Artificial Soul 04

Kai Xin ran into the subway and rushed home as fast as he could.

On the way, she turned on her mobile phone, searched keywords such as “mirage” and “evening sky” on social software, and clicked on the real-time release to view it.

With a bang, various photos popped up. Obviously, Kai Xin was not the only one who noticed the vision in the evening sky. People from all over the country have posted their own photos on social media, and the marketing account has brought up a hot topic.

#A mirage appears in the evening sky all over the country#

Kai Xin’s expression immediately sank.

She checked the pictures posted by netizens one by one, and kept searching down, and found that the time when the mirage scene appeared in different places was not the same. When Kai Xin saw the mirage just now, he looked down at his phone, and the time display was 18:39.

The mirage only lasted less than 20 seconds, which is not much different from the time of the mobile phone.

However, some netizens posted photos at the earliest after five o’clock, Kuixin even saw a picture sent by an international student abroad, where it was not evening but broad daylight. Kai Xin intentionally searched for pictures posted by netizens located abroad, and finally discovered an extremely horrifying fact—the phantoms of mirages appeared in various regions of the world within two and a half hours.

Kai Xin was dumbfounded, and the shock she suffered in her heart was even greater than the last time she received the investigation mission of the “Cultist Murder Case” in the subway, which was comparable to her looking directly at the cocoon’s eye in the cargo hold of the Kraken.

Kai Xin felt a sense of oppression.

It was as if the ceiling above her head was gradually falling, and her standing space was being compressed smaller and smaller. In the end, she could only bend over, squat down, or even lie on the ground.

Now what is pressing down on her head is not the ceiling, but a city…a world!

Kai Xin suppressed his agitation and returned to a calm state.

After so many days in the second world, she has learned how to control her emotions, just like there is an invisible switch in her head. When she forces herself to remain calm, the emotional switch will take effect and will not The emotions that should arise are shut down in the back of my mind.

The topic brought up by the marketing account has become a trending search, and more and more people have posted their own photos.

Kai Xin flipped through the pictures posted by netizens one by one, and then clicked into their homepages to see their locations. Then save those pictures and plan to go home and analyze the details.

In order to save the storage space of the mobile phone, Kai Xin chose clearer and more representative pictures. Even so, her mobile phone’s memory was full soon.

Kai Xin had to stop collecting pictures, and instead studied the details of the pictures.

What those vague mirages show is one city after another. The difference is that these cities are turned upside down. The earth is the sky, and the sky is the earth. It’s weird like a big tree growing upside down. The high-rise buildings in the phantom city have only a vague outline, which is slightly distorted under the refraction of light.

Those gray-black architectural phantoms are entwined with neon lights, which are as brilliant as the Northern Lights. Unfortunately, the pictures were taken in the evening, and some colors are difficult to distinguish. However, judging from the existing pictures, the phantom city in the mirage is indeed the style of the second world.

Kai Xin looked for the familiar phantom of the city—the Black Sea City—in the pictures of mirages one after another.

If the phantom of Black Sea City also appeared over the cities of the first world, then the situation would be quite serious.

The subway station announcement sounded, and it was time for Kai Xin to get off.

She put away her mobile phone and ran home quickly. As soon as she got home, she took out her mobile phone and continued to compare pictures.

Heihai City is the city Kai Xin is most familiar with in the second world, and she can recognize the landmark buildings of this city at a glance.

The technological buildings in the city center, the searchlights and lighthouses at the port, the crowded container terminals by the sea… She looked for familiar phantoms in the pictures to verify her guess.

Finally, Kai Xin found it.

She put down her phone blankly, staring at the lighthouse on the picture in a daze.

The phantom of the lighthouse, Kai Xin, is very familiar. She is also very familiar with the structure and height of the lighthouse, because she has been there personally. On the day she was about to kill the ball python, she carried a sniper rifle and ambush on this lighthouse.

The place where the phantom of Heihai City appeared was a little-known small fishing village in the coastal areas of other provinces, called “Heishajiao”.

The continents of the first world and the second world have different shapes. Some continents have similar shapes and regional cultures. Some continents have vastly different geographical conditions and cultural differences from the first world.

But the phantom of Heihai City appeared in the sky over Heishajiao. Both are coastal cities, so there must be a special connection… Maybe, every city in the first world is related to a certain city in the second world Correspond, connect.

Kai Xin’s throat seemed to be choked by something, she sat on the chair and remained silent.

Looking outside at this moment, the sky had already darkened, the colorful Huoshaoyun disappeared, and the sky gradually changed from dark blue to dark purple. The sky is empty, there are no mirages, no phantoms of the city, but the ever-rising hot searches and enthusiastic discussions among netizens have nakedly demonstrated a cruel fact.

The influence of the second world on the first world is increasing. In other words, the two worlds are interpenetrating each other.

The penetration of the first world into the second world is reflected in the invasion of players. The people of the first world replaced the natives of the second world and occupied their bodies.

The penetration of the Second World into the First World was not obvious at first.

The first sign that Kai Xin could find was Fang Zhi, a member of the secret sect who was a loyal believer of the ancient gods. After seeing the Eye in the Cocoon on the Kraken, Kai Xin deeply suspected that the Second World was indeed There are gods, real gods, and believers like Fang Zhi are the minions of gods.

Starting today, the second world has officially invaded the first world, and the city phantom in the sky is the harbinger.

