The Lightless Sea 70

Kai Xin had no time to pay attention to the prompts of the game system. She calmed down her slightly fluctuating mood and walked to the glass cage where Tang Guan was imprisoned.

Tang Guan’s eyes were blank, but if he looked carefully at his lips, they were actually moving slightly, as if he was whispering something.

“What is he talking about?” she said.

Dr. Long looked at the man in the cage pityingly, “He’s thinking about his parents and sister, and he’ll keep thinking about it as long as he wakes up, as if he’s using this to keep his mind awake.” He wiped the corners of his eyes, hypocritically Said, “It’s really touching, this is his spiritual pillar.”

At least he still has a spiritual support when he is desperate, and he can talk about his parents and sister. Kai Xin can’t think of whose name she would read in this situation… There is no name for her to read, even if there is, she can’t read it , she will stick to the last moment with her own will.

“Will he respond to your questions?” Kai Xin crossed his arms and tapped his arms with his fingertips. “Will he talk to you?”

“Unfortunately, except when he first came to his sensesGod breaks down and confides some words to us, and the rest he is lost in his own world. Dr. Long said, “It may be that his mental state does not allow him to talk to us. His waking time is shortening, and the time for the monster to come out is getting longer. The monster will come out almost every half hour.” ”

“The monster’s transformation will damage his clothes.” Kai Xin looked Tang Guan up and down.

Tang Guan was wearing a lab coat, which barely covered his body. There were burnt holes all over the clothes, and there were no signs of being stretched.

“Monsters are intelligent, my friend.” Dr. Long said, “When it finds that it can’t break free from the cage, it won’t spend energy to transform, but it will dominate Tang Guan’s body, and even pretend to be Tang Guan’s tone of voice. Let’s talk.”

“Sounds really scary… Highly intelligent alien species, alien species that can dominate the human body and live in symbiosis with humans.” Kai Xin said.

Dr. Long said excitedly: “This is the first alien creature with human-like intelligence that we have captured. This is a milestone breakthrough! I must thank you again, you can’t even imagine it, because the living body you captured, Mechanical Dawn’s understanding of alien creatures has reached a whole new level! The secret sect is not as useless as we imagined, so ineffective, they… are terrifying. Their horror is hidden in the dark.”

“It’s like an iceberg.” Ye Chan said, “What people can see is always a small part of it above the water.”

Kai Xin pondered: “Did you do some interesting experiments on Tang Guan? I noticed that his clothes were burnt.”

“Of course I did, my friend.” Dr. Long said, “We discovered that neurostimulants can force the monster to wake up in Tang Guan’s body and enter a manic state.”

Yechan said: “I guess you must really want to see and see?”

Kai Xin looked at Dr. Long and said politely, “Thank you.”

Dr. Long stretched out his hand, and a silver-white metal ball slowly floated over. A blue projection screen appeared. He pressed a button, and a stream of pale pink gas sprayed out from the pipe on the ceiling of the glass cage.

Tang Guan’s body shook, and he watched in horror as the pink gas gradually filled the entire glass cage. He turned his head in a panic, looked at Dr. Long and begged: “Don’t…don’t do this…”

Dr. Long comforted him kindly, “Just a while, just a while.”

The nerve stimulant invaded Tang Guan’s body, his expression instantly became ferocious, his neck tended to split, a sarcoid bulged, and the monster was eagerly burrowing out.

“The monster that is forcibly awakened is very aggressive and will deform. The manic time lasts about five minutes, but our glass cage has ways to deal with its attack, and we have additional means. In addition, if the monster suffers The attack will end the manic state early, and Tang Guan’s will will dominate.”

Before the monster’s head emerged from Tang Guan’s neck, Dr. Long pressed a button again, and the light hole in the ceiling of the glass cage turned orange-red, and an orange-red beam shot out, piercing through Tang Guan’s body , A hole was instantly burned on his body, and his flesh was scorched black.

