All Heavens and Myriad Realms System

Goddess Collection System of All Heavens and Worlds Chapter 142

The door lock is very strange, composed of seven snakes, Harry consciously stepped forward and said the secret order to open the door in snake language. The snake on the door suddenly retracted, and when all seven snakes retracted, the door opened.

Chapter 153 Harry, the Basilisk will be yours!

After passing through this door, we finally came to the real secret room!

In the water on both sides of the passage, there are more than a dozen snake head carvings with their mouths open and snake letters spit out. At the end of the passage is a huge human face statue, which looks like a pool of water under the human face statue.

"Muyang, Harry, it's Ginny!" Hermione called suddenly, pointing to the front.

At the end of the passage, a petite figure lay there, life and death unknown. Harry ran over, Chen Muyang and Hermione hurriedly followed.

"Ginny, wake up!" Harry shouted: "Hermione, Muyang, she's as cold as ice, what should we do?"

"You can't do anything but watch her die." A person suddenly appeared beside her.

Hermione asked in surprise, "Who are you?"

"Tom Marvolo Riddle."

Hermione suddenly screamed: "This is impossible! If you are really him, you are in your sixties now, how can you be so young!"

If you are really 06, please be sure to tell me how you maintain it.

"I am a memory, the memory of when I was sixteen, which has been hidden in that notebook."

"What happened to Ginny, what did you do to her?" Harry asked angrily.

"I'm borrowing her life force to resurrect, and the weaker she becomes, the stronger I become."

"Yes, Harry, it was Ginny Weasley who opened the door to the Chamber of Secrets and let out the basilisk to attack the Mudbloods and Filch's cats, and she was the one who wrote the blood on the wall, of course, the poor The girl in the girl didn't know what she was doing. But she guessed from all the signs, the power of the diary scared her, so she threw the diary in the women's toilet. In the end, you picked it up for granted because you The person I most desperately want to meet."

"Why are you so eager to see me?" Harry wondered.

Chen Muyang sneered: "Because he is Voldemort."

"What!" Hermione screamed suddenly, and Harry was horrified too, looking at Tom in disbelief.

Chen Muyang casually wrote down Tom's full name in the void, and then recombined the letters to become the sentence I am Voldemort.

Tom looked at Chen Muyang in surprise and said, "I didn't expect you to guess it."

Chen Muyang asked: "I'm afraid it was you who opened the secret room fifty years ago and released the Basilisk to kill Myrtle. Can you tell us what happened that year?"

"Fifty years ago, when I opened the Chamber of Secrets, the basilisk killed the mudblood girl. I knew that Hagrid was keeping spiders in the dark, so I used that to make him my scapegoat. Grid is extremely trustworthy!"

"So Dumbledore rightly started to doubt you."

"That's right, he's been watching me tirelessly since then. If I open the secret room again when I'm at school, it's very likely that he will find out. It's too risky. So I decided to keep a diary and put The sixteen-year-old I kept in a diary until one day I could guide another to accomplish Salazar Slytherin's great mission!"

Hermione retorted: "But you haven't completed any mission. In a few hours, the mandrake antidote will be completed, and those petrified will wake up immediately."

Unexpectedly, Tom said in disapproval: "Killing the Mudblood is not that important to me anymore, because..."

"Because you have a new purpose, Harry. You want to know why a baby could beat Voldemort who made the whole wizarding world tremble, why Voldemort's power was destroyed and Harry left behind A single wound was left unscathed."

"That's it!"

Harry cried, "You are the heir to Slytherin!"

"Yeah, you don't think I'll keep my filthy muggle father's last name, so I've got a new name for myself, knowing that when I'm the greatest wizard in the world, the wizarding world Will be afraid to mention the name."

Harry immediately quit, exclaiming, "Professor Dumbledore is the greatest wizard in the world!"

A clear cry suddenly sounded, and Dumbledore's Phoenix Fox flew over and threw something to Harry. Harry hurriedly unfolded it, and it was the dirty sorting hat!

Tom glanced at it with a sneer, turned around and came to the huge human face, and said snake language to the human face.

Hermione asked anxiously, "Harry, what is he talking about?"

"He seems to be summoning a basilisk!" Harry exclaimed.

The lower jaw of the statue sank slowly, and Tom said proudly: "Let's show the power of Lord Voldemort, and let the descendants of Slytherin fight against the famous Harry Potter!"

The basilisk's mouth had appeared in front of the three, and Chen Muyang hugged Hermione, turned around and ran!

Harry also came back to his senses and quickly followed.

"Muyang, why are we running, let alone you, even now I want to kill the basilisk easily!" Hermione shouted through voice transmission.

Chen Muyang kissed her hair lightly and said, "Little fool, this is Dumbledore's training and test for Harry. If you don't want to be mesmerized by that old man, it's best not to interfere."

Hermione suddenly realized and said, "Could it be that he invited that big idiot Harold for the same purpose?"

"I really don't know this, but with his shrewdness, how could he not know what Harold is, so 580 your guess is probably possible."

Chen Muyang hugged Hermione and hid behind him. Poor Harry ran in the sewer pipe and was blocked in front of the intercepting net of a pipe.

The basilisk chased, and Hermione exclaimed, "It's blind!"

"It was made by Fox, and I heard its cry just now." Chen Muyang explained.

"Will Harry really be all right?" Hermione worried about her friend's safety.

Harry happened to have a stone next to him, and he threw it to make a noise to lure the basilisk away, and ran to Ginny again.

"Potter, this whole process is coming to an end, in a few minutes Ginny Weasley will be dead, and I will no longer be just a memory, Lord Voldemort is coming back, and, full of life!"

Hermione exclaimed: "Looks so angry, I really want to beat him up!"

Suddenly, the surface of the water exploded, and the basilisk emerged from the water! Hermione grabbed Chen Muyang's arm nervously.

At this moment, a surprising scene appeared. The hilt of a sword appeared in the sorting hat that was thrown on the ground by Harry!

Hermione exclaimed: "It's the sword of Gryffindor, and I didn't expect it to be hidden in the Sorting Hat!"

Harry ran over and pulled out the sword of Gryffindor, ran to the right side of the statue of the face, and climbed up on the beard of the statue.

Chapter 154: The Empty Luna

Basilisks are magical creatures, not ordinary snakes.

Therefore, it does not have the heat-sensing system of ordinary snakes. After losing sight, it judges the target location by hearing.

But it is no longer a bat, and cannot rely on accurate positioning by hearing, so several consecutive attacks did not hurt Harry, allowing Harry to climb to the top of the face statue.

In Hermione's horror, Harry finally used the Gryffindor sword to stab the basilisk from the snake's mouth upwards. But one of the basilisk's teeth also pierced Harry's arm and broke.

The basilisk screamed a few times and then fell to the ground and died.

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