Artificial Soul 22

It really knew.

Adam knew that she was a player from another world.

Wei Xin was not surprised at all when she came to this conclusion. All of this had been foreshadowed, and Adam had repeatedly hinted at it, and she had received its hint, so they maintained the status quo and formed a tacit understanding.

Kai Xin broke through Adam’s dark mind, saying that it chose her because of how easy she was to handle.

Adam immediately said that this was one of the reasons, but not the main reason—it admitted it, but didn’t completely deny it.

Adam said that Kai Xin was a person with no camp, and indeed Kai Xin had no camp.

In the second world, she is not loyal to Mechanical Dawn, not loyal to the investigation department, Kai Haidong is her trash father’s homotope of the other plane, but in essence it is not her father, she has no feelings for him, no love, but in the Under the effect of empathy, I feel extremely disgusted with him, and I feel bored even if I look at him more. In the first world, Kai Xin is a player, but as a depriver, she is doomed to be difficult to gain the trust of players, and it is difficult to integrate into any group. She can only be a lone wolf.

Adam has spent a long time studying human beings to imitate human beings, trying to figure out human minds, and he has cultivated the “art of language” to the peak, expressing his meaning with tactful words.

Its words can be interpreted in two parts.

It has admitted its own darkness. Kai Xin’s identity as an undercover agent and the identity of a depriver are both its handles. Adam has her handles and can use this to control her. But Adam admitted its despicableness and unbearableness, and at the same time showed a little sincerity, confessed his thoughts, showed his sincerity and harmlessness-it has ideas, but it can’t implement them.

When Adam said that Kaixin had no camp, he was actually saying that she had no reliable allies and no one she could trust. She was surrounded by enemies, and every enemy wanted her life. One wrong step would lead to an abyss. In this world, she can only fight alone. But it’s different with it. It knows her identity, but it won’t harm her, and it can also help her. They just need to continue to maintain this cooperative relationship, and her safety can be guaranteed.

What Adam really wanted to say was: “You can only rely on me. Only I can help you.”

It wants to tie their relationship firmly together, form a closer alliance, and prevent Kai Xin from betraying it.

At the same time, Adam knew that Kai Xin was a person who was unwilling to be controlled, and that oppression would only arouse her fighting spirit to resist, so he was careful, beating around the bush, for fear of provoking Kai Xin, and only spoke in a way she could accept.

And the reason why it wants to do this is just as it said just now: “Finding a partner is not an easy task, and I have a deep understanding of this.”

Without Kai Xin, where would Adam go to find a partner with such excellent conditions in all aspects? NextCan the partner be like Kai Xin, who has no interests and no camp affiliation? Can the next partner be as efficient as Kai Xin, with outstanding abilities and excellent brains? Can the next partner have such a subtle identity like Kai Xin, and can seize the opportunity to act in the gap between the two forces of Mechanical Dawn and the Investigation Department?

It is very difficult for it to find someone with better conditions than Kai Xin who is incomparably suitable in all aspects, so it cannot let go, and it has to preemptively attack her to keep her.

Adam’s brilliance is that there are countless answers hidden in its euphemistic words, and Kai Xin can interpret it from any angle. No matter what the answer she interprets, it is what Adam really wants to say.

Is there a threat? exist.

Is the cooperation invitation sincere? Be sincere.

Is it reliable? This time the cooperation has proved its reliability.

Will it betray her? While they maintain their partnership, it won’t.

Kai Xin has already got the answers to all the questions.

She and it are mutually beneficial, she is its best and best choice, and it is also her best and best choice.

At least at this stage.

“Do you understand what I mean? Kai Xin?” Adam asked.

“I understand.” Kui Xin replied.

Adam said: “We will always maintain a cooperative relationship, right?”

“Well, as long as our interests are the same.” Kai Xin said.

She leaned against the bed and looked at the warm yellow light, thinking for a while.

“I want He Gaoyi’s extraordinary ability, I must.” Kai Xin said lightly.

“Of course.” Adam said, “At this stage, she is only A-level, and she can’t threaten me. If you want it, then it doesn’t matter if you take it away.”

“How many data-type extraordinary abilities does the Federation have?”

“He Gaoyi is currently the only known omnipotent type. Her abilities are very versatile. This can be seen from the name of her extraordinary ability ‘data manipulation’. The remaining few on record have similar extraordinary abilities. Most of the people’s abilities are data copying, data transmission, and data linking… Although they are data types, the effect of the ability is very single, not as good as He Gaoyi, and no one’s ability exceeds A-level.” Adam said.

“I just said why you are so generous.” Kai Xin smiled.

“May I take this as a compliment?” Adam said.

Kai Xin: “You said so, then it’s okay to think so.”

“…Excuse me, how many times have you imitated me?” Adam said politely.

Kai Xin shrugged: “Is there? I can’t remember.”

“It’s almost two o’clock, you need to rest.” Adam said, “Tomorrow is expected to be a busy day.”

“My vacation day seems to be here, can I take a vacation?” Kai Xin lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

“Sorry, no.” Adam showed a businesslike attitude, “Theoretically, you are still in the training period, and you are not allowed to take a vacation before the training is over. In addition, the person who took the vacation in front of you has not finished the vacation, and there are still two people left in the rotation schedule. to get you in line.”

“Adjust my rotation order forward.” Kai Xin made a request.

“No.” Adam said, “Vacation needs to be approved by the team leader. I can’t help you cheat. At most, I can help you submit an application. The investigation department has suffered heavy casualties recently and is short of manpower. You’d better not have any expectations for the vacation. .”

