Artificial Soul 18

“Our conversation is absolutely safe. Anti-monitoring devices are installed in the investigation building and the staff apartment. As long as you are still within the scope of my authority, no matter whether it is Eve or others, there is no way to detect our conversation.” Adam said, ” Taking advantage of this opportunity, let’s plan how to kill the person we want to kill.”

“Let me tell you about the itinerary you have mastered.” Kai Xin said, “Where is Lin Xinji going, what will he do at what time, who will he meet, and who will he be with?”

“Today is August 12th, Friday. It’s 9:15. Lin Xinji has just finished working overtime and is about to attend a party. I know he’s going to the ‘Emerald Eye’.” Adam said .

The Emerald Eye is a landmark building in Heihai City. It is located in the center of Heihai City. It is a double-helix glass building with a height of 600 meters. The spire produces a ring-shaped rainbow light band, and at night, the Emerald Eye is the focus of the entire Black Sea City, a jewel of brilliance.

This building interprets extravagance to the extreme, and dignitaries often hold banquets in the Emerald Eye.

“For this banquet, some key figures from the Shu family and the Meng family will participate. The security measures for the banquet are quite strict. Lin Xinji dispatched a team of security guards he trusts to maintain the security of the banquet. There are 35 people in total, including five awakened ones. , two B-levels, and three C-levels.” Adam continued, “Your training officer Yu Liang is also among them, and these security guards will work together to protect the safety of the important people in the banquet.”

“The scope of work of a security guard is really wide.” Kai Xin couldn’t help but say.

“In addition to performing tasks, maintaining law and order is also within the scope of the security guard’s work. It is part of the security guard’s job to be responsible for patrolling and guarding on some special occasions.” Adam said.

Kui Xin said: “Official banquets are nothing more than security guards are used for private banquets. This is an abuse of power.”

“It is true, but no one dares to control it. You can understand this as ‘tradition’.” Adam said, “Tradition—it has always been like this.”

“Let’s go back to the previous topic.” Kui Xin said, “Are you sure I can kill Lin Xinji in the eyes of the jadeite?”

“You can.” Adam said, “The investigation department is in charge of implementing security. I am responsible for controlling all security guards’ portable technology equipment. I am also responsible for taking over the surveillance cameras of the Emerald Tower. The staffing of each location, each location I know everything about the flow of people, what they said and what they did. I have a panoramic view of everyone’s movements in the banquet, and no one can escape my monitoring. You will succeed because You have my help.”

“When you were my partner, I liked your confidence.” Kai Xin said, “Send me a copy of the information, thenI need to know the physical characteristics of these security guards and what they are good at, as well as the abilities of those awakened, as well as the list of banquet participants. ”

“Sent.” Adam said, “This banquet will start at 9:45 and last until midnight. Lin Xinji is one of the protagonists of the banquet and will not leave early.”

Kai Xin quickly browsed through the information sent by Adam, and the more he looked at it, the more he frowned.

The security force is really too strict. In addition to the security guards, there are also some private bodyguards trained by the two big families to operate nearby or provide personal protection.

She pondered: “Aside from the Emerald Eye, is there any other opportunity to do it?”

“It’s hard.” Adam said, “Lin Xinji seldom stays outside. Except for the Emerald Eye, you can only do it when he is working in the investigation building, or after he comes home. I don’t suggest you do this. After Lin Xinji returns home, I am not responsible for his security work, but the people of the Shu family. I can’t open the back door for you. As for killing him in the investigation building, we can indeed do it after careful planning, but it will affect too much. When it grows up, the deputy minister actually died in the headquarters, which will cause an uproar.”

Kai Xin frowned: “Tsk…”

She had long expected that killing Lin Xinji would be very troublesome. At this point, she could no longer turn back. This is a matter of life and death, and whether she can survive in the investigation department in the future.

“If you think this timing is inappropriate, you can only continue to wait until the next opportunity arrives.” Adam said, “I can wait, it all depends on your arrangement.”

The key is that Adam can wait, but Kai Xin cannot.

Lin Xinji expressed his intention to solicit her, and Lin Xinji will probably have a face-to-face talk with her in the next period of time. Not to mention that there are various opportunities to meet in daily life, she can’t wait at all, the sooner she kills Lin Xinji, the better.

“No more, just tonight.” Kai Xin closed his eyes and made up his mind.

“Now that you have made a decision, there are still a few things to pay attention to.” Adam said without any ups and downs, “First, try to kill as few people as possible. Second, don’t leave your genetic information on the scene, even a hair You can’t stay. Third, evacuate as soon as you get it.”

“I’ll do it without you telling me.” Kai Xin said.

“I trust you in the professionalism of murder, but even so, I still want to state the importance of this matter to you.” Adam said, “This is a big gamble. We can only succeed, not Failure. Failure is a better ending. We can just look for the next opportunity, but in case you are caught, they will torture you and interrogate you. I hope you will not confess me by then. I Taking a huge risk to help you because I expect something in return, and you know what I mean.”

“I will not allow that to happen.” Kai Xin said, “I will keep the promise I made.”

“Okay.” Adam said, “I believe in you.”

“I lack equipment.” Kai Xin said.

Because she was going to move to the staff dormitory, Kai Xin discarded a lot of mechanical dawn equipment. She had hidden knives or guns under the bed, pillow, and table at home on Anning Street, but now she had to discard them, otherwise these things would be discovered by her. It’s hard to explain where they come from.

