Alien Queen

Chapter 359: Plane world

The soft front dispelled the deep darkness of the deep sea. Pinggan outside the courtyard... "The water was sparkling, and the two mermaid girls were inlaid with the long pearls of fingertips on the golden long ribbons. The soft light reflected their delicate white skin, and they were very moving.

Swinging the fish tail, the two mermaid women carried the crystal-clear food box to the outside of the courtyard, and saw that the Lord Sanctuary and the silver woman were sitting intimately together at the stone table, and they did not dare to bother. They looked at each other secretly and turned around to swim back.



"Apart from blood, then inside you,"

"Saliva and sweat I tried no problem, as for that," Li Junshan's voice smiled.

"I don't mean that." Lei Yushi interrupted him very much, his cheek pressed against Li Junshan's chest, and the latter seemed to feel the hot temperature on her face.

"What do you mean then?" Li Junshan caressed her silver wire lovingly, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

After all the words that had been suppressed in my heart for a long time, Li Junshan's mood was unprecedentedly relaxed when he faced the thunderstorm, but he also enjoyed this feeling of dependence.

"I mean your arrogance, I heard Aunt Anna said that you used to change from ordinary person to war strategist, is this bloodline in trouble?" Lei Yu clung to Li Junshan's thick chest, this kind of The feeling of relying on made her feel comfortable and appropriate, and her heart was full of joy and satisfaction.

"Huh." Li Junshan responded lightly.

The quiet sea of ​​dark water outside the courtyard border, occasionally swaying by the glory of swimming fish, as if being opened up to another glorious and confusing world, the two people who hugged together also opened up a piece that belongs only to each other. small world.

Fighting battles, alien sea tribes, and even the life-and-death choices that Thunderstorm is about to become suddenly become incomparable, and the intimacy deeply infatuated with them makes their hearts calm and peaceful.

"The fairy elf" was half reflected, and the thunderstorm sounded like a mosquito.

"That's Luy, what's wrong?" Li Junshan's forehead touched her silver wire intimately.

"You and her

"I have a special relationship with her," Li Junshan replied disapprovingly.

"I said that her eyes were a bit wrong when I was looking at me at my house that day," she said. Thunderstorm's voice was slightly changed.

"Don't think about it." Li Junshan understood what she meant, and gently lifted her shoulder and looked at the delicate oval face in front of her. Rulan, Li Junshan couldn't help but bow his head and lightly beak.

"My relationship with Lui is not what you think it is, but this thing is not easy to tell others." Li Junshan laughed: "Applying the sentence I have heard, I have a pure relationship between men and women."

"Say something crazy." Lei Yu's face floated with a bit of shyness, but a pair of bright eyes did not avoid Li Junshan's eyes, and said, "Both men and women" are pure. "

"You don't believe me?" Li Junshan said a little bit wrongly: "I promise to heaven"

Thunderstorm ended Li Junshan's grievance with a light kiss.

Catchingly speaking to Li Junshan's overbearing tongue, Thunderstorm swept a sentence in his heart: "Fool, how can a woman conceal a woman, the elf queen's eyes were clear that day"

"Um" after tasting Li Junshan's sweet apricot corners for a long time, I suddenly felt a soft and moist thing like a bamboo cracked out of my teeth, and threw out my mouth. The thunderstorm's mind buzzed, which I have never tried The excitement made her body straight, and her mouth made a "huh" sound, and all her thoughts melted into the boundless water.

For a long time, the sound of sticky saliva continued, but Thunderstorm's body had softened, and his eyes were flowing, but his eyes were not closed. His face was full of spring.

Sister, these dishes took a lot of effort to imitate the habits of human beings. Let's carry it for a moment, I'm afraid it will be cold. "

The two mermaid women stopped far away from the courtyard. They lived in the deep sea for a long time, but their eyesight was amazing. They looked at the unstoppable spring in the courtyard.

"It's cold." Another mermaid woman blinked her blue eyes and said, "Anyway, I prepared a lot of food, but it's a big deal. Do you dare to go in this situation?"

The mermaid woman with a mole at the corner of her mouth suddenly "fluttered" and smiled. The black mole on the corner of her lips seemed to be alive. She looked at her companion and said, "You say they"

The words came to an abrupt halt as soon as they spoke, and the smile on the mermaid's face suddenly stiffened.

The boneless ghost appeared not far away from them. Without the cloak, he had a metal body shining with silver light. The blue ghost ghost fire in the eyes of a pair of holes was not solidified. The two mermaid women felt like a fall. The body of the ice cave couldn't help but tremble.

