
Chapter 92 - The Siren

Arthur slid back, his feet digging a trench into the ground as he caught the Siren that Qrow sent his way, both Qrow and Winter having disappeared into the forest just seconds later, the only students who hadn't seen this being those near Arthur who jumped to the side when he caught the siren.

"You okay there?" Yang asked, chuckling as she saw the siren fall forward and float in the air, it's head shaking as it tried to clear it's daze whilst Arthur waved his now steaming hands.

"Yeah, I'm fine" he responded, and blew on his hands to cool them down, his palms slightly stinging as if he caught a speeding football without giving it any leeway to slowdown, the sting quickly fading away as his aura washed over his hands.

"Are you okay?" Ruby asked, kneeling on the ground where the Siren was just floating above, Ruby staring into its bulbous extruded eyes, still under the passive effect of its illusions that hid it's true body from view.

The siren looked up to Ruby, it's head slightly tilted to the side, before quickly putting Ruby to the back of its 'mind' if it had any as it quickly scanned its surroundings searching for the target it was tasked to fight, it's body soon beginning to slowly disappear as small snowflake like particles began to fall from it, it's connection to Winter having been severed when she summoned the giant nevermore that she used to fly over the forest.

"Uh, Arthur, she's doing a you!" Ruby quickly said, panic in her voice as she saw the light blue snowflakes falling from its body, as well as becoming more and more damaged as the fallen particles left holes in its body revealing the hollow insides, Ruby also cringing as she smelt an odour of rotting fish coming from the woman, all whilst Blake had made her escape to the otherside of the field, where she was leaning against a tree, gagging due to the smell remaining in her s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e nose, all whilst Nora softly patted her back.

Yet, the siren seemed unfazed by its disintegrating body as it simply kept searching it's surroundings for its target, its head soon stopping as it felt an energy that caused it to shiver in excitement, or at least a part of it, a tiny miniscule particle of its being forced it to kick its legs as if swimming through the air and turn its self around to swim up to Arthur, it's face coming just inches from his own, which if not for its bulbous round eyes would have been a relatively 'fine' scenario, but they just took the cake and made it creepy for him, didn't help that Ruby's cheek was twitching when she saw the illusion get so close to her lover.

"Uhhh… hello?" Arthur muttered nervously taking a step backwards as the siren tilted its head to the side before swimming around Arthur, its eyes scanning him to look for the source of the energy, its body now riddled with innumerable holes, making it look as if it were struck by cannon balls that took entire chunks out of its body.

"Weiss, what's it doing?" Arthur quickly asked as the siren grabbed his two hands holding them palm up as its two antennae curled forward and began to trail over his hands, the light blue glow coming from its bioluminescent bulbs at the end of each of the antennae casting a light that revealed tiny white particles along with a invisible dark mist coating his palms, these being remnants of his aura after it healed his palms, the aura quickly dissipated leaving the siren distraught as its antennae began to flash , it chin now beginning to disintegrate.

'Does it want my aura?' Arthur thought, his eyes tracing over the disintegrating body, until he saw a small black structure at the centre of its hollow c.h.e.s.t that slowly pulsed as it began to disintegrate, "A heart" he muttered

"I don't know, summons aren't supposed to do anything but follow orders, I've never seen one do this before" Weiss answered, equally as confused, "They shouldn't even be able of doing anything without orders, they're just avatars, not actual grimm" she answered, analysing the new actions of her sisters summons with intrigue, a part of her hoping that it helps with her own summoning.

"Hmmm…" Arthur murmured, as he let part of his aura manifest on one of his palms, the appearance of it immediately attracting the sirens attention as both its antennae began to trail over his palm specifically where his black aura was, 'So it really is after my aura…' Arthur's eyes once again trailed over the siren, whose body was now nearly completely disintegrated apart from small 'islands' of its remain body hovering in an extremely rough shape of its body, half the sirens head having already disappeared along with a single antenna, the small black 'heart' still slowly beating as the light blue snowflakes entered it creating a small glyph like the one it had been summoned from.

"Do you want my aura?" he asked it, most students now having left the field in disinterest after Qrow and Winter took their fight into the forest, the only remaining indication of their fighting being a cries of crows and gunshots.

"Is-is this what Ashe saw…" Ruby's body quivered as she watched the illusion of the woman dissipating into snowflakes, her mind going back to when she first saw the memory of Arthur and Ashe's last physical time together, a newfound sympathy for Ashe filling Ruby due to how intense seeing it happening in person.

Arthur began to let more of his aura pour out of his palms, his hands moving together to make a small cup that began to fill with a dark mist that spilled from between his fingers and over the edge of his hands.