“There are used equipment stored on the basement tenth floor of the investigation building. Although they are used equipment, most of them can be used. The person in charge of the finance department of the investigation department intentionally scrapped some equipment regularly in order to embezzle oil and water, so that the federal government can allocate funds to purchase new equipment.” ” Adam said, “I can unlock the tenth underground floor for you, just choose the weapon you want to use from the waste equipment.”

“The way to get to the Emerald Eye…” Kui Xin pondered, “I can’t take any means of transportation. Walking is the best option to avoid data monitoring. Is it feasible to go through the sewer?”

“It’s feasible. It hasn’t rained in the past few days, and the water level in the sewer is normal.” Adam said, “It is recommended that you bring a signal booster, otherwise it will be difficult for you to receive my signal in the sewer.”

“Understood.” Kui Xin twisted his neck, “Go and choose the equipment.”

Adam said: “You can’t enter the investigation building from the main entrance. You need to go downstairs and walk from the fire exit to the first basement of the staff apartment, and you will see two huge exhaust boxes on the first basement, which are the central air-conditioning boxes. , The exhaust system of the investigation building and the staff apartment is a set. Remove the grid of the exhaust box and climb in, and you can sneak into the interior of the investigation department through the exhaust duct. Usually the pipeline will be connected with high voltage, and even a mouse can crawl Don’t go in, now I will temporarily turn off the high-voltage electricity to facilitate your entry.”

After listening carefully, Kai Xin let out a long breath, “I’m ready.”

The meaning of Adam’s existence is to help her control the variables to the minimum, and she still relies on herself to do things.

When Kai Xin crawled out of the sewer with a gun in his hand, it was already ten forty in the evening.

She ran wildly in the sewer tunnel, afraid of wasting a little time.

After coming out of the sewer, Kai Xin couldn’t wait to breathe the fresh air, then closed the manhole cover and adjusted his breath for a while, followed the predetermined route and took a shortcut from the path to the entrance of the parking lot on the basement level of the Emerald Eye.

The reason why she came here was because there was an elevator under repair here, and she wanted to enter the Emerald Eye from the elevator shaft under repair.

The Emerald Eye has a total of 132 floors, and there are 48 elevators inside. There is more than one elevator in the underground parking lot, but only this elevator is under maintenance. It is currently off-duty time, maintenance is suspended, and Kai Xin can seize this opportunity to go in.

Kai Xin squeezed into the elevator shaft, looked upLooking at the deep and straight elevator shaft, I couldn’t help but sigh: “Damn, it’s so high.”

Lin Xinji and others held a banquet on the top floor of the Emerald Eye, which is the 132nd floor.

There is no elevator in the Emerald Eye that can go directly to the top floor. Kai Xin needs to get out of the elevator shaft on the sixty-sixth floor and change to an elevator quietly, which means that she only needs to climb to the sixty-sixth floor.

The sixty-sixth floor is really killing people… Fortunately, she brought tools.

“The out-of-service elevator has stopped on the 32nd floor. The zipline gun you carry can be fired 30 meters away at a time.” Adam expressed encouragement with a cold mechanical voice, “Come on, we are running out of time.”

Kai Xin took out the zip line gun from his back waist and fired it upwards. With a clang sound, the zip line with the hook and claw swished and flew. After touching the target, it closed automatically and firmly grasped the elevator cable.

Kai Xin grabbed the rope and pulled it down hard. After confirming that it was secure, she pressed the recovery button, and the zipline gun immediately drove her body upwards. After the rope was recovered, Kai Xin hung on the cable tightly. Untie the hook of the zipline with your hand, and launch the zipline upwards again as before.

After several times in a row, Kai Xin felt a layer of sweat behind his sore arms, “What floor is it?”

“The twenty-fourth floor.” Adam said, “You only spent less than three minutes. When you reach the thirty-second floor, you can take a rest on the out-of-service elevator.”

Kai Xin gritted his teeth, hung on the cable and moved his arms slowly to relieve the muscle pressure, then raised his head and continued to climb the elevator shaft calmly.

The decoration on the top floor of the Emerald Eye is elegant, and the pale golden lights illuminate the banquet hall very brightly. The waiters walked through the crowd holding champagne.

Well-dressed men and women gathered in twos and threes to chat softly.

The Shu family wanted to befriend the Meng family, so they organized the banquet. In addition to the representatives of the two families, some juniors were also present.

Because Lin Xinji took responsibility for the accident on the Kraken, the Meng family gave Lin Xinji a lot of face and took the initiative to introduce the younger generation of the family to him after the banquet, with the intention of strengthening the connection and cooperation between the two families.

In the banquet hall, there was a young man in a black suit who didn’t fit in with the others. He was about fifteen or sixteen years old. He stood quietly at the edge of the hall, silently watching the people in the banquet hall with his dark eyes, and his demeanor and demeanor seemed extraordinarily free.

It wasn’t until his elders came to call him that he had some reaction, and followed his elders to Lin Xinji.

The elders of the Meng family said to Lin Xinji: “This is Meng Xiuran, my nephew, the best junior in my Meng family.”

Lin Xinji did not look down on Meng Xiuran because of his age, but shook hands with him gently and said, “Hello.”

But Meng Xiuran held Lin Xinji’s hand, looked straight at Lin Xinji’s with slightly empty eyes, and said in an indifferent tone: “You will die, I saw it.”

Lin Xinji’s complexion changed, and the eyes of the elders of the Meng family who were beside him couldn’t help showing a look of shock.

“Xiu Ran, what did you see?” Meng Xiuran’s uncle asked hastily.

Meng Xiuran let go of Lin Xinji’s hand, took out the handkerchief in his pocket, wiped his fingers vigorously, and said coldly, “You will die, and the date of death is tonight… This is a preordained fate.”

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