Chu Hao figured out the root of the problem, and also thought of a solution to the problem, he was in a good mood, and couldn't help but joke: "Your problem is very serious, the situation is very bad!"

"What should I do then?" Liu Qin couldn't help but ask nervously.

Chu Hao originally wanted to tell him the truth, but it could be seen that she was a girl, and she was afraid that she would not be able to withstand such a lot of pressure, so she didn't want to point it out.

Thinking of this, Chu Hao said solemnly: "Things are not as simple as you think, but they are not as complicated as you think! You just need to do what I say, and I guarantee that you are safe and sound!"

"What the hell is going on?" asked Liu Qin reluctantly.

Alas, women! The curiosity is too strong, it will kill people! Chu Hao sighed secretly.

"I can only tell you that you may be framed by traitors at any time in the past few days, of course, I have taken the first step to understand the opportunity, everything is already in my control, as long as I have everything, don't worry!!"

"Master Chu, who is trying to harm me? Can you figure it out?" asked Liu Qin again.

After thinking for a while, Chu Hao said: "In this way, after dinner, let's go to the TV station to have a look! You take me to see the layout of your office, maybe you can see something!"

Liu Qin nodded hurriedly: "En!"

Forty minutes later, in the underground parking lot of Jinling Radio Building, Chu Hao and Liu Qin got out of the car.

"Master Chu, ...... here"

Liu Qin took Chu Hao to the elevator.

Soon, the elevator stopped on the 8th floor!

"Master Chu, it's here!"

"Let's go, let's take a look!"

Liu Qin is a more famous host, and others have nothing to say when they see her bringing outsiders in.

After a while, Liu Qin pointed to his desk and said.

"Master Chu, this is where I work. "

"When I'm not usually hosting, I'll rest here!"

Liu Qin explained.

Nodding, Chu Hao began to observe the layout around her seat.

"Whose office is this?" Chu Hao asked, pointing to the office directly opposite Liu Qin's position.

"That's it...... Director Qian's office!" Liu Qin said with a smile: "Director Qian is very good, and he usually takes care of me!"

While listening to Liu Qin's explanation, Chu Hao continued to observe.

At this time, the map behind Liuqin's seat attracted Chu Hao's attention.

Seeing Chu Hao staring at the map, Liu Qin was surprised: "Master Chu, is there a problem with this map?"

"How did you get this map?"

"Oh, this is from Director Qian!" Liu Qin smiled awkwardly: "Although it looks a little old, after all, it was given by Director Qian, and I am embarrassed to throw it away." "

Chu Hao shifted his gaze without moving.

This map alone, although a little dim and old, is not really a big deal.

After some observation, Chu Hao determined the position of Liuqin, and there was no problem in the feng shui pattern.

Since the location is no problem, it means that the problem is somewhere else!

Chu Hao glanced around, and seeing that no one noticed this, he walked directly into Director Qian's office.

Seeing Chu Hao so bold, Liu Qin's legs trembled with fright.

Immediately, she hurriedly looked around, for fear that Director Qian would come back at this time.

The thoughts in her mind were racing, thinking about what excuse she should find out if she was discovered by Director Qian!

What Liu Qin thought again, Chu Hao didn't know.

At this moment, his gaze swept over the layout of Director Qian's office, and he couldn't help but gasp.

Normally, whether it is an office or home, it is inevitable that there will be some bad spirits.

It seems that the feng shui master of this layout can make a reasonable layout! The so-called reasonable, of course, does not harm the third party, nor does it harm the owner here!

And all the evil qi in Director Qian's office, after going through the layout of the feng shui master, unexpectedly surged in one direction, that is, Liu Qin, who was sitting opposite his main entrance.

When he came, he noticed that there were two large potted plants in Director Qian's office!

These two large pots of potted plants are placed right next to the wall!

If it's just a pot, the potted plant can block a bad magnetic field!

But the key is to put two pots!

Moreover, it is still put one after the other!

In this way, instead of resisting, it has a little more traction and guidance function!

In doing so, of course, all the evil qi in the room is directed out of the door!

Not only that, in order to prevent accidents, Director Qian used the screen behind his seat to face the door!

The potted plant and the screen play the role of double insurance!

What's more, Director Qian also has a desk lamp on his work, and often makes the bulb two, which can reduce the bad aura from above!

Seeing this, Chu Hao was almost certain that all of this was aimed at Liu Qin!

According to common sense, there is a lot of space outside, and it shouldn't have an impact on Liuqin!

The key was on a map behind her seat!

Because the tone of this picture is too dark, normally speaking, it is too gloomy to hang out and look at it every day!

Drawings with strong lines are also not suitable for hanging out, because these have a bad suggestive effect and have a strong sucking function!

In this way, of course, she is the first to suffer.

"Bullying people!" Chu Hao couldn't help but curse fiercely.

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