Alien Domination

Chapter 1063: Qiaoxiaoqianxi

Not to mention the smarter and more powerful brains possessed by higher technology. Not to mention the "smart civilization" imagined by the Yinlong human civilization and the Kye civilization. The "biological brain" capabilities of the first queens, as far as they are concerned, are In the war of "different civilizations", at least this ability will not work.

Therefore, more often, the powerful combat effectiveness of the alien itself is the key.

Having made up his mind, Yunhai communicated his intention and spirit to the first queen.

The first queen responded decisively. Its huge body flew out quickly, and quickly lay on a "earth-class battleship" that had escaped from the mothership.

The spiritual perception shrouded in an instant. As Yunhai rushed past, the three-dimensional images of the "earth-class battleship" and the first queen appeared in his mind.

In his mind, the "earth-class battleship" lay on the ground at the same time as the first queen, the engine at the end of the battleship ejected a strong tail flame.

I did not see any abnormalities in the place where the first queen and the "earth-class battleship" came into contact. Obviously, compared to the first time the cruiser controlled the Silver Dragon Empire in the ruins, the first queen's control of the technological battleship has risen to the "Internet The point of remote control.

Yunhai, who had a clear understanding of his own degree, naturally gave up the plan to fly.

As he approached the "earth-class battleship" that had already begun to be added, the battleship faced his direction, and a hatch slid silently.

Dancing went in, and the cabin door slowly closed amidst the sound of the jet of air. When Yunhai walked in along the second set of doors, a group of dozens of grams were shaking in the cabin because of the cold or fear. The Iraqi people stood up in panic.

A bright smile was shown towards them, Yunhai ignored them and walked straight along the cabin to the passage not far away.

"When did a human come in on the battleship?"

"Kill him, these nasty humans, they belong to the alien civilization."

"Quickly stop him."

Soon they reacted, and they didn't know what was happening outside the battleship. The Kei people were afraid of aliens but not humans, and they all whispered.

The sea of ​​clouds turned a deaf ear to it, still walking forward.

It was just that when a few Kyi people rushed up, before they were close to the sea of ​​clouds, a whistle sounded.

Accompanied by the melodious whistle, the void behind Yunhai rippled.

The materialized spiritual power quickly formed a dagger with shining light in the void.

The nostalgic sea of ​​clouds even used psychic energy at the end of the dagger to create a red flame like a red silk.

This magical or secretive scene caused several Kye people who were chasing the sea of ​​clouds to stop.

The whistle sounded by the sea of ​​clouds suddenly became sharp, and the dagger that was quietly suspended in the void, with an afterimage of light shavings, swiftly passed several Keyi people.

Enter from the left neck and exit from the right neck.

The dagger formed by psychic energy is exactly the same as the one made of metal.

In that melodious whistle, it brings out an elegant trajectory in the void. When it finally disperses like stellar dust, no matter whether the Kei people who chased the sea of ​​clouds before, or the unmoved, big and small, old and young, More than a dozen Kye people were all pierced through their necks.

"Lotus" rang in his mouth and tried his best to cover his neck.

When the sea of ​​clouds had entered the passage, more than a dozen Kei people spewed a spring of blood, and fell down like wooden stakes.

In the passage, two strong Kye people approached each other.

Yun Hai didn't know that the two angry Kye tribes were Harry and his comrade Danny who had fortunately escaped from the mothership.

Of course, he doesn't care about these.

Through the monitor screen inside the battleship, I clearly saw the strange scene that happened just now.

Although fear was greater than courage, Harry and Danny maintained the honor of warriors. Even if they knew that they were not opponents, they still rushed toward the sea of ​​clouds that looked like demons in their eyes.

The miniature high-energy shooting gun in his hand was not ready to be lifted, and the "guard gun" in the passage that had also lost its function due to the paralysis of the intelligent system raised its head.

In the slight sound of the machine, the "guard gun" instantly locked two Kye soldiers.

Under the precise operation of the first generation queen, the high-energy rays shot directly through the eyebrows of the two Kei warriors.

Stepping on their bodies and walking over, Yunhai walked into the main control cabin.

In the deserted control cabin, the picture from the monitor on the light screen is still normal, but on the largest light screen in front of the console, there is a strange and inexplicable flow of twisted runes.

After a few careful glances, even if the attention and mental power were highly concentrated, even if the distorted rune information began to flow, Yunhai could not tell what it was.

Not recognizing it now does not mean that it will not be recognized in the future.

If it weren't for important things to do now, Yunhai had already tried to extract genes related to the ability of "biological brain" from the first generation queen.

According to past practice, it is hard to say for other creatures. The gene extraction of the alien and incompletely alien Yunyue, including fusion, is completely 100% successful.

Just considering the potential dangers and the dangers that may be caused by genetic fusion, Yunhai still feels more cautious.

After all, the ability of "biological brain" is now only useful for the Keye tribe, like alien civilizations and unknown beasts in the Aite Nebula, it has no effect.

At this moment, when he just sat on the "command chair" of the bridge, the waterfall of characters on the light screen that interested him suddenly distorted, and soon turned into a large piece of stardust, and the light spot disappeared. .

Instead, it is a three-dimensional projection image.

It's just that Yun Hai doesn't know the human girl who looks a little timid in the picture.

It was obviously in a certain Kei warship, the girl was holding something and was about to turn around and leave.

Probably seeing the sea of ​​clouds in the light screen projection in front of her, the girl couldn't help exclaiming.

Lights and shadows flashed, and Yun Hai couldn't help smiling when he saw the familiar pretty face in the picture.

"Cow, awesome!"

"I said the boss, I didn't think you really did it. When the queen told me, I couldn't believe it."

"It seems that you are qualified to become a true alien master."

With an evil smile on Qiao's face, Yun Yue shouted exaggeratedly.

It can be seen that she is sincerely praising and affirming herself, instead of being as cynic as most of the time before, Yun Hai smiled happily.

"Look at the silly way you laugh, I don't know how you look, I will give you a surprise."

Winking her eyebrows at the sea of ​​clouds, Yunyue, who had instantly recovered her true colors, stretched out her hand and pulled a figure over.

"Why are you here too?"

Looking at Zhi Han with a slightly flushed cheek, watching her pursing her lips and staring at herself, if it wasn't certain that they were in the Kei warship at this time, Yunhai almost thought Yunyue had ran back to the ruins.

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