​came out of the passageway.

Kui Xin also followed Shu Xuyao’s example and walked into the aisle for disinfection.

“Some alien creatures are frozen in low-temperature liquid nitrogen, and the inside is very cold, so the protective clothing is made of thicker materials.” Shu Xuyao ​​took out a protective clothing and showed Kai Xin how to wear it.

This protective suit is as thick as a space suit, and it looks like a snowman after wearing it.

Kai Xin struggled to pull on his clothes, and with the help of Shu Xuyao, he pulled down the zipper on the back, and finally they put on glass helmets.

There is a communication device in the protective suit, and Kai Xin can still hear Shu Xuyao’s voice under the cover of the glass helmet.

The last metal door opened, and Kai Xin and Shu Xuyao ​​walked into the “herbarium” side by side.

Then she ushered in the opening lightning strike.

The pale human body was soaked in a transparent glass jar filled with light green solution. The head on the neck of the human body was gone, replaced by curly dark red tentacles, which protruded from the neck and quietly floated in the green solution .

This specimen is nothing, the more terrifying thing is yet to come.

Kai Xin turned his head and saw that the glass jar on the left contained half of the human body after being parasitized by alien species. The reason why it was half was because it was sawed in half, clearly showing a deformed and mutated cross-section of the human body, and organs such as the heart and intestines were clearly visible.

“Don’t spit in the protective clothing.” Shu Xuyao ​​reminded.

Kai Xin looked away and reluctantly said, “I… I didn’t eat much in the morning, so I won’t vomit.”

“You are a relatively calm newcomer.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Lan Lan vomited back then, and she vomited in the protective clothing.”

“Did he visit the whole tour in a protective suit full of vomit?” Kai Xin asked.

“How is it possible? Our investigation department is not so harsh and perverted.” Shu Xuyao ​​smiled, “He went back, took a shower and changed his clothes, and then came to visit the underground in the afternoon.”

“It’s so miserable, Lan Lan.” Kai Xin said a few words to divert his attention, feeling much better, “I’ve seen the parasitic hydra, its tentacles are transparent, and the visual impact is not bad, these dark red ones Tentacle is…”

These dark red tentacles are ferocious, evil, and weird, more disgusting than the tentacles of the parasitic polyp.

“This species is called the Red Thorn Hunter. It has a more ferocious temperament than the parasitic Hydra. The humans parasitized by it can hardly survive three days, which means that it needs to change its host every three days.” Shu Xuyao ​​pointed to the glass jar, ” Look at the label below.”

Kai Xin stepped forward to have a look, and the specific information of this specimen was written on the label.

“Type: Redthorn Hunter. Status: Growth stage. Production time: 2083.02.19. Executor: Wei Zhi.”

“This red thorn hunter was killed by team leader Wei Zhi three years ago during a mission. She brought it back intact for the researchers to dissect.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “The red thorn hunter is very rare., Its growth cycle is long, and the host needs to be replaced every three days on average. This redthorn hunter has grown for at least two months. You can imagine how many people it has killed to grow to this point. ”

Kai Xin was startled, “So many people died, didn’t the investigation department find it?”

“This redthorn hunter got on the stowaway boat. There were more than 20 people on that small stowaway boat. They were its food reserves. When the stowaway boat drifted to the waters near Heihai City, there was only one living person left on board. He was dying, and the Coast Guard found the boat he was on.” Shu Xuyao ​​looked at the pale body in the glass jar, “Of course the only living person is dead now, and the body is in the specimen jar in front of us.”

He told the bloody story in a calm tone, showing an attitude that he was accustomed to.

“You just said that it is the growth period?” Kai Xin said.

“Well, the sequence is infancy, growth and maturity.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Come with me.”

He walked around several specimen jars, came to a huge horizontal metal cabinet, reached out and opened the sealed lid.

White mist came out of the cabinet wrapped in cold air. A translucent parasitic polyp was sealed inside a whole piece of transparent solid ice. The difference was that it was very small, about the size of a fist, like a jellyfish. , soft and harmless.

“We have not collected juvenile redthorn hunters, but there are juvenile parasitic polyps.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “This is what it looks like in its juvenile stage. It is very fragile at this stage. It will drift in the sea and parasitize on fishes. If the fishermen catch the parasitized fish just ashore, they will parasitize humans. If they are not caught, they will continue to drift until they enter the growth period. After entering the growth period, they climb ashore and look for human parasitism at the pier. Absorb nutrients to grow and reproduce in humans.”

