After the Full Level of the Profession

After reaching the full level of all professions Chapter 596

(The default translation girl below is in the translation state)

Robb turned to the old wizard: "What danger is there in the northwest?"

The old wizard just shook his head: "I don't know either. Our clan has a long-standing tradition not to go to the mountains in the northwest. As for what is in the mountains, the previous clan leader didn't tell me. He just asked me to restrain the villagers and never go in. We've been keeping this rule for generations."

"Oh?" Luo Bo was amused: "Maybe your ancestors made a mistake?"

The old wizard whispered: "The ancestors are sure not to be mistaken. Our Eagle Warriors occasionally hunt next to that mountain range, and they can still hear low and thick strange roars coming from inside. Occasionally, they can see mountains like There is a big black shadow, there is a huge monster in it, a very huge one, this is unmistakable. Yesterday, those bad guys massacred the village and forced me to tell them if there were any strange rocks nearby, so I lied to them and said, There are good rocks in that mountain range, and then they killed me... They are all bad guys and will definitely die in the mountains. But you are good people and saved the lives of our whole village. I must remind you, never go there There."

Robb smiled and said: "Thank you, old man. Your information is very useful to me. You should lead the villagers to leave quickly. There will definitely be Noma people passing by here."

The old wizard saluted and thanked him, and then led his people away.

Bailu finished translating the entire conversation and understood what the old wizard said. She climbed up to the treetops and looked to the northwest. Then she landed on the ground and said to Robb: "There is indeed a mountain range in the northwest. It's very majestic and covers an area of ​​​​distance. It's so vast that you can't see the end at a glance. The old wizard said there is a giant monster here, and we can only escape from the side of this mountain..."

Robb smiled and said: "Okay, it's decided! Enter the mountain."

Bai Lu almost fell to the ground: "Hey? Godafather! Didn't you hear the old wizard's advice just now?"

"I heard that. I also thanked him for providing important information." Robb chuckled and said: "According to the common sense of exploration, the more dangerous the place, the rarer the ore will be."

Bailu: "..."

Robb clapped his hands and said to everyone: "Let's go, get ready to enter the mountain, but please don't leave the scouts. Everyone will move with me."

In this rainforest, the line of sight was blocked by the jungle. Robb's reconnaissance skills were of little use. He could only rely on the Eagle Warriors to continuously conduct reconnaissance and send back information. Therefore, when they came out this time, the Eagle Warriors stayed far away from the team. Shi Dang stayed in the jungle around the team to help the team scout, but they were about to enter a dangerous mountain range, and Robb couldn't let them go out to scout, just in case. If Robb was ambushed by some monster in the jungle and devoured him, and Robb didn't even know about it, the resurrection spell would be useless.

Therefore, he had no choice but to take back all the scouts. In this way, the team was equivalent to advancing in the dark.

But Robb didn't care. Just go in the dark. Unless you walked into the black dragon's lair, there was nothing to be afraid of.

Chapter 829 Tracking Technique

There is no map for this large unknown mountain range.

The Maya natives do not have map-making skills, and even if they did, they would not dare to go into this mountain range to make maps. It was also the first time for the Noma people to explore this mountain range, so the map obtained by the Fugitive Knight for Robb did not include this area. mountains.

When there is no map that can be used to activate the cheating skill of "Looking for Ore", Robb's ore-finding ability is actually very weak, not even as good as an ordinary miner, that is, an ordinary otaku, and the ore-finding ability of an ordinary otaku is beyond everyone's ability. got it.

Robb looked at the map in his hand and found that the red dot representing himself had reached the edge of the map, and the mountains in front were not drawn on the map. He couldn't help but feel a little unhappy: "Let me tell you, what I hate most is games without maps. .”

Sofa knew that he was talking strange things again, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "We can just draw a map as we walk. At least there will be maps to see wherever we go."

"That's so slow." Robb said, "Stop messing around. There are only a few dozen of us. Surveying and mapping maps is very slow. If we really have to draw maps while walking, we won't be able to move forward for several miles in a few days. We'd better be lazy." , go chase the Noma people who passed here yesterday, and follow them from a distance after catching up. They are a large expedition team of several hundred people. It is easier to do various things. They must be drawing maps as they go, and they must also have geology. Experts are looking for minerals while walking. When they find it, we will...hehehe..."

Bai Lu couldn't help but asked next to him: "Godafather, didn't you say that day that you don't like to rob other people's things? If you are too embarrassed to rob the mines that the Noma people found, then... we should grab the mines from the Noma people." The centaurs should go ahead to find the mines, not follow them."

Robb said seriously: "Yes, I don't like to steal other people's things. I am a good person!"

When he said this, he stopped talking, but Elsie stood up and said with a smile: "We don't rob, we just need to walk next to the Noma people, and they will roar at us, 'Grand Dog', Then they came at us with swords and swords, and of course we couldn't sit back and wait to be killed. We could only defend ourselves and fight them all away. That mine would be an ownerless mine, hehehehe."

Bailu: "..."

The fugitive knight next to him couldn't help but dumbfounded. After all, he was from Noma. Hearing such a conversation made him feel crazy. He couldn't help but said: "Is this a case of assuming that the opponent is a second-rate person? If the opponent is very smart, or a gentleman, Why don't you come and kill us?"

