The Lightless Sea 24

When Kai Xin returned home, he glanced at the electronic clock. It was now past midnight.

Very good, tonight’s second job was done very quickly, and she didn’t stay up all night. She can sleep for a full six hours, which is really a luxury.

The time and date displayed on the electronic clock is July 31, 2086, 00:28.

This is already the fifth day of Kai Xin’s crossing.

Tomorrow is August, and there are still eight days before the official implementation of the blasting plan, and eleven days before the official landing of the Kraken.

Kai Xin took off the dirty clothes, wrapped them in garbage bags, and planned to find a chance to destroy them. The clothes were covered with pieces of blood and flesh, and even though they had been washed off by the silver surface, there was still a strong smell of blood.

Yin Mian sat in the living room to pack up his equipment, while Kai Xin went to change clothes and take a shower.

The water in the bathtub was full, and Kai Xin soaked in it to relax his tense muscles. The two extraordinary abilities that I got tonight – blood burning and flesh regeneration, blood burning is too harmful to the body, so it is not easy to experiment, but flesh regeneration can be said to be a very practical skill.

Kai Xin took out an eyebrow trimming knife from the shelf next to the bathtub, and scratched his finger, blood dripped out, and the shallow wound healed in the next second, the cut skin tissue closed up, wiped After removing the blood beads, the skin is as smooth as before, and there is no trace of injury.

She was determined, and the eyebrow trimmer pierced her palm to cut the flesh deeply, and the blood flowed down her wrist and dripped into the bathtub.

This time the wound healed relatively slowly. After about five or six seconds, the wriggling granulation spliced ​​the cut flesh together, the broken tissue re-occluded, and the newly formed skin at the incision was pink.

Kai Xin’s shoulders relaxed.

She leaned in the bathtub and half closed her eyes, breathing slowly. Flesh regeneration further enhanced her survivability, and all the fatigue and adventure tonight was worth it.

The continuous life of day and night made Kai Xin extremely exhausted. Before she knew it, she fell asleep leaning against the bathtub.

Yin Mian finished sorting out his equipment and lay down on the sofa in a daze.

As a qualified subordinate, he has always been obedient, and he will do whatever his boss tells him to do. He wanted to sleep very much at this time, but Kai Xin hadn’t finished taking a shower yet, maybe she would give him some tasks for tonight after taking a shower, such as investigating or something.

So Yin Mian insisted not to sleep.

He waited for an hour, but he didn’t hear any movement from the bathroom, nor did he see Kai Xin coming out, so he got up and knocked on the door in doubt: “Hello! What’s wrong with you?”

Kai Xin in the bathtub woke up immediately. She sat up and said, “It’s okay.”

After hearing her reply, Yinmian went back to the living room and continued to nest on the sofa in peace.

Ten minutes later, Kai Xin came out after wiping her hair. She washed off the pungent bloody smell and felt much refreshed.

“Do you have any tasks tonight?” Yin Mian remembered the work.

“Tonight’s task is to sleep.” Kui Xin poured himself a glass of water and poured it down. “We made too much noise when we killed the ball python. The Coastal Security Team will investigate. To be on the safe side, don’t go out.””I like the sleeping task.” Yin Mian rolled up the blanket and adjusted the most comfortable position to lie down.

He is quite tall, and when he is not curled up, he can stretch his feet out of the sofa.

About ten seconds later, Yinmian breathed evenly and fell asleep.

Kai Xin returned to the room and turned on the bracelet, and Red sent a new message.

“The corpse has been recovered and sent back to the headquarters for analysis. This is a rare autopsy sample of a person with different blood, but you decapitated him with a bomb, and the corpse is incomplete. You could have avoided doing this.”

Kai Xin replied: “Be careful next time.”

Red: “Remember to restrain yourself, rich lady.”

“How’s Thorn Rose’s injury?” Kai Xin thought about it and asked.

“She had an operation, and her right hand was going to be replaced with a mechanical prosthesis, and she needed to rest for a day before continuing to perform tasks.” Red said, “According to her, a red nematode got into her flesh, and she was forced to cut off her hand. , this bug was put on her by the ball python.”