Shu Xuyao ​​closed the cabinet door and sealed it: “The parasitic hydra will melt when it dies, and the specimen can be preserved longer with ice.”

He then opened another metal cabinet next to it, “This is a parasitic polyp in the growth stage, and what we met that day was the growth stage.”

This parasitic hydra specimen is the same as the redthorn hunter, with tentacles connected to the human torso, as evil and vicious as an alien species. Because the tentacles and the human torso were sealed together in the ice layer, they looked extremely stiff and twisted.

“They are not without weaknesses. The parasitic polyps are afraid of fire and cannot do without water.” Kuixin said, “The flamethrowers on the police cars can inflict heavy damage on them, and their activities are generally at the seaside, and they hardly go to the inner city—— This is what Lan Lan told me.”

“Yes, aquatic xenobiotics basically have the disadvantages of being afraid of fire and inseparable from water, which is why they haven’t multiplied in large numbers inside the city.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “The xenobiotics in Heihai City are all aquatic, as for the terrestrial ones. …I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, maybe an inland city will record it.”

“Are there any mature xenobiotics?” Kai Xin asked proactively.

Shu Xuyao ​​nodded slightly: “There is a part.”

“Part of it?” Kai Xin asked in confusion.

“It was divided into two halves. One half was sent to the laboratory of Black Sea College for research, and the other half was kept here.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Come with me.”

They passed through the glass jars containing strange-looking creatures and the specimens of human internal organs full of strange growths, and came to a separate room.

Shu Xuyao ​​lowered his head to verify the irises, and Adam said, “According to your authority, you have three minutes for visiting and teaching.”

The metal door opened, and the cold air coming out of the door was extremely strong this time. Even through the thick protective clothing, one could feel the bitter chill. Compared with it, the freezer for storing parasitic polyps was not enough.

Kai Xin was shocked as soon as she entered. When she raised her head, she thought that she had gone to the submarine tunnel of the aquarium. Through the glass, she could see the sea water and swimming fish. But this is not the aquarium, but a large ice bank. , the freezer is filled with transparent, hard ice.

In the solid and clear ice, an octopus-like alien creature stretches out its tentacles. It is so huge that it almost fills the entire ice bank. Its yellow eyes have horizontal slits, and the suction cups on the thick tentacles are bigger than footballs. To be a big circle.

This specimen was so well preserved that it was so lifelike that when Kai Xin stared at it with its yellow eyes, he felt a little palpitating. It’s a pity that this specimen is only half, and we can only imagine what it looked like when it was alive through this half of the body.

“Kraken Beast.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “It’s shocking, right?”

“Kraken?” Kai Xin was brought back to his thoughts by this familiar word.

“The giant sea monster in folklore, in the age when technology was not so advanced, people believed that there was a monster named Kraken living in the deep sea, which would drag ships into the water and eat the people on board.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “The legend is true. The giant beast named Kraken is actually a heterogeneous creature. It’s just that people no longer believe in the existence of these sea monsters. The Investigation Department secretly eliminates these alien creatures and maintains the order of human society.”

The Kraken and the Kraken Beast, could it be that the name of the freighter carrying the mysterious cargo comes from this folklore?

“The Kraken beast is such a terrifying alien creature, how did the Investigation Department successfully eliminate it?” Kai Xin asked.

Shu Xuyao ​​said: “This Kraken was not killed by the Police Department. It died naturally and was washed ashore. The Kraken doesn’t need to parasitize humans. It can hunt by itself, although it sometimes hunts humans.”

When the time came, Shu Xuyao ​​took Kai Xin out of the icehouse.

“The Department of Investigation preserves theAre the specimens of animals only for teaching visits? “Kai Xin said, “I always feel that this is very expensive. The temperature and humidity control and liquid nitrogen freezing have to be turned on 24 hours a day. It requires a lot of resources, right? Using pictures and holographic projections can also achieve similar teaching effects, right? ”

“It is indeed very expensive, and the teaching aspect can indeed be made up for through technical means.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “So of course the Department of Investigation keeps the corpses of alien creatures not just for teaching.”

Kai Xin thought: “It should be for research. Captain, you mentioned the Black Sea College, and the Black Sea College is also studying xenobiotics?”

“Yes, that’s right.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “We’ve finished visiting the herbarium on the sixth floor. Next, we’ll go to the fifth floor. There are some other things I need to let you know about.”

They exited the cold herbarium, took off their protective clothing in the changing room, sprayed disinfectant again, and returned to the elevator room.