If it’s not scary enough, the tiger head sharks that follow the dead bones are profiled, which "has prepared a certain feature of the sea clan Warcraft. It shows a lot of bone spine bone plates... The taste of the word surrounds them, narrow and long front The sharp tailbone swayed, making the two of them look pale, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

"It's not easy to get close here, don't you know?"

"Sir, we are here to deliver food," another mermaid woman lifted the food container in her hand with courage.

"Wait again." Dry bone ignored them and turned back to swim in the other direction. Several tiger head sharks tail-shaped and followed.

We dare not wait any longer, and swam towards the palace with the food box. Sure enough, they are Hai people, and their degrees are not much slower than the dry bones.

Hayes "Azubu, His Majesty the King of the Storm Empire, has a much more ordinary look than His Majesty the Macedonian King, with a slightly old face, except for the crystal crown above his head, but the spirit of the superior is Not to be disguised.

"Sir Sanctuary, the dishes made by the half-crab people who are the best at cooking the wind blue sea that we invited back from Rania Island early in the morning are as far as possible to imitate human appetite, and do not know whether it suits the taste of adults."

In the magnificent and magnificent palace, His Highness looked at Li Junshan and Thunderstorm and asked, the smile on his face was impeccable.

"Thank you His Majesty for your hospitality." Li Junshan smiled and said frankly with Thunder Rain today to make clear the emotional issues that caused him the most headache. His mood is better than ever in the past few days.

"What about the holy land of the Hai tribe?" This question has always been pressed on Li Junshan's heart, and he has not obtained useful information from William's memory. , But he wanted to solve his doubts.

"Your Majesty should understand what I mean by the Sanctuary, I mean the real Sacred Power."

His Majesty Hayes may have come to Li Junshan for a long time. He reached out and waved. The few people in the hall, except for a few close friends, those who couldn't help but look at Li Junshan and Thunderstorm's royal prince princess together with the maid The guards retreated together.

"Like the kingdom of mankind, since the Demon invaded your Atlanta 6 years ago, not only is it 6, other seas including Fenglan Dahai and Da 6 are the same, all the powerful in the Holy Land They all disappeared, and no one knows where they went."

"The same is true of other big six?" Li Junshan was slightly surprised. The Hai clan deliberately blocked Atlanta 6, and other big 6 may not be like this.

"Our storm empire has promoted a total of 110 Sanctuary strongmen in ten thousand years. Without exception, they will receive an incomprehensible miracle after breaking through their strength and reaching the real Sanctuary rank. Within the time, the only thing they can explain is that miracles and divine power opened a door for them, and a world that could make them more powerful and immortal appeared."

His Majesty Hayes talked. Then he said: "Once we had a storm empire royal family, a genius prince, a carbine, who broke the threshold of the real sanctuary more than 3,700 years ago. In order to understand the influence of this miracle and divine power, he did Without breaking through the plane channel as shown in the miracle to go to the world that makes him heart-running, I want to see what will happen next."

"Half a day," His Majesty Hayes looked at Li Junshan with a solemn expression: "Nothing was born for half a day, and there was nothing we imagined that there would be a god. The carbine in the body originated from the miracle. Suddenly, his divine power shot out of him and opened up a plane A terrible force instantly pulled him in."

Li Junshan was shocked again.

"Someone couldn't help flashing into the plane passage at that time, but was torn apart by that powerful force," His Majesty Hayes sighed a long time, and said: "This is also the most vivid and vivid example in our history, Since then, I have not dared to try it, but I am afraid to annoy the **** who came from that miracle."

"Adult" Hayes stared at Li Junshan and said: "No matter what causes these, but one thing we can be sure of, in addition to the demon plane, element plane, and undead plane that we clearly understand, There is a stronger plane that is unknown.

He knows the Devil Plane plane naturally, and the battle of 10,000 years ago was an example. Elemental Plane Li Jungong also knows that the Sommani that had dominated the Castlevania for hundreds of years in the dark swamp was the plane distortion caused by the elemental tide during the battle of dozens of strongmen when the Demon invaded Atlanta 6 And formed in the plane channel. Coming from the Elemental Plane to Atlanta 6, let alone the Undead Plane, the Necromancer’s Summoning of the Undead is equivalent to creating one through the magical spell and the Undead Plane. A short passage, thus summoning undead creatures to this plane.

"Plane World" Li Junshan whispered.

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