Artificial Soul 27

When Kai Xin put on his equipment and went to the rooftop with Wei Zhi, he found that the place was already full of suspended police cars and armed helicopters.

The security guards are all ready to go to the target location.

Adam sent the mission plan to everyone. The content of this mission is very simple, kill everyone, kill everyone except your own side, and leave no one alive. Kai Xin does not need to team up with others, she is alone with Wei Zhi.

“Come on, let’s board the plane.” Wei Zhi walked forward without looking sideways.

Kai Xin followed closely behind and boarded the helicopter.

There was already a person sitting on the plane. It was a middle-aged man with an unshaven beard. He was wearing a combat uniform, but he was sitting loosely on the seat. It looks like a combatant, but a tourist.

He looked relaxed and comfortable, actually chewing bubble gum in his mouth, in stark contrast to the busy and tense security guards on the rooftop apron.

Seeing Weizhi getting on the helicopter, he turned his head and said, “Oh, here we are, can we go?”

“This is Wang Feichi, S-level Black Flame, who belongs to the Special Affairs Department, and is now in a semi-retired state.” Adam introduced in Kai Xin’s headset, “According to my observation, he has a loose personality and has little desire for power. , is a more pleasant person to get along with.”

“We’ll leave in three minutes, sir.” Wei Zhi said.

“Hey, I’ll go home early after I finish my work.” Wang Feichi said, “I still have to go home and build blocks with my son.”

Wei Zhi got stuck.

Kai Xin: “…?”

The extermination of the mechanical dawn is such an important matter, but this S-class only wants to go home and build building blocks with his son?

“With your S-rank here, we will definitely end the battle soon.” Wei Zhi reluctantly said politely.

Wang Feichi glanced at Kai Xin: “Who is this little girl?”

“I’m Kai Xin, the secretary and combat adjutant of Team Leader Wei Zhi.” Kai Xin introduced himself.

“Oh.” Wang Feichi glanced at Kai Xin and looked away from the window. “How’s the sea in Heihai City? It’s my first time here. Is it suitable to bring my family on vacation?”

Wei Zhi, who is always serious, didn’t know how to answer, so Kai Xin said: “The sea is polluted, sometimes it rains in the sky, and the seaside is often foggy and cold. The farther you are from the city center, the more chaotic the law and order. family.”

Wang Feichi smacked his lips: “Your Heihai City Anti-Investigation Department is not very good. The law and order is so poor that you haven’t done your job well.”

Wei Zhi said: “Sorry, this is our negligence.”

After two days of getting along, Kai Xin saw that Wei Zhi was an upright person. She was not tactful, and spoke directly. Such a person is very worry-free as a boss, but it is difficult for a person who does not know how to do things well to go far in his official career. Weizhi’s toughness and integrity can be seen from her refusal to let He Gaoyi be her secretary. She would rather train a newcomer, Kui Xin, than Meng Jing.

“Most of the agents of the Federal Secret Service are selected from the Investigation Department. Although the status of these two departments in the Federation is equal, the Secret Service can be regarded as the higher-level organ of the Investigation Department to some extent.” , The authority is very high.” Adam introduced, “The Special Affairs Department does a lot of dirty work, such as eavesdropping, assassination, counter-espionage, undercover and other secret organizations. Similarly, they are responsible for this area of ​​work. There are not many members of the Special Affairs Department, but everyone is an awakener, and ‘Black Flame’ Wang Feichi is one of the best.”

Three minutes later, the helicopter took off.

The roar of the rotor was deafening. They flew over the city in a plane. Kai Xin looked down at the city from the cabin, and felt that the cars and people on the ground were so insignificant.

The building of Rick Technology Company is on the edge of the city center. Adam has already taken over the surveillance authority near the building, but in order to avoid alerting the enemy, the Department of Investigation did not issue an order to evacuate the surrounding residents and ordinary people working here.

The investigation department was divided into multiple teams. One team invaded the building of Rick Technology Company from the rooftop, and the other team surrounded it from the ground to form a blockade, completely surrounding the building.

The armed helicopter hovered above the building of Rick Technology Company, the rope ladder was thrown down, and Kai Xin led the attackDescend to the rooftop, followed by Weizhi, and finally Wang Feichi.

After the three of them, more security guards landed on the roof with the help of rope ladders to form a formation.

There was also a helicopter that hovered over the side of the Rick Technology Corporation building. The helicopter cabin was opened, and the security guard fired a bazooka at the tempered glass of the building. The glass shards shot out in all directions, and a big hole was directly blown out on the side of the building.

The security guards fired the zip line gun into the building. The zip line gun was firmly stuck on the wall. They used the zip line gun to drive their bodies into the opening on the side of the building.

From the sky, the ground, and the middle floor, people from the investigation department invaded from three directions at the same time.

Wang Feichi stretched out his finger and pointed at the tight-fitting roof entrance. The black flames burned silently. The hard metal door was quickly dissolved into a big hole. The molten metal dripped on the ground like flowing magma and made a sizzling sound.

Wang Feichi walked in chewing bubble gum.