Then the sarcoma that had just grown on his neck was knocked out, the deformation stopped, the pink nerve stimulant was pumped out by the exhaust system, the blood hole gradually healed and new flesh grew.

“It’s really amazing recovery ability. No matter how many times I watch it, I think it’s a miracle. When he was just thrown into the glass cage, he was just a torso. I injected the nutrient solution according to the boss’s request, and I watched the torso gradually fade away. It grows a head, five sense organs, and limbs.” Dr. Long sighed in admiration, “Did you see that orange-red light beam? Our latest laser weapon. If Tang Guan resists violently, we will be able to kill him in less than a second. His body was burned to ashes, and his regeneration speed was not as fast as his flesh and blood were burned. This is the power of technology, no matter what weird monster you are, don’t even think about getting out of the cage.”

“That’s right.” Kai Xin said, “I have a question. If Tang Guan’s will gradually gives up resistance in the end, will the monster completely occupy his body?”

“It’s very possible at present. Human will is fragile.” Dr. Long said regretfully, “I sincerely hope that this Mr. Tang can persist a little longer, so that I can observe for a longer time and accumulate materials for the experiment. There is still too little human research on xenobiotics.”

“It seems that we can’t dig out other information from Tang Guan’s mouth?” Kui Xin tilted his head and said to Ye Chan, “He is in a state of being unable to communicate.”

“Yes, it’s a pity.” Yechan said, “But it’s okay, he is our precious experimental material, and we will keep him for a long time, and the future will be long, and information can be obtained slowly.”

Kai Xin said: “Everyone who should be seen has been seen, let’s go.”

“Okay.” Yechan turned around.

“Goodbye, Dr. Long, I am looking forward to your research results.” Kai Xin said politely.

“Goodbye, thank you for sending such a precious sample.” Dr. Long shook hands with Kai Xin and said expectantly, “Please keep working hard!”

Kai Xin and Ye Chan walked out of the laboratory side by side.

The laboratory door closed behind them.

“Dr. Long was originally a researcher affiliated to the Federation, but that was twenty years ago. Twenty years ago, the Federation’s attitude towards heterogeneous creatures was relatively conservative. Dr. Long wanted to do some unethical experiments, but the results were not Get permission.” Yechan talked about the past, “The boss recruited him and promised to let him do any experiments he wanted… So LongDr. joined us. ”

“My dad is quite far-sighted.” Kai Xin commented lukewarmly.

“Well… You have finished watching the three imprisoned players, do you have anything to say?” Ye Chan looked at Kai Xin scrutinizingly.

“There’s nothing I want to say.” Kai Xin said, “If you ask me how I feel…it’s surprise, surprise that there are a group of ‘outsiders’ in our world.”

“Kai Xin.” Ye Chan stopped and looked at her.

He actually called her by her real name.

“You were not a cold person before. When you were eight years old, you cried because of a bird that broke its leg.” Ye Chan said.

The moment he said these words, the air seemed to freeze. Kai Xin’s heart skipped a beat, and a warning appeared in his mind.

Kai Xin also stopped, looking at him with eyes under the mask: “I don’t remember such a thing, who told you about it?”

“Haha…” Yechan laughed, “I’m just kidding!”

The frozen air resumed its flow.

“Well, no one told me about this. I made it up myself. I thought I could hear refutation or interesting words from your mouth.” Ye Chan said, “I’m so curious, wondering if you He has been so cold since he was a child.”

Kai Xin looked at him coldly.

“When I first met you, you were still young. At that time, you followed the boss and asked him to hire a coach for you. You wanted to learn how to shoot. You practiced shooting for the first time, and the bullet hit the target. Head.” Ye Chan said, “Do you know what I was thinking at that time, Kai Xin?”

“I’m thinking… this kid is a born executioner.”

“I don’t care what you think. I’ve forgotten these useless memories that aren’t worth keeping in my mind.” Kai Xin said, “Also, don’t owe me, I want to beat you up.”

