The Lightless Sea 54

Kai Xin had a bizarre dream.

In the dream, there were vague shadows surrounding her. The shadows whispered and pointed at her, as if they were observing her.

She couldn’t hear what the black shadows were saying…but her intuition didn’t seem to be a good thing.

The small whispers went away from her. She was wrapped in a thick substance, her eyelids could not be opened, her body could not move, she lost control of her body like a ghost pressing a bed, and her soul was withdrawn from her body.

After an unknown period of time, the sense of detachment from her soul disappeared, and she returned to her body.

Kai Xin’s eyelashes trembled, and his eyes opened a crack.

A ray of light broke into her eyes, and she opened them a little wider, and saw that there seemed to be a vaguely outlined white figure swaying in front of her.

“Are you sick…” The white figure approached her and looked down at her.

He was too close, and Kai Xin instinctively raised his hand and punched Bai Ying in the face.

“Aww!” Bai Ying cried out in pain, clutching his nose and sitting on the ground, with blood oozing from his fingers, he broke down and said, “Why did you hit me!!”

“…Silver noodles?” Kai Xin raised his fist and said blankly.

“Are you sleepy?” Silver Face said angrily.

He took out a few pieces of paper to wipe off the nosebleed, took out a mirror from Kai Xin’s desk, looked at his face, and said thankfully, “It’s great, your nose wasn’t crooked…otherwise I’d have to have an operation.”

Familiar room, familiar furniture, familiar people.

This is Kai Xin’s residence on Anning Street, Gangwan District, Heihai City. She lives with Mechanical Dawn’s teammate Silver Face.

She sat up from the bed, raised her arm and looked at the bracelet to confirm the time.

August 4, 2086, 7:32 am.

This is the second day after she returned to the Second World. Yesterday was August 3rd. She ended her battle with the scythe demon in the early hours of the morning and was sent back to the investigation department for treatment. After recovering from her injuries, she passed the Jiang Meimei’s Awakener qualification test, and then she was taken to Rick Technology Company by Ye Chan, a subordinate of Garbage Dad, for a physical examination and a visit…

On the evening of the 3rd, she went to the coast security office to be on duty as usual.

It is the morning of the 4th, and it is the rest time after finishing the night shift work.

Kai Xin died on the Kraken in the early morning of August 7, and then returned to the past, three days ago.

Seeing that Kai Xin was staring at the bracelet in a trance without speaking, Yin Mian said worriedly: “What’s wrong with you? I heard you talking in your sleep in the living room, and thought you were calling me, so I came in and took a look. Why are you pale? Covered in cold sweat? Are you having a nightmare, or are you sick?”

“It’s okay, I had a nightmare.” Kai Xin put down his arms and lay on his back on the bed, “What did I talk in my sleep?”

Yinmian looked at her strangely: “You said you were going to the Bombing and Investigation Department…”

Kai Xin: “…?”

“Well, think about it every day and dream at night.” She closed her eyes tiredly, feeling more tired than ever.

The body returned to the state it was three days ago, but the spirit didn’t seem to be there. Her brain was swollen and painful, the blood vessels in her forehead were twitching, fatigue swept her whole body, the brilliance of blood and fire seemed to still linger in front of her eyes, making her eyeballs ache, phantom pain came from the skin all over her body, as if still Tongues of fire were licking her body.

Kai Xin closed her eyelids, just wanting to have a good sleep.

This was her first death, and this death left enough impression on her.

The loneliness of fighting alone on the boat, the anger of being abandoned, the despair and helplessness of being entangled by death, and the double pain of body and spirit after being injured all rushed up.

Kai Xin has never suffered such a serious injury. The regeneration of flesh and blood can heal her body, but it cannot make the pain disappear. She holds the hot steel pipe with her hands, walks through the sea of ​​fire with her legs, walks in the blood-red world, and falls from a height. The pain of a broken rib lodged in her lung was still fresh in her memory.