The single remaining antennae of the siren began to flash in excitement as the heartlike structure at the centre of its remaining body began to pulse harder as it floated into his palm, bathing itself in the comforting embrace of Arthurs aura, the glyph on the 'heart' beginning to rotate the more aura it devoured, eventually causing the glyph to begin growing larger and larger as the heart disappeared into the glyph which after nearly a minute of collecting Arthur's aura floated up from his hand and fell to the ground in front of him.

Weiss having become speechless the moment she saw her families glyphs appear from Arthur's palms, "How, no, that's impossible!?" she shouted, trying to figure out what was going on.

Arthur took a few steps back as he stared at the spinning glyph, which had begun to spew a light grey mist, and just as when Winter first summoned the sirens, a set of hands shot out of the mist followed by the rest of the sirens body, albeit with more humanoid features, as well as the particularly monstrous or strange feature being slightly toned down, and in a light grey and blue finish.

"Just, WHAT!?" Weiss was completely dumbstruck as she saw the summoned siren, now completely whole once again and happily floating around a confused Arthur, as another explosion resounded in the forest dragging the sirens attention, as its antennae began to flash as it mouth opened revealing its dozens of razor sharp teeth like those of an angler fish, its throat slightly inflating as it release a screech that caused the ground around it to shatter as well as causing anyone able to resist the shockwave to cover their ears whilst the unlucky fainted on the spot. But unlike everyone else Arthur seemed unaffected along with Weiss as they only heard a slight high-pitched buzz in their ears, not a pleasant sound at all, but it was bearable.

But, out of everyone on team RWBY the unluckiest was Blake as every strand of hair on her body lit up and stood on end as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she collapsed against the tree her mouth foaming as her bow rapidly began to twitch in agony. None of the other s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e of hearing faunus students being any luckier as they made up the majority of the collapsed students.

Behind her Nora somehow had found the time to put on noise cancelling headphones, she was kneeling next to Blake, poking her cheek with a stick, whilst Ren was trying to figure out where his own set of headphones came from, whilst Pyrrha tried to help Jaune with the sudden onset headache he had just gotten.

"MY EARS!" Ruby and Yang screamed, a loud buzz now resonating throughout their heads blocking any other sound from entering.

Once the sirens 'song' was finished it charged into the forest to search for its previous target, having not forgotten why it was originally summoned, leaving both Weiss and Arthur silent as they watched it disappear into the tree line.

Weiss soon turning to Arthur, confliction on her face, "Who are you, how, how did you use my, no my families glyphs? I don't have any brothers apart from Whitley… do I?" Weiss held her head as she tried to figure out what was going on, dark circles soon appearing under her eyes, as the stress from the last few days started coming back to her.

She soon felt a painful headache assault her as she collapsed onto her knees holding her head as more questions about her family filled her head.

"Weiss!" Arthur quickly ran to her side, kneeling next to her, to try and help her in a way he could, but barely being able to do anything as she too collapsed onto her side, her face turning slightly red as sweat began to acc.u.mulate on her face. Ruby ran up to him while Yang leisurely walked to Blake, picking her ears in the process in the hopes of being able to hear normally again.

"Is-is she okay?" Ruby meekly asked as she held the back of her hand against Weiss's forehead, healing it was incredibly hot, "She's got a fever, we should get her to the infirmary" she said, her eyes trailing towards the academy where a small army of nurses was running their way towards them with a few dozen gurneys in tow, along with Kardia and a particularly annoyed looking Glynda.

"Put her on here" Kardia ordered, as a nurse pushed a gurney next to Arthur who quickly lifted Weiss onto it, Kardia frowning when she saw Weiss's red and sweating face, as she place both her hand onto Weiss's c.h.e.s.t and let her semblance analyse her body.

"It's stress, she'll be fine so long as she takes a break for a bit, the fever should calm down by tonight or tomorrow morning, I'll take her to the infirmary for now but you can bring her to your room to rest in her own bed, that should also help calm her mind down" Kardia said, only a slight flush on her face as she looked at Arthur before quickly moving over to the next student, a dog faunus who she also used her semblance on finding that the reason for his fainting was due to fear, his body was essentially scared into unconsciousness.

"ms. Rose, you and your sister are to help with the injured" Glynda ordered, having loomed over Arthur's shoulder sending a shiver down his spine when she pushed her glasses up, he could just imagine himself looking like nothing but an annoying ant under her foot. "Fielder" Arthur shivered as her voice contained a monstrous amount of irritation, "Come with me, now" she ordered and immediately began to walk into the forest, Arthur quickly trailing behind, not willing to risk his life by ignoring her and walking back with Weiss to keep an eye on her and help her if she woke up later.


Alternate Chapter names: [A Schnee in disguise?] [The bastard son] [The little Siren] [WHAT WAS THAT!? I CAN'T HEAR YOU! THE BLOODY FISH MADE MY EARS BLEED!]

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