What came into view was the empty corridor. There was no light on in the corridor, and everyone immediately turned on the night vision mode of the eyepiece.

Several technicians turned on the miniature drone, and the drone flew forward with a flashing green light spot, scanning the scene of this floor and presenting it to everyone’s eyepieces.

The scan results came out in less than a minute, and this floor was empty.

“There’s no one…” Wang Feichi rubbed his chin, “Go to the next floor.”

Wei Zhi gestured to the security guards behind her, and several security guards immediately stepped forward and set up an explosive device on the floor of the corridor in front of them, then took three steps back and pressed the detonation button.

The floor made a dull sound, and a circular floor fell directly to the next floor. There was a hole in the ground in front of it that was big enough for two people to pass through.

The drone sank from the hole and started a new round of scanning after entering.

Wang Feichi calmly jumped down from the hole, and immediately received a new scan result.

He wondered, “There’s no one yet? Could it be that they all ran away?”

Wei Zhi followed Wang Feichi and jumped off, carefully scanned the surroundings and said, “We didn’t leak any information, and even released a few extra fake news…”

“I hope I won’t make this trip in vain.” Wang Feichi said.

Kai Xin and the security guards around him also landed on this floor.

She clenched the gun in her hand and prepared herself mentally, but she didn’t think the situation in front of her was so unacceptable.

As expected, Mechanical Dawn evacuated completely. The empty building seemed to be a mockery of the investigation department.

There was no living person on two consecutive floors, and even the building’s power supply was cut off, not a single light remained.

In fact, Kai Xin didn’t know the building structure of Rick Technology Company. She had only been to a few floors, and even the tour was guided by others. The investigation department obtained the architectural drawings of Rick Technology Company during its construction, but the images shown on the architectural drawings are completely different from the internal structure of the building that Kai Xin had seen. Mechanical Dawn must have remodeled the building.

“Report to the team leader, something is wrong.” There was another team’s voice on the communication channel, “There is no one on the middle floor of the building, and every office is empty.”

After a while, another team responsible for the ground invasion also said in the communication channel: “Report, there are no people on the ground floor and the underground space. But the underground space has obviously been remodeled, with metal all-encompassing corridors and metal gates, and There are some laboratories, are there any large-scale scientific research equipment that can be removed in time, the place is very clean, and all the data in the computer have been emptied.”

Wei Zhi’s face darkened.

She realized that this was an orderly evacuation. As soon as Black Flame arrived in Black Sea City, the Investigation Department decided to launch a blitzkrieg, but their blitzkrieg was not as fast as the Mechanical Dawn, and the Mechanical Dawn had already evacuated before the blitzkrieg started.

When did this start? To evacuate an organization of this size, at least several days in advance preparations are needed.

“It’s really interesting.” Wang Feichi’s eyes were no longer relaxed at the beginning, “This organization is like a prophet… They have cultivated more than one awakened person and carried out the blasting of the port. Well, it seems that they were also responsible for the blown up ship. Lin Xinji’s death was probably also caused by them. Now they moved out of the building in the city center quietly, and the investigation department who monitored the surrounding area didn’t notice it, and the people of Mechanical Dawn disappeared out of thin air… Mechanical Dawn What exactly do you want to do? It can’t be to overthrow the Federation, right?”

Wei Zhi’s face was even worse: “An organization has been developing in Heihai City for more than 20 years, and it only surfaced recently. We are one step too late. I’m sorry, sir…”

“Why are you apologizing? You are not in charge of the Anti-Investigation Department of Heihai City.” Wang Feichi said slowly.

“Continue to investigate.” Wei Zhi ordered the subordinates around him, “Don’t miss any details, even the paper in the trash can should be taken away for analysis, there may be useful information hidden in it.”

They went through floor after floor, searching around in every room.

Until they came to the floor that Kai Xin was familiar with—the floor where the conference room was located.

Kai Haidong held meetings and talked with Kai Xin on this floor, and Kai Xin recognized the door of the conference room.

They checked this room, Wang Feichi stretched out his hand, and the door of the conference room melted instantly, revealing the things behind the door.

“…Oh?” Wang Feichi raised his eyebrows.

A small projector was placed on the conference table behind the door. A beam of light emerged from the projector and projected on the ceiling.

It was a short line of words.

——”I won this time.”

There is no signature, but this shortA line of words expresses the arrogance and contempt of the commenter.

“Interesting.” Wang Feichi grinned, “Are you provoking us?”

“Ah.” Adam said, “This is what Eve left for me.”

In the next second, the characters projected by the projector turned blood red, and Kai Xin took a step back subconsciously, and instinctively started a crazy warning.

“Be careful!” As soon as she yelled these two words, she saw the flames rising into the sky.

There is a bomb hidden in the conference room!

Wei Zhi took a step forward. Following her movements, the air around them instantly froze, and the space was split into countless petals like a shattered mirror. The flames of the explosion were projected on the shattered mirror, and then stagnated.

Level B, space confinement!

“Back off.” Wei Zhi said calmly.

They exited the conference room calmly. The flames of the explosion were confined for more than ten seconds, and then broke through the confinement like blooming flowers, blasting the conference room to black.

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