Qin Yanshu finally paid the money.

Although 4.05 million is not a small amount, the latter is obviously more important than people's hearts.

Although there were some twists and turns, in the end everyone got the top-secret exclusive information, and everyone was smiling, and even looked at Song Yanzhi and felt more handsome and pleasing to the eye.

Well, even though their grades were a bit poor, they didn't suffer a loss just because of these materials and his face.

The average score is actually not that important.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but look at Qin Sheng, with kindness and gratitude in their eyes.

If she hadn't asked for mercy, Song Yanzhi would never have agreed to share the information with them.

You must know that this is the exclusive information of the professors who participated in the writing of the college entrance examination questions. It is impossible to find it on the market, even if you have money, you can’t buy it!

Seeing these gazes, Qin Yanshu was so angry that she almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

This is the information she bought at a huge price. Why are they thanking Qin Sheng? !

Before she could catch her breath, she saw Qin Sheng open her payment code and slapped Song Yanzhi in front of her, saying in a cold voice, "Equal share."

Song Yanzhi's face contorted for a moment, and finally he honestly scanned the QR code to transfer the money.

Qin Yanshu: "..."

Just invincible!

Relying on the goodwill obtained through sharing the information, Song Yanzhi (wei) earnestly (xie) kindly (li) lures (you), and finally made the boy in Qin Sheng's back seat feel (bu) willing (qing) love (bu) willing (yuan) ) gave up their seats.

He settled down in Qin Sheng's backseat.

As soon as he sat down, he kicked the corner of Qin Sheng's stool: "Hey, young master, I'm loyal enough, I'll help you abuse the scum when I come here."

Qin Sheng: "..."

Song Yanzhi kicked the corner of Qin Sheng's stool again: "In order to come to the first class to take care of you nearby, the young master has spent all his time on rolling around. How do you say you want to thank me?"

Qin Sheng: "..."

Before Song Yanzhi kicked the third kick, she turned sideways, her squinting eyes were a bit cold: "Kick again and interrupt."

Song Yanzhi: "...Do you want to be so cruel?"

But this third kick is completely afraid to kick out.

After all, this is a woman who can climb over the wall with her bare hands, and she can't be offended, can't be offended.

The coldness in Qin Sheng's eyes dissipated slightly, he paused, and asked him: "Professors of Tiandu University, are you familiar with them?"

Speaking of this, Song Yanzhi became excited, he immediately straightened his body, and said proudly: "I watched them grow old, do you think you are familiar with them?"

Qin Sheng: "..."

"Then do you know a professor named Song Yi?" Qin Sheng continued.

Song Yanzhi's expression was a little subtle: "Why are you asking him?"

Qin Sheng: "Oh, a few years ago he asked me to borrow something, but he didn't return it. I want to pay for the debt."

Song Yanzhi was about to say that it was his own grandfather: "..."

He can shut up!

He rubbed his stiff face, lowered his head and said vaguely, "I'll inquire later."

Qin Sheng said "um" and didn't mention it again.

Song Yanzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as it was time for get out of class to end, Qin Sheng's cell phone vibrated. She looked at the caller ID and paused.

She took out the earphones from her pocket, and while putting them on, she pressed the answer button: "Hello?"

There was a moment of silence on the opposite side, and after a while, a hoarse male voice came to Qin Sheng's ears through the earphones: "It's me."

Qin Sheng squeezed the phone tightly and called, "Fifth Brother."

After two years, when he heard the "fifth brother" again, Mu Wu's mood was very complicated, but he has never been a person who is good at expressing emotions, so he quickly came back to his senses and talked about business.

"Someone bought Tian Cang's seeds at a high price, should they sell them?"

"Not for sale."


With a word, Luo Muwu was about to hang up the phone, but Qin Sheng suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

Qin Sheng didn't know what to think of, his eyes moved, and he exited the call interface with a flick of his finger.

She opened the webpage and logged on to the background of the website of the QS base, found the request to buy the Celestial Cang seed, and then followed it, and soon found the other party's IP address.

Positioning: [Ancheng]

Qin Sheng's eyebrows twitched, and he changed his words: "Sell it to him."

After a pause, he added: "It's a 20% discount."

Mu Wu: "...OK."

Qin Sheng hung up the phone, thought about it, and transferred 500 million to the account of the QS base.

Meanwhile, inside the QS base.

Seeing the sudden addition of 500 million in the account, Mu Gui was taken aback, and quickly turned around and shouted at Mu Wu behind him, "Fifth brother! Is Shengsheng going to rob the bank? Why did you suddenly call 500 million?" Come in?!"

Mu Wu: "..."

He glanced at the dialog box on the computer screen [100 million US dollars to buy Celestial Seeds, the price is negotiable], his eyes were a little complicated, and he said: "She may have a dog outside."

Mu Wu: "A very rich dog."

Mu Wu: "This money is probably given to her by the other party."

Mu Gui: "..."

Mu Xin and Mu Ren who just came out of the laboratory: "..."

Immediately afterwards, three voices shouted in unison: "She is only seventeen! Underage!"

Mu Wu's brows were also tightly frowned, he pondered for a moment, and finally looked at Mu Xin: "Wrap up the seeds of Tian Cang, and I will send them to the other party myself."

"Also, don't touch the five hundred million."

If the other party is sincere to his family Shengsheng, that's all. If it's just for lust, then he will definitely not agree.

The money will have to wait until he meets someone.


Four fifty.

After a melodious bell rang, countless students rushed out of the class and rushed towards the school gate.

Qin Sheng was at the end.

She was wearing a dark khaki shirt with the hem of the shirt tucked into the jeans, making her figure extremely slim. She was covered with a dark blue windbreaker, which looked rusty.

Like a big boss.


The students passing by looked back and forth several times, but they couldn't even find the shadow of the schoolbag.

Everyone shook their heads and sighed.

Sure enough, Qin Sheng was still the same Qin Sheng who never knew what homework was.

Qin Sheng ignored the scrutinizing gazes from all directions, she walked out of the school gate slowly, then turned sideways into a small alley next to the school.

At the entrance of the alley is a post station, which is not a big space. There are rows of shelves with dense piles of cartons and plastic bags. At the moment, many people are queuing up to pick up the courier.

Qin Sheng stood still at the end of the line.

After waiting for about five minutes, it was finally her turn.

She handed over her new ID card.

"Qin Sheng." The proprietress of the post station glanced at the ID card and then looked away. Just as she was about to enter Qin Sheng's name into the system, she suddenly paused.

She looked up at Qin Sheng again: "You are Qin Sheng!"

Immediately, he showed some dissatisfaction: "How many messages have been sent to you in the past few days, why don't you come to pick up the express delivery?"

She pointed to the innermost row of shelves and felt a headache: "Look, it's all your couriers. It's been here for two days, and my little station is almost full."

Qin Sheng pursed his lips: "Sorry."

The little girl was too good-looking, and although her voice was cold, the apology in it was genuine, and if the proprietress wanted to complain, she couldn't say it in an instant.

She sighed: "Forget it, take everything away."

"However," she glanced behind Qin Sheng and frowned, "You came here alone? Can you handle all these things by yourself?"

Qin Sheng pursed her lips and was about to answer, when a voice rang out before her.

"Go and help classmate Qin move out all the couriers."

It was a clear male voice, Qin Sheng looked up.

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