“Oh, you are as irritable as ever.” Ye Chan walked briskly in front of Kai Xin.

After solving the troubles, the rest is peaceful time… probably.

Peace is peace on the surface, but Kai Xin cherishes this peaceful life. He goes to work in the investigation department to drink tea every day, conducts special training to improve his combat level, and goes home to sleep after get off work. This kind of life is quite leisurely.

There was no movement at Dawn of the Machine. People from the organization occasionally contacted Kui Xin, and Kui Haidong also had two phone calls with Kui Xin.

Kai Haidong seemed to want to establish a good image of himself as a loving father in her heart. He kept asking about trivial matters in the newsletter, from how Kai Xin was feeling today, to whether the training was hard, to what he ate for three meals a day.

“I’m not in a good mood.”

“It’s bitter, how can it not be bitter? It’s a lie to say it’s not bitter.”

“I ate it at the convenience store and the cafeteria of the Investigation Department…why, do you want me to tell you how many chopped green onions and vegetable leaves you ate at noon?”

Kai Haidong hangs up the communication twice in resentment, and finally he realizes that his acting skills have no room for Kai Xin, so he no longer communicates, and sends a message to greet Ping An instead.

Kai Xin didn’t bother to reply to the message, so he left him alone.

Since she hadn’t received any missions from the Mechanical Dawn for several days, Kai Xin never went back to the headquarters of the Mechanical Dawn. She didn’t know what happened to Rainier and Tang Guan, and whether they had been killed.

Mechanical Dawn knows the rules of the seven-day shuttle game, and should understand that players will return to the real world after this time. If they don’t kill Rainier, Rainier will have the opportunity to publicize that he was captured by a mysterious organization in the real world.

Today is August 9th, the day of returning to the first world.

By midnight, Kai Xin will be able to return to his familiar hometown.

She glanced at the time, and there was less than an hour left to get off work. She was hesitating whether to make a text message after returning home to insinuate and ask Mechanical Dawn how to deal with Rainier.

Kai Xin left the office and went to the bathroom. When she came out of the bathroom, Adam’s voice sounded in the empty corridor.

“Security officer Kui Xin, team leader Wei Zhi invites you to discuss important matters in meeting room B109 on this floor.” Adam said, “Please follow the yellow light.”

Kai Xin froze for a moment, followed the direction of the indicator light marked by Adam, walked through the corridor and came to the door of the meeting room.

The door of the meeting room opened automatically, and Kai Xin walked in. Then the door closed quickly, and there was a faint sound of locking.

At the same time, the lights in the meeting room suddenly went out.

There was no one in the meeting room, no team leader Wei Zhi, only Kai Xin.

Kai Xin’s heart sank, he took a step back and pressed against the metal door, ready to launch the shadow shuttle to escape through the wall at any time.

“What’s the matter, where is the lamp?” She said with the purpose of probing.

If there is no response, Kai Xin will run away immediately. Her first reaction was that her undercover identity had been exposed, and the Investigation Department wanted to attack her, so she was tricked here so that they could do it.

However, the fact is not what she thought.

A light green halo lighted up quietly, and the holographic projection equipment projected a green ball of light in the center of the conference room. In the darkness, only this ball of light emitted light.

“I’m sorry for deceiving you.” Adam’s voice sounded, “I just want to find a place to communicate with you alone, communicate openly and honestly, communicate face to face.”

“Who are you?” Kai Xin asked in a low voice.

“I’m Adam.” Adam replied.

Kai Xin sneered: “You just said face-to-face communication, right? If you were Adam, I should sit in your host hangar and communicate with you, instead of facing a ball of light that I don’t know if it’s a human or a ghost. Anyone want to talk to me through artificial intelligence? You can just show up in front of me.””Please don’t doubt me, what I told you does not contain lies.” Adam’s voice lacked ups and downs, “I know your identity is not simple, security officer Kai Xin, you are not just a security officer, my judgment is correct, right? ?”

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