how to say. At this moment, my heart calmed down instead.

That's right. How could the road to Baide be smooth sailing? There is always a perversion that will block me and be resolved by me smoothly. This is the routine. This is what RPG must go through.


I don’t need to worry about the unknown "catastrophe" anymore. I have a calm tone, and even bring some comfort, "Set up a "farsighted" magic guide."

"Okay." The ice-colored knight replied quickly. As he raised his hand, an ice-colored circuit formed and rotated around his palm, and one became an extension of three.

"Adjust the'Zhuxin' to the dragon's back."

I pulled away a little from Arnold's embrace, straightened up slightly, and looked as far as possible.

Although the spacecraft has stabilized, the black clouds and the rolling thunder from the pavement are still instinctively frightening. No one in the library stood up, all lying on the ground. The clouds and the flickering thunders too affected the vision too much, but fortunately the icy light shone brightly. Although small, it is not buried in the darkness.

Good job! ! Patriarch! !

While silently cheering on the pendant in the squally wind, I directed Arnold to adjust the quasi-centre to the direction of ice light.

This kind of subtle operation can't even be used by Arnold. Fortunately, after several years, this "cooperation" has become our instinct.

"Okay." Arnold replied.

"Increase the magnification!" I shouted against the thunder. Although the barrier blocked the wind and the cloud, there was no way to deal with the invisible voice. If it hadn't been for the enchantment inside the airship itself, Arnold had set up a layer of "soundproofing", we at the center of the thundercloud would have been deaf long ago.

"Should see a red figure!" I squinted slightly and shouted.

The screaming dragon sound came again. I subconsciously silenced and tightly covered my ears. Not far away, Chijin scales appeared and disappeared under the pale thunder light. But since it can still be seen, it means that the dragon is hovering not far away and has not left.

Boom——! !

The thunderous impact, mixed with the horrified cries of the crowd, struck again, and the inside of the airship suddenly trembled violently. Unable to stabilize my figure, I waved my arms wildly and fell down, and fell heavily into Arnold's arms behind me.

"It's a dragon! The dragon is hitting the barrier with its body!"

The voice in the magical device was finally no longer calm. The Baide student who was in charge of the broadcast shouted vigorously for the first time, "Why are you so obsessed with the airship! What is the purpose of the dragon!"

Do you think you are doing a live show! ! !

I struggled to sit up with Arnold's arm. Obviously, the posture of me who is sitting sideways in his arms and him who is squatting and holding me are so ambiguous, but my voice is so hideous, "That dragon is actually asking us for help!!!"

The ice-colored eyes opened slightly. Arnold rarely showed an incredible expression, "His Royal Highness, do you speak dragon language?"

"No!" But my emotional intelligence is high!

The airship tossed like a ship undulating on huge waves. With the crosshairs set, the telescope composed of the magic array is constantly adjusting its position in the air. I squatted down in front of the magical formation and gave Arnold a wink. He nodded to me and put his hands around my waist to prevent me from falling.

--……Well. Although I have known from the past that the strength of this man is directly proportional to his ability to cause trouble.

The black dead fish's eyes were deep. I stared blankly at the red figure standing on the dragon's back through the binoculars.

The red dress hunts in the wind. The powerful scarlet enchantment wizard surrounded him. The wind blew all his short brown hair backwards, revealing that handsome face and an incomparably bright smile.

——But I can't laugh at all.

The red sword body glowed red, deeply inserted into the dragon's back. The scarlet-gold blood soaked the scales, and the screaming dragon kept rolling in the air, but it was still unable to shake the person on its back.

The brown-haired man held the sword in one hand and dangled it from the dragon. A thousand-meter-high black cloud rolled at his feet, and Thunder Wanjun burst beside him one by one, but was completely stopped by the crimson barrier.

But he was smiling and shouting something loudly.

You can tell from his lips that he is talking.

——So funny! !

I slapped the magical array with a blank face.

"Is there any solution?" Arnold's calm voice came from behind.

"Yes." I nodded. The voice was calm and cold, "I observed. This is the place closest to the dragon's back. Later I will find a way to make a small hole in the barrier. You use the magic guide the moment the dragon approaches, What's on the dragon's back shoots down."


The loyal knight didn't ask much, and returned quickly.

After this, death or alive obey the arrangements of fate. Ace, you troublemaker.

There was a cold smile at the corner of my mouth. A flash of thunder in a timely manner reflected my pale side face.

And my pale face is not to highlight my insidiousness. I was frightened.

Because I saw the small but bright ice light in the chaos.

No! ! !

The emotion of collapse clamored in my ears. That's not my ancestor's token of love! The light of their love is not so faint! !

But after all, it was just an old ice demon core. Sanity said quietly on the other side of me. Because the thundercloud summoned by the dragon disrupted the surrounding elements, the ice core could not glow in large areas. Let's face it. That is the relic of your ancestor.

Witness of your grandma and your grandpa's love.

