All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 650: "Evil Dog"

After some tedious bathing and cleansing, Yu Youyao changed into seven layers of green engraved silk pomegranate flowers, combed a flying fairy bun, and wore a gilt-inlaid step-shaped crown with long tassel, from the hairline. All the way down to the shoulders, one after another ruby, like a fiery fire, is scattered, and the lengths are different on the tassel.

Women in the Great Zhou Dynasty wore a variety of clothes, such as Ru skirt, Yao skirt, Liuxian skirt, Beizi, etc. Qu Ju is a relatively formal dress. For some solemn occasions, it is necessary to wear Qu Ju dark clothes.

This tossing is an hour.

After everything was in order, Yu Youyao went to Anshoutang.

When Mrs. Yu saw her granddaughter's solemn, dignified, and cloudy eyes, she couldn't help but brighten up: "If you put on the county lord's official make-up, it must be both stylish and beautiful."

After a night, Mrs. Yu's mood also opened up.

Although the position of the county head is full of calculations, it can be thought from another aspect that the drought in the north is everywhere, and the court is willing to help the victims. No matter which method is used, this is a good thing.

The matter has come to this point, Yufu is naturally doing its part.

At least on the bright side, it is a rare sight for Yaoyao to be named the head of Shaoyi County, and she will also be sheltered by the royal title in the future.

After a while, Zhou Linghuai also arrived, his eyes on Yu Youyao.

The material of Qu Ju's deep clothing should be thicker, which makes it look solemn and grand.

When the placket reached her waist, she was suddenly bound by a finger-wide belt, and the heavy fabric could not stop her slender figure.

Due to the presence of Mrs. Yu, he narrowed his eyes and asked, "Is it still safe yesterday?"

Yu Youyao blinked and smiled: "No more nightmares, thank you cousin for your concern."

The picture of brother, friend and sister Gong made Mrs. Yu very happy to see it.

Until the whole family came, Yu Zongzheng took the whole family to the ancestral hall. After bowing to the ancestors, he enshrined the imperial decree in the ancestral hall.

After leaving the ancestral hall, Mrs. Yu took her granddaughter's hand: "Wait a few days, your seal is down, and you have to wear your life clothes, go through it again, and put the seal into the ancestral hall."

Today is definitely not a day to stop.

In the harem, the empress dowager is respected, and the empress is the direct descendant, and there are four concubines. Apart from Xu Guifei, after the concubine Xian was given to death for murdering the eldest prince, the position of the concubine was vacant, followed by Concubine Shu and Concubine De. lady.

Imperial Concubine Lu was downgraded, and she was named Concubine Lan. In terms of rank, she was considered a second-rank concubine, but her title was a concubine, even if she was one of the four concubines.

The nine concubines only sealed six concubines, and the remaining three concubines were left empty.

Shortly after arriving in the corner, Concubine Lan from Lanyi Palace sent a reward.

Immediately afterwards, Concubine Shu and Concubine De also gave rewards.

The six concubines sent rewards one after another.

The rewards of the palace concubines are only symbolic, giving some good heads, cloth, spices, etc., the meaning is nothing.

But even so, the front hall was full when I went to and fro.

It is also a rare scenery, enough to chew on in Beijing for a while.

Yu Youyao sighed softly: "If you can get along in the palace, it's not easy. A fifth-rank county owner, who is worthy of being the ladies of the harem? It takes so much trouble? It's just a matter of figuring out the holy will and cooperating with the emperor and the emperor. The Empress Dowager deliberately made a move to let others know that the Emperor and the Empress Dowager have a lot of love for me."

But just to go further, put her on the fire.

The more respectable the palace gave, the more she had to give.

Madam Yu shook her head: "It's not over yet."

As soon as she finished speaking, Qingxiu came over to report: "Old Madam, Madam Xu Guogong is here."

Only then did Yu Youyao think that Concubine Xu Gui was imprisoned in the palace, and she did not send any rewards.

Princess Rongjun took all the faults, and no one dared to climb on the third prince and implicate him in this matter, but before she was in the royal palace of Rongjun, she almost lost her reputation because of the third prince, which is also true.

Xu Guifei could not come forward, and Xu Guogong's mansion had to replace Xu Guifei and come to appease the third prince.

Mrs. Yu had expected it, and said softly, "Please come in!"

Qing Xiu led the way, and after a while, he brought Mrs. Xu Guogong, who looked luxurious and dignified with a high-cone bun and red gold peony, into the house.

A few maids and old ladies followed behind, all carrying gifts full of gifts.

As soon as he entered the room, Mrs. Xu Guogong put on a smile, and stepped forward to greet Mrs. Yu: "I am relieved to see that my ancestor is in much better health."

Mrs. Yu is in good health, so it's easier to say what's going on later.

How could Mrs. Yu not understand, she just nodded: "The other person has a yang hyperactivity and fell to the ground. Most of them are either dead or paralyzed. It is also thanks to me that I have a filial granddaughter, and I have learned some things by myself. Langzhong's means, otherwise, if you come to the door today, you will not worship me, but my coffin board."

As long as Xu Guifei has any plans outside the palace, it is impossible to surpass Xu Guogong's mansion.

Joe should take it, but also play it out.

Mrs. Xu Guogong smiled a little reluctantly: "Old Ancestor, you have been fasting and chanting Buddha for many years, and there are Bodhisattvas who take care of you. It is a lucky person who has a natural appearance, and you are blessed, but you can't say such unlucky words."

Mrs. Yu waved her hand: "I eat fast and recite Buddha, not for myself, but for my family to accumulate good fortune and hope for their well-being." After speaking, she looked at Yu Youyao who was standing by and smiled deeply: " Especially the one next to me, I am always worried that she will teach others to bully, and I always want to protect her more so that she can live well."

This is cheap and well-behaved! Mrs. Xu Guogong was embarrassed, and barely maintained a smile: "Shaoyi County's filial piety is pure and quiet, Yi Shan is respectful, and even the emperor and the empress dowager are praised. It's too late for others to praise her, where would they bully her." No matter how beautifully said it, there is also an implication that Yu Youyao has won the title of county head, and the matter of Rongjun Wangfu should be over: "You are old, relax and take good care of your body."

Take good care of your body, don't faint and frighten if you don't move.

Mrs. Yu's face paled, and even her voice became cold: "I had a vicious dog chase and bite, but instead of biting, I fell and picked up a piece of gold, so I have to thank him. A vicious dog almost bit me, can't you be grateful to that vicious dog?"

Speaking of this, it can be regarded as a torn face.

It was only a matter of name and surname that Concubine Xu Gui was that vicious dog.

Xu Guogong's mansion didn't come here sincerely to offer an apology, but with the high face of his foreign relatives, he came to make a pretence to show the emperor and the empress dowager in the palace.

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