The Lightless Sea 34

“Danger Avoidance” has been upgraded to “Absolute Prediction”. Judging from the talent description of the game system, Kai Xin’s innate talent was upgraded because she used her intuition to correctly predict future development many times.

This proves that the idea that the suspect in the religious murder case that flashed through her mind just now is targeting her is not groundless worry, but an existing fact.

The murderer came to Tonglin City because of her.

What is his purpose? Why did he come to her?

Where did he learn about her existence?

After returning home, Kai Xin went into the bathroom to take a shower.

The shower sprayed water onto her head, as if cooling down her feverish brain.

Kai Xin learned from the police arrest warrant that the suspect in the religious murder case was named Fang Zhi, and she was very sure that she had a relationship withThe person named Fang Zhi has nothing to do with each other.

If it wasn’t for the tasks issued by the system, if it wasn’t for Fang Zhi’s pollution of Kai Xin’s life, the fate trajectories of the two of them would be like parallel lines, and they would never intersect.

The only point of intersection between them is the “task”. Kai Xin decided to hunt Fang Zhi, Fang Zhi was her fancy prey. The moment Kaixin accepts the task and determines the target to kill, the relationship between her and Way is no longer a stranger, but a hunter and a prey, and their destinies begin to overlap.

She is a stranger who has never met before. Why did Fang Zhi come to her?

They have no grievances or enmity, no conflict of interest, but Kai Xin is 100% sure that Fang Zhi came to find her for nothing. He is a cultist, and he ran across a city to Tonglin City to find her to make friends. Bar?

Kai Xin could only bring Fang Zhi into Fang Zhi’s heart from his own standpoint, thinking about his intentions for doing so.

Kai Xin went to Jinshui City because Fang Zhi was there, and she was going to kill people.

Fang Zhi ran to Tonglin City at this juncture, could it be that he also wanted to kill people? He wants to kill her?

This is very interesting.

The opportunity for Kai Xin to kill her was a task issued by the game system. What was the opportunity for Fang Zhi to come to Tonglin City to kill her?

There is no such thing as a coincidence in this matter, and it is inevitable that several consecutive coincidences will collide.

Assuming that Fang Zhi’s goal is to kill her, then what is the reason for Fang Zhi to kill her?

There is no unreasonable hatred and murderous intentions in the world. Kai thought hard, but couldn’t figure out when she would offend Fang Zhi, so that Fang Zhi was determined to come to her city regardless of the long distance and fear of police pursuit. .

Could it be that the game system also issued tasks to Fang Zhi? This doesn’t make sense.

The missions of the game system generally only have vague directions. Fang Zhi’s goal is too clear. He is here for her. The guess of the mission issued by the system is a bit untenable, but it is not completely impossible… Kui Xin will keep this for now idea.

Kai Xin and Fang Zhi did not have any point of intersection in the past. Taking a step back, even if they had a point of intersection, their point of intersection would only exist in a certain period of time in the future.

It can’t be that Fang Zhi can predict the future, and he can’t predict the future because she has an enmity with him, so he has the intention to kill her, right?

Wait a minute… This kind of words seem to be somewhat explainable?

Kai Xin’s heart skipped a beat.

She turned off the shower head, pulled a towel to wipe her hair, changed her clothes, left the bathroom, picked up her mobile phone and called Su Rong.

“Hello? Rongrong, I have something to do today. I won’t teach you in the afternoon. How about making up the missing class for you next week?” Kui Xin said.

Su Rong’s cheerful voice came from the mobile phone: “Okay, Sister Xin Xin, yeah! I can take one more day off. My parents are at work, and I was thinking of letting you come to my house for dinner at noon. Let’s order takeaway. ”

During the day, when her parents are at work, Su Rong always orders takeaway for lunch.

Kui Xin is a good and conscientious teacher. She was afraid that Su Rong would not be able to control herself enough to do the questions well, so she thought about it and said, “I’ll send you a set of wrong question notes I compiled in my third year of high school. There are several question types on it. I said it yesterday, so take a good look.”

“Okay.” Su Rong said, “I will definitely take a good look.”

“By the way, the law and order is not very good recently. A murderer has escaped to our place. Have you seen the news this morning?” Kai Xin warned, “Don’t open the door to strangers.”

“I know, I’m eighteen!” Su Rong laughed.