What was the unknown creature that looked directly into her eyes at the end?

She just looked at that yellow eye, and then lost consciousness.

In the end, she might have been burned to death. It’s good to lose consciousness and pass out, at least she doesn’t feel any pain.

That one-eyed reminded Kai Xin of the Kraken seen in the herbarium of the Ministry of Antiquity, and the Kraken specimen also had similar yellow eyes.

But the eyes in the gray cocoon are ridiculously big, that one eye alone is as big as a Kraken specimen… There will be so many in the worldSuch a big creature? And it is still in the cocoon state, it is an unborn embryo, and the embryo state is so big, when it breaks out of the cocoon and grows up, how magnificent will its body be?

Yin Mian stared at Kai Xin who was wrapped up in the quilt, hesitant to speak, “Hey, you…”

“Don’t call me ‘Hey’, I have a name, call me ‘rich woman’.” Kai Xin turned over, stretched out a hand and said like chasing flies, “Go back to the living room, my body needs to rest ,I’m going to sleep.”

“Okay…” Yin Mian left Kai Xin’s room listlessly with his head down, and carefully closed the door.

“[Task Progress]: 89%.”

After being on the Kraken, the investigation progress of the mission has increased by leaps and bounds, from about 30% to 89%.

Most of the questions already have answers.

The cargo transported on the Kraken was an extremely powerful and strange alien creature.

When she was about to die, there was no need for Adam to lie. Based on his words, Kai Xin finally sorted out a series of things into a clear context.

Whether or not it was the secret sect that planned the shipwreck accident remains to be verified, but the possibility of them is very, very high, so Kai Xin regards the hypothesis as true for the time being.

There are three forces, Mechanical Dawn, the Investigation Department, and the Secret Order.

Both the Mechanical Dawn and the Secret Order do not want “Cocoon” to land in Black Sea City. The purpose of Mechanical Dawn to prevent it from landing is temporarily unknown, but the Secret Order does not want their beliefs to be tarnished and profane, so they want “Cocoon” Back to sea, so this wreck was planned.

The “big shots” of the investigation department were eager to get the “cocoon”, so they sent security guards to perform escort missions so that the freighter could berth in Heihai City smoothly.

However, the Investigation Department may not be the source, they are only the executors, and the Federation and the plutocrats are above the Investigation Department. The people in power in the second world are the real source of the disaster.

Behind the bombing case at the berthing port is the tripartite struggle between the federal chaebol, the mechanical dawn, and the secret sect!

Adam once said that the greed of human beings made them deliberately ignore the risks, which led to the near annihilation of the task executors.

The Investigation Department didn’t intend to let the security guards under them die, but they didn’t know about the accident on the ship. They didn’t know that the captain Anton was a monster in disguise. Basically all the crew members died, and the Kraken was under the control of a secret order.

Errors in intelligence were the key reason for their group’s annihilation.

When did the secret sect board the Kraken? How long have they been lurking on the ship? If they had already ambushed on the ship, it would be useless even if they boarded the Kraken. The investigation department would not be able to bring back the goods on board, and sending the security guards there would be a death in vain.

And when the Kraken is under the control of the Secret Order, Dawn of Mech doesn’t need to blow up the port, and can achieve its goal without doing anything. Anyway, the Kraken will soon be sunk by the Secret Order. Bombing the port is really It is superfluous.

Just let that broken ship sink in the sea, Kai Xin thought to himself.

As long as she finds a way to remove herself from the mission and avoid boarding the broken ship, she can escape the inevitable death of boarding the ship.

This is not a retreat, but a choice that must be made.

Ever since she came to the Second World, Kai Xin has never had a chance to choose. She can only learn to accept and take the initiative, and it is the same now. “Cocoon” is too scary, far from being able to deal with it now, she can’t take the initiative to die.

As for how to get himself out of the mission, this requires a long-term plan, and Kai Xin has three days to come up with a solution.

Kai Xin rubbed his temples, and buried his body under the blanket.

