The Lightless Sea 32

Kai Xin discovered an embarrassing fact in the extraordinary ability training again and again.

That is, if she doesn’t wear clothes, the size of the portable objects will increase.

The reason why she discovered this is because she managed to pick up a set from the gatekeeper of the community.I want to use it to cover my face in all directions without dead ends, so that my face will not be exposed when I act.

When Kaixin was going to act, she wore long clothes and trousers to cover her body, and the clothes were all ready. She put on a mask, put on clothes and tried to shuttle around with a weapon, but the long-handled boning knife she prepared couldn’t move. It was barely driven by a sharp knife with a smaller size.

Later, she tried to add and subtract the clothes on her body and the items she wore, and finally came to the conclusion that clothes are also included in the volume of objects that can be carried in the shuttle. If you want to carry more weapons, you must wear less clothes and bring less equipment.

Sure enough, you can’t have too high requirements for E-level extraordinary abilities.

It would be great if there was a gun at this time. The gun is small in size, light in weight, easy to carry, and can be taken away smoothly during shadow shuttle.

It’s a pity that she can’t get a gun.

If you don’t have a gun, you can only work on the weapon.

Kai Xin couldn’t give up her clothes and mask for camouflage. She had to find a way to get a weapon that she could use.

She found a piece of paper and listed the options on it.

Switchblades, triangular thorns, Swiss army knives, butterfly knives, daggers…these weapons are all very suitable in size, and their lethality is not bad.

The problem is that these knives are controlled products, and they cannot be bought without channels.

After writing the weapon list, Kai Xin opened an online shopping app and tried to search for knives. Sure enough, the search results for most knives were blank, and even if they could be found, they were all unsharpened toy knives. Butterfly knives are very popular among young people, and there are many sellers on the Internet, but most people buy this knife to look cool, the knives are fancy, and the actual lethality is not much.

Although the material of these toy knives is metal, the hardness, toughness and toughness are not up to the standard of military weapons. Even if you buy it and ask someone to sharpen it, it won’t work.

The material of the expensive knife can meet the standard, so Kai Xin gritted his teeth and wanted to buy it.

However, she went to the store to ask about the material, and then asked if she could help with sharpening the blade. As a result, every customer service replied that she could not help with the sharpening.

This is very tricky.

And the most difficult thing is not the issue of weapons, it is that weapons cannot pass the security check.

Kai Xin originally wanted to buy knives and let the store mail them to the next city, and then she took the high-speed rail to pick up the pieces at the scheduled courier station, so that she could perfectly avoid the security check.

But every customer service company said that they couldn’t open their swords, and Kai was extremely worried.

She could only turn her attention to the kitchen knives. Good-quality kitchen knives are also very sharp, and they are in the state of being sharpened as soon as they are mailed, and their strength and toughness are not bad.

She picked left and right, and chose an e-commerce store with a delivery place in the province. The Damascus kitchen knives sold by their store had a very good rating. Looking at the price, it was still within the acceptable range.

Before paying, she asked the customer service: “Is it easy to curl the blade?”

Customer service: “The quality of our knives is guaranteed, and it is not so easy to curl the blade.”

Kai Xin: “How about cutting the meat?”

Customer service: “It’s extremely smooth, dear.”

Kui Xin: “How about chopping bones?”

Customer service: “It is recommended not to chop large bones. The knives need to be maintained, but the effect of deboning along the bone seams is amazing! Used ones are good!”

Kai Xin: “How is the connection between the blade and the handle? Will it come off the handle?”

Customer service: “No customer has ever reported this situation. Our handle and blade connection technology is the top in the industry. Buy with confidence!”

Kai Xin: “Is the delivery fast?”

Customer service: “It will be delivered in two to three days in this province. If it is nearby, it will only take one day.”

Kui Xin was satisfied, even though it was heartbreaking, he still happily ordered the payment.

For two days in a row, Kai Xin ran to the river embankment to exercise his muscles and bones in the dim light of the day.

The activities on the embankment were all early risers and grandparents. They saw Kai Xin running vigorously in sportswear and praised: “Young people who wake up so early to exercise are too rare.”

Kai Xin: Well, if there is no persecution from the pressure of survival, who would want to get up early?

She snorted and ran for five kilometers, and then did basic joint movements and body stretches, so that her body could adapt to the high-intensity exercise.

After exercising, Kai Xin sat next to the fitness equipment and massaged his muscles. The uncle and aunt beside him were listening to the morning news of the local radio and television stations on the radio.

The morning news happened to be broadcasting the traces of the suspect in the cult murder case.

“…It is reported that the suspect has fled to Tonglin City…” Kai Xin was taken aback when he heard the news broadcast on the radio.

Tonglin City is the city where she lives, what a coincidence?

Kai Xin was not surprised or panicked at this moment. On the contrary, she was full of joy, and had the wonderful feeling of a hunter sharpening his knife and stalking his prey, but sending him to the door for nothing.

The uncle in sweatshirt said strangely: “Why hasn’t this man been caught yet? He’s been captured by surveillance cameras.”