Su Rong is probably a player. The little girl is quite thoughtful, her mouth is very strict, and her behavior is almost flawless. If Su Rong received a regional mission, she would be vigilant without Kai Xin reminding her.

There is a large supermarket near Su Rong’s home, and there are many models of kitchen utensils in it. Kui Xin plans to buy a useful knife in the physical store, and it is convenient to send math notes to Su Rong.

Taking a look at the delivery information, the Damascus kitchen knife she bought online will arrive tomorrow morning at the earliest. In today’s vacuum period, she has to have a weapon at hand. Fang Zhi is in Tonglin City, and the danger is very close to her.

It was only 9:30 after Kai Xin took a shower. She found out the high school notes at the bottom of the box, put them in her arms and went out.

When we arrived at the large shopping mall near Su Rong’s home, Kai Xin first went to the daily necessities section to buy knives.

The shopping mall seems to be promoting kitchen utensils. The shopping guide enthusiastically introduced various types of kitchen knives. After listening to her introduction, Kui Xin looked at the material label on the back of the prop packaging, and took a sample to try the blade himself before going to pay.

This knife is considered a cheap knife, the price is relatively low, the craftsmanship is not bad, the material is not as good as Damascus, it is only made of ordinary alloy, it should be able to deal with it for a day.

After paying, Kai Xin went to the toilet to remove the outer packaging of the knife, directly inserted the knife into his belt and covered it with his clothes. Feeling the hard touch around his waist, Kai Xin immediately felt more secure.

The feeling of having a weapon in hand is different from that of not having a weapon in hand. She was temporarily relieved.

On the other side, Fang Zhi went to Su Rong’s community again.

He found a blind spot for monitoring, and sneaked into the wall while no one was looking.

The huntress will definitely come today. According to the timeline last time, she will come to the girl’s house this evening.

Therefore, Fang Zhi came to Su Rong’s house early in order to stagger the time with the huntress. First, he was afraid that he would run into the hunter’s arrival time like last time and be killed by her face to face. Second, he wanted to leave enough information for the torture. time.

Fang Zhi learned from the painful experience and felt that his biggest mistake last time was not getting the real name and family name of the huntress.The family address, this time he must press for the information. It’s just a little girl in high school. He didn’t have time to use cruel methods to interrogate her before. As long as he uses a little tricks, that girl will definitely not be able to withstand his torture.

In fact, Fang Zhi thought about getting information about the female hunter without torture, but he really couldn’t think of any other way. He couldn’t just stay at the gate of the community and go up to follow her, right? The lesson from last time has taught him that stalking is useless, the huntress is too sharp, his poor stalking skills are like a child’s play in front of her, and she can see through it in two or three times.

Fang Zhi didn’t dare to make another sacrifice to ask the gods about the location of the female hunter. It was difficult for him to withstand the erosion of two crazy ravings in a few days, and he didn’t dare to kill too many people so that the female hunter could follow her too quickly. to myself.

His goal is to torture information, as long as it is information.

After getting the report, he can kill Su Rong. When the huntress comes to Su Rong’s house, she will see a horrible corpse… What kind of expression will the huntress have? Anger, hatred, breakdown?

But it’s too late, he will run away before the huntress comes to Su Rong’s house, hide in a safe place and wait for the number of death cycles to be reset. The people around her were killed, and let her watch the people around her die one by one, but there was nothing she could do… Perhaps it would be a good choice to kidnap the people around the huntress. She routs and growls.

The positions of prey and hunter will be reversed! She was no longer a hunter, and could no longer tease him like a cat and a mouse!

After the reincarnation of death is reset, Fang Zhi will steal a gun and send the huntress to the west with a single bullet.

Thinking of that scene, Fang Zhi couldn’t help laughing out loud.

Fang Zhi came to the downstairs of Su Rong’s house with a smile on his face, and entered the corridor from the fire escape with his waist down.

Then, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

Because he saw the huntress going downstairs, she raised her face and met Fang Zhi.

Fang Zhi: Crooked day, why doesn’t this woman follow the normal timeline? !

“Are you really not going to stay for dinner?” Su Rong said, “I order fried chicken at noon. It’s a bit sinful to eat the whole thing by myself. We can eat it for two minutes. I also ordered fried rice cakes and milk tea.”

