Kong Nianyu was full of fire.

Obviously she saw the little prince first, so why did she get ahead of the hillbilly?

At this moment, he no longer cared about his status as a big family lady, and hurried forward with the skirt.

However, the sisters around her, after seeing the little prince, also swarmed up, and they all ignored the reservations of their daughters.

Kong Nianyu found out that even so, she was a step slower.

Since this can't keep up, Kong Nianyu is even more depressed.

How did Xue Xiaohua know that there was so much right and wrong behind this? At this moment, she only saw the warm hospitality outside of Kong, and there were so many delicious and delicious things on the banquet, and she had already opened her belly to eat.

After drinking and eating, Xue Xiaohua took her brother around in the Confucian courtyard.

Seeing the stairway dancing pavilion, they really dazzled them, Xue Baijun patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, when your eldest brother makes money in two years, he will definitely let him build a bigger and better-looking house than this one."

Of course, Xue Xiaohua believed what Xue Baijun said, not for anything else, just because this was her eldest brother.

As several people were talking, they heard a voice from outside Member Kong not far away.

"Little prince, come, have two more glasses, you are a huge amount, if you first come to my house, if you don't have a drink at a time, it is not like me as a hospitality person."

Since he was looking in the direction of the sound, he saw the little prince who was already flushed with drinking, and he followed the Kong member holding the hip flask, and he didn't know when he arrived in the backyard.

With each step, the little prince’s steps were already a little messy, and it seemed that he had just drunk a lot of wine.

Xue Xiaohua blinked and looked at Xue Bojun and said, "Big Brother, Master Foreigner, are you trying to get Little Prince drunk?"

Xue Baijun hurriedly pulled Xue Xiaohua aside and put his hand to his lips, beckoning her not to make a sound: "Shhh, keep it quiet, you watch carefully."

Seeing that the little prince was drinking another glass of wine, Mr. Kong took the opportunity to make a face to the subordinate, and the subordinate used pen, ink, paper and inkstone to spread it on the other's back.

Member Confucius laughed and said: "Then let's make a decision today, Lord, you only need to sign here, draw a bet, and the little girl is your future princess. When the little girl is of marriageable age, she must be eighty. The sedan chair is delivered to your house."

The little prince had his eyes blurred at the moment, and the words in his ears were also heard.

"Wang, princess? Well, is this girl? This girl is too young, this year is only 12, then I have to wait two years? No, wait another year."

Member Kong nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, wait another year, prince is wise, prince, you write your name here, press a handprint, very fast."

After speaking, he had already dipped the brush on the side with ink, and handed it to the little prince's hand.

Xue Xiaohua opened her mouth even more when she heard this, and followed Xue Baijun to look at each other, and she already understood the true purpose of Member Kong's banquet for everyone.

Xue Xiaohua lowered her voice and secretly said, "It turns out that Member Kong wanted to cheat the marriage..."

Xue Baijun also nodded again and again: "He is really bold. If you know that the prince is married, you have to get the consent of the sage. He just handled it so confusedly, and he will definitely suffer by then."

"Absolutely suffer."

Xue Xiaohua raised her eyebrows and her face was determined. You must know that she had thought about it earlier, but when she tried and learned that the little lord actually had a hidden illness, she gave up this idea.

The siblings actually ate some wine. At the moment they were walking around in the backyard, and it was a little bit up when the wind blew.

When Xue Xiaohua arrived in the front yard and found her mother-in-law, her steps had already begun to be messy.

Bai Wenjing looked at Xue Xiaohua with a reddened face, and couldn't help shaking her head and sighing: "Look at you, kid, you get drunk when you touch alcohol, so why don't you have such a long memory? You are drunk again."

She wanted to pick Xue Xiaohua up as she said, but she had a big belly, so it was inconvenient.

Xue Changan was not around. Xue Baijun and Xue Bainian were both drunk, and the other didn't know where they went. Looking around at the moment, there was no one that could be counted on.

When he was hesitating, I saw Xiao Yixun approaching her and arched his hands at her: "Aunt Xue, this is Sheng'er..."

"She was drunk."

Seeing Xiao Yixun, Bai Wenjing suddenly had an idea in her heart: "Why don't you help me send her back? I don't know where the two are. Her eldest brother is also drunk. I have to look for it."

Xiao Yixun looked at the drunk little girl, and then thought of the little girl who was drunk before. His cheeks were red, and he nodded and said, "Okay, I will send her back. Auntie, don't worry."


Bai Wenjing handed Xue Xiaohua to Xiao Yixun and left. Xiao Yixun looked at this girl with blurred eyes and reddish cheeks, and whispered, "Sheng'er, you stand up, I will take you home."

"Go home? Which home? Buffalo Bay? Do you know how to get to Buffalo Bay?"

While muttering, Xue Xiaohua put her mouth on Xiao Yixun's face and asked: "Are you really going to take me home?"

The warm scent of alcohol came out, and Xiao Yixun's face became even redder. He turned away and said, "Sheng'er, you are drunk. I will take you back to rest. This is the town's home."

"I'm not drunk, you were drunk, look at your face, it's red like a monkey butt, hahahaha..."

Xue Xiaohua said, pointing at him, laughing loudly, causing people around him to look at him frequently. Xiao Yixun hurriedly helped this little girl to walk outside when he encountered such a thing.

Xiao Yixun knew where this little girl lived. He thought that by holding this little girl, he could walk back easily, but he didn't know where he had calculated it wrong.

Holding this little girl with one arm, she didn't know that she just didn't walk in a straight line. She was walking crookedly on a good path. Xiao Yixun had no choice but to bend over and lift the little **** his back.

As soon as she put it on her back, the little girl yelled loudly and happily: "Ride a horse, ride a horse, drive! Drive! Run faster! Drive!"

When the guards on the side saw this situation, they sweated for the little girl. However, they saw that the sage didn't say a word, just ran fast behind the little girl, and arrived at Xiao's house in a short while.

The door of the Xiao family was hidden, and Xiao Yixun opened the door and walked in.

He didn't know which room was the little girl's, he pushed the little **** his back and asked, "Little girl, which is your room?"

Xue Xiaohua just giggled, looking completely unaware of what she was talking about. Xiao Yixun felt so helpless that he had to open the rooms one by one and probe inside.

Xiao Yixun breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the second room opened and the familiar scent of the girl rushed towards him. He finally found this little girl's place.

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