The Lightless Sea 26

Xi Liang was favored by the people of Rick Technology Company, and it is very likely that the report she asked Silver to send to the organization was working.

The Rick Technology Company is inextricably linked with the Mechanical Dawn. It is the skin company controlled by the Mechanical Dawn. The Mechanical Dawn headquarters laboratory is inside the Rick Technology Company building.

Kai Xin kept thinking when he returned home with the food bought from the convenience store.

The Mechanical Dawn is a shadow entangled in her heart, the sword of Damocles hanging above her head. After several days of observation and analysis, she has some understanding of Mechanical Dawn, but her understanding is still superficial. She is not clear about the size of this organization, nor the purpose and purpose of this organization. clear.

She can only infer the power of this organization from some details.

Everyone in the execution team of the port blasting mission is at least a C-level awakener. Among them, Silver Face, Thorn Rose, Bartender, and Amber Obsidian Brothers are all B-level. Some of them have extraordinary abilities that are not suitable for combat, such as mixing Bartender, he’s the detective type. The ball python is the most downgraded one in the task execution team. Although it has a combat power comparable to that of a B-level, it is only a C-level.

As for Red, Kui Xin suspects that he is A-level and can convince many awakened subordinates. His awakening level should not be lower than B-level.

It’s a pity that the materials delivered by Red didn’t mention his own extraordinary ability at all. Maybe the original body knew about it, so he didn’t include himself in the materials.

Besides Red, there is a high probability that Mechanical Dawn will have more A-level awakeners.

The government of this world officially conceals the existence of alien species from ordinary people, but it does not conceal the existence of awakened ones. The citizenship level of high-level awakened people can be raised, and the citizen level of D-level awakened people can be directly raised to the third level, which is the same as the citizenship level of some government personnel, which shows that the government still has some preferential treatment for awakened people.

However, under such circumstances, there are still quite a number of high-ranking awakeners recruited by the Mechanical Dawn Organization.

What do they use to attract these awakened ones? What means did they use to keep these awakened people loyal to the organization?

The longer he stayed in this world, the more doubts Kai Xin had in his heart.

Leaving aside the other questions for now, there is a question about herself.

In the original body, a person who has not even awakened his extraordinary ability, why should he become the core backbone of Mechanical Dawn? Why participate in major tasks such as port blasting? Why do you have to be teammates with so many high-level awakened people, and even become the deputy commander of the team?

Is it just because of wisdom and her undercover status? Or is there any other more important reason?

Red’s attitude towards her is very equal, and he doesn’t show any airs. He is not like this to other team members, but will more or less reveal the posture of some superiors, ordering others to do things in a commanding tone.

Red has never used this commanding tone to Kai Xin. He always talks to her in a negotiable tone, and sometimes considers her situation and opinions.

Kai Xin’s identity in Mechanical Dawn is somewhat weird.

“Deputy Commander, the port data of the last area has been scanned and has been transmitted to the headquarters.” Thorn Qiangwei sent a message.

“Got it.” Kui Xin replied.

After pushing open the door, Kai Xin sent a message to Red again: “Our data scanning work is over.”

Red said: “We still need another night, tsk, it’s convenient to have silver noodles.”

The extraordinary ability of the silver surface can be brought into full play in the port, and controlling liquids can be said to be an extremely versatile ability.

To be honest, Kai Xin is really envious of Yin Mian’s ability, but she can’t do anything to him for the time being.

Yin didn’t know about Kai Xin’s dark thoughts, and when he saw her bring something back, he happily opened a bag of potato chips and crunched and ate them happily.

Kai Xin finished his bread and drank a bottle of yogurt and went back to his bedroom to study.

She plans to study all night tonight, sleep during the day tomorrow, and patrol the night shift tomorrow night.

Every day is well arranged, and she never worked so hard in her third year of high school.

August 3rd, 8:00 p.m.

Kai Xin went to the night shift on time.

“The advantage of working the night shift is that you don’t need to wear sunscreen.” Lan Lan complained, “Captain, I suggest that sunscreen be included in the common equipment of the Coast Guard and let the higher-ups purchase it uniformly.”

When Lan Lan came to work on the first day, she didn’t put on sunscreen because she didn’t have any sunscreen at home. Kai Xin borrowed it for him, otherwise he would have peeled off a layer of skin.