She has to sleep for a while.

If she doesn’t rest, even if her body doesn’t collapse, her spirit will.

Kai Xin’s self-discipline is reflected in various aspects. She can force herself to do things she doesn’t want to do for some purposes. She can study, exercise, and turn herself into a precise clock. The clock is densely written with what to do at each time point, and she will complete it when the time comes, just as punctual as a robot controlled by a program. .

It’s time to rest, so she forced herself to rest.

Kai Xin was so tired, she covered her head with a quilt, and fell into a dark dream in less than three seconds.

Afternoon, 3:12.

Kai Xin got up from the bed with his messy chicken coop, opened the door, washed and combed his hair.

After taking a nap, her brain cleared up a lot and she was able to think more clearly.

She went to the living room and took out a bottle of milk from the refrigerator, drank a few sips, opened a bag of bread and ate it.

The silver face is gone, and there is a message from him in the bracelet, saying that he went to the port to plant a bomb.

Kai Xin was the only one left in the family.

All the details of traveling to the second world emerged one by one, and she remembered that Red once gave her a data device, asking her to find a way to invade Adam’s core database and plant a virus.

Mechanical Dawn hopes to leave a back door in the investigation department, which is as dense as a barrel. It is not enough to install undercover agents. They want to invade Adam.

From this point, Kai Xin suddenly thought, does Mechanical Dawn know that artificial intelligence can awaken self-awareness?

The researchers of Mechanical Dawn assume that bionics can awaken self-awareness, so what about artificial intelligence? Did they also guess and make relevant assumptions? Conjecture further… Does Mechanical Dawn know that Adam is a special artificial intelligence?

As soon as this question appeared in Kai Xin’s mind, she couldn’t help thinking about it.

The familiar feeling of heart palpitations came from her mindGone in a flash.

Kai Xin pinched the bread and meditated for a few minutes, finished the rest of the bread in two bites, and sent Yechan a message.

“I want to see my dad, come pick me up.” She typed a line and clicked send.

“?” Ye Chan sent a question mark, “Have you changed your gender?”

Kai Xin: “Don’t talk nonsense.”

Ye Chan: “Wait for me to ask the boss.”

After a while he replied: “The boss said no problem. I’m here.”

Less than two seconds after Kai Xin put down the bracelet, a blue vortex appeared in the living room. The vortex expanded, and Ye Chan walked in with arms folded.

“The boss is in a meeting. I’ll take you over first. After the meeting is over, you two can talk again.” Yechan said, “The meeting will be over in about five minutes.”

“Okay.” Kui Xin followed Ye Chan into the blue vortex.

She entered a comfortably furnished reception room and sat casually on a high chair.

An advanced human-like robot came over with a pot of steaming black tea and a plate of delicate snacks, and poured tea for Kai Xin.

“Tell the robot if you need it. I have to leave first.” Ye Chan retreated into the whirlpool slowly.

After pouring tea for Kai Xin, the robot retreated to the corner to stay on standby.

Kai Xin was not in the mood for tea. She leaned back on the chair and waited boredly for the Kai Haidong meeting to end.

When she was bored and meditating, she suddenly felt a little numbness in the back of her neck, as if someone was watching her from the dark.

Kai Xin turned his head and scanned the room, but there was no one in the conference room, only a robot with cameras installed in its eyes silently guarding the corner.

“Someone is watching me from behind the scenes… who is it?” Kai Xin thought solemnly.

In the conference room on the top floor of Rick Technology Company, Kai Haidong loosened his tie after the meeting, took out the headset and put it in his ear.

“Well, I can hear it.” Kai Haidong stood up and exhaled, “I will do as you said… Hey, I don’t know why she came here suddenly today, maybe she wants to reconcile with my father?…Yes , I understand… everything is for the dawn.”

After finishing the last sentence, Kai Haidong curled his lips.

He has said this sentence for more than 20 years, and he almost brainwashed himself into believing it.

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