“Adam, negative fifth floor.” Shu Xuyao ​​glanced at the elevator clock, “We still have a lot of time.”

Adam replied: “The floor blockade has been released.”

It took only a few seconds for the elevator to go up, and the door opened.

“Do you still need protective clothing this time?” Kai Xin said, “That thing is so difficult to wear.”

Shu Xuyao ​​said: “No need, but you need to change into sterile dust-proof clothing.”

The entry process is much simpler this time. After disinfection, put on a dustproof suit, carefully tuck your hair into a hat and tie it up, and you can enter.

Different from the desolation of the herbarium on the sixth floor, there are actually many people on the fifth floor. Through the glass isolation window, people in white work clothes can be seen busy in front of their respective workbenches.

“Where is this?” Kai Xin asked in surprise.

“The laboratory, the laboratory that studies alien organisms, belongs to us.” Shu Xuyao ​​said succinctly, “The Department of Investigation cooperates with many institutions, such as the biotechnology laboratory of the Black Sea College and the Cell Research Institute of the federal government. As well as research departments under some private consortiums, these research institutions have a common research topic – xenobiotics.”

Kai Xin looked around the laboratory and said, “Do you want to study how to deal with them?”

“More than that.” Shu Xuyao ​​said meaningfully, “They are more concerned with how to extract value from them.”

“Extract value?” Kui Xin turned to look at Shu Xuyao.

Shu Xuyao ​​took her into the laboratory and said, “Just look at it and you’ll know.”

An obviously older researcher saw Shu Xuyao, “Xiao Shu, bring a newcomer?”

“Yes, go ahead, we’ll be ready in ten minutes.” Shu Xuyao ​​said politely.

“That’s right,” the researcher looked at Kai Xin, “There hasn’t been a newcomer for a long time, little girl, do a good job.”

The researcher immersed himself in his work, while Shu Xuyao ​​took a light blue reagent from the table.

“This is the venom of the redthorn hunter. It is in an unpurified state. It is highly corrosive and can corrode even metal.” He put on his gloves, took an iron piece, and dripped the liquid in the bottle onto the iron piece.

Amidst the whistling sound, a small round hole appeared on the one-millimeter-thick iron sheet.

“It’s very dangerous to hunt alien creatures. Our bulletproof combat uniforms can’t resist the squeeze of the tentacles of the parasitic polyp, nor can it resist the erosion of the venom of the redthorn hunter.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “They are dangerous species, but their bodies are also Hidden treasure.”

“The parasitic hydra and the redthorn hunter both rely on parasitic humans to grow and reproduce. They have a common characteristic, that is, only parasitic creatures. They will always be alive until they are finished. Even if their body becomes thin like a skeleton, even if it is difficult for them to move, they are still alive.” Shu Xuyao ​​put down the light blue reagent, “They will secrete a special substance to maintain the life of the host, so that The host is lingering.”

“Like leeches?” Kui Xin followed Shu Xuyao ​​and said, “When leeches suck human blood, they secrete anticoagulant substances. Although their blood sucking behavior is harmful to humans, the anticoagulant substances found in their bodies It can be used medically.”

“Well, that’s what I want to express.” Shu Xuyao ​​smiled, “They are terrifying monsters, but they also have value. If we can figure out the composition of the secretion and synthesize it artificially, it will bring great significance to the medical field. breakthrough.”

“Have we achieved anything yet?” Kai Xin asked curiously.

“Of course.” Shu Xuyao ​​came to another table and took out two medicines, “This is one of the substances extracted from the parasitic polyp, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic. There is also this medicine, which can Accelerates wound healing and promotes cell division. These two agents have been widely used in the investigation department.”

Kai Xin exclaimed in admiration, “Did I also inject this medicine when I had the head surgery? The speed of wound recovery is unbelievable.”

“It should be used.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “It’s very effective. In the past two years, our field casualties have decreased a lot, which is due to these scientific research results. Researchers are trying to dig out more value of xenobiotics.”

“The main value of xenobiotics is to research medicine?” Kai Xin said, “Are there other functions?”

“It has three values. The first value is in the medical field, and the second value is reflected in the field of materials science.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Materials science is not a research topic of the Ministry of Public Security’s laboratory, it is outsourced to biotechnology companies. But , we have some samples in our laboratory.”

A piece of pitch-black cloth was placed on the table in the corner, and Shu Xuyao ​​picked it up: “Try pulling it, Kui Xin.”