“I fully agree.” The rest said one after another.

“I’ll write a proposal another day.” Shu Xuyao ​​said lightly.He said lightly, “Go change your equipment, and remember to bring night vision goggles. Our seventh team is only responsible for the fifth berthing port, and other berthing ports are in charge of other teams.”

Everyone changed their equipment and came out to assemble.

“I hope today is also a peaceful and beautiful day.” Kai Xin said as he adjusted the strap of the night vision goggles.

“Really?” Lan Lan said with a smile, “every day in the harbor area, there are all kinds of things, which have nothing to do with peace and happiness.”

Kai Xin smiled: “My requirements are relatively low. As long as there is no crisis that threatens us, it will be considered peaceful and beautiful.”

“That’s true.” Lan Lan followed Kai Xin’s words with approval, “I hope today is also a peaceful and beautiful day.”

Jiang Ming curled his lips: “Don’t talk about it, I’m afraid that something will happen. I didn’t think anything would happen today, but as soon as you said it, I felt that something was going to happen.”

“Subjective consciousness cannot affect the occurrence of these things.” Liu Kangyun said sternly, “Don’t be afraid if it really happens, just hold the gun tightly.”

Patrolling at night requires a patrol car. The glass of the patrol car is bulletproof. It has two modes of floating driving and road driving, as well as automatic driving and navigation functions.

Shu Xuyao ​​sat in the driver’s seat, Liu Kangyun was the co-pilot, and the rest were in the back seat.

The patrol car floated in the air and flew towards the fifth berthing port.

Originally, the pier where the containers were stacked was deserted. Because of the previous blasting case, it was not used for a period of time, and all kinds of goods were cleaned up. The damaged part of the port has basically been repaired and is expected to be restored to use the day after tomorrow.

There are a lot of engineering equipment and construction waste left in the port, which looks a bit messy.

The No. 5 berthing port has a large area. It is used by giant cargo ships. During the busiest time, it can accommodate several cargo ships to berth and unload.

The patrol car landed on a relatively flat platform. Kui Xin, Lan Lan, and Jiang Ming pushed the door and got out of the car to conduct detailed patrols. Shu Xuyao ​​and Liu Kangyun stayed in the car to monitor the communication and prepare for support at any time.

“Although this port of call is temporarily closed, the number of smugglers, smugglers, and black traders has not decreased.” Jiang Ming turned on the night vision goggles and carefully scanned the surroundings. “Let’s be careful.”

When the port is in use, cargo is unloaded day and night, and people come and go non-stop. Criminals use the flow of people to come to the port for transactions. The smuggled goods will be transported to the shore together with the normal cargo, and then quietly transported away. Now the black trade is even more rampant, because there are fewer people and fewer people watching here, they become unscrupulous.

They used to cover it up, but now they don’t even bother to cover it up. When they meet patrols, they disperse and run away. A few daring ones even dare to point their guns at the security guards.

The gangs in the harbor area can be described in two words – rampant.

The security guards patrolling here are literally putting their lives to work. As compensation, when the various field teams are transferred to the Coast Guard to patrol, there will be an extra commission on their wages. Who would want to do such dangerous work if they were not compensated in wages?

The No. 5 mooring port is a floating port on the sea, but when you step on the floating block, the touch is no different from that on the ground. You can’t feel the waves of the waves. The platform does not shake at all, and it is extremely stable.

Kai Xin always paid attention to the movement around him, and never put his hand on the gun in his belt. Even Lan Lan, who was always talkative, stopped talking.

There were only the whine of the sea breeze and the breathing of teammates around the port.

Patrols are not just to see if there are people in the port, they also need to check some equipment and places where dirt is easy to hide.

The patrols have to be done alternately. It takes more than an hour to check around such a large port, and there is another patrol half an hour in between.

Keeping vigilant all the time consumes a lot of energy, especially on such nights, when the mental state is highly tense and it is easy to feel tired.

Kui Xin and the others went back and forth to inspect the port twice, rested for a while and continued to patrol. At twelve o’clock midnight, they can change shifts with another team.

“It will be zero o’clock in three minutes, come to the assembly point to hand over.” Shu Xuyao ​​said in the communication channel, “Thank you, we will just go back to the office and get to work.”