The city phantom has appeared, what will appear next?

Kai Xin stared at the screen of the phone depressedly, thought for a while and took the initiative to call Yuan Lu.

“The mirage this evening, you know…”

As soon as she finished speaking, Yuan Lu said, “I know.”

Yuan Lu paused, and said with difficulty: “Those are real cities in the second world. I saw the phantom of my city… Yu Qiwen and Xie Ganqing also.”

“Is there any rule?” Kui Xin hurriedly asked.

“I haven’t found it yet.” Yuan Lu seemed to be upset by this, she said, “It was Yu Qiwen who discovered it at first,He discovered the landmarks of his city. Damn, I don’t understand what’s going on now! ”

Kai Xin answered the phone, walked to the window and looked up at the endless night sky.

“I think… is fusion, mutual penetration, or invasion?” Kai Xin said, “It can be foreseen that in the near future, the mutual influence between the two worlds will become greater and greater.”

“What you said makes sense.” Yuan Lu on the other side of the phone hammered his hammer irritably, “We are like idiots in the face of such a situation. We are worried all day long, afraid that there will be some unknown changes in the world.”

“At least we are aware of the changes. Those ordinary people don’t know anything. If there is a real danger in the future, they will probably be ignorant…” Kai Xin said softly.

This is a war between players and the natives of the second world, and it is also a war between the first world and the second world.

Kai Xin has the feeling that two worlds are wrestling with each other. One world will overwhelm the other world. They merge and confront each other.

She pursed her lips and opened the forum to read the posts.

Sure enough, the forum has exploded, and people continue to post posts that recognize the city they are in. The phantom of the city is global, and the scope of influence is incredible. Even ordinary people have seen these phantoms.

Although some people brought extraordinary abilities back to the real world before, and there were also secret sects that killed people in the real world, these things only caused a small-scale impact, and the players still hid them well.

The mirage descended this time, and its impact was no less than that of a nuclear bomb. It doesn’t just affect players, it affects ordinary people as well.

At the same time, a certain country in America.

The narrow and crowded streets of the slums were blocked by blockades. The police raised their horns to evacuate people. Many policemen held their guns and used the car doors as cover, watching a dilapidated house nervously.

It’s early in the morning, but there were more than one bloody incident last night. At first, the police got the news that the gangs in the slums were fighting. But when they arrived at the scene, they found that this was not the case. There was only one person who caused the bloody incident!

He single-handedly killed the gang of fifteen people who had been entrenched in the slums for many years, and finally escaped.

The police led the police dogs and followed the scent trail to find the suspect’s hiding place. They have surrounded the place.

The policemen present had a question in their minds: How did the suspect do it? Those fifteen people were not meek and harmless little sheep, they were all ferocious wolves with knives and guns in their hands! How could he escape successfully in the face of the siege of fifteen people?

The police are confronting the suspect hiding in the house.

Fifteen minutes later, the suspect seemed to lose his patience. He broke through the door and tried to escape. And at this moment, the police opened fire collectively, and the bullets hit the suspect with a clanging sound. His skin was tougher than steel and stopped the deadly bullet.

Dylan, the policeman who shot with his colleagues, said in shock while shooting: “F**K! F**K!”

He yelled out a series of words starting with F. Because he was too shocked, the speed of swearing was faster than the speed of shooting. What made him even more collapsed was that the suspect who seemed to have superpowers was rushing towards him with a gun , wanting to forcibly break through the blockade.

Seeing that the bullets were useless, Dylan was heartbroken. He strode forward and squatted down to hug the suspect’s waist. Using his combat experience, he knocked him to the ground, and the suspect’s gun fell to the side.

After this fall, Dylan judged that the suspect’s strength foundation was not strong and he had no fighting experience. The reason why he was unscathed was due to his invulnerability.

In the blink of an eye, Dylan noticed the suspect’s bleeding gums—only his skin was tough, and the inside of his body was still soft!

The suspect moved his hand to the back of the waist, as if about to draw another weapon, but Dylan was faster than him. He took out the spare gun as quickly as possible, stuffed the muzzle of the gun into the suspect’s mouth, and buckled it. trigger.

There was a bang, and the suspect fell to the ground.

Blood splattered in chaos.

Dylan’s colleague ran over to support him, and said with lingering fear, “It’s dangerous, brother. We encountered a monster.”

Dylan stood up and was helped into the car by his colleagues.

He sat down and wanted to catch his breath. At this moment, there was a slight vibration in the pocket of his clothes. He thought it was his daughter asking him to report that he was safe, so he took out his mobile phone, only to see that an email had been received on the mobile phone.

A strange look gradually appeared on his face.

Because the title of the email is: “Congratulations on getting the “Crimson Land” closed beta qualification.”

At the same time, in the game forum, a new official post was marked red on the top.

“The game rules are updated.”

First floor: Ordinary people in the first world can forcibly obtain the qualification to enter the second world by killing players.

For the rest of the rules, please continue to explore.

Kai Xin, who was browsing the forum, saw this post for a moment, and remembered the last official post introducing the rules of the game. The last sentence was also “The rest of the rules, please continue to explore.”

This shows that only the rules that have been explored will be summarized and released by the game official. There must be many hidden rules in this game that have not been discovered!

Now someone has triggered this rule, that is to say… there is an ordinary person who killed the player?

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