The Lightless Sea 20

In this group meeting, Kai Xin did not get any useful information. The content of the meeting was mostly about work arrangements. The information matches.

The information does not include all the information of all members of the field team. Some personnel only have a short introduction and a name. All the members of the field team with more detailed information have basically worked in the field team for more than one year and have obtained Some members who have made some great or small achievements, like those members whose reputation is not obvious, their information is not of much value.

After the meeting, each team left the meeting room one after another.

Lan Lan said beside Kai Xin: “Let’s have a dinner together after get off work, Xiao Kai.”

“Dinner?” Kai Xin was caught off guard.

New colleagues officially join, follow the procedure and indeed should have a dinner to bond with each other, this is true in any unit. Kai Xin has no intention of having a heart-to-heart relationship with people in the second world. Her emotional contact with others is limited to chatting and joking, and she never thought about having dinner.

asTo be a qualified undercover agent, interpersonal communication is a must.

Kai Xin watched a spy war movie. The female spy in the movie said: “Do you know why I succeeded? Because I gave my feelings, real feelings, and they felt my sincerity, so they believed in me.”

Feelings and trust need to be managed. Only by spending time and energy in this area can you gain the trust of others. Having dinner is a good way to enhance your relationship.

The dinner invitation from her teammates reminded Kai Xin that she should not appear too alienated from the people around her.

“Everyone go, the captain treats guests.” Lan Lan said

Jiang Ming walked to the other side of Kai Xin: “I’m going to be transferred to the port, and I may not have such free time as today in the future. I have to relax on the last day.”

“Tomorrow we will carry out inspection missions. Let’s not drink.” Liu Kangyun said, “Just have a meal together.”

“If someone treats you, you must go.” Kai Xin agreed after a short consideration.

Shu Xuyao ​​walked through the crowd and came to his teammates: “There are still ten minutes to get off work, go back to the lounge and change into regular clothes, and go to the first floor to gather.”

“Okay.” Lan Lan whistled.

“By the way, Kai Xin, what do you want to eat? I’ll make a reservation.” Shu Xuyao ​​smiled.

Kai Xin thought for a while: “Meat, as long as it’s meat.”

The nausea that the alien creature brought to Kai Xin has subsided. She had a long training in the afternoon, and now her body is extremely lacking in energy, and her stomach is sore with hunger.

“Then let’s go eat barbecue.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “It’s nice to have a barbecue restaurant in the city center.”

Everyone went back to the rest room to change their clothes. When Kai Xin went to the bathroom, he opened his wristband to check the news. Red didn’t send any new content, but Yin Mian still sent a lot of messages to Kai Xin.

“It’s not exposed, is it?”

“I don’t know whether you were exposed and arrested so you can’t reply to the message, or you are simply not available… Are you okay? If you are arrested, Red will let me know.”

“I went to the headquarters to update the equipment, got some weapons, and brought you a professional camouflage mask.”

“I’m so busy today, I don’t have time to eat.”

“Are you going back to the safe house at night or going home?”

Kui Xin typed indifferently and replied: “Not exposed, still alive, go home at night, and you can solve it yourself for dinner.”

The silver face replied in seconds, and sent her a series of ellipsis.

Kai Xin changed her clothes and took the elevator to the first floor. Lan Lan, Jiang Ming and Liu Kangyun were already waiting for her.

“The captain drove away…He’s here!” Lan Lan pointed to the door of the reception hall.

A cool royal blue sports car parked in the open space in front of the police investigation building. The lines of the body reminded people of sharks hunting. The window of the sports car was lowered, and Shu Xuyao ​​sat inside.

He changed into a casual black T-shirt, and his demeanor was completely different from when he was in uniform.

“Ah… this.” Kai Xin hesitated to speak.

“I’ll tell you for you, this car is too flamboyant, and it doesn’t have the captain’s usual style at all.” Jiang Ming raised his eyebrows, “It’s like a rich man parading his friends through the streets.”

“Lao Jiang, don’t say that.” Lan Lan smiled and opened the car door to let Kai Xin go in. “The captain is originally a rich man.”

The honest Liu Kangyun added: “But we are not the captain’s cronies.”

Shu Xuyao: “…I can hear what you are talking about.”

Kai Xin got into the car, and the seat back automatically adjusted its angle to suit her sitting posture.

There is a pleasant smell of perfume in the car, the fragrance is very light, and it will not make people feel uncomfortable at all.

“This car is so cool and dazzling.” Kai Xin said, “It’s just that I didn’t expect the captain’s aesthetic to be like this.”

“This car was bought by my family, not my aesthetics.” Shu Xuyao ​​clarified helplessly.

