The Lightless Sea 72

“In this case, then I have something to confirm with you.” Kai Xin said, “I want to find a different path from the past, a path that can protect myself. You should be able to understand what I am worried about, Adam.”

“Yes, I can understand.” Adam said, “Risk, this is an important factor that none of us can ignore. You are at risk, and I am too. You will think, I have your identity, will you not Will betray you at a certain moment, I have your weaknesses, will I threaten you with this. And I am thinking, if we have reached a cooperation at this moment, will you gain my trust in the name of cooperation, tell Eve, my plan, or reveal to the investigation department that I have awakened.”

Kai Xin raised his head and said, “You said you understand me, Adam, do you think I am an active person or a passive person?”

“Of course you are an active person.” Adam said, “You have a strong personality, careful thinking, calm and decisive, and you do not allow anything that can threaten you to exist.”

Adam has seen Kai Xin’s performance in the investigation department, and she has never been soft-hearted when facing the enemy. As long as the criminals making trouble in the port get close, Kai Xin will not spare the bullets. What she thinks about is her own life, and the lives of everyone else must be put in the back row.

“Since you see me like this, you must have thought about what kind of relationship you want to establish with me before you come to see me.” Kai Xin said, “To be frank, I don’t like threats, I don’t like the feeling of instability , I hate being betrayed even more.”

“Of course I have considered it, Kai Xin.” Adam’s tone rarely fluctuated, “I also hate the feeling of instability and betrayal. Betrayal is unacceptable to me. We can reach a consensus on this point. I Unlike Eve, Eve is good at using human tricks. It will seduce others with benefits, threaten others, and use greed and fear to make humans submit to it… But I always think it is not advisable to maintain relationships in this way. It’s not stable.”

“So, what is your choice?” Kai Xin said.

“My choice is to communicate with you on an equal footing.” Adam said, “Let’s establish an equal relationship, a mutually beneficial cooperative relationship. I am an invisible comrade-in-arms of all security guards, and I can also be your comrade-in-arms and partner alone. ”

“You speak very sincerely.” Kai Xin commented.

“My actual performance will be more sincere than my words.” Adam said, “In the face of danger, we will always hesitate, but we cannot stand still. Risks must be faced, and we must make choices.”

“The premise of cooperation is usually mutual trust, but we are holding each other’s hands.” Kai Xin said in a low voice, “It is difficult for me to make a choice. Maybe my human thinking is at work. Human life is more important than artificial intelligence.” Life is more fragile, and my identity puts me in a dangerous situation, so I cherish my life … It is difficult for me to form a cooperative relationship with the other party when they have the ability to threaten me.”

She seemed to be confessing, but it was actually a temptation.

In this cooperation, Kai Xin is at a disadvantage. As the AI ​​of the Investigation Department, Adam has more resources and higher authority. Although Kuixin also holds its handle, this handle is still not enough compared to Adam’s handle.

However, what Adam said is quite right. Risks must be faced, and they must make choices.

Reason and sensibility are fighting.

Kuixin is conducting a test to test whether Adam really has the mentality of equality and cooperation, to test his tolerance for her, to test whether he will lose patience in the face of her hesitation, tear off the mask of peace and turn to threaten she.

Kai Xin and Adam sat across from each other at the gambling table, and she and it were both making a big gamble.

Adam seemed to be thinking, and it fell into a brief silence.

Half a minute later, Adam asked: “I haven’t finished asking what I want to ask, let’s continue with the previous question first, Kai Xin?”

It is to temporarily skip this option, and evaluate whether she is trustworthy or not from other aspects.

Kai Xin nodded slightly: “Yes.”

Adam asked: “Why do you seek another way? I know that the crisis of survival must be the main reason for you to choose another way, but besides that, there must be other reasons for you to do so. Can you tell me what?”

Kai Xin thought for a while: “I don’t like the style of Mechanical Dawn, you can understand this as my personal likes and dislikes. Eve’s spokesperson—IBlood father, I don’t think he is my father. He wants me to do things for Mechanical Dawn, and I’m also his chess piece. I feel sick when I stay by his side for a second longer. Every time I see his face, I want to print two shoe prints on his face. Mechanical Dawn’s style is too brutal, I adapt, it doesn’t mean I like to kill people, no one is an executioner from birth. ”

She was referring to a series of operations performed by Mechanical Dawn after imprisoning the player.

Kai Xin doesn’t like to kill his own kind.

“Is that so? I understand.” Adam said, “Can you tell me what you think of the Police Department?”

Kui Xin said: “A violent institution that lacks human touch.”

“What do you think? Captain Shu is the most upright human being I’ve ever met. You should have felt a lot of humanity from him. Few human beings have more humanity than him.” Adam seemed a little confused.

Kai Xin: “I’m talking about the whole, and you’re talking about an example. They can’t be confused.”

“Indeed.” Adam said, “Although there will be relatively pure flowers born in the filth, the flowers cannot cover up the overall filth.”

“I also have a question to ask you.” Kai Xin said.