“No, I really have something to do.” Kai Xin declined, “Next time.”

“Okay.” Su Rong reluctantly took a can of iced Coke from the refrigerator and stuffed it into Kai Xin’s hand, “It’s hot outside, drink some iced drinks to cool down.”

“Thank you.” Kai Xin opened the door, “Sort out the wrong questions you wrote yesterday in the wrong question book, and remember to read the wrong questions I drew for you. I will investigate next time in class… Well, don’t give it to strangers. Open the door. I’ll go first, goodbye.”

“Got it. When I order takeout, I ask the deliveryman to leave it outside the door, and then go out to get it after people leave.” Su Rong waved her hand, “See you, Sister Xin Xin.”

Kai Xin turned and went downstairs. When she walked to the corner of the second floor and the first floor, she suddenly saw a man who couldn’t see his face clearly stopped and stood at the stairs.

She has been on the front line of life and death several times, and her assessment and prediction of danger is almost instinctive.

She has read books on criminal investigation and knows how to profile a person.

In just one second, Kai Xin subconsciously used the knowledge he had learned to profile the man in front of him.

The muscles of his arms are prominent, and his strength is not weak. The steps he walked just now were a little hurried and scattered, but the sound of his footsteps was not heavy, on the contrary, it was very light. It seemed that something joyously excited him so much that his walking posture was floating.

Kai Xin’s temples twitched suddenly, and he had a premonition that was wrong and he opened his mouth to test: “Are you a resident here? Why haven’t I seen you?”

Fang Zhi suppressed his trembling reaction and said, “Is this Building No. 15?”

Just like the instinctive fear of a mouse when it meets a cat, Fang Zhi also had this feeling when he met a huntress head-on.

The development of the matter exceeded his expectations. The woman in front of him actually jumped out of the timeline. Her every move seemed to be out of the control of fate. According to the established development, she should come to Su Rong’s house around the evening, but now she came at the time Earlier! How could this be? !

“Building No. 15 is next door. This is Building No. 14.” Kai Xin looked at him and said.

“I’m here to see my father-in-law. It’s the first time I’m here, and I’m not familiar with the road conditions. I got lost.” Fang Zhi pretended to smile naturally, and tried his best to pretend that nothing had happened. “Thank you for showing me the way.”

Kai Xin stood on the stairs and looked down at him, “I’m sorry, I made a mistake just now, the fifteenth floor is not next door.”

“Ah?” Fang Zhi was taken aback.

“Did you remember wrongly? There is no fifteenth floor in this community.” Kui Xin said, “Why don’t you call your father-in-law and ask about the building number, and I can show you the way.”

Fang Zhi: “…”

He couldn’t stop his heart palpitations. He suspected that the huntress had become suspicious. He didn’t fully understand the layout of this community, and he didn’t know that there was no Building No. 15 here.

The huntress knew, but she purposely said that building No. 15 was next door.

Fang Zhi realized that he had made a bad response.

“No need…” Fang Zhi managed to remain calm, “I don’t want to trouble you, I’ll look for it myself.”

Fang Zhi was discouraged. He couldn’t confront the huntress head-on, because his number of death cycles had been exhausted, and if he died again, he would really die.

Fang Zhi turned and left. He tried his best to make his steps look less hasty, but Kai Xin was like a silent ghost.Ling always followed behind him. He speeds up, she speeds up, he slows down, she slows down.

Kai Xin kept a safe distance of three meters from him from the beginning to the end, neither approaching nor staying away. She was blatantly following him.

Fear, like gangrene, gradually penetrated into Fang Zhi’s heart.

He left the neighborhood, and Kai Xin followed behind her. He made a sharp turn through the alley and tried to get rid of her, but she caught up with him even faster. Fang Zhi deliberately walked through the crowd trying to cover her sight with the crowd, but turned his head, damn it, this woman is still there! always there! Haunted!

She is a wild wolf, a hunter, and once she targets her prey, she will not let him go easily.

The prey’s psychological defense gradually collapsed. He felt like a weak and pitiful little white rabbit. The wild wolf pinned him down, but refused to eat him, and just licked his sharp teeth and drool there.

Kai Xinzhu walked behind him for a minute, and quickly confirmed his identity.

He is Fang Zhi, the suspect in the murder case of believers.