The car door was closed, the sports car automatically adjusted its direction to the destination under the navigation, and a soft piano music was played on the car stereo.

Only police vehicles have permission to fly in urban areas, and private vehicles can only drive on the ground. But most high-end sports cars have both ground and air modes, a feature designed for rich kids racing around suburban racetracks.

The navigation selected an uncongested driving route, and it took them only 20 minutes to reach the restaurant.

The projected restaurant signboard reads “Foreigners Barbecue Bar”.

“Foreigner?” Kui Xin was stunned looking at the signboard.

The Second World has been unified globally. Although each region has a very high degree of autonomy, there is only one government in the world, and that is the federal government. In theory, all people have the same nationality, and there is no “foreigner”.

“The owner of this barbecue restaurant is a polar immigrant from Heihai City. Their cooking style is very rough and has a lot of meat. You should like it.” Shu Xuyao ​​stopped the car.

The blond waiter greeted him with a smile on his face: “The room you reserved is on the third floor, please take the elevator with me.”

The waiter turned his head and chattered a bunch of incomprehensible words to his colleagues around him… Kai Xin didn’t sound right. Why is this language so Russian?

“Every time I hear them speak the language of their own region, I feel like there are springs in their mouths.” Lan Lan muttered.

The rest of the teammates nodded in agreement.

This is a multiracial and multilingual society, and different regions have different common languages. Kai Xin thinks that the second world should generally be a parallel time and space of the first world. The official language of her area is Chinese, and the language spoken by the blond and blue-eyed Caucasian waiter sounds like Russian… the language of other regions It should correspond to languages ​​like English German French.

“Crimson Earth” is a global game, and many foreigners have also made reservations. In addition to the Chinese posts in the original closed beta forumThere are also quite a few posts from foreigners, and Kui Xin even used a translator to translate those posts.

The language types of the second world and the first world overlap, at least the players who travel over don’t have to worry about being confused with the natives in another world.

The decoration style of this barbecue shop is simple, with no extra decorations and decorations. When entering the room, one can smell the strong smell of spices and a trace of charcoal fire in the air.

The chef with a big brown beard pushed a dining cart and brought a whole roasted lamb onto the dining table. Onions, potatoes, carrots and cauliflower were placed under the whole roasted lamb.

The chef said in plastic mandarin with an accent: “Pure natural spices and pure natural charcoal, not synthetic spices and charcoal fire. Industrial synthetic spice charcoal fire can’t produce such a perfect roasted whole lamb!”

There were several bottles of chilled wine in the ice bucket on the dining car. The chef was about to open it with a corkscrew, but Shu Xuyao ​​stopped him and said, “Remove the wine.”

“The wine is given by ordering roasted whole lamb.” The chef persuaded earnestly, “There is no soul if you eat barbecue and don’t drink alcohol. You should eat meat and drink!”

Shu Xuyao ​​refused again, and the chef had no choice but to put down the corkscrew regretfully.

Most people now eat synthetic meat, and the price of real meat is three times that of synthetic meat. The price of this big roasted whole lamb must be ridiculously expensive, but Shu Xuyao ​​can afford such an expensive sports car. The cost of this barbecue meal may be a drizzle to him.

Shu Xuyao ​​poured juice for everyone and raised his glass: “The most worthwhile thing to celebrate today is that our Seventh Squad of four originally ushered in a fifth member, our new comrade-in-arms, a companion worthy of trust.”

“Let’s work hard together, Xiao Kai.” Lan Lan raised her glass.

“We are all reliable people. As teammates, we still have a long time to get along. We need to get in touch and communicate well.” Jiang Ming raised his glass with a smile, “Welcome, Kui Xin.”

The last toast was Liu Kangyun: “If you don’t understand something, you can ask me, and I will teach you. You are welcome to join.”

Kui Xin clinked glasses with them one by one, put on a serious expression and said, “Thank you everyone! I will do my best to be a reliable and good teammate in the future.”

After eating and drinking enough, there was still half of the roast lamb left, so everyone divided up and packed it up to go home.

Kai Xin rejected Shu Xuyao’s offer to send her back, and roamed the streets of the city center alone with the roast lamb in his hands.

Pedestrians came and went on the street, neon lights shone on her, and various advertising projections were changing, but she didn’t watch patiently with curiosity like the first time.

Kai Xin didn’t want to go home. When she got home, she had to face Silver Face, discuss with Red her action plan after being transferred to the Coast Guard, and worry about her inner ghost.

These made her tired of coping.

This is the fourth day, and this is only the fourth day she has traversed.