Tonight seemed to be as peaceful and beautiful as Kai Xin hoped.

Lan Lan couldn’t help muttering: “That’s not right…why is there no one? Usually at least one or two drug addicts can be caught…”

This night was so quiet, it was so quiet that it made one’s heart shudder.

When Kai Xin passed by a rusty container, he suddenly felt a drop of cold liquid dripping from his neck.

She wiped her neck with her fingers, and the drop of liquid showed a dark color when the night vision goggles were in state.

Immediately afterwards, Kai Xin smelled blood, and another drop of liquid dripped down, this time on her night vision goggles.

Kai Xin’s face changed drastically, he drew his gun and raised it to the top of his head, and at the same time shouted: “There is a situation!”

Lan Lan and Jiang Ming also raised their guns instantly, looking around vigilantly.

Kai Xin saw something above her head, it was a leg, a leg protruded from the three-meter-high container, a gust of wind blew, the leg rolled, and fell in front of Kai Xin with a snap, blood spattered on her face vamp.

This is a broken leg! The breaks in the legs were smooth and flat, as if they had been precisely cut with a chainsaw.

The corner of Kai Xin’s mouth twitched, and the hairs on his arms stood on end.

“Alien creature!” The experienced Jiang Ming had an ugly expression, “It looks like a scythe demon. Captain! We…”

Before Jiang Ming could finish his sentence, suddenly, Kai Xin’s danger avoidance was triggered.

There was a strong wind coming from her side, and a long object was thrown over with lightning speed.Like lightning, like a preying black mamba.

Kai Xin flashed reflexively, and then her abdomen felt cold, and the high-fiber body armor of the investigation department was cut by that object in an instant. A huge wound was opened on her abdomen, and blood gushed out.

If it was a few tenths of a second later, Kai Xin would be cut in half!

“Kai Xin!” Lan Lan drew his gun and fired in the direction where the tentacles came.

Sparks flashed, and something dodged his bullet.

The distorted and terrifying alien creature showed its full appearance. It was smaller than Kai Xin imagined, about half the height of a human being. It looked like a praying mantis, with a triangular face and eyes as big as light bulbs. It had two tentacles on the upper half of its body. Limestone hook-shaped bone knives are attached to the tentacles.

There was blood left on the pair of bone knives, including Kai Xin’s blood.

The alien creature licked the bone knife satisfactorily, then kicked its hind legs like a praying mantis to close the distance, and the retractable tentacles were swished out by it again, aiming directly at Kai Xin.

In fear, Kai Xin raised his gun and fired. There were several gunshots in a row. The bullets only hit three times, and all of them were blocked by its lime shell.

At the critical moment, Jiang Ming’s bullet hit the soft tentacles of the scythe demon, and the tentacles retracted instantly, and Kai Xin was able to avoid the blow.

“Support is coming soon!” Shu Xuyao ​​said in the communication channel, “Hold on!”

After being injured, the sickle demon was aroused into madness, and a pair of tentacles waved more frantically, leaving deep marks on the metal container.

And at this moment, the lighthouse at the port suddenly flickered a few times irregularly, which proved that the time was already midnight, and the flickering of the lights was a signal that midnight was approaching.

A new day has arrived.

At the same time, Kai Xin’s field of vision was suddenly enveloped in darkness.

The alien creature with tentacles waving wildly in front of her eyes disappeared, Lan Lan and Jiang Ming disappeared, the pain from being cut open disappeared, and even the gun she held in her hand disappeared.

Kai Xin was alone in the darkness, and a familiar feeling emerged in her heart uncontrollably—this is… the scene she experienced when she traveled to the second world!

She blinked, and when she opened her eyes again, she was lying on the soft bed, and what she saw in front of her was a wall with peeling skin. .

Next to the pillow, a mobile phone with a bright screen was lying there quietly.

After traveling to the seventh day of the second world, at the end of the seventh day, Kai Xin returned to the first world.

Her heart was beating violently, and she was even a little dizzy because of her emotional excitement.

Kai Xin covered her abdomen with her hands. The pain of her stomach being cut open by the bone knife of the alien creature still seemed to be on her body, but the skin under her fingers was smooth and smooth without any wounds.

“I… am back?” Kai Xin murmured in disbelief.

She left that cold and cruel world and returned to the ordinary and real world.

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