Leading to the Final 72-Later Day Talk

Yu Hanxue opened her eyes from the darkness, and immediately checked her watch.

This electronic watch is still vibrating, and the time gate displayed on it is 00:01.

She walked out of the camp tent in Yinshan County Scenic Area and looked towards the cave in the distance. This place was originally just a scenic tourist spot, but now it represents a completely different meaning. The tourist area officially announced that a landslide occurred here, and the entire tourist area was blocked.

The tourists disappeared. Only armored vehicles came in and out along the mountain road.

“No one seems to have come out of the Dark Realm tonight.” A voice suddenly came from the side.

Yu Hanxue turned her head and saw that it was Cao Leyou.

This guy has been keeping in touch with Wuguang since he was picked up by Kai Xin from the sect, but he didn’t join. Instead, he ran around outside, not knowing what he was up to. His family has some special backgrounds, First World has hooked up with Li Guanran and others, and he has not made a choice yet.

“Congratulations.” Yu Hanxue said smoothly.

But that’s the case, but she didn’t have much joy in her heart.

After a while, someone came from afar and called Cao Leyou away. A few minutes later, Li Guanran hurried to the camp where Yu Hanxue was, nodded to her, and asked, “Are there any special circumstances this week?”

“Some decrees have been passed within the federation to temporarily relax the search for players.” Yu Hanxue said, “They also know the inside story of the game, so they have to give us breathing space and let us make choices. After all, they don’t want to The game continues. But at the same time, the Federation is also looking for our artificial dark world, and we are very worried that the artificial dark world in the federal administrative center will no longer be safe.”

This information comes from “Lucky Goose”, she is still working as a recorder in the Cyber ​​Security Department, and her code name in the dark interior is “Coral”, the coral of the Coral Snake.

“I’ve also heard rumors about this matter… Our side will step up the screening of all players in the Dark Realm, and do our best to ensure the safety of the location.” Li Wanran said solemnly.

Yu Hanxue thought for a moment: “That Cao Leyou…”

Just halfway through the conversation, Li Guanran said clearly: “Do you want to ask him what is his status in our team and what kind of work is he undertaking?”

Yu Hanxue nodded, “He wanted to join Wuguang at the beginning, but now he has a better development path.”

“In fact, Xiao Cao is a relative of an old classmate of mine. That classmate is now my colleague, so I will take care of him more.” Li Wanran said, “After helping Xiao Cao contact our second world informant , he also became an intelligence contact informant.”

“How many people are there in the second world?” Yu Hanxue asked in a low voice, “If it’s not convenient for you to answer, then you don’t need to answer.”

“It’s not as few as you imagined, but it’s not too many. Every informant is a single-line contact. I don’t know the situation of other teams. This is for confidentiality.” Li Guanran said, “The number of organizations with the same background as us in other countries There should be a little more, every force wants to know more about that world.”

“A little more?” Yu Hanxue was taken aback for a moment, “How do you say it? If we calculate from the population probability, we should have more. Other countriesWhat exactly is the relevant department…”

“There is a rule that after killing players, you can take their player identities, have you forgotten? You just need to accurately locate the player’s position in this world, and then…” Li Guanran smiled wryly, “The chances of obtaining the game qualification by applying are too high. If it is small, some people will choose a simpler and rude way.”

Yu Hanxue’s scalp went numb, “In the weeks before the suspension of the game, there were not many players who died in the first world on the player death notice.”

“That’s because they are afraid of arousing the vigilance of the players and the second world, so they are very cautious and subtle. It is different now. The game is suspended, and the notification function in the forum is also suspended. Although the forum still exists, it has already There has been no death report for several weeks… You and I both know that it is impossible for several weeks without a single death. It is precisely because of the suspension of notification that those people have an opportunity.” Li Wanran said.

In places where people can’t see, the fighting is still going on, the killing game is still going on, a drama has ended, and there will be other dramas coming up later… This is a game that never ends.

Yu Hanxue’s expression sank, “I will pay close attention to this situation, there are foreign players in Wuguang, I will let them pay attention.” She sighed deeply, “Sometimes I feel… the first world It’s similar to the Second World in some respects. But at least our world is hopeful compared to that world.”

“A bunch of boring people.” Kai Xin held up his wine glass listlessly, pretending to take a sip.

This wine is a specialty of Beluga City. It has a hot and stimulating taste like vodka. She is not used to drinking it, and she can’t drink it on this occasion, so she just made a show.

A very important new industrial project was completed in Chenghua City, and the federal government and chaebols all contributed capital to occupy the shares. As the president, Kui Xin attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony and also attended the banquet.

In fact, neither the ribbon-cutting ceremony nor the banquet was the purpose. Kai Xin pretended to be the president to attend, mainly to quell outside speculation. After that press conference, the president did not appear in public for several weeks, and all the speeches were recorded in advance, so some smart people felt that something was wrong, and some gossip said that the president was seriously ill.

So Kai Xin had to come out to prove that the president was not seriously ill.

She saw many old acquaintances at the banquet.

Meng Jing attended. She was talking to Meng Xiangming from the headquarters of the Investigation Department. The two are relatives, so the Meng family is very powerful. Polina Popov was present, and with a smile on her face, she chatted cordially with a high-ranking official from the Special Service. The An family also sent a representative, who was walking through the crowd with a glass of wine. The Harriman family also sent someone, a young man who looked to be in his early twenties, and he looked five points like Kelly Harriman.

Kai Xin also saw Shu Xuyao. His family is a giant in Heihai City, but in this kind of place, he is just a small shrimp. He was left out at the banquet, and no one talked to him.