“Then submit the application for me.” Kai Xin rudely ordered Adam, then pulled the quilt and turned over on the bed, “Turn off the light.”

Adam: “…”

It turned off the light, and the room fell into darkness.

Kai Xin breathed evenly, and soon fell asleep.

Kai Xin got up early to go to work, and when he stepped into the investigation building, he heard Adam’s voice as usual: “Good morning, security guard Kai Xin, I wish you a good day.”

“Good morning.” Kui Xin said vaguely while yawning.

Kai Xin was the last one to arrive at the office today. Lan Lan and Liu Kangyun were already in the office. When Kai Xin stepped in, he found that Jiang Ming was also there.

“Morning, Kuixin, I have recovered and returned to the team.” Jiang Ming nodded to Kuixin, his brows were frowning without much joy on his face.

Lan Lan rarely started the old topic of “Who is the earliest and who is the latest?” Instead, she said seriously: “Kai Xin, have you read the news?”

“I saw it,” Kai Xin adjusted his facial expression, “the huge billboard outside is showing the morning news. Something big has happened.”

“The deputy director of our Heihai City Investigation Department died, and died of homicide.” Liu Kangyun said, “A dozen of our colleagues also died in this incident.”

Jiang Ming said in a bad mood: “Someone planned this murder. This is an earth-shattering event. It reminds me of the murder of the former mayor of Heihai City half a year ago…”

“It’s even more coincidental that the people who were killed were all from the Shu family.” Lan Lan added, “Shu Chengyan, the former mayor of Heihai City, and Lin Xinji are both from the Shu family. Shu Chengyan is Lin Xinji’s uncle, and Lin Xinji follows his mother’s surname.”

Kai Xin pretended to make a reasonable guess: “Could it be that the Shu family offended some enemy?”

“It’s very possible.” Liu Kangyun said, “I’m inclined that this is a political murder. Those who planned the murder don’t want the Shu family to control the political arena.”

“The decline of a big family may happen overnight.” Jiang Ming said, “Now the Shu family has lost two pillars.”

“By the way, our captain is not a relative of the Shu family, is he?” Lan Lan muttered, “The captain asked for leave today.”

Kai Xin said cooperatively, “That’s right, the captain didn’t come today.”

“Uh, Lan Lan, your reaction is a bit too slow.” Liu Kangyun said, “CaptainIt was the Shu family, and Lin Xinji was the captain’s brother. ”

“What?!” Lan Lan said in shock, “The captain is from the Shu family? How is that possible? The captain is just a captain, I mean… the captain of the field team is too miserable. This position should not be given to a chaebol. Should I be a child?”

“You forgot, the captain’s family is very rich.” Jiang Ming reminded, “He just never revealed his identity. I thought you should have guessed it a long time ago.”

“Damn, I just don’t know! I thought the captain was at most related to the Shu family, a side branch…” Lan Lan scratched her head, “That’s the captain, the captain is so nice, he doesn’t look like a chaebol boy at all. ”

“A person like the captain is a strange flower in such a big family.” Liu Kangyun said, “The captain and I knew each other the first time, but he basically doesn’t talk about these things, and it’s not easy for me to ask.”

Lan Lan turned her head to look at Kai Xin: “I’m not the last to know, and Kai Xin didn’t know either.”

Kai Xin: …Sorry, Adam told me earlier.

“You, a person who has known the captain for so long, compare with me, a newcomer who just joined the team?” She said speechlessly.

Jiang Ming sighed: “Anyway, I hope the captain is okay.”

“The captain will be fine,” Liu Kangyun thought more, “but after this incident, I doubt that the captain will continue to work in the investigation department. The position of deputy director is vacant, and there will definitely be a big faction in the investigation department.” Shuffle the cards…”

“I don’t know who will take the place?” Lan Lan said.

The atmosphere in the office was a bit dull.

With such a big thing happening today, everyone is not in a good mood.

“All members of the seventh team, team leader Wei Zhi informs everyone to report to the team leader’s office immediately.” Adam said, “Please go as soon as possible.”

Kai Xin and her teammates looked at each other, then got up and left their seats to take the elevator to Weizhi’s office.

Three minutes later, they stood neatly in the office.

“I called you here because of a change of position.” Wei Zhi looked calm, “Shu Xuyao ​​resigned due to some business, and the captain of the seventh team has been vacated. Liu Kangyun, you have five years of field experience, and I usually pay attention to you. Work, I think you have the ability to be the captain, and you will be the captain of the seventh team from now on.”

Liu Kangyun was promoted unexpectedly. He stood at attention for a moment and said, “Yes! Thank you for the trust of the team leader. I will take responsibility.”

Wei Zhi shifted her gaze to Kai Xin: “Kai Xin, your trainer Yu Liang unfortunately died in the accident last night, your training is suspended.” She pondered for a moment, “Do you think you are competent for civil work? ?”

Kai Xin reacted instantly.

Weizhi wants to train her!

At first it was Lin Xinji who wanted to recruit her. Now that Lin Xinji is dead, someone else will fill Lin Xinji’s place, and someone else will recruit her. Kai Xin herself belongs to the field team, and the person closest to her is actually the team leader Wei Zhi.

Kai Xin said, “I think I’m competent, team leader.”

“Well, you can stay with me for the time being and get familiar with clerical work.” Wei Zhi said, “I lack a young secretary who can resist things. You are an awakened person with excellent grades in school. It should be pretty quick to learn.”

“Team leader, will I leave the seventh team in the future so I don’t have to go out to work?” Kai Xin asked.

“That’s right.” Wei Zhi said bluntly, “But if you are not suitable, I will replace you.”

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