
Chapter 26 - Charge

"Well, I think that was enough excitement for Yang for one day." Arthur commented watching the Yang's face go through numerous expressions as she tried to comprehend what had just happened. Weiss still shell-shocked by what she had just witnessed and Blake who slowly slid her notebook into her back pocket once she was done writing.

"Did I take it too far?" Arthur asked starting to feel concerned at the now steaming Yang and Weiss who had not moved an inch since it happened.

"Possibly, I'll get Yang back to our room to calm down." Blake said getting an affirmative nod from Arthur as she pushed the fizzing Yang back into their room. Leaving Arthur and Weiss alone standing in a similar position to last night, Arthur leaning against the doorframe and Weiss standing in the hall.

"So, that was a thing…" Arthur scratched his cheek awkwardly trying to start a conversation with the white one who was slowly regaining function in her jaw which slowly closed as she tried to regain control of her eyelids which she began to rapidly blink.

Letting out a cough into her fist Weiss's face regained its normal white pallor and annoyed expression which seemed to be her resting face at this point. "You know she's going to kill you now, right?" she asked

"Probably" Arthur quickly admitted "But hey, wouldn't be the first time. And who knows maybe she'll take it as me returning her teasing… though, maybe I went a little far." Arthur held his chin contemplating his actions before turning back to Weiss "But hey! Now I know how to shut her down when she starts her teasing again." He happily admitted, getting rolled eyes and a held head from Weiss.

"So… sleep well?" Arthur awkwardly asked trying to break the silence that had befell the two for the last two minutes. The only sounds being from when Arthur scratched his chin and the talking coming from team RWBY's room.

"Y-yeah" Weiss said remembering how she had slept the entire night with her hand atop her head while thinking about Arthur's patting her head.

Once again silence befell the two, the awkward type once again. This time Weiss decided to speak up "Thank you." She said lightly bowing to show her sincerity.

"No problem." Arthur replied with a light smile "I am happy to have helped."

"Also, was it really necessary to hit me?" she asked with an angry scowl

"Honestly, probably not." Arthur bluntly admitted

"Then why did you hit me!?" She yelled in anger not noticing that Ruby, Yang and Blake had exited their room and were watching the two speak. Ruby ran up to Weiss's side and also gave Arthur an angry look as she to yelled "You hit Weiss!?" followed by Yang who had returned to normal and was cracking her knuckles and Blake who stood silently, menace in her eyes.

"W-well, she wasn't acting like Weiss, she was all sad and depressed. So I may or may not have bonked her on her head to get her back to normal. And let's be fair, I didn't hit you that hard." Arthur explained gulping once he was finished, watching the teams face's calm down while Weiss was still glaring.

"An-anyways, want to come in? You wanted to ask me something?" He asked stepping out of the way to let the others past him. All freezing once they saw his room, each taking in a different part.

"Why do you get a bigger bed!?" Yang roared seeing the king-sized bed.

"Really? I want to know why there is only ONE BED!" Weiss shouted.

"Is that a giant teddy bear?" Blake asked staring at the teddy bigger than the doorframe in the corner of the room.

Ruby on the other hand immediately shifted her attention to Arthur's desk where she could see a drawing of what she immediately knew of as a weapon. Bolting over to the desk Ruby began to inspect the sketch.

While she was doing that her three team members turned to Arthur. "Care to explain?" Weiss asked crossing her arms. "Yeah! Why do you get an apartment and we get four beds." Yang ordered. Blake kept quiet.

"Well, I decorated" he began to explain "When I got here I only had a single bed, and because I had so much time after lunch yesterday I decided to do a bit of decorating to get the room up to snuff."

"That doesn't explain where you got all of this stuff, I might understand the bed and desk, but the giant teddy bear? How did that even fit through the door" Blake asked not getting an answer from Arthur, until she turned her head slightly to see the Tome that floating to his right. "Magic book?" she asked with a sigh.

"Magic Book." Arthur confirmed with a smile.

"Arthur! This weapon! It's so cool! What's it called!" Ruby excitedly asked as she appeared in front of him holding up the sketch he had made last night after Weiss left.

Surprised by the sudden appearance of the red reaper Arthur jumped back slightly. Before looking at what Ruby was holding and seeing that it was the design he had come up for a weapon he might want to use in the future. "That Ruby, is a Charge Blade"

"A charge blade? That's a boring name for it." Ruby whinned

"Oh, no. Charge blade is the type of weapon, not the name of that, I call that the 'Regenica'" He explained.

"Regenica? What type of name is that?" Weiss asked to which Arthur quickly explained "It's a portmanteau of two latin words 'Regena' meaning queen in English and 'Formica' meaning Ants. I got it from the shape of the shield when not connected to the blade." He said pointing out the shape of the shield which looked like the head of an ant.

"What does it do?" Ruby asked staring stars at the simple design.

