Seeing this magical scene, all the veteran players from the first test and second test watching the live broadcast fell silent.

As expected of you!

Whether it is Brother Xingchen or Brother Supa, they are carefully screening the participating players and trying their best to fulfill their duties as examiners of the Nine Guards Examination.

However... you group of human players in the third test, not only did not look like examiners, but you seized the opportunity to continue cutting the new leeks in the sixth test!


Those shabby tanks you built in the third beta era are now plated with a layer of gold and are being sold to the receivers of the sixth beta?

Demonic power? limited edition?

Can you be a human being?

But... those who have been cheated so many times in the sixth test should have gained wisdom and won't be easily fooled again, right?

At this time, many of the newbies in the Sixth Test turned their eyes and then spoke one after another.

"Hahaha, brother from the third test, you still want to trick us?"

"That’s right, the Star Battleship bought by those fools before couldn’t even stop a meteorite. It was such a piece of junk!"

"You're right, these guys from the third test still want to trick us? no way!"


Many of the cute new players in the Sixth Test laughed, with an expression that no matter how you try to fool them, we will never be fooled again.


"Mengxin brothers, it was my cousin who fucked me just now, not me! I'm an honest person!"

"Dude, you can’t blame me! Although I'm in the third test, I don't know what levels the big guys have prepared for the first and second tests. Who would have thought that Brother Dayan and Brother Bingfa were so shameless that they took action personally and even used their original abilities to deal with it? You guys, who could have imagined this!"

"Mengxin brothers, it’s not that we are tricking people, it’s that we never expected that the old guys from the first test and the second test would be so shameless and bully you! But now we know the situation, so we hurriedly opened a store and brought out newly upgraded super equipment for you. This time we are guaranteed to be invincible, for sure!"

"It’s not our fault. We previously underestimated the shamelessness of the first and second beta testers, but now we know it, so what we brought out this time are real bottom-of-the-box treasures, specifically for the first and second testers. Second test guys!"

"Believe me, the treasure I took out this time is the first and second test players of Tianke! Do not believe? If you don’t believe me, look at the invincible golden Six-Path Sword. With its noble shape, luxurious configuration, and sky-breaking price, is it quite worthy of your supreme and invincible status, boss?"

"Brother! I really want to help you get through the final difficulty this time. I have an 80-year-old father and a 17-year-old child waiting to be fed. How can I lie to others? Woohoo, the gold series is unsaleable, please help me!"


Faced with the distrust of the newbies in the sixth test, the veteran players of the third test human race have come up with various methods, some of which are reasonable, well-founded and reasonable! Some people pat their chests and promise that they will never lie! Some even cried out about the poor sales and begged to buy a gold series to save themselves.

In this way, many new players who participated in the third test were persuaded by the sweet words of the veteran players of the human race in the third test.

"Seeing how sincere they are...are they really not lying this time?"

"How about going into the store and taking a look? Just a glance?"

"Tears are shed, it can’t be fake, right?"


Many innocent new players, vaguely, actually believed it.

However, most of the participating players, some are senior Weiaipi Zhongpiyun players and know the virtues of the three tests well, and some have been cut several times in a row. The painful lessons have made it difficult for them to believe it anymore.

So soon, most of the participating players started to persuade the newbies who were about to be deceived.

"Hahaha, simple! Those Chanbi guys from Sanzhi were so shameless back then. They were responsible for everything from wearing women's clothes to calling me daddy! This group of people are all members of Brother Xiaomian. I don’t believe a word they say!"

"That is, I won’t be tricked again even if I’m beaten to death! Marder sold the limited edition of my Golden Holy Sword at a high price. I was bored and chopped off the Huahua of the demon buddies around me. As a result, Huahua was fine at all, but my Golden Holy Sword broke with a click! This is such a rip-off!"

"Haha, no normal person would believe the rhetoric of the third test! Simple brothers, don’t be fooled!"


Just when most of the participating players firmly believe that the third test is definitely a scam, and even the veteran players who watched the live broadcast and forum friends have the same view, the veteran players of the third test of the human race seem to have expected this. In one scene, an operation was launched that reversed the entire situation!

I saw a figure slowly appearing on a high platform in the center of the Mudun track. It was still a familiar figure to many people.

ID: Brother Pig Wolong!

"Brother Pig, Wolong! I believe that many newbies have been misunderstood by some shameless villains about our three tests! I think the equipment we brought out this time is another trick! So this time, we specially invited the No. 1 equipment master in the server, who has an absolute say in the quality of weapons and equipment!"

"Please invite Brother Illusion!"


Following Brother Zhu Wolong's words, thousands of human players in the third test raised their hands and clapped.

And among everyone's confused eyes, a familiar figure slowly appeared


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