Robb smiled and said: "If you don't kill me, it means that the other party can communicate. I will negotiate with them!"

The Fugitive Knight was a little skeptical: "If the other party is willing to negotiate, will you really negotiate to mine together? Aren't you trying to seize high-quality mineral veins by force?"

This time, Conte laughed: "Uncle Knight, you underestimate Godafather too much. For him, there is no one he cannot cooperate with. As long as the other party is not a bad person and has the willingness to cooperate, Godafather will not be alone." A man who eats alone is the kind of person who really doesn’t take profit into consideration.”

At this point, Conte added as if he was talking to himself: "To the extent that Godafather is as powerful as a god, what's the use of caring about small interests? As long as he is willing, the whole world will be destroyed." If he can conquer it, does he deserve to monopolize a small mine?"

Elsie also smiled and said: "That's right, if Godafather is willing, he can conquer the Gran, Noma, and desert kingdoms in a blink of an eye. By then, he will have to order his men to dig these mines. So, and For him, negotiating with the Noma people to dig together is no different from digging with the Gran and Maya people. As long as the Noma people don't seek death, he will definitely not take it by force."

Fugitive Knight: "..."

He has also heard about Robb's fight against the black dragon. If this is true, he does have the power to conquer the world. If he thinks about it carefully, a person has the ability to conquer the world. There is really no need to compete with others for a mine. So what's there to grab? If you really want to rob the other party's country, wouldn't that be the end of it?

"Let's go, we have to find the Noma people first." Robb asked: "Is there anyone in the team who is good at tracking?"

Several knights and Zephyr warriors shook their heads...

The Eagle Warriors are actually very good at tracking in the jungle. Their tracking method is relatively old, which is to track the enemy's movements through footprints, flowers, trees and other things. However, it has been raining heavily for days recently, and it is still raining heavily. Where are the footprints from a day ago? You can find them all, all washed away by the rain.

Robb said: "Oh, I have to do it myself again."

Use the ranger skill - Tracking!

Robb looked at the ground again and saw rows of shining footprints on the ground. These footprints were revealed by the power of magic. Heavy rain could not wash away or cover them up. Robb could even pass through these footprints. Simply determine what they did.

(PS: In The Lord of the Rings, when Aragorn tracked down the orc team that captured two hobbits, he used the tracking technique, which can restore what happened here to a certain extent.)

"The Noma entered the mountains from this direction..." Robb pointed to a small canyon: "They crossed a stream here and then continued forward..."

He followed the footprints and explained as he went.

The West Wind people who were traveling with him were fine, but the Fugitive Knights and Mayans couldn't help but be surprised. This man is so powerful. How many things does he know?

Not far into the mountains, Sofa frowned and asked Elsie next to him: "How do you feel about these mountains?"

Elsie whispered: "I can feel a very powerful magic power."

Sofa whispered: "Me too!"

Both of them were thinking that maybe the warning passed down from ancient times by the Maya tribe was true. It was indeed not allowed to enter at will. The powerful magic that permeated the entire mountain was warning anyone not to disturb them. However, with Godafather together, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Everyone continued to move forward. Dozens of people got very close. Robb used the reconnaissance skill to look forward, but he couldn't see far. The jungle was too dense. Although his sight was far away, it would be blocked by trees. Even if he used the flying skill, he could not see far. Even if he flew into the sky and looked down, his line of sight would be blocked by the tree canopy and he wouldn't be able to see the ground, so Robb didn't bother to fly up and look down, so he just used his naked eyes to detect it.

Everyone passed through a long canyon and passed through a jungle. Unknowingly, they had entered the depths of this mountain range and were getting closer and closer to the Noma tribe. Even if Robb didn't use his reconnaissance skills, The Eagle Warriors can also easily find the traces left by the Noma people after they passed by.

"Look here!" An Eagle Warrior pointed to a big pit: "The Noma people dug a big pit here, and it seems they found something."

Robb looked into the pit and smiled: "Iron mine! The Noma people are not interested in this. They probably just marked it on the map and continued moving forward."

Chapter 830 Titan Steel

Noon is perfect for taking a nap, I almost fell asleep and forgot to update!

Adding an update because I almost forgot to add an update

After half a day, Robb and his party finally caught up with the Norma people.

However, the Norma people did not discover Robb and others, because in areas with good visibility, Robb could use reconnaissance skills to monitor them from a distance, and in areas with poor visibility, Robb and his group included Eagle Warriors. , you can follow the Noma people in the jungle without anyone noticing.

The cruel colonial policy of the Noma people towards the Mayans determined that no Eagle Warrior was willing to help them. In this rainforest with heavy rain, without the help of the Eagle Warrior or Amazon Warrior, they were like blind people, otherwise they would not notice them. Don't follow them too easily.

This group of Noma people is indeed well prepared. The large force of 500 people not only includes the main force who are good at fighting, but also many mages, priests, and experts who are good at surveying mineral resources, finding rare herbs, crops, etc. Wherever they go, they will conduct a carpet-like search, drawing maps and marking various resources on the map.

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