The man approached Huo Du, and his cold voice was so cold that he forgot to close his mouth.

"Why don't you guess, you and the mad dog, who is the louder?"

Before the man recovered, he was thrown into the small iron gate on the right by the guard.

After a moment of silence, Le Zhi heard a low whine coming from the iron gate.

——It was the sound the big dog made when it woke up.

Immediately afterwards, there was a fierce barking and the man's pained cries. There is only one door apart, and even the sound of the flesh being torn apart is so clear.

But the man didn't breathe out immediately, his voice became lower and lower, but it didn't stop. The dog seemed to be teasing him, instead of killing him directly, he enjoyed the tragic state of his dying...

The only remaining man was soaked with cold sweat on his forehead, and his limbs were trembling. After the guard removed the cloth ball, his teeth were creaking and chattering.

"His Royal Highness, I know I'm wrong, please... please, let me go!" He lay on the ground and tried to climb towards Huo Du, but was restrained by the guards and could not move .

"Tsk." Huo Du nodded with satisfaction, "It's a good thing to change when you know your mistakes."

Hearing this, the people on the ground raised their eyes with joy.

Isn't he... don't have to die!

"But it's no use begging me." Huo Du raised his hand and tapped the wooden table, kindly reminding: "You have to beg her."

"Princess, please let me go! I was wrong, I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

Le Zhi looked coldly at the bloodless face, but she had no intention of softening her heart.

That day, every detail and every expression on their faces, she will never forget. If they just followed Huo Xu's orders reluctantly, they wouldn't have such a disgusting expression on their faces——

Enjoy, play with, tease...

Even after Huo Xu called to stop, they still reluctantly refused to stop.

Now this panicked face begging for her, was proud at that time, ignoring her sister's resistance and screaming, she was bent on tearing her sister's dress...

Huo Du condensed Le Zhi's tightly pursed lips and knew it in his heart. He raised his hand lightly and sent out the silver needle caught between his fingers...

In the middle of the man's eyebrows, he fell softly to the ground, as if he didn't know what happened.

Huo Du glanced at him with some disgust.

——Since I know it's wrong, I will give you a happy one.

At this time, the voice inside the iron gate gradually weakened, the human voice disappeared, and there was only the low gasp of the big dog.

In an instant, the smell of blood was too strong to dissolve.

Le Zhi felt that her nose, mouth, and even throat were filled with blood. She tried hard to suppress it. But until Huo Du walked in front of her and reached out to touch her shoulder, the nausea filled with blood in his chest could no longer be suppressed...

She turned her head away and raised her hand to cover her mouth and nose.

But she didn't see it, when she raised her hand vigorously, she touched Huo Du's hand on her shoulder...

Huo Du stared blankly at the palm pushed away by Le Zhi, and the faint smile on his face and eyes disappeared instantly. He looked at her and turned his head, covering his face, not wanting to look at him.

——Do you think what he did is too disgusting?

He frowned and pulled his hand back. And then sneered with a smirk--

Even for revenge, Le Zhi chose to bluntly give him a knife.

Unlike him, he enjoys the pleasure brought by torture.

She believes in the God of Le Shan, and she has a heart of compassion.

Unlike him, he has long lost his mind.

It's normal for her to have such a reaction.

They are not one kind of people.

Thinking of this, he put the handkerchief in his sleeve on the table, then lowered his eyes, turned around and walked out slowly.

Le Zhi retched for a long time, and even vomited out tears. But she hadn't eaten for almost a day, her stomach was empty and she couldn't vomit anything.

Finally, she turned around and saw the handkerchief on the table, so she picked it up and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Then, she found that Huo Du and An Xuan were gone.

"Where's Your Highness?" Le Zhi asked the guard beside him.

"Back to the Crown Princess, Your Highness has already left."


She didn't even call her and went out alone?

Le Zhi stood up angrily, strode hard, and ran out. Stepping on the last step, the fresh air poured in, which made her feel a lot more comfortable.

——So Huo Du couldn't stand the smell of blood, so he came out first to breathe?

Then she is also very angry!

Don't worry, don't you have time to call her?

This is, An Xuan, who was standing on the edge of the shallow pool, said, "Prince Concubine, it's still early, you can have some breakfast before heading home."

Le Zhi looked around, but still couldn't find Huo Du, she asked, "Where's Your Highness?"

"His Royal Highness still has some matters to deal with, please go and have breakfast first."

The breakfast in the hot spring villa is full of aroma, and even the plate is very delicate.

Le Zhi sat at the table, a little uneasy.

——Why hasn't Huo Du come yet?

There is no maid, An Xuan will do it for you. He filled a bowl of lotus seed soup and placed it in front of Lezhi, "Prince Concubine, please use it."

Le Zhi, who used to be hungry, now has no appetite at all.

Something was wrong, the more she thought about it, the more wrong it was.

Everyone who should be killed has been killed, so what else needs to be done by Huo Du himself?

absolutely not!

She hurriedly raised her eyes, stared into An Xuan's eyes, and asked, "Where did Your Highness go?"

"Your Highness..."

"I want to hear the truth."

Under the gaze of Le Zhi, An Xuan had to tell the truth, "His Royal Highness has returned to the mansion."

"What?" Le Zhi was stunned, "Why didn't he go back with me?"

Looking at Lezhi's blank expression, An Xuan sighed. Although His Highness didn't say anything, he saw it. He said softly, "Your Highness probably thinks that you don't want to go with him."

"What's the meaning?"

Le Zhi is even more confused, what is going on here!

"Just now in the secret room, you pushed away His Highness's hand, isn't that obvious..." An Xuan said in a low voice.

He could see how hurt His Highness looked.

What's the matter!

What a mess!

Le Zhi thought for a moment and cleared his mind. It should be her unintentional action, which was misunderstood by Huo Du...

Who is this? Can't speak with a long mouth? Won't you ask her?

He walked so fast with a broken leg, he should have broken both legs!

Le Zhi didn't have time to explain to An Xuan, so she raised her legs and ran out of the villa. But when he arrived at the gate of the villa, An Xuan caught up with him.

"Prince Concubine, please get on the carriage, and my subordinates will take you back."

"How did he get back?"

"His Royal Highness..." An Xuan's face was quite indescribable, "He went back."

Hearing this, Le Zhi no longer hesitated and ran to the other side of the carriage - there was a fast horse.

She got on the horse, turned the horse's head, and flew away!

There is only one way back to the house, Huo Du is walking, she will definitely catch up on horseback!

The howling wind blew across his cheeks and ears, Lezhi raised his head slightly, and found that the sky was bright. The trees and grass beside him quickly swept past.

Soon, she saw that familiar figure.

Le Zhi tightened the reins, and the galloping steps of the horse were suddenly stopped.

She dismounted quickly, her ankle twisting as she landed. But she didn't care about the pain and ran forward. She saw the figure and heard the sound of hooves, only paused for a while, and then continued to walk.

She clearly knew she was chasing, but she didn't stop!

Le Zhi bit his lip, staring at the back. Suddenly, she wanted to rip off the cotton cloak that she tied with her own hands.

Freeze him to death!

Finally, the dark cyan color is close at hand.

Le Zhi raised his arms and hugged him tightly from behind him.

It also forced Huo Du to stop.

"Why don't you wait for me!" she said angrily.

Le Zhi could feel Huo Du's body froze for a moment, but he still didn't speak.

The grievances of the blockbuster hit are misunderstood grievances. Lezhi hugged his arm tightly and called to him in a choked voice, "Huo Du..."

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