The legendary female genius, the treasure most inspected by Jiulan Saint Enluth.

It's different from the one that Arnold bought casually and stuffed it into the treasury. The tiny light in the thundercloud is the right product.

...I slowly stroked my heart.

The conscience hidden there is aching.

"Just kidding. Ai Sijun is our precious friend. Although he is a troublemaker, how can we dislike him."

Ice-colored eyes stared at me, and Arnold didn't speak. And I raised my hand and silently wiped the tears that overflowed from the corner of my eyes, and said with a cry, "Of course I want to rescue him from the dragon's back."

"His Royal Highness." Arnold's cold voice was very pleasant, "This is karma."

……It's enough. Why do you remember thinking that I gave him your magic device back then! Are you so vengeful!

The airship shook. The sound of the dragon's screams was worse than the screams, and the interval between thunders became shorter and shorter. Keke (how could I, Gadriche, have the idea of ​​killing people) It’s always easier to be a person than to save someone. What is even more annoying is that after I rescued him from exhaustion, he would not realize his mistake, and he would not even return the pendant to me! ! !

I forced a face to organize a plan to remove Ace from the dragon's back in my head. However, at this moment, an extremely bold voice came into his ears.

"Haha everyone is scared! Go to the emergency shelter under the airship to hide!"

After passing thunder and roar, the man's voice rang directly in his ears. I was taken aback in surprise.


"Here we want to use it. Get out of here!"

The bold male voice was replaced by a low, even dark voice. The voice master was in a bad mood, with obvious displeasure, "You all are as decent as frightened hamsters! If you can still stand up, hurry up!"

...But the metaphor of cursing is unexpectedly cute?

The man's curse was rude but effective. The students who had lost their souls came back to their hearts one after another. Struggling to stand up, helping each other to escape from the library.

However, I hesitated.

Let alone Edwin. Hadremo is not the kind of person who meets the dead. He must have found Ace on the dragon's back when he came here, and maybe he has already figured out a rescue plan.

so. Should we just give it to them?

The time for thinking was delayed by two seconds. When I reacted, Edwin in the robe was already walking towards us.

However, he did not approach any more and stopped in the middle of the library.


The gorgeous purple magic array is spinning and blooming under his feet. Countless fluorescent runes formed a huge circular loop with Edwin as the center. At the same time, in the center of the circular loop, an hour hand and a second hand composed of loops and runes appeared.

...This structure is!

At the moment I was shocked, the swashes from "one" to "twelve" appeared clockwise. The hour hand and minute, which originally overlapped at the "six" o'clock direction, rotate in opposite directions at the same time. The place they passed by instantly formed a complex and dazzling, but different small magical array.

It's like a flower garden vying to bloom.


The hour hand coincides with the minute at "twelve" o'clock. The sound of time and space shock sounded. The lavender light enveloped the entire library.

...I constricted my pupils. Can't speak for a while.

Longming and thunder were all calm. The swinging chandelier stands still at an oblique angle. The pen that fell to the ground and bounced was still in the air, neither rising nor falling. The water that spilled from the cup first stopped in the air, motionless.

The whole space is still.

"Magic Shi Stop."

Arnold's voice was so clear in the silence.

"The supreme wizard invented by Heron Oz."

"There is no record of the second person's use."

"Heh. I know a lot, silly kid. But your record should be refreshed."

The rigid male voice snorted coldly. He walked out of the still magical array. Step by step towards us.

And I was still immersed in the shock that just stopped. Can only stare at him blankly.

He stopped in front of me. The man's brows were frowned under the purple light, and his long dark blue hair glowed with a coquettish luster. He looked at us blankly and said, "What's the matter with your posture."

I blinked blankly.

"Haha! After all, the hull was shaking very badly just now!"

Hadremer, who kept the tidal head and small scumbags, drilled out from behind Edwin and said with a smile to us, "The whole space is stopped by the time. Stand up! Don't shake it anymore!"


I stood up straight from Arnold's arms with a dark complexion.

The ice-colored knight followed me to his feet with an ordinary and plain face. As if afraid of my falling, he held my hand empty.

Edwin's brows were tightly furrowed in front of him, and his face was stinky. And Hadremer smiled happily.

But how to say it.

really. Habit kills people.


The little knight will get the hang of it. But it's time for the next chapter.

In the mid to late period.

Ninety chapters already! A hundred chapters are coming soon! Think about it and move it a little bit carefully.

I know you are very curious about how the dragon Ace came from. After 233, he will say it himself. But I first spoiled that this dragon is actually the end that Pharaoh kept at home.

Ace also said before that he liked the dragon, but the dragon didn't like him and bit his clothes.

Well. Lao Wang only deducts his wages and doesn’t kill him, it’s also open-minded [Light a cigarette]

There is also a reason why Heron Oz would invent the magic "stop".

You can contact the previous clues to guess.

If you know everything in the Er Zhoumu, you may have more insights if you look at it again [√]

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