Kui XinGrabbing the cloth and pulling it, the short cloth stretched several times in an instant. She stepped back and stretched the distance, and the stretching of the cloth seemed to have no limit.

“This is a new type of biological material extracted from tentacle-shaped alien organisms. It cannot be mass-produced for the time being. The advantage is that it has good stretchability and is not afraid of being cut by sharp objects.” Shu Xuyao ​​casually grabbed an experimental knife and scratched it on the cloth. Not a single trace was left, the point of his knife stabbed down, and the fabric remained undamaged.

“It seems that these are just the tip of the iceberg of research results.” Kai Xin said.

“Yes, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. The research institutions we cooperate with have more scientific research results.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “Kai Xin, you have to remember that our main purpose is to eliminate alien species and maintain public safety, not to capture alien species Obtain benefits. New drugs and new materials are only incidental benefits. Compared with the risks, our benefits can be said to be negligible… I don’t remember how many teammates and colleagues died in the battle. The investigation department holds a memorial service every year. And I do it every year.”

Kai Xin said calmly, “I will try my best to live.”

She had already realized something. On the first day of transmigrating to the second world, Kai Xin had already made up her mind that she would try her best to survive, avoid all BEs and go to HE.

“Captain, you just said that xenobiotics have three uses, so what about the third one?” she said.

Shu Xuyao ​​patted Kai Xin on the shoulder: “Follow me to the third floor, and you will know.”

“The third floor? I remember that the third floor is a temporary detention cell, where some prisoners who have not had time to go to court for trial are held.” Kai Xin followed up.

“The third floor is a temporary detention cell, but you probably don’t know that there are more than just ordinary prisoners in the cell.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “The third floor is the place with the strictest security measures in the entire investigation building. It is actually divided into two. District, East and West, the East is for ordinary criminals, the West is not.”

After taking off their dustproof clothes, they boarded the elevator again.

Kai Xin suppressed his curiosity and waited for the answer to be revealed.

Heavyweight things always come at the end of the stage. She has learned about the alien species, the danger and value of the alien species. What’s next? What will be waiting for her next?

The elevator door opened, and there were two security guards with guns standing on both sides of the door.

After getting out of the elevator, there was a road on the left and a road on the right. Kai Xin took a rough look and found that the areas on both sides were blocked by heavy metal doors. Shu Xuyao ​​led Kai Xin to turn right, and then scanned the irises.

The door boomed upwards. The sound of the metal door opening this time is different from the previous ones. The metal doors on other floors opened silently and smoothly, but this metal door made a lot of noise. If you look closely, the metal door on the third floor is more than 30 thick. Centimeters, the weight must be tons.

The security measures are indeed strict.

The sound of Shu Xuyao’s footsteps echoed in the empty corridor. The cells on both sides of the corridor were not separated by iron railings, but by glass, bulletproof glass. Many of the cells were empty, and there seemed to be very few prisoners in the West End.

“A new prisoner came in a few days ago. He is in very bad health and may die in a few days. The doctor can’t save him.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “I’ll take you to see him.”

This prisoner must be very special. Kai Xin judged so.

Not long after walking, Shu Xuyao ​​stopped.

He turned around and pointed to the cell, motioning for Kai Xin to look over.

“Hiss.” Kui Xin couldn’t help taking a breath when he first saw the prisoner.

This male prisoner was lying on the ground, staring blankly at the ceiling of the cell. His exposed skin was a terrifying blue-gray color, the knuckles of his hands were twisted and protruding, his fingers were inconceivably long, and they were limp like tentacles! Tentacles of alien creatures!

The prisoner suddenly coughed and vomited out a mass of flesh and blood, which wriggled slightly on the ground.

“He was parasitized by a monster?” Kai Xin said disgustedly.

Even if she didn’t eat much breakfast, she couldn’t stand such repeated visual impacts. She was really about to vomit.

“No, he was not parasitized by a monster.” Shu Xuyao ​​said flatly, “He turned himself into a monster.”

He looked at Kai Xin: “This is the third use of xenobiotics that I want to tell you about.”

“Some illegal religious groups have collected and purified the blood of heterogeneous creatures for some evil purpose. They swallowed the blood in an attempt to gain power from it.”

“They call the alien creatures the relics of the ancient gods, and the extracted blood of the alien creatures is called ‘divine blood’ by them, and those who obtain extraordinary power through the ‘divine blood’, we name them ‘alien blood’ By’.”

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