Alien Domination

Chapter 1071: bubble

"Plus, add again."

"Don't think about the troubles caused by energy and engine overload, what else can be destroyed by them more serious results!"

Captain Gibb roared frantically on the flagship battleship of the Kei First Fleet and the last remaining fleet.

Its face was distorted by extreme anger and fear.

And its anger, after all, stems from fear.

The destruction of the Fifth Fleet was the culprit responsible for the destruction of the gas giant planet.

The alien civilization was the culprit that destroyed the Fifth Fleet.

Gibb didn't understand what happened to the dead gas giant planet.

Why did the reconnaissance fleet include the open-power detection equipment on the flagship battleship, and did not find any anomalies?

The Fifth Fleet and the alien army seemed to suddenly appear inside the gas giant planet out of thin air.

It is precisely because of this extremely unreasonable phenomenon that Gibb felt the fear deep in his bones.

The Kye people do not have such a powerful and magical space technology, and Gibb firmly believes that alien civilization does not have such terrifying capabilities.

Then the result is ready to come out. What sent the Fifth Fleet and Alien Civilization into the complex interior of the gas giant planet is the same Keyi mothership that suddenly "transferred" from hundreds of light years away to a certain force in this star field. for.

I don't understand why alien civilization can escape, why the Fifth Fleet is completely destroyed.

Gibb was not in the mood to think about these at this time, but just wanted to escape from here as soon as possible, the farther the better.

Looting, rest and rest, etc., these plans are gone.

Gibb just wanted to escape with the First Fleet, and once again start an endless wandering life in the vast universe.

Nothing is normal in this starry sky.

A terrifying alien civilization, a mysterious alien civilization, and some unknown and terrible existence.

Gibb didn't even have the intention of revenge, as long as he escaped as soon as possible.

The mothership and the Fourth Fleet, which had previously contacted it, were completely lost.

The distance between several star systems, especially in this weird star field, or the "small universe" that the Kei people don’t know yet, this distance is nothing to the Kei civilization.

They can even see the resting and crawling aliens on the surface of the mothership through advanced equipment.

In the universe near the mothership, wreckage is almost everywhere.

The time was too short. From the time the fleet stayed to observe and detect the appearance of alien forces and the explosion of gas giant planets, all of this occurred within tens of seconds.

Gibb hadn't even thought about what to do next, but it was too late.

On the "Flagship" main ship, food and energy resources are sufficient.

Wisdom brain also stores the complete science and technology tree data of the Kei ethnic group, and the genetic samples of the Kei ethnic group and some of their essential organisms are also stored in a safe, constant temperature chamber.

As long as you can escape safely, the farther you can escape, the better, Gibb is confident that the fire of the Kye civilization will continue to be passed on.

However, the sea of ​​clouds and the alien beasts were alien, completely destroying its hope.

Seeing a series of energy cannonballs slammed into the fleet viciously, or that the warships of the fleet hit the energy cannonballs by themselves, Gibb stopped his frantic roar and narrowed his eyes in pain.

From light to light, when a warship is outputting energy sharply, the energy shield cannot be activated.

A battleship without an energy shield, in an attack by a huge alien energy shell that can fly with light, is completely indistinguishable from paper.

The huge energy cannonball blasted into the fleet with a vicious attitude.

The warships hit by it, whether it was a huge "Gold-class warship" or a "Feather-class warship", all exploded and disintegrated silently.

The energy impact from the explosion, as well as the debris from the disintegration of the battleship, even affected more battleships.

A battleship that has reached twice the light, at such a degree, even if it only hits a fragment the size of a fingernail, the energy produced by the collision is extremely terrifying.

Seeing that the light spots of all the warships in the fleet displayed on the light screen were reduced by about one-sixth in an instant, the painful Gibb began to doubt his judgment.

Is it to input all the energy into the engine and escape as much as possible into the triple light?

Or withdraw from the light and turn on the energy weapons in the light to attack these two ferocious beasts?

Gibb, who always thought he was wise and decisive, suddenly had no idea.

If you choose the former, the fleet still has a glimmer of hope to escape, even if this may only be one in ten thousand.

If you choose the latter and wait for more aliens to catch up, you will definitely be able to kill the two alien fleets for a while, and they will be completely destroyed by the aliens here.

After a moment of hesitation, Gibb made a painful choice.

It did not change its initial decision, and still kept all warships in the state of continuing to increase.

At the same time, it no longer kept the fleet on its original trajectory, but began to spread its formation, preparing to escape in different directions.

In the light screen, the image processed by the brain was once again clearly presented in front of Gibb and all the Kye people here.

The alien beast alien, which is like a metal monster that combines ferocious, ugly and fierce into one, once again rushed into the fleet, it stirred up a spark of energy and a metal storm.

At least hundreds of large and small warships were completely destroyed by it in a few seconds.

And the other huge alien, after blasting out dozens of energy cannonballs once again, rushed into the fleet, but surprisingly did not have any attacking behavior, just maintained a uniform advance with the fleet.

I don't know what it wants to do. Looking at the other light screen, the light spots that represent the fleet of warships began to spread rapidly. Gib tried his best to order the pilot to correct the new flight coordinate trajectory with a calm tone.

However, the sudden appearance of the abnormal condition made Gibb, who had just ignited hope in his heart, as if being poured down by a pot of coldness, completely cold from body to soul.

In the void of the universe, with the void of the fleet flying as the center point, a huge bubble appeared on the light screen.

And this bubble with absolute roundness is not the existence of nothingness.

Because the light screen clearly showed that the bubble that didn't know what existed completely included the entire fleet and two aliens.

It's okay to hesitate, or to say that it is inevitable.

Several "feather-class warships" located at the outermost of the fleet directly slammed into the bubble wall.

As expected by the desperate Gibson, the weird bubble is not an illusory scene, but a real existence.

The light hit several "feather-class battleships" on the bubble wall, using the energy and light clusters produced by the violent explosion, leaving the last fireworks for this magical and cold universe.

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