"Well, Charge Blades in the game generally have two forms, the sword and shield mode, which is it's basic form. And the Blade mode where you insert the blade into the top of the shield transforming it into a large axe like weapon." He began to enthusiastically explain to Ruby, ignoring the three others who were getting comfy on the couch and bed.

"As you can see, I modified it so that when it's transformed it instead goes into a scythe like mode with blades on both ends. There is also a barrel running down the centre of the blade that slots into the shield when in the transformed state that turns it into a rifle, supplied by the cartridges in the hilt" he stood next to his desk with Ruby as they both stared at the design.

"And my favourite thing about Charge Blades is the elemental bursts. Using the trigger on the handle I can use up all dust I have in the cartridges charging the blade with an element and releasing it into a devastating attack before I have to reload." Arthur finished his explanation looking to Ruby who's eyes grew even brighter with more stars appearing as he spoke.

"Arthur, if you keep talking I am going to pass out from excitement." Ruby said causing Arthur to blush slightly as he scratched the back of his head

"You mean arousal!" Yang shouted from the bed, a pillow soon found it's way to her face knocking her backwards causing her to lay flat on the back, releasing a m.o.a.n in satisfaction as she felt how comfy the bed was.

Her eyes quickly bolted open as she sat up and looked around seeing that all eyes were on her, Weiss and Blake had their eyes opened wide, staring unblinkingly at her, who did not seem to be fazed as she just smiled and said "This is an amazing bed… I may just have to sleep here from now on after this" she teased as she stared expectantly at Arthur.

"Yang, I do believe I broke you enough for today and maybe the next few days." Arthur said with a wide smile not hiding the innuendo that he knew Yang had gotten judging by her toothy grin and blush. The others also blushing as they realized the double entendre.

"Oh, it's going to take a lot more than that to break me." She assured. Lying back down on the bed releasing another content m.o.a.n causing another blush to appear on the faces of the girls and Arthur who also let out a tired sigh.

"Let's just ignore her…" he muttered turning back to Ruby "Anyways, that's only the first design I've made, I'm going to do a few more before I come to you for your help in actually making it" he said

"What makes you think I'm going to help you?" Ruby asked

"Well, for one, you're Ruby Rose the weapon fanatic. Second, you already said you would help me. And third, you get to play with it first."

"Really!?" she happily squeeled.

"Yeah! I need to make sure it doesn't explode on me. You'll make the perfect guinea pig." His smile reaching his ears "So, deal?" he held his hand out

"Deal!" Ruby shouted grabbing his hand without second thought as she excitedly shook it up and down.

Rolling his shoulder once his arm was free from Ruby's grip he turned towards the others and took a seat on a stool as Ruby jumped onto the couch next to Weiss and Blake.

"So, now that that's out of the way, what did you want to know?" he said leaning forward restinghis arms on his legs, waiting for the first question of the day, which came from Blake.

"You told us you 'weren't from Remnant'. Are you telling the truth?" she asked peeking everyones interest.

"Yeah, not going into the 'How' or 'Why' but I am not from Remnant, I arrived a few days before initiation, I was dropped into the forest on Patch and ended up getting into a brawl with a pack of Beowolves. After disposing of them I collapsed and was rescued by Summer who brought me to her house where I met Ruby and was treated for my wounds."

"Except one" Weiss added, confusing Arthur

"No, I was treated for all my wounds, after that I was completely healed, until I got impaled that is"

"What about your arm then? It looks like it was burned in a fire. Professor Peridot said it was natural but then is it a birth defect? She also said it was like a parasitic organism" Weiss continued, clarifying what she meant, before Arthur could respond Blake also butted in adding "And that it can transform, I saw it when you got injured it looked like a giant claw."

"Right, that. Well, let's start with Weiss, my arm is completely fine, there is nothing wrong with it except the texture and colour. And technically, it isn't a parasitic organism, I was born with it and have had it for my entire life." Everyone let out a sigh of relief

"This, however" he said as he rolled up his sleeve and held up his hand showing them the back of his hand "Is a parasitic organism" he indicated to the gems "It's called 'Innocence' and it is a weapon" he transformed his arm into its cross form shocking Weiss, Blake and Yang. Ruby was the calmest as she had already seen it before.

"Don't worry about it, I can control it… on most occasions." He explained causing everyone but Ruby to scoot away from him.

"Don't worry. It only takes control if it really wants to kill something. Oh, and don't worry, it won't be human or faunus, it mostly just wants to kill demons. So you should be safe." He reverted his arm back to normal.

"That's really soothing to hear" Weiss sarcastically added.

"What are demons? Do you mean Grimm?" Blake asked.

"Actually, I have no idea if Grimm are considered demons to it. The demons this hunts are a differet thing altogether. I won't go into details about them, hopefully we never have to see one," He finished, checking his scroll for the time.

"It seems we have twenty minutes left before Goodwitch kills us, we can talk more on our way there"

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