The Lightless Sea 37

“How come? I obviously received a call from the police station just now.” Kai Xin pestered this matter endlessly, talking nonsense to delay time.

“You must have misunderstood.” The female operator said, “If you follow the news, you should be able to see the arrest warrant issued by our police. Fang Zhi, 26 years old, has a strong build, about 1.8 meters tall, and lives in Jinshui City, suspected of intentional homicide, he fled to our Tonglin City today. When we checked the city surveillance, we found a person who was very consistent with Fang Zhi’s appearance and characteristics. The surveillance showed that you were the last person to contact him, Kui Ms. Xin, we need your clues.”

Kui Xin insisted, “I got a call! The call just now was not from the police station. Who made the call? The number on the caller ID is the area code plus the police number.”

While speaking, Kai Xin turned on the phone recording calmly, returned to the caller ID page, took a screenshot of the call record just now, sent it to the social software circle of friends and set it to be visible only to himself.

Then she put the hands-free on the phone, found an idle old phone from the bedside table, and turned it on to charge it.

Schools do not allow smartphones to be brought in, and they can only bring old phones with simple functions. When Kai Xin was in high school, he used an elderly device. It only cost more than 100 yuan.

There is no phone card installed in the elderly phone, and it cannot be connected to the Internet without a signal. This is just right. Kai Xin only needs its camera function and recording function.

She picked up the elderly phone and took a picture of the smart phone’s caller ID page, then clicked on the recording function of the elderly phone, and put it next to it to record.

Prepare with both hands.

The picture on the caller ID page needs to be backed up in two copies, one is a screenshot and the other is a photo. There are also two copies of call recordings, one in the smart phone and one in the elderly machine that cannot be connected to the Internet.

Kai Xin said seriously: “The previous call was too abnormal…I swear I received a call from the police station. Our school’s anti-fraud publicity said that some scammers can change the number of the phone caller ID through technological means. .I’m afraid of encountering scammers, if you are a policeman, please give me your job number.”

This is a reasonable request. Generally speaking, if citizens have this request, the police will tell their job numbers. This is public information.

The female operator paused and reported a series of numbers.

Kai Xin said: “The Fang Zhi you mentioned is the man I met on Baihua Avenue this morning? Is he a murderer?”

“I can’t be sure, but the appearance and characteristics are very similar. We need relevant clues to assist in the investigation of the case…” the female operator replied.

detail. Kui Xin discovered a detail.

The male operator who made the call for the first time gave an affirmative answer when Kai Xin asked if the murderer was the person she met.But the fact is that Fang Zhi is wearing a sun hat, which completely covers his face. His identity is actually doubtful when his face is not photographed, but the male operator is absolutely sure that the person is Fang Zhi. This is abnormal and not rigorous.

The female operator who called the second time was more professional. After Kai Xin asked the same question, she gave an uncertain answer, and she also reported her job number.

“I saw the news today, and I suspected that the person I was following was Fang Zhi, but thinking about it, I thought it was too a coincidence. It is impossible for a murderer to go to a crowded place… I would have followed him if I knew it.” Kui Sim continued to stall for time, slowly, leading the female operator to speak more.

Perhaps because Kai Xin was talking too much nonsense, the female operator went straight to the point: “We need you to provide the location where the suspect left. Which direction did he go in the end?”

After hearing her tone of voice, Kai Xin knew that it was difficult for him to come up with more words.

“Well, I didn’t expect that I would meet a murderer just by walking around… So, I will go to the police station to provide clues.” Kai Xin said, “I know this is a big deal, so if I don’t go I feel uneasy.”

The female operator was silent for a second, and said politely: “Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.”

Then the phone was hung up.

Kai Xin immediately clicked on the social software to check the circle of friends he sent.

“This…” Kai Xin was surprised to see that his social software indicated that the sending failed, the sent pictures were not visible, and the relevant screenshots could not be found in the album, the photo recycle bin was clean, and then returned to the caller ID page, two The caller number of the police station disappeared in place!

She switched to the recording file to view it, and clicked the button to play the recording. The recorded call sound inexplicably turned into a bunch of noisy electric sounds.

Her mobile phone was hacked!

Kai Xin realized the seriousness of the matter.

She nervously grabbed the elderly device to check. Fortunately, all the photos and recordings were there.

Unable to connect to the Internet, no signal, hackers can’t find the intrusion port, her elderly phone is a dead machine, and there is no possibility of intrusion.

Kai Xin is not worried that the camera of the hacked smartphone will secretly take pictures of her under the control of hackers, because this is a second-hand phone, and the camera has broken down long ago. Thanks to a broken camera, she was able to snag the newer second-hand phone for a cheap price.