“Who knows? Hey, I have to go out a lot these days, and the murderers have all come to us.” said the aunt who was shaking the cattail fan.

Kai Xin no longer listened to the radio, but took out his mobile phone to search for news.

Sure enough, the latest piece of relevant news is that the suspect fled to Tonglin City, and the surveillance cameras in the suburbs captured his traces. This surveillance was released. The suspect was wearing a peaked cap. No, he’s a psychopathic lunatic.

He even went to the roadside store to buy a bottle of water and some food with cash, and ate while walking on the road, with a calm expression and no panic.

The owner of the canteen didn’t seem to recognize his identity. Judging from his facial features,He is indeed a suspect in the cult murder case.

Kai Xin’s expression became serious.

The suspect is too calm, this is not an ordinary prey. He knew that he had killed someone, but he didn’t panic. He knew that he was wanted and hunted down, but he didn’t have any fear. What made Kai Xin even more weird was that he killed his own family members, yet he acted like nothing happened, which was extremely normal.

The more normal he behaved, the more Kai Xin felt that he was a terrifying lunatic.

Why did the suspect flee to Tonglin City?

No…he is not on the run. He didn’t have the slightest feeling of running away. Instead, he seemed to come to Tonglin City on his own initiative… as if he came here for something.

Kai Xin was taken aback by his sudden guess, and his eyes became serious.

She let out a sigh of relief, clicked on the shopping software and said to the shop selling knives: “Can you change the delivery address and send it to another city?”

The customer service replied in seconds: “Okay, dear, I’ll contact the courier for you.”

Originally, Kai Xin directly decided to send the knives to the city next door. She chose a courier station that was convenient for picking up the goods. When she got there, she could get the knives immediately.

But the plan can’t keep up with the changes… But, this is a good change.

Investigating murders across cities is much more difficult than investigating murders in this city. Tonglin City, where Kuixin lives, is her home and the place she is most familiar with. The suspect’s initiative to come here can make her actions much easier.

Tonglin City is a big city with a very large permanent population. Finding a criminal suspect among so many people is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

On the way home, Kai Xin suddenly had a distorted intuition in his heart.

——She felt that the suspect in the cult murder case was targeting her.

There are so many cities for him to escape and choose, why did he come to the city where she is?

Kai Xin was terrified.

“You have improved your inherent talent.”

“Your inherent talent [Danger Avoidance] has been upgraded to [Absolute Prediction].”

“[Absolute prediction]: You have predicted the direction of fate many times under the reminder of your intuition. This is an early warning from the future, and the sixth sense has been developed to the extreme. What you can predict and avoid is not only danger, but also There is an intangible, impenetrable destiny.”

Fang Zhi woke up in the abandoned factory on the outskirts of Tonglin City. With a gloomy expression, he got up and kicked the bricks in front of him away, biting his fingers and pacing back and forth nervously: “How many times have you been killed by her?”

The third time or the fourth time? I can’t remember clearly, and his memory is a bit blurred by multiple deaths, which is the sequelae of repeatedly going back in time.

Fang Zhi sat cross-legged on the spot and thought about it carefully. He glanced at his mobile phone to determine the time, and calculated that this was his fourth death.

Every death left a deep enough impression on him.

Fang Zhi’s extraordinary ability is death reincarnation. Every time he dies, his time will go back to a few days ago. As the number of deaths increases, the time period of each time back is shortened. For example, when he died for the first time, it was traced back to three days ago, the second death was traced back to two days ago, and the third time was one day ago.

The first time he died was on Monday, when she kicked him off a tall building and smashed him to pieces.

The second time is Sunday. He firmly believed that the reason why she killed him last time was because he was not careful enough, as long as he reacted quickly enough to guard against her extraordinary ability to travel through the shadows, she would not be able to do anything to him.

But the reality gave Fang Zhi a slap in the face. The woman severed his spine and made him incapacitated. She dragged him to the window and threw him downstairs again.

The third time was on Saturday. Fang Zhi knew that the woman was looking for him to kill him, so he took advantage of the prophetic advantage to wait on the only way she must pass through the investigation, intending to sneak attack her. As a result, the woman avoided his killing attack as if the back of her head was equipped with a radar, and turned him down with her backhand.

Fang Zhi seriously suspected that the woman had special sadism. She refused to kill him outright every time, but threw him from upstairs to die twice in a row! But the third time, instead of being kicked downstairs, he was kicked into the pond with his spine severed. The woman watched him sink to the bottom and suffocate to death.

Fang Zhi had no choice but to beg his all-knowing and almighty Lord to give him enlightenment. In order to obtain enough enlightenment, Fang Zhidu killed several people to offer enough sacrifices for the gods.

God responded to him.

God told him the approximate location of the woman.

Fang Zhi was ecstatic, and immediately rushed to Tonglin City to strike first.

But he died again.

Still that woman, still Shen Tang’s way of death.

This time, he didn’t go back to a day before his death, but woke up on the same day.

If he doesn’t make changes, he will still be caught up by that huntress and killed.

His next death is tonight!

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