“Let me know the results of the research.” Kai Xin said.

The time on the wristband jumps to 01:32, which is early in the morning.

Kai Xin climbed onto the bed and burrowed into the quilt, closing his eyes to sort out the harvest of the day.

I passed the interview, completed the induction training, had dinner with my teammates, and killed the ball python.

A fulfilling day was coming to an end, and Kai Xin felt a little relieved when lying on the bed, because an enemy who tried to kill her was eradicated by her own hands.

Although the identity of the person behind the ball python is not yet clear, this is a good start.

At least tonight, she should have a good night’s sleep, and save the rest until she wakes up to think about it.

It was seven o’clock the next morning.

Kai Xin opened the window of the bedroom and opened it for ventilation.

There is always a salty smell of sea water in the air of the coastal city, and Kai Xin is not very used to this smell. Before crossing over to the second world, she was a native inlander and had never seen the sea.

Today is a sunny day, and the morning light shines on Heihai City. As the darkness faded, Kai Xin’s mood became brighter like the weather.

“I hate sunny days and the sun.” Silver-faced was depressed.

Kai Xin ate a bowl of oatmeal soaked in milk for breakfast, and the communicator beeped when she stuffed the oatmeal into her mouth.

Adam sent today’s daily schedule in advance.

Because the seventh team was collectively transferred to the port for duty, she didn’t have to catch the tram to go to work in the investigation building in the morning, and she just went to the port’s coast security team to report for duty. Adam’s email carefully marked the location of the coast security office, and even the best route from Kai Xin’s house to the security office was calculated.

At the end of the email, it was kindly marked: Today is sunny, the temperature is 38 degrees, outdoor patrols along the coast are easy to cause sunburn, it is recommended to apply sunscreen.

“It seems that there is no sunscreen at home…” Kai Xin said to himself.

“Sunscreen? I have it.” Silver Noodle raised his face from the cereal bowl and said, “I have a lot of sunscreen.”

He took out a tube from his pocket and handed it to Kai Xin, “I’ll use it for you.”

“Thank you.” Kai Xin said strangely.

“My skin lacks melanin, so I can’t resist ultraviolet rays, so I can only apply this.” Yinmian complained, “Every time I perform a task, I have to be fully armed and wrapped tightly, which is very troublesome…and some sunscreens are not waterproof. Waterproof is good and expensive. I still like to perform tasks at night, at least when there is no sunlight.”

No wonder he hates sunny days and the sun. This kind of weather is really unfriendly to an albino like him.

After breakfast, Kai Xin applied sunscreen on his face and arms, as well as the silver mask. He applied it more meticulously than Kai Xin, taking care of the neck, ears, ankles, and corners. After painting, he carefully put on the mask, put on the long-sleeved jacket and pulled down the hood. A hat is a must, and the scalp must also be protected from the sun.

“I’m fine, I can go out now, what instructions do you have today?” Yin Mian was ready.

“According to the original arrangement, scan the No. 5 berthing port to obtain data, and send it back to the headquarters to analyze the position of the load-bearing column.” Kui Xin said, “The thorn rose is not here to recuperate, so you can work harder.”

Yin Mian said without complaint: “Okay, I understand.”

Port No. 5 is a floating port on the sea. A considerable part of the buildings are floating on the sea, and the floating part is fixed by load-bearing columns and anchors.

Letting the silver surface with extraordinary ability to scan the port of call can greatly improve the efficiency.

Kai Xin went out.

The office of the Coast Guard is not far from her home. It takes only 20 minutes to walk there. The temperature in the morning is not very high, so walking around is considered a walk.

The coast security office is not as grand as the investigation building. It is a relatively small three-story building surrounded by surveillance cameras and steel fences.

When Kai Xin walked to the entrance, the surveillance camera pointed at her and recognized her facial information.

“Hello, security officer Kuixin, welcome to the coast security office. I wish you a happy work here.” Adam’s voice appeared at the right time.

Originally, Adam would call her “intern security officer Kui Xin”, but now that she has become a full-time employee, Adam’s name has changed.