There is a subject called “Footprints” in the criminal investigation major, which analyzes the suspect’s characteristics from the walking posture, footsteps, and footprints of the criminal suspect for effective tracking. Kai Xin has read this book, and with the help of the inherent talent “quick learning” Next she mastered the theory, which was the first time that theory was put into practice.

This morning, Kai Xin watched the surveillance video released by the police. In the video, Fang Zhi’s walking posture was very similar to the man in front of him.

Coupled with the fact that his previous words and deeds were not right, Kai Xin was basically sure that his real identity was Fang Zhi.

Fang Zhi jumped over the wall in a hurry, and his steps became more and more chaotic.

Suddenly, he turned around and stood on the main road and said hoarsely, “Crazy…you are a lunatic!”

“I’m not, you are. How does it feel to kill your wife, children and parents?” Kai Xin stood still.

“Ha.” Fang Zhi opened his arms and said, “You are afraid of revealing your identity, aren’t you?”

The huntress is fully armed every time she goes out. In her hometown of Tonglin City, she didn’t have time to make up a disguise. Only then did he see her real face.

“You are also afraid, our fear is equal.” Kai Xin said expressionlessly.

At this moment, they were standing on the side of the road full of traffic, with a distance of three meters between them.

While they were talking, pedestrians passed by them, and they kept silent tacitly, facing each other from a distance.

“Do you dare to kill me on the road? So many people are watching.” Fang Zhi growled.

“Do you dare to spend with me?” Kai Xin sneered, “I am a law-abiding citizen, but you are not.”

“You call the police, and I’ll call you a player on the street.” Fang Zhi’s eyes were red, “Don’t think about it when I die, you don’t have any disguise on your face now!”

“…I don’t have any disguise on my face now?” Kai Xin repeated this sentence inexplicably.

“Now”, an extremely interesting word. The opposite of “now” is “past” and “future”.

The expression on her face ranged from bewildered to subtle, and finally to stunned.

“I understand. So it’s like this… So it’s like this.” Kai Xin said clearly, “This is your extraordinary ability.”

“Can you predict the future?” She said to herself, “No, it doesn’t seem that simple, there is something wrong, it’s not interesting… Your ability is not to predict the future… What could it be?”

Fang Zhi took a step back, terrified.

It was just a sentence. He just used a wrong word, and the huntress caught the key.

“I think it’s very interesting…Why are you so unafraid of death? Why did you come to Tonglin City? Why did you target me?” Kui Xin said, “To be honest, you… are pretty good. You can’t bear it mentally. It seems that I don’t have much fighting skills. I’ve only been with you for a while and you’re scared out of your wits… Why are you so confident, so confident that you come to me without fear of death? If you can really predict the future, you should be able to Can you predict my ability? I don’t think I’m weak…but you’re still here, and you’re not afraid of death.”

The huntress thought deeply: “Well…you don’t really fear death, do you?”

Fang Zhi could no longer keep calm, his eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost.

The huntress also said the same thing when he was drowned in the fountain last time.

——”You don’t really fear death, do you?”

She is already sensitive to an inhuman level!

Kai Xin thought for a moment: “It seems that we have reached an impasse. You don’t want to reveal your identity, and neither do I.”

“What do you want to do.” Fang Zhi’s voice was hoarse.

“Let’s let each other go, okay?” Kai Xin smiled, “Let’s not interfere with each other, let’s just say goodbye.”

Fang Zhi happily said: “Yes!”

This is exactly what he wants. Once his death cycle is reset, no one can do anything to him. He is still in the dark, she is still in the light, he wants to do something, isn’t that easy?

And Fang Zhi thought he had caught Kai Xin’s weakness – she was afraid that her identity would be exposed!

“Then we have reached a consensus.” Kai Xin said with a smile, “You can go.”

Fang Zhi took one step back, then two steps back, seeing that Kai Xin had no intention of chasing him, he ran wildly.

And Kai Xin has been standing there without moving.

When Fang Zhi ran around a corner, Kai Xin muttered, “Idiot.”

Fang Zhi is a rookie with almost zero tracking ability, and Kui Xin is a professional 25-year-old. Tonglin City is her familiar home ground, and she has the extraordinary ability to shuttle through shadows. If she really wanted to follow her, no one would be able to spot her, and of course that idiot Fang Zhi couldn’t either.

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