Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 67: Reasonable

At noon the next day, Zheng Quan's head was distributed and she went to Qin Fei's booth with her feet: "Boss Qin, I have found what you want."

He put down his throat, there are three bundles of weeds, each bundle has been marked, said: "This is the East Temple, this is the North Mountain, this is the South River."

Qin Fei used the system to check it out. It did have no problem. He said: "It’s hard, I can give you the spices for sale, but the previous conditions have to be revisited."

Zheng Quanxian is a happy, and then a bitter, is Qin Fei not satisfied with seven or three points? But now I don't have the capital, even if the other party wants to be in August, it can only accept it.

Unexpectedly, Qin Fei said: "Five to five."

Zheng Quan couldn't believe his ears and sighed for a while: "Why?"

Zheng Quan has been doing business for so many years, and he has never seen people reduce their own interests when negotiating.

In fact, Qin Fei decided to respect Zheng Gong’s character. Secondly, Zheng Quan had his channel and could sell the thirteen incense to a high price. This is his skill. In Qin Fei’s hands, it was just a seasoning. It is worth half of the profits.

If you want to run the horse, how can you not eat grass?

"Do you not do it?" Qin Fei did not explain anything.

Zheng Quan’s heart was grateful and said: “There must be no trust in the trust of Qin’s boss!”

"In advance, I want to run a snack bar. I don't have much time to configure spices. The output will not be much." Now it is a partner, and Qin Fei discusses a deeper topic.

Zheng Quan feels that it is not a problem at all: "Things are rare, if they are more, they are not worth the money."

"That's good." Qin Fei took the thirteen incense wrapped in three pieces of oil paper, one pound per pack.

Zheng Quan opened his sniff and looked intoxicated. This is more intense than the taste of the soup. If it is blue, as he had previously judged, it will become the new favorite of the nobles!

"Qin boss, then I will leave. At the latest, you will wait for me for a good news." Zheng Quan will pack the thirteen scent and pack it. This is the only chance for him to turn over. He will never allow any mistakes.


With the passage of time, the ten-day food conference has gradually come to a close, and many people are still unfinished. I can't wait to have food and play every day.

The county magistrate announced the establishment of the Yunjiang Food Festival by the heat. Every year, the food festival will be held as scheduled and will be included in the county.

Qin Fei also made a note on it because he won the championship.

Many people came to Qin Fei Dao, saying that his history was reserved.

But when Qin Fei saw the description, he was not happy at all.

The original meaning of the text is as follows: "Yun Fei, a native of Yunjiang County, is not good-looking, so he has no wife at nearly 30 years old. But he burned a good dish, and won the first prize of the gourmet conference with the secret roast fish. Guangzong Yaozu, my generation Yunjiang People should be cited as role models, craftsmanship to change fate, etc..."

Listen to this is what people say, if Qin Fei knows who is the master, certainly can not beat him.

Since I have said this, I have to emphasize that Qin Fei’s appearance is really not ugly, but the aesthetics of this era are problematic.

At least Qin Fei thinks so.

After the food conference, Qin Fei moved the kitchen utensils back to the Beimen Road snack bar. Since he launched the rice noodle, many diners felt that it was not a complete day to drink the bowl powder in the morning, and they asked him to sell it earlier.

Qin Fei also felt that eating rice noodles in the morning was quite good, and decided to sell rice noodles for one hour in the morning.

This morning, Qin Fei opened the door and prepared to put the table up. A group of uncles took up the place at the door, playing mahjong or playing chess.

There are no flies and mosquitoes in the snack bar. There are several elderly people who like to have a cool activity in front of the door. Generally, they will go at noon.

I just didn't expect more and more old people here at the snack bar, and it became a center for seniors.

If Qin Fei does not do the morning market, then he will respect the old and love the young one, and one eye will be closed, but now you have to communicate.

"Sorry, my grandfather, I have to sell it earlier, do you want to move it to the side?" Qin Fei's tone is quite polite.

But those uncles are not looking at Qin Fei at all, and continue to play with their own.

Qin Fei said a few more words. One of the grandfathers lost the card and was annoyed: "When you are noisy, sell it early, sell it, is this street open for your family?"

Qin Fei stunned and his tone was a little bad, but he still said the truth: "The street in front of the door does not belong to the store's real estate, but the county-level authorized shop can temporarily occupy the front street for business activities, and the health is also corresponding. The store is responsible for cleaning."

Some grandfathers licked the melon skin, and Qin Fei was cleaning up.

"So I have absolute right to use this piece of land in front of the door, and trouble everyone to let it go."

Some people are old, they will be ignorant, and they will be good, but there are also people who are really older and more demon.

This group of old men is the kind of demon, although they do not make sense, but one is more than anyone else: "I am going to play chess here, you dare to move me to try, believe it or not, I will lie here immediately! ”

"The young people nowadays are getting more and more disrespectful. They don't know how to respect the old and love the young!"

Many old men are screaming, saying that Qin Fei seems to be not good to drink for everyone ~ is the same as the big reverse.

Qin Fei was dumb, and suddenly remembered a news he had seen. Some elderly people took up the square dance of the basketball court and also played basketball students.

It is estimated that it is exactly the same face as this group of people.

You always have reason, you always have to let you?

It is true that respecting the old and loving the young is the traditional virtue of the Chinese children, but they cannot condone these old monsters.

Qin Fei's face sank, and no more trouble, after closing the shop door, he left with a black face.

The old men sneered, and the little rabbit scorpion fights with me, still tender.

Qin Fei came to a grocery store of Wang's firm. Wang Changfa handed the shop to the prince to take care of it. Since this kid has been quit, it is like changing a person. Business is the head.

"Dry, you are coming." The prince is counting the goods and sees Qin Fei greeted with enthusiasm.

Qin Fei wandered around: "Do you have spices here?"

"Yes, I want to take whatever I want." The prince is quite proud.

Qin Fei is an elder, and there is a reason for it. If these materials are sold much cheaper than the medicinal materials, they will purchase some.

In particular, the grocery store sells fresh meat chop, although it needs to be dried before it can be used as a spice, but it is cheaper to buy, and it can be managed to be managed by the system, saving a lot of money.

Having said that, this fresh meat is really fresh. It has just been taken from the tree, and there is dew. The two flesh are slightly open, as if the lips are normal, revealing the bright red core.

No wonder the ancients used the cardamom to describe teenage girls. It was a group of old drivers who were stinky.

Qin Feiyi bought a large number.

"Right, can the clerk who sells health products in your store be able to borrow me for two days?"

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