The steel fence slid open to both sides, making way for Kai Xin.

After entering, Kai Xin found that the environment here was not as good as that of the police building. The police cars did not have a special parking pad, but parked on the ground. The training ground is very large, but it is outdoors.

Entering the first floor, Adam said: “You need to report to the patrol office on the third floor first, and your captain will arrange specific patrol tasks for you.”

When Kai Xin pushed open the door of the office on the third floor, Shu Xuyao, Jiang Ming, and Liu Kangyun were already sitting inside.

“Good morning.” Kui Xin said.”It’s convenient to be close to home. I remember you live near here?” Jiang Ming said, “Lan Lan’s home is in the city center, which is very far away from here. I hope he won’t be late.”

As soon as Jiang Ming finished speaking, Lan Lan pushed the door open with sweat profusely: “Huh…why is the nearest stop sign to here Anning Street Station? It takes dozens of minutes to walk, and I came here by running of.”

“Because the harbor area is too poor, the coverage of the suspended tram is not complete.” Kai Xin shrugged.

“Go out early next time, Lan Lan.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “I was worried about the security of Anning Street and asked Kai Xin to apply for the staff dormitory, but we transferred here, and living on Anning Street has become more convenient.”

“We can apply for the staff dormitory after being transferred back to the headquarters.” Kai Xin said.

Living in the staff dormitory will definitely make it difficult to contact the members of Mechanical Dawn or to go out at any time. It is better to be on Anning Street. She has a high force value, and she is not afraid of any trouble here.

Coastal patrol work is carried out by various teams in rotation, and the general shift period is one month, which means that the seventh team can be transferred back to the headquarters after performing patrol tasks for one month.

“By the way, have you caught the bastard who drove Kai Xin’s head off?” Liu Kangyun said.

“No, I don’t even know who he is.” Shu Xuyao ​​looked at Kai Xin, “Kai Xin suffered a serious head injury and has no memory of that time.”

Kai Xin lied without changing his face: “Yes, I can’t remember why… If I know who he is, I must make him pay the price.”

The “Security Officer Kui Xin” who was replaced by the undercover agent of Mechanical Dawn had an accident at the port in the harbor area. At that time, the port suddenly started a fight. Some people were bombing the port, and some were exchanging fire. It was extremely chaotic. The person who caused the chaos, “Security Officer Kuixin”, followed several teams to reinforce, and unfortunately became a victim.

“Our coastal patrols are divided into sea patrols and land patrols. The sea patrols are mainly to check whether the ships are normal and whether there are smuggling boats and stowaway boats. The land patrols are to maintain port security.” Squad 6 and Squad 5 are in charge, and we and other inspectors are in charge of land patrols.”

“Everyone must be careful. There was another disturbance last night. Someone was killed near the port. The party that did the work dispatched heavy firearms. Our people picked up nearly a hundred bullet casings at the scene. The flesh and blood of the dead were bombed. It collapsed several meters away, but there was no body. Someone collected the body of the deceased, indicating that this is likely to be an organized and premeditated murder with more than one participant.”

Lan Lan said, “Has the identity of the deceased been confirmed?”

“There is no record of his identity, he is a criminal, and no information about him can be found on the Internet. The deceased is a ‘ghost man’ who does not exist in society.” Shu Xuyao ​​said lightly, “But this is not what we need to worry about The criminal investigation team will be responsible for the investigation, and team leader Jiang went to the scene in person last night.”

Kai Xin’s eyebrows jumped.

“Team leader Jiang actually went out in person?” Jiang Ming asked in surprise.

Liu Kangyun said: “After all, there was quite a lot of commotion last night. It was different from ordinary gang fights. Heavy firearms and bombs… These are not things that ordinary forces can get their hands on.”

“The higher-ups issued an order to restore the port to normal operation before August 5. We should do a good job of patrolling and guard against possible accidents during the repair process of the port.” Shu Xuyao ​​explained, “Every time you go out for patrol, you must wear a good gun. Prepare some bullets… Now is an extraordinary period, and this place is not peaceful.”

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