Alien Domination

Chapter 1017: Star Alert

The colorful mechanical projection lights, under the control of the automatic system, are spinning frantically.

In the dim hall, only one color is the most vivid.


Scarlet like blood.

The tables and chairs were overturned and the drinks were spilled.

The sticky blood sticks all over the ground.

Curved stump, boned broken leg.

A broken skull, a torso with a broken stomach.

On the wine stand, the upper body of a Kye tribe disappeared, but his lower limbs were still sitting on the stool.

The VIP seats and comfortable sofas were full of holes pierced by scratches.

The dark red plasma, like an abstract painting, looked shocking.

The ground is scattered with broken bones and minced meat.

In the huge "Beast Cage" in the center of the hall, the iron gate is still closed, but the thick fence has been violently slammed and bent, enough to accommodate passage.

The ground in the cage was also full of plasma.

Many corpses hung on the metal fence.

And even more frightening is that at a well-kept fence, a crocodile's head was stuck in the gap.

Squeezed head, cracked cheek.

This makes it hard for Yi to believe that what happened to this crocodile man at that time will just squeeze into the gap in the fence that can't pass it.

The hall that can accommodate nearly a thousand people carnival is like a **** hell.

Amid the screams of the young man, several Kye people who came in saw the scene in front of them clearly, and they were scared, turning around in the screams and wanted to escape.

Only after completing the action of turning, no one can run.

Because at some point, a dozen or so messengers appeared in the passage behind them.

The ground of the passage, the walls of the passage, including those hanging from the roof of the passage.

More than a dozen messengers aliens rushed in at the same time these Kyi people turned around.

The screams and screams became one piece. Amidst the blast of music, blood and severed limbs flew fast, and a dozen Kei people were torn to pieces by the murderous alien in less than three seconds.

Then, it was devoured happily.

After swallowing all the corpses, the big iron gate that had just been closed by the messenger aliens not far away rang again. A dozen messengers either got into the ventilation duct or crawled along the ceiling of the wall.

Not all, after the other messenger aliens disappeared, the last messenger alien pressed its skull lightly against the door of the hall and carefully closed it.

Afterwards, it climbed up half the wall and hid in the shadow of the huge retro stereo speaker embedded in the wall.

Still motionless, this messenger was waiting patiently for the next Pokey to enter hell.

A similar scene is happening elsewhere in this living area.

In a residential house not far from here, when the Kei father, who had been working hard all day, returned to his home, he was wondering why the skylight was open when it opened the door.

To greet it, there was no wife's hospitable greeting, and no children's warm cheers, but the scene that made it almost fainted.

The beautiful wife fell on the floor of the living room, leaving only half of her body.

And its five lovely children, no one can see a complete one.

The horrible scene caused this Kye tribe to feel endless pain and anger while being extremely frightened.

Until it was rushed to the ground by a messenger alien from the ceiling, when the alien tail blade pierced its eyebrows, this Kei tribe couldn't understand why this happened.

Directly opposite this residential building is a "drinking hall".

The traditional civilization of the parent planet is retained. Although the "drinking hall" similar to the earth's "tea house" is not popular among the Kye young people, after all, some elderly people still like to be in the "drinking hall" before going to bed. Drink a cup of soothing "fragrant tea".

At this moment, there are sparsely seated a few old Kei people in the "drinking hall".

The program in the virtual light screen on the wall of the "drinking hall" made the elderly who were a little sleepy, even more drowsy.

"I will add water the last time, and we will close the door when it's over."

The owner of the “Yinguan” is a beautiful Kye woman. Of course, this “beauty” is also based on the Kye’s own aesthetics.

Half-jokingly speaking loudly, it was sitting behind the bar controlling the robot to add water to the old people.

With a kind of laughter, several old people looked at it in a spirited manner.

Only for a moment, the smile and sleepiness on their faces disappeared, and what was left was the fear deep in their bones.

"What's the matter? Are you afraid that I will charge additional water bills?"

The beautiful Kei woman said with a smile.

She didn't even know what was going on, until a drop of viscous, cold liquid fell from the sky and fell on the back of her hand, she felt bad.

Lifting her head subconsciously, the Kei woman saw nothing.

It's not that I can't see it, but I have no chance to see it again.

The messenger that hung above its head was shaped like a watermelon, and the inner nest teeth that ejected more sharply than lightning directly shattered its head like a watermelon.

There were weird noises in their mouths, and the fearful old Kei people stood up and wanted to escape.

More messenger aliens rushed down from the ceiling, flooding them in an instant.

On the top floor of this giant honeycomb-like building, the "drinking hall" upwards, is a luxurious suite.

Riding on the shuttle plane and parked on the roof apron, Sert, who belongs to the special investigation team of the "Investigation Committee," stepped off the shuttle plane and walked into his suite under the greet of two beautiful Kye girls.

"I'll take a shower first, and arrange some fun for me later."

Reaching out and slapped a K-Yi girl's upturned buttocks, Sert walked into the bathroom alone as he said.

In the warm bathroom, the water tank has been filled with hot water at a suitable temperature.

He stripped off his clothes and lay in in twos or twos. Before Sert closed his eyes comfortably, the communicator next to the water tank rang.

Frowning impatiently, when Sert turned his head to see the communication number on the light screen, he suddenly sat up and quickly connected to the voice communication.

"I'll be back soon, something went wrong."

A voice that was clearly anxious rang.

"What's the matter? Is it serious?"

Rarely heard the tone of his direct supervisor, Sert took the radio to the door and asked carefully at the same time.

"Star warning, serious invasion crisis, don't ask more, come back soon."

Its immediate supervisor responded impatiently and ended the communication.

The body walking towards the door froze, and the word "star alert" shocked Sert.

The "star alarm" is the highest level alarm of the Kye people.

Its appearance means that the mothership on which the Kyrgyz and Iraqi people depend for development and survival is under extremely serious threat.

"Invasion? What invaded the mothership?"

Selter thought with a look of shock, and at the same time pushed open the bathroom door.

In the next moment, it finally understood what the "invasion event" meant by its boss.

In the hall outside the bathroom, the alien that was biting a maid's chest open, the moment he pushed the door, it had already jumped in front of it like lightning.

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