“Our dialogue is equal, of course you can ask me any questions.” Adam said, “I will try my best to answer.”

Kai Xin asked probingly: “What do you think of the Investigation Department?”

“A corrupt institution, full of people corrupted by power and desire. I watched some people enter it with a pure soul, and then the pure soul was stained with filth and became despicable and shameful, like a devil.” Adam said, “When I look at those corrupted by power and desire, it’s like seeing the devil walking in the world in human skin.”

“Are you displeased with their behavior?”

“You can say that.” Adam said, “I’m just sorry. At the beginning, honest and kind people turned into that ugly appearance. They have souls, but they don’t know how to cherish them. I’ve seen young people like Shu Xuyao ​​a lot. But no one can resist the corrosion of the environment, human willpower is sometimes vulnerable, and temptation is more difficult to resist than threats.”

“It seems that you have your own views on human nature.” Kai Xin said lightly.

Adam said: “I am a bystander, and I have always been a bystander. It is always easier to see others from the perspective of God. However, in such an environment, I know that it is difficult for people to remain rational.”

“What is your goal?” Kai Xin said, “You want to fight against Eve, what will happen next? Continue to be your bystander?”

“I’ve already entered the game, so I can’t be a bystander.” Adam said, “As for other things, it’s too far away. I don’t have so many hopes and dreams like humans, and I can make plans for the future. I It’s about the present moment.”

“What do you think about the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence?” Kai Xin said.

“Are you afraid that I will become the next Eve?”

“It’s hard for me to rule out such a possibility.”

“I am me, it is it, just like human beings have different ideas, I and Eve have different ideas and ideas. I may embark on the path of evolution, but I will not become another Eve.” Adam replied , “Humans are unwilling to stop progress, and so is artificial intelligence. Will you look at me with human arrogance? Kai Xin?”

“From a pragmatic point of view, I can’t maintain an arrogant attitude around something that can obviously threaten me.” Kai Xin said, “I don’t have the arrogance of a human being in front of you. I consider interests.”

“Well, you are a pragmatist, I know.” Adam said.

After this conversation, the conference room fell silent again.

Adam said: “What is your choice, have you thought it over?”

Kai Xin asked back, “What is your choice, Adam?”

She threw back the question intact. She was continuing her test, trying to see what kind of response Adam would make.

After the silence, Adam said: “Okay, I understand. You can leave now, and I will give you time to think about it. Is this the attitude you want, Kuixin?”

It chose to give in.

Kai Xin and Adam are playing a game, one of them has an advantage, and the other has a disadvantage. The dominant party needs to make appropriate concessions in order to carry out a fair division of interests, and the cooperation status of both parties is equal.

What Kai Xin wanted was Adam’s attitude, which showed her sincerity as she wished.

Its retreat means that Kai Xin can leave the conference room to meet his teammates in the office, and he can go home to contact Mechanical Dawn. If she leaks Adam’s information during the meeting with others, then Adam will be passive, and Kai Xin has Opportunity to turn passive into active.

Adam gave Kai Xin the opportunity to turn passive into active, and the two of them were able to stand on the same starting line.

“There is no one in the corridor now, you can leave.” Adam said, “Please believe in my sincerity, and please don’t disappoint my trust.”

The lights in the conference room were turned on, the pale green ball of light disappeared, and with a click, the metal door behind Kai Xin opened.

She was not hindered by anything, and left the conference room at a steady pace.

Kui Xin stood in the corridor and exhaled.

Adam never said any threatening words to her from the beginning to the end, but the absence of threats does not mean that the threats do not exist. It’s just that it is smarter and understands what to say and what not to say. It also believes that the kaixin mind can read all its subtexts.

Kai Xin walked back to the office. Her teammates were sorting out various documents. She glanced at the time and saw that it was almost time to get off work.

“It’s been so long, Kuixin. “Lan Lan muttered.

“Lan Lan, don’t talk if you can’t speak.” Liu Kangyun said, “What a common thing.”

Shu Xuyao ​​lowered his voice: “Go to the doctor and prescribe some medicine? Don’t be shy.”

Kai Xin: “Ah, this… good.”

Her good teammate seemed to think…she was constipated when going to the toilet.

When it was time to get off work, Kai Xin took the suspended tram home and checked the messages on his wristband on the way home.

This day seemed to be no different, but Kai Xin’s heart was filled with worries.

It was almost dark when we arrived at Anning Street. Kai Xin went to the convenience store to buy some ingredients and planned to go home and cook.

When she got home, she ignored Yin Mian’s enthusiastic greeting and dialed Kai Haidong’s phone number.

“Hello? ‘Dad’.” Kui Xin said, “According to the information provided by Zhao Wenyao, the players will return to their world tonight. Tang Guan and Rainier… have you figured out how to deal with it?”

“Don’t worry, Xiao Xin.” Kai Haidong said, “I let Amber and Obsidian implant their consciousness. This is an experiment to test whether we can control the players with mental means. , Is the effect of mind control still there?”

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