At that time, Kai Xin thought that she didn’t take photos often, and the camera was useless, and the mobile phone was just a convenient object for contact. Unexpectedly, being greedy for cheap made her successfully avoid a small risk.

The remaining risk is, when did the hacker hack into her mobile phone, just now or earlier?

Hackers found Fang Zhi and her from the vast surveillance videos. Identification and confirmation took time. When Kui Xin killed Fang Zhi, her mobile phone should have been unhacked, and her identity had not been exposed. Moreover, when Kai Xin tracked Fang Zhi, in order to avoid the ringing of the mobile phone, he turned it on airplane mode, and there was no internet connection and no signal.

Because her identity was not revealed, some hackers pretended to be policemen to inquire about information. If her identity is confirmed, the hacker will not call to probe.

“Thank you to this unknown hacker.” Kai Xin said silently in his heart.

His appearance gave Kai Xin an all-round upgrade in vigilance.

Enemies will not only attack her from the real world, but also attack her from the online world. Her defense must be three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends, and one mistake may be exploited by someone.

However, the game forum should not be hacked, because after browsing the forum, Kai Xin checked her mobile phone records and found that her browsing records were completely blank.

Logging into game forums and browsing posts will not leave any traces on her phone.

But at the same time, there were many questions in front of Kai Xin. She bought a knife on Taobao and searched for information on controlled weapons such as triangular thorns.

These behaviors are very suspicious in the eyes of interested people.

She was exposed, but not fully exposed.

The situation is grim.

The other party couldn’t be sure who killed Fang Zhi, but the other party could guess that Kai Xin might be a player.

To be honest… Kai Xin couldn’t control his killing intent.

She bit her finger, stared at her phone for a long time, and finally decided to go to the police station to call the police.

Yes, call the police.

Calling the police is an ordinary person’s normal reaction after encountering these things. She wants to disguise herself as an ordinary person.

There is no conflict between being a player and being an ordinary person. Most of the players in the game forum are actually ordinary people. Everyone has ordinary thinking and ordinary life. What is not ordinary is that they are involved in a survival game. game.

If everything can be done again, Kai Xin can do it more safely and complete the task more beautifully, because she has information gap with others.

As the game progresses, Kai Xin realizes more and more how important intelligence is. Intelligence is the key to ensure Kai Xin’s survival in the first world and the second world.

She grabbed her phone, put on her shoes and went out, and went straight to the police station two streets away.

By the time she finished reporting to the police and the police selectively explained the matter, it was already afternoon.

When taking the record, the police officer murmured: “This is really weird, there are signs of hacking, I suggest you change to a mobile phone…”

“Student party, it’s too difficult to change a mobile phone.” Kai Xin was suffering beyond words.

“Hey, it is recommended to change it. Your mobile phone is too insecure, and it is easy to expose a lot of information. What if your social software password and payment password are exposed?” The policeman said, “I didn’t find out the work in your recording.No, the person calling you is not a policeman… Also, in fact, we are not very good at handling cases here by directly calling the police. ”

“Really?” Kai Xin said.

“Those who haven’t experienced this may not understand. It actually depends on the situation. 110 is the special number for the command center of the Public Security Bureau, or it may be the area code plus 110. But the most real thing is that the police use their office landlines or ordinary mobile phone numbers to call.” The policeman said, “Be careful next time, don’t be fooled. If you really encounter a murderer on the wanted warrant, we will usually visit the scene or send the witnesses to the police station directly. Of course, if the witnesses and informants Ask to keep your own information confidential, we can also record calls during calls, conduct telephone inquiries and clue records…”

Kai Xin came to a sudden: “So it’s like this… Thank you.”

“Let’s go home. It’s raining heavily. Be careful on the road.” The policeman said, “The little girl has a good sense of fraud prevention. Keep it up.”

“I don’t think liars can fool me. I’m a poor man, and I don’t have any money that can be cheated.” Kui Xin said quietly.

She said: “If the person I was talking to before is really a murderer, I have provided a major clue, right? Can I get a bonus?”

“If the case is solved, there will be a bonus. If it is not solved, there will be no bonus.” The policeman said.

Before leaving, Kai Xin expressed his best wishes: “I hope the case will be solved as soon as possible.”

It was raining heavily outside, and Kai Xin opened his umbrella and walked into the rain curtain.

The accumulated water on the ground is almost full of water. In my memory, Tonglin City rarely sees such heavy rain.

Kai Xin waded through the rain to get home with difficulty.

Just as she walked into the corridor to put away her umbrella, her phone buzzed and vibrated, and a message came in.

“In? The world is too dangerous, do you want to form a team together?”

After three seconds, another message came in.

“I’m the one who called you. I mean no harm.”

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