Alien Empire Total War

Chapter 90: Street Fighting in the Capital

On March 21, the situation in this area became more tense as the Noble Army and the Eighth and Sixth Divisions of the National Assembly successively entered the Ankerton region.

Whether it is the capital aristocrats trapped in the city of Ankerton or the members of the Santos party in the National Assembly, they all pin their hopes on the army entering the capital region. As the two armies gradually approach the capital, the two sides in the city They dispatched messengers to their respective reinforcements at the same time, trying to urge them to speed up their march.

Although the officers and soldiers of the Sixth Division also wanted to speed up, the cavalry division consisting of nearly 3,000 cavalrymen was still staring at them from a distance, so they had to slow down their marching speed, while being alert to the enemy cavalry, while March to Ankerton as fast as possible.

Seeing that the enemy's Eighth Division was about to enter the capital one step ahead of himself, the commander of the Sixth Division could only bite the bullet and divide the army in two, with one part taking a defensive stance toward the enemy cavalry division, and the other under his leadership. Go directly to the city of Ankerton.

The division tactics of the 6th Division did work. Although the 1st Cavalry Division under Charlie had the intention to stop them, the remaining brigade stuck to them like an annoying dog-skin plaster, forcing the cavalry division to watch the 6th Division's efforts. The main force enters the city.

However, the harassment of the cavalry division did have an effect. After entering the Ankerton region, the 8th Division marched towards the capital in a rushing manner. Entered the southern suburbs of Ankerton.

So fighting broke out again in the complex streets and alleys of Ankerton.

After entering the city, the Eighth Division immediately occupied the Military Academy, which used to be Charlie's fortune. This military academy was renamed the National Military Academy after the Great Revolution. In addition to the aristocrats and the wealthy, the students in it also accepted. A large number of young people from the common class.

After the outbreak of the second civil war, the students in it basically left here, and joined the army of the National Assembly to fight against the noble army, so the Eighth Division was able to occupy this place without a fight and set up a headquarters here.

Afterwards, the soldiers of the Eighth Division advanced into the city in battalion units after only a brief repair. As the war continues to this day, in addition to taking up their guns and joining the battle, the citizens have fled the city to go to the countryside where they see it as safe, or hid at home and shivered, waiting for the victor to win.

Therefore, almost all of the people walking on the streets are armed citizens with guns. Under the organization of the National Assembly, they placed roadblocks and built barricades on the streets, intending to rely on the complex terrain to resist the attack of the rebels and enter the eighth division of the city. The biggest obstacle for officers and soldiers to face is these armed citizens who go to the battlefield with their blood.

Coincidentally, the sixth division of the National Assembly that entered the city from the north also encountered stubborn resistance from the noble army. Before external forces intervened, the noble army and the National Assembly almost divided the north and south of the city into two, and most of the northern part of the city was under the control of the noble army. However, the Southern District remained under the rule of the National Assembly. Before the sixth and eighth divisions attacked the city from two directions, both sides in the city had already made preparations to meet the enemy.

In this civil war, neither the Army of the National Assembly nor the Fourth Army under Charles will show mercy to the citizens of the capital who are accustomed to resisting. They have learned the lessons of the Second Brigade and directly unloaded the artillery and placed it on the street. , firing solid rounds at barricades of armed citizens.

The barricades and roadblocks arranged by the armed citizens are all piled up of dismantled furniture or other building materials. At most, sandbags are placed on top of them. These iron pellets used to defend against rifles are more than enough. If you want to defend against deadly solid shells, That was a fool's dream.

After the artillery was ignited, the solid bullet rushed out of the muzzle with a deafening roar, and roared towards the opposite barricade, directly knocking down the fragile barricade, and the armed citizens hiding behind were also affected.

Seeing that the obstructing barricade collapsed, the soldiers of the Eighth Division, who had lined up behind the artillery, marched forward amid the shouts of officers. Under the light, the bright ring-shaped bayonet placed under the muzzle reflected a hint of coldness, making the armed citizens hiding behind the barricade timid.

Although they were shot, only four or five unlucky ones were smashed to pieces by the cannonball because they were just standing on the flight path of the cannonball. The advancing enemy, although a little timid in his heart, bravely raised his rifle and aimed at the approaching enemy.

clap clap-

In the absence of a unified command, armed citizens can only rely on their own experience to shoot at the enemy 100 meters away. Don't look at the chaos of armed citizens shooting a row of volleys at the line But Few of them actually hit the target. Except for the occasional one or two unlucky people who were hit by projectiles and fell to their knees with a groan, the team that was shot did not make a sound!

These are the elite soldiers who have been trained and strengthened by the system. They did not have any panic and other negative emotions because of the fall of their comrades. They silently bypassed the bodies of the fallen comrades, filled the empty seats in front of them, and kept walking. When they were about fifty meters away, they stopped.

"Aim your gun!"

The leading officer shouted, his voice fell, and the soldiers in the first row raised their rifles and aimed their guns at the swaying figure behind the barricade.


clap clap-

A round of salvo, the flames burst in front of the guns of the soldiers in the front row, and the shot iron projectiles flew straight to the barricade. The white gunpowder smoke produced by the burning of gunpowder blocked the sight of both sides, and the soldiers in the first row had no time to check. After the victory, they stood the rifle in front of them, took out a paper-packed bullet from the ammunition bag, bit the opening on the top with their teeth, and loaded the rifle.

The soldiers in the second row behind them also spontaneously passed through the small passage left by their comrades in the front row after they shot, and stopped five steps forward, raised their guns, and fired two consecutive rounds of salvos. The protection of the barricades didn't really fall down, but their morale had fallen to the bottom.

Similar scenes were staged in many places in the huge city of Ankerton. The Eighth Division, which deployed artillery to the regiment level, had a firepower advantage in street fighting. Under the tactics of artillery opening, those obstructing barricades and roadblocks were removed successively. , the rout of the armed citizens also shocked the entire National Assembly.

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