On the first day, Kai Xin was recuperating in the convalescent barn. On the way home at night, she ran into two robbers. That was the first time she killed someone.

On the second day, Kai Xin was reading materials and working hard to learn the knowledge of this world. It was a leisurely day.

On the third day, she received a field mission and shot and killed the player Chai Jian during the mission. At night, she went to meet the members of the Mechanical Dawn organization, and was attacked by a ghost on the way home, and she almost died.

Today is the fourth day. Kui Xin passed the inspection of the team leaders of the Anti-Investigation Department and successfully became a regular, and was taken by Shu Xuyao ​​for induction training.

Kui Xin recalled all the things he had encountered in the past few days, and couldn’t help cursing: “What the hell are these days!”

She wanted to give God the middle finger.

This life is so fulfilling, Kai Xin has never been so fulfilling in his life! In just a few days, she evolved into a master of time management, working part-time at the investigation department during the day and working for the mechanical dawn at night, and seized the time between working two jobs to learn knowledge and enrich herself…

It’s the fourth night now, and Kai Xin won’t go home. She walks slowly on the street from time to time to check the bracelet for any new notifications, wondering what “surprise” is waiting for her tonight.

There was no fluctuation in Kai Xin’s heart. No matter what surprises or frights she had, she could maintain her emotional stability. Anyone who encounters so many life-and-death crises within four days will have an earth-shaking change in mentality.

It’s like being startled when you first enter a haunted house, but it’s hard to be scared when you go to a haunted house often, because your courage has been fully exercised, and you even want to laugh when you see ghosts jumping out and barking their teeth and claws.

Although tonight’s surprises and shocks have not come to her door, Kai Xin has a hunch that this night will not pass peacefully.

This is indeed the case.

Red sent a message: “Rich woman, the traitor has locked it. It’s consistent with your guess. It’s a ball python.”

“Have you got a plan?” Kui Xin said indifferently.

Red said: “Kill the ball python, get the blood of the ball python, and bring it to me. You know my superpowers, get his blood, he will have no secrets from me, I want to know him Who is the undercover agent who inserted into our organization?”

Red’s extraordinary ability is related to memory reading? The medium is blood?

“Okay.” Kai Xin paused, “Where is the thorn rose?”

“She has no problem.” Red said, “She will assist you. I am very assured of her ability.”

“Yes.” Kui Xin said, “I see.”

“As soon as possible, rich woman.” Red said, “Our berthing port blasting mission cannot afford a little mistake. It’s best to do it in these two days to kill the danger. The extraordinary abilities of me and the bartender are not suitable for fighting, and I can give you Conduct remote support, and call the headquarters if you need manpower… With your personality, I think you should be more willing to root out the traitors yourself, right?”

Kui XinHang up the communication, the brain spins rapidly.

The traitor is a ball python, the same as the result of her intuition guidance.

She stopped in her tracks and fell into deep thought at the bustling intersection of traffic lights. She was thinking about how to kill the ball python safely and securely.

She calmly deduced and formulated a murder plan calmly.

Plan one, call out the ball python in the name of the mission, and let Silver Face and Thorn Rose surround and kill him.

Plan 2, let Thorn Rose report the whereabouts of the ball python, and kill him on the way he must pass.

These two methods have a certain room for implementation, but there is only one thing, that is, they only have one chance to try. Once the ball python finds something strange, the mission will fail. Knowing that the undercover identity has been exposed, the ball python will not Then give them a chance to move.

“Is there a gun in the equipment you brought back?” Kai Xin sent a message to Yinmian.

“There are pistols and miniature bombs.” Yin Mian replied immediately, “I brought a small box of bullets, and I can’t take most of them.”

“Not enough, go to the arsenal at the port, get a sniper rifle, and see if there is a K80 model, if not, take another model.” Kai Xin said, “Get more bullets.”

“Okay… It seems that I have to run many times, and I can’t finish it all in one trip.” Yin Mian complained.

Kui Xin thought for a while, and in order to ensure Yin Mian’s work enthusiasm, he shunned him: “I brought roast lamb.”

“I’m going to the arsenal right now!” Silver Face replied faster.

The green light at the intersection turned on, and Kai Xin followed the crowd across the road and came to the tram waiting point to wait for the train.

While waiting for the bus, Kai Xin calculated various possibilities and tried his best to ensure that the murder plan was foolproof.

What made her want to kill the ball python so actively, so cautiously, and so firmly was not Red’s instructions, nor the fear of being discovered as an undercover agent, but the desire for revenge.

A strong desire for revenge.

Kai Xin couldn’t tolerate a person who wanted to kill her living in the world. This was the first time she sincerely wanted to die alone.

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