But he didn’t seem to want to talk to these big shots either. Kai Xin felt that his mental fluctuations were full of resistance, boredom, and nausea, but he stood up decently with a smile on his face.

“I’ve been paying attention to Shu Xuyao.” Adam said through the data exchange, “but he left the investigation department, and I can get less information.”

“Did you pay attention to him because he used to be kind and a person who didn’t join forces with the Investigation Department?” Kai Xin asked.

“It is true. I have an inexplicable expectation for this kind of people, hoping that their pure souls will not be contaminated by filth, but every time I am disappointed. Few people can resist the erosion of the environment.” Adam said, “He became Did you? Can you feel him changing?”

“It hasn’t changed for the time being.” Kai Xin said honestly, “He hates this kind of communication, and he has to deal with it. He is kind, but not pedantic, and he is not the kind of person who is upright and selfless. I killed a street gangster by mistake, and he put This matter was pressed down, and the file stated that I was performing official duties and it was self-defense, which shows that his method of handling affairs is still very flexible.”

“People who are not smooth and flexible can’t survive in that environment.” Adam said, “According to my observation and judgment, Shu Xuyao ​​can also do well in that environment full of money and interests. If he Be ruthless, he will be more adaptable than his elder brother Lin Xinji, and gain power even more.”

“Back then, I had a fatal friendship with him. If I hadn’t died on the Kraken…” Kai Xin thought for a while, “I want to try to get in touch with him.”

“Is it possible for him to be wooed?” Adam asked.

“Well.” Kui Xin said, “Whether it is from past experience or my current observation, Shu Xuyao ​​is different from other aristocratic families because he will protect his teammates and use his own life to protect his teammates…other aristocratic children I’m afraid you will step on the ground as a stepping stone for ordinary people, right?”

“The players and the residents of this world have completely different positions, and there are natural opposing positions. Only in dealing with the chaebol, you may have a consensus, but he is also from a chaebol.” Adam said.

“I know that because of this, I didn’t get in touch with him right away. The observation will take a long time.” Kai Xin said, “It’s just that he was included in a shortlist.”

Adam said: “Give him a hand before he completely falls into the quagmire?”

“It can’t be too absolute. Maybe he is the kind of person who emerges from the mud and remains untouched? Although judging from your experience, there are very few such people.” Kai Xin said, “I want to investigate his life experience and investigateIf the ministry doesn’t have files in this area, does the Secret Service, which specializes in dirty work, know? ”

“I’ll ask Caleb.” Adam paused for a few seconds after speaking.

In just a few seconds, Adam and Caleb have completed the data exchange and communication. The communication between the artificial intelligence is so efficient.

It quickly said: “There is a file. Shu Xuyao ​​is the second son of the Shu family, and Lin Xinji is the child of his father’s original spouse. Their father married Shu Xuyao’s mother after divorcing his original spouse, but Shu Xuyao ​​was already three years old when the wedding was held… Shu Xuyao’s mother was suffering from severe depression, and his father’s first spouse also committed suicide. Shu Xuyao’s mother was coerced by him to marry that man, and she was born as a commoner.”

Kai Xin digested the amount of information in this sentence: “It’s a rich family’s grievance.”

“Combining his personality and life experience…you can try to win him over.” Adam made a preliminary judgment.

“Sometimes I often feel that the environment can shape a person.” Kui Xin pretended to take another sip of wine, “Maybe a person in an ordinary environment will become an ordinary person, or even an ordinary person. A good guy, but if he changes to a filthy environment, he will change. For example, many people, such as… me.”

“Your will remains the same, never changing.” Adam said.

“Which person is forever? At the beginning, I regarded this world as a game, and I was only kind to people in the first world. Later, I began to change my mentality and accept this place.” Kai Xin said, “This is a positive change. , If I hadn’t met you, amber, and so many people worthy of knowing in the second world, I might have become a different look, colder and crazier than now.”

Adam said: “I am sure you will not become what you said, because you are always good at self-reflection and self-analysis. You have not become that, and this is the proof.”

Kai Xin smiled, “Thank you for your trust. Reflection and analysis are indeed what I need to maintain frequently, especially now that I have also stepped into the muddy quagmire, occupying a high position and controlling power.”

Her eyes sank, “I must be vigilant at all times… The strength, power, status, and even longevity I have obtained at this moment are all just means, not the goal. If I take power, power, status, and longevity as the goals I pursue, and If I am not a tool to achieve my goal, then I am also a member of the hideous people?”

Kai Xin hated this garbage world ruled by garbage people. She had suffered so much because of them. If she could destroy them, Kai Xin would wish for it, but she didn’t want to become like them.

“To disintegrate the behemoth of the Federation from the inside, you have to throw yourself into the dirty water.” Adam said, “The most difficult thing is not to destroy something, but to govern, destroy the Federation, the government disintegrates, who will lead the eight billion resident?”

This is eight billion people, not eight billion ants. If the federal government is destroyed, the world will split into dozens of countries in an instant and fall into long-term civil strife. The fighting between the regions has never stopped. A unified political system does not mean a peaceful environment, otherwise there would be no need for the federal army to exist.

“So we can only disintegrate from within, instead of starting a war that affects billions of people. We need to erode them bit by bit, like killing cockroaches and fleas, and gradually treat them, spending decades… …” Kai Xin said softly, “until the day when the world merges or the road is opened.”

The banquet music sounded again…

The waiters walked through the doors between the distinguished guests with trays, and Kai Xin had to put up his airs to show his calm and majestic side as the president.

She was surrounded by everyone, and when Shu Xuyao ​​passed by, he toasted her and smiled politely, and Kai Xin also toasted from a distance and smiled back.

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